CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya
Palampur (HP) 176062


Sr. N. Subject Uploaded On
30. Invitation regarding "All India Vice Chancellor's Volleyball Tournament-2025 for Non- Teaching Employees. 22.02.2025
29. Advertisement/Trainings 22.02.2025
28. Student members of Internal Complaints Committee already Constituted for implementation of Code of Conduct for women at work place in CSKHPKV 20.02.2025
27. Rationalization of Govt. subsidy being provided by GoHP in respect of Domestic Consumers 20.02.2025
26. Actionable points of PRAGATI meeting held on 26th December, 2024 15.02.2025
25. Regarding make reference/minutes/proceeding to the meeting(s) or discussion(s) with the competent authority-important instruction thereof 10.02.2025
24. Advertisement for JRF in a ISRO-RAC sponsored project 04.02.2025
23. Digitization of land records 31.01.2025
22. Regarding observance of silence on 30th January (Martyrs' Day) 28.01.2025
21. Partial modification of duties for the district level Republic Day function on 26th January 2025 24.01.2025
20. Students' Welfare Officer has been nominated as Nodal Officer for observance of Constitutional Day and Janjatiya Gaurav Diwas in the University 23.01.2025
19. Circular regarding University Level Republic Day Celebration 22.01.2025
18. Notification regarding adoption of Policy to regulate the services of Part-Time Workers in the University 22.01.2025
17. Schedule of National Science Day and National Mathematics Day 22.01.2025
16. Implementation of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013 22.01.2025
15. Advertisement/trainings 21.01.2025
14. Regarding celebration of State Level Republic Day Function on 26th January 2025 at Ridge Maidan, Shimla 21.01.2025
13. Dr. Pardeep Kumar, Pr. Scientist (Soils) has been nominated as Nodal Officer of the University for Collaboration with ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad 20.01.2025
12. Condolence meeting to mourn the sad demise of Smt. Nirmala Devi, Sweeper on 18.01.2024 at 4:45 pm 17.01.2025
11. Chetna Lecture Series 13.01.2025
10. Local Holidays to be observed in the offices of CSKHPKV at its main campus, Palampur during the calendar year 2025 13.01.2025
9. Providing third party information under provision of Section8(1)(j)of RTI Act, 2005. 10.01.2025
8. Notification 10.01.2025
7. Circular. 10.01.2025
6. Public Self-disclosure by higher Education Institutions. 10.01.2025
5. Condolence meeting to mourn the demise of Sh. Partap Singh, Beldar who was on secondment with SDM, Dheera, Dist. Kangra, H.P. 09.01.2025
4. Providing third party information under provision of Section 8(1)(j) of RTI Act, 2005 08.01.2025
3. Providing updated list of Public Information Officers (PIOs) and First Appellate Authorities (FAAs) appointed under RTI Act, 2005 07.01.2025
2. Dissemination of Capacity Building Programme for administrative staff organized by IIT Madras under MMTP 07.01.2025
1. Circular 01.01.2025



Sr. N. Subject Uploaded On
189 Subject Matter of the advertisements/Trainings 31.12.2024
188 Notification 30.12.2024
187 Office order regarding university shall remain closed on 27 and 28.12.2024 as a mark of respect to the departed leader (Dr. Manmohan Singh,Former Prime Minister of India) 27.12.2024
186 Annual Report for the year 2023-24. 24.12.2024
185 G20 Talent Visa 23.12.2024
184 Bringing the World Meditation Day Dec. 21, 2024 to your institution 21.12.2024
183 Circular regarding efficient use of energy (Electrical appliances) 21.12.2024
182 Advertisements/trainings 20.12.2024
181 Issuance of instructions regarding release of photographs of the Hon'ble Chief Minister 16.12.2024
180 Dr. P.S. Khankhoje Gold Medal for the year 2023-24 13.12.2024
179 Events to be celebrated by the University during the year 2025 13.12.2024
178 Availability of the "Handbook on Basics of Cyber Hygiene for Higher Educational institutions" 12.12.2024
177 Instructions regarding Vidhan Sabha Business 04.12.2024
176 Regarding publishing the advertisement for the post of Vice Chancellor, Mahayogi Guru Aayush University, Gorakhpur 02.12.2024
175 Regarding observance of Constitution day (Samvidhan Diwas 2024) 23.11.2024
174 Global Economic Policy Forum 2024 23.11.2024
173 Office order - Nodal officer for Blended Learning Platform under Resilient Agriculture Education System (RAES) under NAHEP 21.11.2024
172 Advertisement/trainings 21.11.2024
171 Regarding publishing the Advertisement for the post pf Director for the SGPGIMS, Lucknow, U.P. 19.11.2024
170 Awareness about Road Safety among University employees, students and general public 18.11.2024
169 Recruitment and Promotion Rules for the post of Executive Engineer (Civil) 14.11.2024
168 Gazetted Holidays for the Year 2025 08.11.2024
167 Launch of "Handbook on basic of Cyber Hygiene for the Higher Education Institutions" 05.11.2024
166 Office order regarding Dr.Rajeev Rathour, Principal Scientist (Plant Pathalogy) as Protocol Officer 02.11.2024
166 Circular regarding  closure of University Gate No. 5 w.e.f  29.10.2024 28.10.2024
165 Advertisement/Trainings 25.10.2024
164 C-Nodal Officers in different Agri-Business Incubators/Incubation Centres 25.10.2024
163 Members of Research Council 25.10.2024
162 Members of Extension Council 25.10.2024
161 Members of Academic Council 23.10.2024
160 Officers/Official as members to the Senate of the CSKHPKV 21.10.2024
159 NEP: Orientation & Sensitization Programme 19.10.2024
158 Office Order 18.10.2024
157 Withdrawal of Circular No.: QSD.8-73/2024-CSKHPKV(GA)/54108-74 dated 16.10.2024 regarding repair of University Gate No.1 on 19.10.2024 and 20.10.2024 18.10.2024
156 Repair of University Gate No.1; Gate 3 shall remain open for entry and exit in the University on 19.10.2024 and 20.10.2024 16.10.2024
155 Advertisement/Trainings 16.10.2024
154 NEP Orientation and Sensitization Programme from 21.10.2024 to 29.10.2024 15.10.2024
153 Best Electoral Practices Award - 2024 10.10.2024
152 Ranking Certificate - India Ranking 2024 09.10.2024
151 Election to University Senate - Appointment of Presiding Officers/Polling Officers 09.10.2024
150 Dissemination of Audio Jingle to Popularize the SHS 2024 Campaign 28.09.2024
149 International Day of Nonviolence 28.09.2024
148 Information regarding Special Campaign 4.0 25.09.2024
147 Nodal officer for looking after Road Safety related activities in the University 25.09.2024
146 Notice of Election 24.09.2024
145 Subject Matter of the advertisements/Trainings 24.09.2024
144 Declarations of the Electors 21.09.2024
143 Notification regarding Mukhya Mantri Sukh Shiksha Yojna 19.09.2024
142 Pay & Allowances for polling/counting Personnel deputed during Lok Sabha Election 2024 19.09.2024
141 Final list of Contesting Candidates for Election to Senate 19.09.2024
140 Nominations to elect a member to Senate of this University from Senior Teachers' Constituency, Junior Teachers' Constituency and Employees Constituency 13.09.2024
139 Office Order regarding Red Ribbon Club 11.09.2024
138 Dr. Pardeep Kumar, Pr. Scientist has been nominated as Incharge, Technical Cell 11.09.2024
137 Advertisements/Trainings 04.09.2024
136 Recruitment and Promotion Rules for the post of Radiographer 31.08.2024
135 Schedule for conduct of election alongwith proforma for nomination , withdrawal of candidature, letter of intimation for Postal Ballot Paper, Cover envelopes and declaration by Elector 30.08.2024
134 College Coordinators for smooth implementation of NEP 2020 programme in the University 30.08.2024
133 Office order regarding updating the website/webpage of the departments of CSKHPKV, Palampur 30.08.2024
132 Final Electoral Rolls for election of the three constituencies of the Senate, CSKHPKV, Palampur 28.08.2024
131 Withdrawal of circular no. QSD.2-6/CSKHPKV(GA)/-7172-7271 dated 07.02.2024 27.08.2024
130 Instructions regarding Vidhan Sabha Business 24.08.2024
129 Observation of 20th August, 2024 as "Sadbhavna Diwas" 20.08.2024
128 Dr. K.D. Head, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, COA has been declared as Incharge of the Vice-Chancellor's Technical Cell 17.08.2024
127 Advertisement/trainings 14.08.2024
126 Circular regarding University Level Independence Day celebration on 15th August 2024 12.08.2024
125 Pooling of outsourced Unskilled Workers for weed eradication in the University campus on 10.08.2024 09.08.2024
124 Dr. Rajesh Thakur, Pr. Scientist, Dept. of Agricultural Economics Extn. Edu. and Rural Sociology declared as Nodal Officer for the meeting/Coordination regarding improvement in State Income Aggregates 07.08.2024
123 Advertisements/trainings 06.08.2024
122 Office order regarding IPR  Committee of CSKHPKV, Palampur 27.07.2024
121 Notification regarding Vice-Chancellor's Technical Cell, CSKHPKV, Palampur 27.07.2024
121 Office Order regarding Dr. Suman Kumar , Principal Extension Specialist (Plant Pathology),DEE as Nodal officer of NTI of CSKHPKV. 22.07.2024
120 Annual Report for the Year 2023-24 22.07.2024
119 Office Order 19.07.2024
118 Office Order 19.07.2024
117 Notice of Election 16.07.2024
116 Regarding publishing the advertisement for the post of Vice-chancellor of Banda University of Agriculture & Technology, Banda (U.P.) 15.07.2024
115 Notification regarding promotion to the post of Senior Scale Stenographer, Class-III (Non-Gazetted) Ministerial Services 12.07.2024
114 Office order regarding Member of Academic Council 29.06.2024
113 Notification regarding Member of Research Council 29.06.2024
112 Notification regarding Member of Extension Council 29.06.2024
111 Circular regarding misuse of drinking water by the residents of University campus 26.06.2024
110 Circular regarding celebration of International Yoga Day - 21st June 2024 20.06.2024
109 National Award to Teachers 2024 15.06.2024
108 SWO, CSKHPKV Palampur has been nominated as Nodal Officer for HIV/AIDS prevention activities in the University among adolescence and youth 15.06.2024
107 Bye Elections 2024 to 10-Dehra, 38-Hamirpur and 51-Nalagarh Assembly Constituencies - Enforcement of Model Code of Conduct - reg. 15.06.2024
106 Bye Elections to 13 Assembly Constituencies of 7 States - Release of funds under MPs'/MLAs' Local Area Development Scheme - reg. 15.06.2024
105 Advertisements/Trainings 14.06.2024
104 Model Code of Conduct after announcement of Bye Election to 10-Dehra,38-Hamirpur and 51-Nalagarh Constituencies 12.06.2024
103 Model Code of Conduct after announcement of Bye Election to 10-Dehra Assembly constituency 12.06.2024
102 ISO Audit w.e.f 18.06.2024 to 22.06.2024 11.06.2024
101 Regarding Advisory for ensuring the welfare of Transgender Persons 05.06.2024
100 Advertisements/trainings 29.05.2024
99 Circular regarding organizing SVEEP activities (Quiz and Slogan writing) on 27.05.2024 at 10:30 and to 1:00 pm 25.05.2024
98 Duty Orders second stage           (Click for list of duty order) 25.05.2024
97 Holiday declared on 04.06.2024 in lieu of attending the office on 31.03.2024 21.05.2024
96 One day's state Mourning on 21.05.2024 21.05.2024
95 Implementation of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 20.05.2024
94 Notification regarding accreditation of the University for a period of five years w.e.f 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2028 18.05.2024
93 Lok Sabha General Election 2024-Practice/Hands-on Training to Polling Personnel appointed on 19-Palampur Assembly Segment 17.05.2024
92 Circular regarding farewell function of Non-teaching employees of this University 17.05.2024
91 Circular regarding BCG Vaccination drive 14.05.2024
90 House No. 4 Type- V in New Campus to the Comptroller, CSKHPKV, Palampur 14.05.2024
89 Adult BCG Vaccination Camp organized at UHC on 15.05.2024 14.05.2024
88 Advertisement, Notice and Word Format for the vacant position of Vice-Chancellor CSKHPKV, Palmapur 13.05.2024
87 Regarding the charge of the post of Vice-Chancellor UHF, Nauni 09.05.2024
86 Notifications regarding residential accommodation, Guest Houses, Farmer's Hostels etc. at KVK/HAREC Bajauraa 09.05.2024
85 Advertisement for the post of VC, Cluster Univ. of Jammu and Fellowship in Cambridge 09.05.2024
84 Circular regarding necessary steps to prevent the fire incidence in the surroundings 06.05.2024
83 Revised Rehearsal for PRO/APRO/PO 02.05.2024
82 Regarding correspondence in Hindi Language with VC office 01.05.2024
81 Regarding Submission of Form-12, Form-12A by Staff deputed in election. 26.04.2024
80 Advertisement/Trainings 22.04.2024
79 Regarding  Suo-Moto cognizance in the matter of obstacles, risks and humiliation faced by Divyangjan regarding non-accessibility of public services 22.04.2024
78 Circular regarding  postponing the Holistic wellbeing/meditation session in the University auditorium 19.04.2024
77 Circular regarding Holistic wellbeing/meditation session in the University auditorium 18.04.2024
76 Regarding Lok Sabha General Election 2024-Data Entries of Employees. 12.04.2024
75 Regarding Dissemination of information in HEI's through creative on voter Awareness. 12.04.2024
74 Office order regarding Dr. Adarsh Kumar, Professor, Dept.of Vety. Surgery, CSKHPKV Palampur as Liaison Officer in respect of matters related to the representation of the disadvantaged groups. 09.04.2024
73 Office order regarding Constitute of an Equal Opportunity Cell 09.04.2024
72 Notification regarding Gazetted Holidays on account of HP Gen. Elections to Lok Sabha-2024 06.04.2024
71 Subject matter of the advertisement/trainings 05.04.2024
70 Additional Certificate for DISEWEB staff data 04.04.2024
69 4th Himachal Pradesh Science Congress on Role of Science, Technology and Innovation in achieving sustainable Development Goals 04.04.2024
68 Lok Sabha General Election 2024-Data Entries of Employees 02.04.2024
67 Invitation to join Webinar on "Cyber Hygiene in HEIs" on 3rd April, 2024 02.04.2024
66 Office Order regarding the charge of the Head of the Deptt. AGB, Ani Nutrition and Deptt. of Fisheries 30.03.2024
65 Office order regarding the University offices remain open on 31.03.2024 30.03.2024
64 Notification regarding members of Academic Council 28.03.2024
63 Talk on "Strategy of Micro-Watershed development and adoption of farming system approach to promot3e ecologically-sustainable and socially-just agricultural growth" on 28.03.2024 at 11:30 am 27.03.2024
62 Committee for compiling and editing of the Annual Report of the University for the year 2022-23 27.03.2024
61 PM-DAKSH-DEPwd Digital Portal for skilling and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan) of the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities at Ministry of Justice and Empowerment 27.03.2024
60 Circular regarding Mind management programme by Mr. Simon Michel has been fixed on 27.03.2024 from 3:30 pm onwards 26.03.2024
59 Stage-1 audit for ISO Certification 23.03.2024
58 Circular regarding Holi Festival - 2024 23.03.2024
57 Lok Sabha General Election 2024 - Training of DDOs 21.03.2024
56 General Elections to Lok Sabha 2024 - Certificate for removal of Photo, hoardings, cutouts Banners wall writings etc.- Implementation of Model Code of Conduct 21.03.2024
55 General Elections to House of the People (Lok Sabha 2024) and certain Bye-election to Legislative Assemblies-Application of Model Code of Conduct 19.03.2024
54 General Elections to House of the People (Lok Sabha 2024) and certain Bye-election to Legislative Assemblies-Application of Model Code of Conduct 19.03.2024
53 Immediate action to be taken for enforcement of Model Code of Conduct 19.03.2024
52 General Elections to Lok Sabha 2024 - Certificate for removal of Photo 19.03.2024
51 General Elections to Lok Sabha 2024 - implementation of Model Code of Conduct 19.03.2024
50 General Elections to Lok Sabha 2024 and Bye-election to Legislative Assemblies-Application of Model Code of Conduct 19.03.2024
49 Committee for Internal Quality Assurance Cell for NAAC Accreditation of the University 15.03.2024
48 Team for product training of Kramah Software for NAAC Accreditation of the University 15.03.2024
47 4th Himachal Pradesh Science Congress (HPSC) on Role of Science, Technology and Innovation in achieving sustainable Development Goals 15.03.2024
46 Regarding control of Guest houses of KVK/HAREC Bajaura and Dhaulakuan under the control of Scientist Incharges of stations 14.03.2024
45 Regarding Suo-Moto cognizance in the matter of obstacles, risks and humiliation faced by Divyangjan regarding non-accessibility of public services 14.03.2024
44 Circular regarding traffic rules in the University 14.03.2024
43 Subject matter of the advertisement/trainings 13.03.2024
42 Notification regarding scorecard for fellowships etc. 12.03.2024
41 Notification regarding members of Board of Studies, College of Community Science 07.03.2024
40 Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) 06.03.2024
39 Circular Regarding Condolence meeting on 05.03.2024 04.03.2024
38 Regarding Strengthening National Agricultural Education System 01.03.2024
37 Regarding "ICAR-AUs Interaction Meeting through virtual mode 01.03.2024
36 Subject matter of the advertisement/trainings 29.02.2024
35 MeitY - R&D in IT Group-Call for Project Proposals for Innovative R&D in emerging areas of IT 28.02.2024
34 Regarding "ICAR-AUs Interaction Meeting through virtual mode 23.02.2024
33 Notification regarding declaration of 25.02.2024 as a "Paid Holiday" to daily wages employees 23.02.2024
32 Subject Matter of the advertisements/ trainings 17.02.2024
31 Circular regarding "ICAR-AUs Interaction Meetings" on every Saturday until 15th June 2024 16.02.2024
30 Dean DGCN COVAS, CSKHPKV has been declared as Nodal Officer (NEP-2020) 13.02.2024
29 Circular 07.02.2024
28 Suspension of classes on 8th and 9th February for 26th Annual Athletic Meet 07.02.2024
27 Prohibition on plying of University Vehicles on 16th of very month 07.02.2024
26 Instruction regarding Vidhan Sabha Business 07.02.2024
25 Recruitment and Promotion Rules for the post of Conductor 06.02.2024
24 PIO for the College of Community Science and Library, CSKHPKV, Palampur 31.01.2024
23 University Grants Commission (redressal of grievances of students) Regulations, 2023 31.01.2024
22 Regarding fundamental book writing scheme in Hindi on Economic/Banking/Financial subjects - 2022-23 29.01.2024
21 Circular regarding suspension of classes on 29.01.2024 so as to enable faculty and students to attend the opening ceremony of 26th Athletic Meet 27.01.2024
20 Annual report for the year 2022-23 under Section 25 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 24.01.2024
19 Circular regarding University Level Republic Day celebration 23.01.2024
18 Regarding observance of silence on 30th January (Martyrs' Day) 23.01.2024
17 22nd January declared as a holiday 22.01.2024
16 Circular regarding use of full name of the University 20.01.2024
15 Writ Petition (Civil) No. 360 of 2021 - Implementation of orders issued by Hon'ble Supreme Court thereof 20.01.2024
14 Inviting nomination for the award of B.P. Pal Chair and Norman Borlaug Chair under ICAR-National Professors Scheme 20.01.2024
13 Notification regarding regularization of contract appointees in the University in Financial year 2024-25 19.01.2024
12 NEP orientation and sensitization Programme under Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Programme 12.01.2024
11 Invitation to join SWATI Portal 11.01.2024
10 Notification regarding re-constitution of Editorial Board of Himachal Journal of Agricultural Research 08.01.2024
09 Regarding publishing the advertisement for the post of Vice-Chancellor, Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur 08.01.2024
08 Un-Starred Assembly Question Diary No.14/4/249(456) asked by Sh. Kewal Singh Pathania. 06.01.2024
07 Subject matter of the advertisement/ trainings. 06.01.2024
06 Writ Petition (Civil) No. 360 of 2021- implementation of orders issued by Hon'ble Supreme Court thereof. 06.01.2024
05 AIU MoU with Edify Online for University Cluster Pilot Study (UCPS) 04.01.2024
04 Advertisement for the post of Vice-Chancellor, Chhatrapati Sahu Ji Maharaj University Kanpur 04.01.2024
03 "Interaction meet of PG students" who had undergone training in abroad has been scheduled to be held on 04.01.2024 at 3:30 pm 03.01.2024
02 Dr. Ranjana Verma, Prof., Dept. of Food Science, Nutrition and Technology as Protocol Officer during the visit of Dr. Anuradha Agarwal, National Coordinator, NAHEP CAAST 03.01.2024
01 Dr. N.K. Sankhyan, Prof. & HoD Dept. of Soil Science has been appointed as Nodal Officer during the visit of DDG (Edn.) ICAR 02.01.2024




Sr. N. Subject Uploaded On
175 Circular Hon'ble Vice Chancellor CSKHPKV will address on the occasion of New Year 30.12.2023
174 Names of the employees for the award on account of their meritorious/outstanding services to the University 28.12.2023
173 NEP 2020 Implementation - Constitution of Five Zonal Committees by the UGC regarding 26.12.2023
172 Circular regarding retirement farewell function of Non-teaching employees 26.12.2023
171 The Estate Officer, CSKHPKV, Palampur has been nominated as Chairman of Auction Committee 23.12.2023
170 Advertisement for the post of Deputy Director General on deputation in ICFRE 23.12.2023
169 Instruction regarding Vidhan Sabha Business 19.12.2023
168 Circular 16.12.2023
167 Instructions regarding Vidhan Sabha Business. 16.12.2023
166 Members of Board of Studies, COA, CSKHPKV, Palampur 15.12.2023
165 Office order regarding allotment of House No.3 to the University employees 14.12.2023
164 Advertisement for the post of Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Shakuntala Mishra National Rehabilitation University, Lucknow 13.12.2023
163 Smt. Kanchan Devi, IFS has taken over the charge of the post of DG, ICFRE, Dehradun 12.12.2023
162 Circular regarding purchase of Energy Efficient Heating appliances and further efficient use of heating appliances 11.12.2023
161 Events to be celebrated by the University during the year 2024 07.12.2023
160 Notification regarding allotment of House No.3 in New Campus under General Pool 07.12.2023
159 The Vice-Chancellor has been pleased to include Mr. Shakiv, working as Assistant Manager in Him Palam RKVY-RAFTAR as Member of ICT Cell, CSKHPKV, Palampur 06.12.2023
158 Advertisements/trainings 06.12.2023
157 Guidelines on Information Security Practices for Government Entities 02.12.2023
156 Notification regarding allotment of Type-III houses in CSKHPKV 30.11.2023
155 Regarding observance of Constitution day 2023 24.11.2023
154 Office Order 24.11.2023
153 Notification 24.11.2023
152 Corrigendum 22.11.2023
151 Subject matter of the advertisements/trainings 21.11.2023
150 Mobile No. 6230581674 as help line no for the security purpose 21.11.2023
149 Raj Bhasa Academy thereof 15.11.2023
148 Lok Sabha General Election -2024-Collections/Preparation of data of Govt. Employees - regarding 14.11.2023
147 Recruitment and Promotion Rules for the post of Head Draughtsman 07.11.2023
146 Office Order regarding constitution of committee to settle the audit paras 01.11.2023
145 05th November 2023 (Sunday) declared as "paid Holiday" in the area of MC Ward No.02, Distt. Solan and ward no. 06 Distt. Solan 31.10.2023
144 46th Foundation Day will be celebrated on 1st November, 2023 at 11:00 am 31.10.2023
143 Regarding observance of 31st October as "Rashtriya Ekta Diwas" 30.10.2023
142 Advertisements/trainings 27.10.2023
141 Regarding Him-sweets for upcoming Festival Season 27.10.2023
140 Regarding Him-sweets for upcoming Festival Season 25.10.2023
139 Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week-2023 17.10.2023
138 Circular 12.10.2023
137 Regarding supplying of information about the achievements and welfare schemes made during the tenure of the current State Government 12.10.2023
136 23.10.2023 (Monday) has been declared as holiday in lieu of attending the office on 19.09.2023 for the employees of the University campus at Palampur 11.10.2023
135 The Dean, PG Studies, CSKHPKV has been nominated as Coordinator during the visit of the Local Fund Account Committee in the University 10.10.2023
134 Notification regarding members of Extension Council of CSKHPKV, Palampur 10.10.2023
133 Dr. R.S. Chandel, Pri. Sci. & Head, Dept. of Entomology has been nominated as the member of Research Council of CSKHPKV, Palampur for the unexpired term i.e. upto 14.09.2023 09.10.2023
132 Circular regarding traffic rules to be observed in the University Campus 07.10.2023
131 Judgment of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India on implementation of suo-motu disclosure under section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005 03.10.2023
130 One day's workshop on "Sustainability of Career Development Centres" 30.09.2023
129 'Swachhata Hi Seva' campaign in the University on 01.10.2023 (10:00 am to 11:00 am) 29.09.2023
128 Subject matter of the advertisements/trainings 29.09.2023
127 G20 University Connect Event on 26th Sept.2023, New Delhi. 26.09.2023
126 Scientists nominated as Coordinator to run the Blended Learning Platform 23.09.2023
125 Bhartiya Bhasha Diwas 23.09.2023
124 Instruction regarding Vidhan Sabha Business 16.09.2023
123 Office order regarding committee for making arrangements during entry and exit meeting of PRT 16.09.2023
122 Policy for Outsider regarding using the University Library facility 14.09.2023
121 Dr. Atul Kumar, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Vety. Public Health & Epidemiology has been included as one of the members of Boarding and Lodging, transportation and Hospitality Committee during the visit of PRT in the University 13.09.2023
120 Dr. P.C. Sharma, Principal Scientist, Dept. of Entomology has been deputed as Liaison Officer to the members of ICAR PRT during their visit in the University 13.09.2023
119 Circular regarding free oral health camp in CSKHPKV on 12.09.2023 08.09.2023
118 The University headquarter will remain open on 19.09.2023(Tuesday) 06.09.2023
117 Revised tour programme of Hon'ble CM, HP for the month of September 2023 06.09.2023
116 Office order regarding cleanliness of unwanted bushes on 7th & 9th September 2023 05.09.2023
115 Subject matter of the advertisement/trainings 05.09.2023
114 Regarding visit of Peer Review Team to the University 05.09.2023
113 Committee for looking after Intellectual Property Rights related issues at the University Level 02.09.2023
112 Condolence notice to mourn the sad and untimely demise of Sh. Ramesh Kumkar, Field Assistant on 25.08.2023 at 4:45 pm 24.08.2023
111 Suspension of classes due to heavy rainfall on 24-08-2023 24.08.2023
110 Suspension of classes due to heavy rainfall on 23-08-2023 23.08.2023
110 Reservation to the persons with Benchmark disabilities - Notification thereof 21.08.2023
109 Regarding Celebration of Sadbhavana Diwas on 18-August-2023 17.08.2023
108 Classes suspended on 16.08.2023 16.08.2023
107 Har Ghar Tiranha Programme under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM) 14.08.2023
106 Suspension of classes due to heavy rainfall on 14-08-2023 13.08.2023
105 Regarding report on use of hindi  11.08.2023
104 Office order regarding direct interaction with press or any other electronic/social media 11.08.2023
103 Circular regarding University Level Independence Day celebration 10.08.2023
102 Office order regarding cleanliness of University Campus - duties thereof 10.08.2023
101 Dr. Ravindra Kumar, Dean DGCN COVAS has been nominated as Nodal Officer for Blended Learning Platform under RAES 09.08.2023
100 Regarding availability of National Flag at Post Office, HPAU Branch CSKHPKV, Palampur 09.08.2023
99 Dr. R.K Kapila, Prof. & Head, Department of Seed Science and Technology has been nominated as member of Research Council 09.08.2023
98 Office order regarding cleanliness of unwanted bushes etc. in the campus to be got done on 12.08.2023 08.08.2023
97 Annual report for the year 2022-23 08.08.2023
96 Regarding redressal of students grievances 01.08.2023
95 2nd National Conference of Chief Secretaries on "Empowering women" 01.08.2023
94 Subject matter of the advertisements/trainings 01.08.2023
93 Office Order regarding Strict Implementation of Traffic Rules in University Campus 28.07.2023
92 Office Order regarding Stray/Abandoned animals in Campus 21.07.2023
91 Names and contact details of the members of Internal Complaints committee. 20.07.2023
90 Regarding Visit of Peer Review Team to the University 17.07.2023
89 Regarding displaying full name of the University on the display/sign boards affixed in the College 14.07.2023
88 Dr.Varun Sankhyan, Asstt. Prof. has been included as one of the members of boarding and lodging, transportation and hospitality committee during PRT visit 13.07.2023
87 Office order regarding report of loss, if any due to incessant rain 10.07.2023
86 Regarding visit of Peer Review Team to the University 07.07.2023
85 Regarding inspection of RTI Registers maintained by PIO's 06.07.2023
84 Circular 05.07.2023
83 Regarding regular updation of the University website 04.07.2023
82 Circular regarding Drone Conclave in the University 04.07.2023
81 All the Heads of the Departments, faculty members and UG & PG Students of COA to witness the Drone Conclave on 04.07.2023 at 10:00 am 03.07.2023
80 Regarding postponing the date of visit of Peer Review Team to the University 03.07.2023
79 Committee for making necessary arrangements regarding boarding & lodging, transportation and hospitality of ICAR PRT w.e.f. 19.07.2023 to 21.07.2023 03.07.2023
78 Liaison Officers to the members of ICAR Peer Team (PRT) during their visit in the University 03.07.2023
77 The Beldars/Outsourced Workers will be engaged for cleanliness work on first half of 04.07.2023 03.07.2023
76 Tour Programme of Hon'ble Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, 03.07.2023
75 Circular regarding Beldars/Outsourced Unskilled Workers to ensemble in front of Administrative Block  at sharp 9:00 am on 03.07.2023 02.07.2023
74 Regarding visit of Peer Review Team to the University 30.06.2023
73 Internal Complaints Committee 26.06.2023
72 Regarding the visit of Peer Review Team for Accreditation of University 22.06.2023
71 Action points emerged during the 2nd national Conference of Chief Secretaries held on 5-7th January, 2023 22.06.2023
70 Regarding special permission of stage carriage route permit 17.06.2023
69 19.06.2023 and 24.06.2023 has been declared as holiday in lieu of attending the office on 10 & 11.06.2023 16.06.2023
68 Regarding celebration of the International Day of Yoga on 21.06.2023 15.06.2023
67 Schedule of celebration of International Day of Yoga in CSKHPKV 15.06.2023
66 All the the Non-Teaching employees working in CSKHPKV at Palampur campus to be present in University ground from 10:00AM to 1:30PM from 12-14 June 2023 11.06.2023
65 All the Beldars and Outsourced unskilled workers working in CSKHPKV at Palampur campus to assemble in University ground at 9:00 sharp on 11.06.2023 10.06.2023
64 Closing ceremony of "National conference on Natural & Organic Farming for ecological, economical & nutritional security" scheduled to be held on 09.06.2023 at 11:45 am 09.06.2023
63 Notification regarding revised Recruitment and Promotion rules for the post of Junior Officer Assistant (IT) 08.06.2023
62 Dr. R.S. Chandel, Pr.Sci. & Head, nominated as Nodal Officer for Blended Learning Platform under NAHEP 08.06.2023
61 Updating of official Telephone Directory of HP Government, 2023 08.06.2023
60 Officer order regarding all the outsourced unskilled workers and Beldars to work on 10.06.2023 as directed by concerned HODs 07.06.2023
59 University headquarter will remain open on 10.06.2023 and 11.06.2023 07.06.2023
58 Celebration of World Environment Day on 05.06.2023 05.06.2023
57 Seminar on "Millets for Nutritional Security" to be held on 06.06.2023 03.06.2023
56 Dr. Desh Raj, Prof. Dept. of Vegetable Science and Floriculture appointed as a complaint Officer relating to violation of provisions of the Transgender Persons Act, 2019 01.06.2023
55 Advertisement for filling up various posts on secondament basis in BBNDA, Baddi, H.P. 31.05.2023
54 Circular regarding piping ceremony of the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor as Colonel Commandant NCC 27.05.2023
53 Regarding production of millets 26.05.2023
52 Notice inviting applications for appointment of Vice-Chancellor for Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University Jaunpur (U.P.) 23.05.2023
51 Recruitment and Promotion rules for the post of Head Cook in the CSKHPKV 19.05.2023
50 Circular regarding condolence meeting to pray for eternal peace of Sh.Ravinder Kumar, Beldar on 19.05.2023 at 4:45 pm 17.05.2023
49 Notification regarding Committee for annual report of the University for the year 2021-2022 16.05.2023
48 Notification regarding members on the board studies, Dr.GCN COVAS, CSKHPKV 16.05.2023
47 Subject matter of the advertisement/trainings 16.05.2023
46 Requisition for various posts to be filled up on secondment basis 09.05.2023
45 Notification regarding regularization of contract appointees in the Government Departments 03.05.2023
44 Notification regarding CSKHPKV remain Closed on 02.05.2023 on account of bye election at MC Palampur. 01.05.2023
43 Circular regarding adherence of SoPs for COVID-19 safety protocols issued by Govt. of H.P. 29.04.2023
42 Nominees of the Vice-chancellor on Academic Calendar 27.04.2023
41 Members of HP Legislative Assembly as members of the Senate of CSKHPKV 27.04.2023
40 Circular 21.04.2023
39 Regarding committee to appoint the Vice-Chancellor of Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, UP 21.04.2023
38 Regarding Model Code of Conduct for the General Elections to MC Shimla 18.04.2023
37 Regarding encouragement for the use of "Shri Ann" 18.04.2023
36 Regarding Himachal Day Function 06.04.2023
35 Notification 06.04.2023
34 Office order regarding revised International Coordination Cell (ICC) 01.04.2023
33 Regarding opening and closing of Gate No. 5 28.03.2023
32 Notification earmarking of houses to the Comptroller and under General pool for allotment to senior faculty 25.03.2023
31 Office Order 21.03.2023
30 Circular regarding events to be celebrated during the year 2023-24 18.03.2023
29 Regarding visit of Peer Review Team to the University 16.03.2023
28 Circular regarding  "HOLIKA DAHAN" and "HIM- RANGOTSAV 2.0". 07.03.2023
27 Circular regarding avoiding the use of inflammable items in the University auditorium 06.03.2023
26 Instruction regarding Vidhan Sabha Business 04.03.2023
25 Use of National language in administration 03.03.2023
24 Advertisements/trainings at various Universities 01.03.2023
23 Notification regarding Recruitment and Promotion rules for the post of Assistant Engineer (Electrical) 01.03.2023
22 Circular regarding closing of Gate No. 3 and opening of Gate No. 1 till further orders 25.02.2023
21 Notification regarding members on the Board of Studies, College of Community Science 23.02.2023
20 Notification regarding R&P rules for the post of Computer Assistant G-I 21.02.2023
19 Notification regarding R&P rules for the post of Care-Taker Grade-I and Head Cook 21.02.2023
18 Advertisement for the post Associate Dean-cum-Principal, Bihar Agri. Univ. and for the post of Vice-Chancellor in Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agri. Science and Technology 21.02.2023
17 Updation of Departments websites 08.02.2023
16 Circular regarding suspension of classes on 7th and 9th February 2023 06.02.2023
15 Notification regarding nomination of members of the Board of Studies, College of Basic Sciences 03.02.2023
14 Office order regarding stray/abandoned animals wandering in the campus 03.02.2023
13 Circular regarding workshop on Tuberculosis is being organized at the University Auditorium on 02.02.2023 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm 01.02.2023
12 Observance of Silence on 30th January (Martyrs' Day) in the memory of those who gave their lives in the struggle for India's Freedom 27.01.2023
11 Circular regarding condolence meeting to pray for eternal peace of Dr. Kirti Singh on 24.01.2023 at 4:30 pm 24.01.2023
10 Circular regarding Republic Day Celebrations in the University ground on 24.01.2023 24.01.2023
09 Office order meeting with SSR committee members at 3:00 pm on 23.01.2023 23.01.2023
08 Circular regarding University Level Republic Day celebrations 20.01.2023
07 Dr.R. Kumar, Professor, Department of Vety. Physiology & Biochemistry has been nominated as member of Extension Council for the unexpired term of Dr. Desh Raj, Prof. & Head (Retd.) 20.01.2023
06 Dr.R. Kumar, Professor, Department of Vety. Physiology & Biochemistry has been nominated as member of Research Council for the unexpired term of Dr. Desh Raj, Prof. & Head (Retd.) 20.01.2023
05 Circular regarding efficient use of Electric appliances in CSKHPKV 11.01.2023
04 Kidney problem to Sh. Kartar Singh, Driver 11.01.2023
03 Notification regarding Local Holiday (Lohri & Ganesh Chaturthi) 07.01.2023
02 Notification regarding Leopard in the adjoining area of COA 07.01.2023
01 Notification regarding the Members of Steering Committee of the university 05.01.2023


For the Year 2022

Sr. N. Subject Uploaded On
209 Circular Regarding Hon'ble Vice-Chacellor, CSKHPKV, Palampur will  Address the Teachers , Non -teachers and Students on the occasion of New Year-2023 on 02.01.2023 at 10:15 AM 31.12.2022
208 Regarding amendment in room tariff for occupation of accommodation in Himachal Bhawan/Sadan, Delhi and Himachal Bhawan, Chandigarh 24.12.2022
207 Instructions regarding Vidhan Sabha Business 22.12.2022
206 Notification regarding Editorial Board of Himachal Journal of Agriculture Reasearch(HJAR) 17.12.2022
205 Regarding lifting of Model Code of Conduct 16.12.2022
204 Notification regarding amendment in the Himachal Pradesh Allotment if Government Residences (General Pool) Rules 1994 16.12.2022
203 Logo of G20 16.12.2022
202 Member of Board of Studies, COA, CSKHPKV, Palampur 15.12.2022
201 Team to establish and further execute the facility for all domains provided under NAHEP, RAES programme to strengthen the digital infrastructure for blended learning ecosystem in CSKHPKV 14.12.2022
200 Dr.Naveen Kumar, Pr. Agronomist & Head, Department of Agronomy has been nominated as member of the Academic Council for a period of two years 14.12.2022
199 Involvement of all serving officers at the state/ UT Government and the officers/ Staff associations for Pardhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyan thereof 06.12.2022
198 Notification regarding sub-committees to finalize the detailed the detailed guidelines for IQAC 28.11.2022
197 AIU-QASPIR Survey on Transformative Education 28.11.2022
196 Office order regarding individual crop-wise pamphlets for millet crops 28.11.2022
195 Office order regarding cleanliness of unwanted bushes etc. in the campus 25.11.2022
194 Seeking nominations for Governing Board Members/Cabinet Members of AIASA for the year 2023 18.11.2022
193 Circular regarding closing ceremony of 27th Annual Inter College Games of the University 16.11.2022
192 Circular regarding 27th Annual Inter College Games of the University 11.11.2022
191 12th November 2022 (Saturday) as a Public Holiday on account of General Election to 68 Constituencies of H.P. Legislative Assembly 04.11.2022
190 Circular regarding celebration of 45th Foundation Day of CSKHPKV on 01.11.2022 29.10.2022
189 Regarding observance of Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National  Unity Day ) on 31.10.2022 29.10.2022
188 Exhibition on "Sardar Patel - The Architect of Unification" 29.10.2022
187 Vidhan Sabha Elections 2022 - Application of Model Code of Conduct 28.10.2022
186 Order of Appointment of Presiding and Polling officers by election Department 21.10.2022
185 Enforcement of MCC after announcement of vidhan sabha election 2022 18.10.2022
184 Amended provision w.r.t Employees Retirement Farewell Fund 15.10.2022
183 Association of officers with Dr.N.K. Sankhyan, Nodal Officer (IACR) to accomplish the report regarding Agriculture University Ranking Process 15.10.2022
182 Voter Awareness Camp at CSKHPKV 12.10.2022
181 Regarding of list of IV Class and Beldar for conduct of Vidhan Sabha Election 2022 12.10.2022
180 Regarding Certificate 12.10.2022
179 General Election to the Legislative Assembly 2022 - Instructions on Tours of Ministers and use of Aircraft/official Vehicles - regarding 11.10.2022
178 Submission of Certificate of staff list for Polling Management in r/o 19-Palampur AC 03.10.2022
177 Circular regarding arrangement to open and close the University gates  01.10.2022
176 Officers to assist committee constituted to prepare University Level Self Study Report 01.10.2022
175 Members of IQAC for NAAC 28.09.2022
174 CSKHPKV DISEWEB lists 23.09.2022
173 Blood Tests camp is being organized by Polo Labs Pvt. Ltd. Palampur in the premises of University Health Centre on 22.09.2022 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm 21.09.2022
172 (1) Extension of nominations date for HP State Innovation Award Scheme and (2) Dr. K.A. Shankarnarayan memorial Award 21.09.2022
171 Members of Extension Council 16.09.2022
170 Members of Research Council 16.09.2022
169 Programme Coordinators will be the Controlling Officer of all the residential accommodation at KVKs and Research Stations 16.09.2022
168 Nominees of the Vice-Chancellor on the Academic Council 13.09.2022
167 Notification regarding Sh. Mohinder Singh, SO, Dept. of Seed Sci. & Technology elected to the Senate of CSKHPKV from the Employees' Constituency 13.09.2022
166 Notification regarding the timings to open and close the gates of the University 09.09.2022
165 Regularization of daily waged workers/contingent paid workers 07.09.2022
164 14th September declared as a Public Holiday to the voters of Gram Panchayat Sainj, Development Block Theog, Ditt. Shimla 02.09.2022
163 Sanskrit Sambhashan Shivir 01.09.2022
162 Committee to undertake different activities of Career Development Centre 31.08.2022
161 Scheduled tour programme of Sh. Manish Sisodia, Hon'ble Dy. Chief Minister, Govt. of NCT of Delhi to Kangra, H.P. on 31.08.2022 30.08.2022
159 Condolence meeting to be held on 30.08.2022 at 4:45 pm in front of the Administration Block 29.08.2022
158 General Election to Legislative Assembly of Himachal Pradesh 2022- Training to DDOs 27.08.2022
157 Notification regarding re-distribution/re-allocation of teaching/scientific staff 27.08.2022
156 Subject matter of the advertisement/trainings 25.08.2022
155 Election to University Senate - Appointment of Presiding Officers/Polling Officers 25.08.2022
154 Holding of election to the Senate 25.08.2022
153 Regarding proper upkeep of hoardings 24.08.2022
152 COVID Vaccination Precaution dose camp 24.08.2022
151 Authorization to countersign/attest the declaration forms of the Electors 23.08.2022
150 COVID Vaccination Precaution dose camp 20.08.2022
149 Final list of Contesting Candidates for Election to Senate of Employees' Constituency 20.08.2022
148 Sadbhavna Diwas to be celebrated on 20.08.2022 20.08.2022
147 Nominations for employee constituency 17.08.2022
146 State level Independence Day function on 15th Aug 2022 12.08.2022
145 Regarding hoisting of Indian National Flag on all Government buildings under "Har Ghar Tiranga" campaign 12.08.2022
144 Partition Horrors Remembrance day. 11.08.2022
143 Circular. 10.08.2022
142 Regarding ICAR Lecture Series #74 On Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsavon 12.08.2022 at 12.00 Noon. 10.08.2022
141 University Level Independence day Celebration thereof. 10.08.2022
140 Committee constituted for approving/monitoring of the project(s)/research programmes for utilization of Research and Development fund to be provided by GoHP 10.08.2022
139 10th August 2022as Public Holiday on account of by-elections in the area of Nagar Panchayat Karsog of District Mandi 05.08.2022
138 Instructions Regarding Vidhan Sabha Business 05.08.2022
137 Deputy registrar (Admn.) appointed as Returning Office for conducting the Senate election -2022 04.08.2022
136 Supply of staff lists for polling management for forthcoming General election to Legislative Assembly 04.08.2022
135 Entries invited for the HBCRIIA competition got Innovation for and from grass root 03.08.2022
134 Supervision Committee to randomly visit the University Library between 5:00 pm to 12:00 midnight 03.08.2022
133 COVID Vaccination Precaution dose camp 02.08.2022
132 Circular regarding celebration of Foundation day of Bharat Vikas Parishad in the University Auditorium, the Hon'ble Governor, Himachal Pradesh will be the chief Guest 02.08.2022
131 Har Ghar Tiranga 01.08.2022
130 Use of Hindi in administration - Award 01.08.2022
129 COVID vaccination Precaution dose camp 30.07.2022
128 Material for Chief Ministers meeting with Hon'ble prime Minister in New Delhi 30.07.2022
127 SoPs for Social Distancing and COVID safety protocols to be adhered to 30.07.2022
126 Circular regarding Gate No.1 and 5 30.07.2022
125 Notice Regarding Election of Senior Teachers Constituency , Junior Teachers constituency and Employees Constituency. 29.07.2022
124 Office order regarding Dr.Y.S.Dhaliwal, Dean COCS as Nodal Officer in place of Dr. S.K .Upadhyay 28.07.2022
123 Tour Programme of Hon'ble Chief Minister , Himachal Pradesh 28.07.2022
123 Notification regarding the qualification and emoluments for the award of fellowship to the agromet observer 27.07.2022
122 Circular 27.07.2022
121 Regarding No objection has been received to the tentative electoral rolls thereof 26.07.2022
120 Condolence meeting to mourn the untimely demise of Sh. Suman Kumar, Chowkidar to be held on 27.07.2022 at 4:45pm 26.07.2022
119 Subject matter of the advertisement/training 26.07.2022
118 COVID Vaccination Precaution dose camp at UHC  18.07.2022
117 Registrar CSKHPKV, Palampur appointed as Returning Officer for conducting the elections of Senate 15.07.2022
116 Dr. (Mrs.) Sharda Singh appointed as member of the Academic Council for a period of two years 15.07.2022
115 Subject matter of the advertisement/trainings 13.07.2022
114 Annual Report for the year 2021-22 08.07.2022
113 Proposals for Sector Officer and Sector Magistrates 08.07.2022
112 Dr. Mandeep Sharma, Prof. (Vety. Microbiology) presently working as Dean, DGCN COVAS, CSKHPKV Palampur will hold the charge of Vice-Chancellor, CSKHPKV, Palampur w.e.f 07.07.2022 (AN) to 22.07.2022 07.07.2022
111 Dr. K.C. Sharma, PC KVK Kukumseri (L&S) nominated as Nodal Officer (Kukumseri) for establishment of Incubation Centre KVK, Kukumseri 07.07.2022
110 Condolence meeting to mourn the untimely demise of Sh. Gopal Singh, Beldar to be held on 08.07.2022 at 4:45pm 06.07.2022
109 Compassionate Employment - Provision regarding married daughter(s) 01.07.2022
108 Permission to conduct the NTEU election 01.07.2022
107 Notice regarding elections to the Senate 24.06.2022 
106 Dr. Pardeep Kumar, Prof. (Soils) nominated as Professor, NFL Chair, Soil Science 24.06.2022 
105 Circular regarding celebration of International Yoga Day in the University 17.06.2022 
104 Office order regarding Dr. Adarsh Kumar, Prof. has been declared as Management Representative/Convener of the ISO Team 16.06.2022 
103 Condolence Meeting to mourn the untimely demise of Smt. Vidhya Devi, Beldar  on 16.06.2022 15.06.2022 
102 Talk on "Role of Institution on Atma Nirbhar Bharat through Innovation and Policy Reforms" 13.06.2022 
101 Sub-Group of High Power Committee to discuss the National Education Policy-2020 10.06.2022 
100 Officer order regarding committee consisting for selection of incumbent for NFL Professor Chair Soil Science 10.06.2022 
99 Officer order regarding cleanliness of the University campus on 11th and 14th June,2022. 10.06.2022 
98 Circular regarding visiting time to faculty of CSKHPKV, Palampur with the Vice Chancellor. 09.06.2022 
97 Office order Regarding Dr. Vishal Dogra Principal Extension Specialist (Veg. Sc.) as a Nodal Officer of Nodal Training Institute 07.06.2022 
96 Circular Regarding "Practical Workshop on Anand Yog- A Divine Science" 07.06.2022 
95 Regarding booster dose COVID vaccination camp to be organized on 07.06.2022 06.06.2022 
94 National Education Policy-2020 04.06.2022 
93 Regarding booster dose COVID vaccination camp 03.06.2022 
92 Notification 01.06.2022 
91 Office order regarding Dr. S.K. Upadhyay as Nodal Officer of Agri - Business incubator State & Central Startup Schemes) 01.06.2022 
90 Office order regarding addition charge of HRDPC to Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma 01.06.2022 
89 Free wellness camp being organized in the UHC on 07.06.2022 01.06.2022 
88 Committee to examine the proposal to engage the commission based Tea Sales Persons (TSPs) and authorized for sale and promotion of tea 01.06.2022 
87 AIASA National Awards 2021 31.05.2022
86 Annual report for the year 2019-20,2020-21 and 2021-2022 under Section 25 of the Rights to information Act, 2005.  30.05.2022
85 Notification regarding purchase of gifts to the retirees on their retirement 30.05.2022
84 Observance of "Anti Terrorism Day" 20.05.2022
83 Notification regarding selection of Class-III employees 20.05.2022
82 Steering committee to prepare college wise and University Level Self Study Report 19.05.2022
81 Officer order regarding cleanliness of the University campus 13.05.2022
80 Members of the Academic Council from Dr. G.C. Negi College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 09.05.2022
79 Office order  to constitute a committee to explore the possibility to create ICAR-CAFT Centre 07.05.2022
78 Circular Regarding Entry and Exit from Main Campus w.e.f. 01-05-2022 30.04.2022
77 Regarding PIOs login ID, Password for Online RTI portal of HP 29.04.2022
76 Advertisement for filling up the following posts on secondment basis 26.04.2022
75 Condolence Meeting to mourn the untimely demise of Sh. Sarbjeet Singh, Beldar  on 25.04.2022 23.04.2022
74 Policy for providing 'Compassionate Employment' 20.04.2022
73 Notification regarding 14th April 2022 19.04.2022
72 Circular to mourn the sad and untimely demise of Sh. Suresh Kumar 19.04.2022
71 Recruitment and Promotion Rules for the post of Senior Assistant in the CSK HPKV 13.04.2022
70 Online demonstration for computerized system pertaining to admissions, finance salary pension etc. in the committee room of the VC's Secretariat 12.04.2022
69 Dr. Y.S. Dhaliwal, Dean COCS has been nominated as Nodal Officer/CEO for establishment of Incubation Centre KVK-Kukumseri 11.04.2022
68 Office order regarding composition of Students' Placement coordination committee 11.04.2022
67 Regularization of contract appointees in the Government Departments-Instructions thereof 08.04.2022
66 Circular regarding visit of Prof. Frank R. Dunshea, Redmond Barry distinguished Prof, Chair of Agriculture and Dr. Surinder Singh Chouhan, senior Lecturer, School of Agriculture & Food University of Melbourne, Australia on 6th and 7th April, 2022. 05.04.2022
65 Circular regarding steps to be taken to prevent the fire incidence the surroundings by removing inflammable materials and pine needles 04.04.2022
64 Medical Examination of Persons with Disabilities before joining the services under the State Government 29.03.2022
63 Issuance of Identity Cards and Vehicles' Entry gate passes etc. 25.03.2022
62 Circular regarding celebration of Holi Festival at the residence of Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor, CSKHPKV 17.03.2022
61 Issuance of Identity Cards and Vehicles' Entry Gate 16.03.2022
60 Office Order regarding change of venue to DEE for One-day stakeholders meet of Medicine Plant Sector of HP 13.03.2022
59 Office Order regarding constitution of committee to organize One-day stakeholders meet of Medicine Plant Sector of HP 11.03.2022
58 Circular Regarding seminar on Life insurance polices at University Auditorium on 08.03.2022 at 3.30 PM. 07.03.2022
57 Notification regarding Dr. (Mrs.) Usha Rana, Profesor and head , Department of Biology and Environment Sciences ,COBS as a Member of Academic Council. 05.03.2022
56 Meeting with Sh. U.Krishna Chaitanaya Verma on 26.02.2022 at 5:30 pm 26.02.2022
55 Vigyan Sarvatra Pujyate - Celebration week 22nd - 28th February 2022 25.02.2022
54 National Science Day to be celebrated in the CSKPHPKV on 26.02.2022 at 10:00am 25.02.2022
53 National Voters Awareness Competition 25.02.2022
52 SMO, UHC has been designated as Complaint Officer related to violation of the provisions contained in the chapter VIII Safe Working Environment Section 20 23.02.2022
51 Regarding training of PIOs for Online RTI Module scheduled for 22 feb 2022 21.02.2022
50 Condolence Meeting to mourn the untimely demise of Sh. Amir Singh, Mali on 22.02.2022 21.02.2022
49 Instruction regarding Vidhan Sabha Business 21.02.2022
48 Filling up of vacant posts of class-IV employees on Compassionate grounds 18.02.2022
47 Creating a health and tobacco free environment in Educational Institutions 17.02.2022
46 Members of the Scientific Advisory Committee of KVK Mandi at Sundernagar 17.02.2022
45 Members of the Scientific Advisory Committee of KVK Sirmour at Dhaulakuan 17.02.2022
44 Members of the Scientific Advisory Committee of KVK Kullu 17.02.2022
43 Members of the Scientific Advisory Committee of KVK Una 17.02.2022
42 Members of the Scientific Advisory Committee of KVK Bilaspur at Berthin 17.02.2022
41 Members of the Scientific Advisory Committee of KVK Hamirpur at Bara 17.02.2022
40 Members of the Scientific Advisory Committee of KVK Lahaul & Spiti at Kukumseri 17.02.2022
39 Members of the Scientific Advisory Committee of KVK Kangra 17.02.2022
38 Regarding celebration of the 75th years of India Independence (Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav) 17.02.2022
37 Officer order regarding cleanliness of the University campus 15.02.2022
36 Circular to mourn the sudden demise of Sh. Rajesh Kumar on 14.02.2022 11.02.2022
35 Dr.D.K. Vatsa, Dean, COA has been designated as Nodal Officer/MR  to make correspondence with for TQ cert Services 11.02.2022
34 Notification for  the registered voters of Assembly Constituencies of U.P, Uttrakhand and Punjab states 10.02.2022
33 Office order regarding cleanliness day on 12th February, 2022 (2nd Saturday) 10.02.2022
32 Dr. Sanjay Chadha, Pri. Sci. has been designated as Nodal Officer (IAUA) for all matters related to IAUA 10.02.2022
31 State Mourning will be observed from 06.02.2022 to 07.02.2022 as a mark of respect to the departed dignitary (Kumari Lata Mangeshkar ji) 07.02.2022
30 Flag Code of India 2002 05.02.2022
29 Circular regarding Basant Panchami 04.02.2022
28 Clarification of the attendance of outsource workers/project staff 04.02.2022
27 Committee for conceptual and technical assistance for establishment of Career Development Centre at CSKHPKV 03.02.2022
26 Office order regarding directions for the containment of COVID-19 31.01.2022
25  Regarding  30th January 2022 as public Holiday 28.01.2022
24  Regarding Observance of Silence on 30th January 2022(Martyrs' Day) 28.01.2022
23 Circular regarding Golden Jubilee Celebration on 25th January 2022 24.01.2022
22 Notice-Precautionary measures to contain spread of COVID-19 24.01.2022
21 Circular regarding University Level Republic Day on 26th January 2022 21.01.2022
20 Dr.V.K.Sharma, Prof. (Soil Science)-cum-Programme Director (HRD & PC) declared as Nodal Officer  of NTI under AC & ABC scheme 21.01.2022
19 Regarding information of Emails to ICT Cell for e-Office 19.01.2022
18 Policy for providing 'Compassionate Employment' and delegation of powers to departments for disposal of cases of compassionate appointments. 18.01.2022
17 Notification 18.01.2022
16 Persons with disabilities and pregnant women exempted from the attending the office  17.01.2022
15 Corrigendum to the office order no.QSD.1-24/CSKHPKV(GA)Vol-IV/798-879 dated 06.01.2022 17.01.2022
14 Precautionary measures to contain spread of COVID-19 16.01.2022
13 Office Order regarding closure of University till 16-01-2022 13.01.2022
12 Notification Regarding Local Holidays 13.01.2022
11 Formation of COVID-19 Monitoring Cell 10.01.2022
10 Closure Notice 10.01.2022
09 Instructions issued by the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor in the University to contain the spread of COVID-19 pandemic 10.01.2022
08 Office Order regarding entry to University 09.01.2022
07 Notification to suspend UG and PG classes till 26-Jan-2022 08.01.2022
06 Office Order to keep the Gates Closed except Gate No.1 and 5 07.01.2022
05 Dr. Anish Dhiman, Assistant Professor, Dept. of FSN & Tech. included as member of ICT 06.01.2022
04 Vehicle Entry Gate Pass 05.01.2022
03 Regarding celebration of Good Governance Week under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 05.01.2022
02 Circular. QSD.8-19/2021/CSKHPKV(GA)/79-179 dated 03.01.2022 03.01.2022
01 Corrigendum to the Office Circular no. QSD.8-19/2021/CSKHPKV(GA)/81766-81866 dated 31.12.2021 01.01.2022



For the Year 2021

Sr. No. Subject Uploaded On
224 Inauguration of Glow Sign Board erected in front of University Auditorium on 01.01.2022 at 10:30am 31.12.2021
223 Addressal on the occassion of New Year - 2022 on 01.01.2022 at 11:00 am 31.12.2021
222 Good Governance Week 30.12.2021
221 Suspension of classes of all constituent colleges on 30th December 2021 30.12.2021
220 National Consultation on Regulatory System of Higher Education 29.12.2021
219 Suspension of classes of all constituent colleges in order to attend the event 'Himtarangotsav' on 29th December 2021 29.12.2021
218 Minutes of meetings with members of discipline committee regarding organization of 'Him-Tarangotsav' 27.12.2021
217 Minutes of meetings regarding organization of 'Him-Tarangotsav' 27.12.2021
216` Minutes of meeting regarding all NSS incharges and wardens of all hostels are also the members of discipline committee of 'Him - Tarangotsav' 27.12.2021
215 Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Lecture #38 22.12.2021
214 Mobile Application launched under Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat as part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 22.12.2021
213 Mobile Application launched under Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat as part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 22.12.2021
212 A meeting with the Convenors of the committees for the organization of Him-Tarangotsav on December 29, 2021 21.12.2021
211 A meeting with the member of Discipline committee for the organization of Him-Tarangotsav on December 29, 2021 21.12.2021
210 Regarding NIRF of Ministry of Education, Government of India 21.12.2021
209 Regarding committees for the organization of Him-Tarangotsav 18.12.2021
208 Regarding celebration of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. 18.12.2021
207 Regarding celebration of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. 17.12.2021
206 Circular regarding  to pay homage to the departed souls of Genral Bipan Rawat 09.12.2021
205 Subject matter of the advertisement/trainings 07.12.2021
204 Instruction regarding Vidhan Sabha Business 07.12.2021
203 Matters for Tweets for Agricultural Education Day on 03-12-2021 03.12.2021
202 Circular to mourn the sudden demise of Sh. Sukh Dev, Clerk on 03.12.2021 02.12.2021
201 Committee for compiling and editing of the Annual Report of the University 02.12.2021
200 Regarding use of only institutional e-mail ids for official correspondance 02.12.2021
199 Subject matter of the Advertisement/ Trainings 02.12.2021
198 Notification regarding committee consisting for the matter of seed potato programme. 01.12.2021
197 Regarding COVID-19 Vaccination 30.11.2021
196 Regarding reimbursement of medical bills 29.11.2021
195 Regular Employees' Retirement Farewell Fund 27.11.2021
194 Regarding celebration of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 27.11.2021
193 Celebration of "Constitution Day" on 26th November 2021 25.11.2021
192 Members on the Board of Studies, COBS, CSKHPKV 24.11.2021
191 Gazetted Holidays for the Year 2022 23.11.2021
190 Issuance of Identity cards and Vehicles' Entry Gate Passes etc. 22.11.2021
189 Subject matter of the Advertisement/ Trainings 18.11.2021
188 Regarding COVID-19 vaccination 12.11.2021
187 Application are invited for appointment to the post of Vice-Chancellor of GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology 09.11.2021
186 India Biodiversity Awards - 2023 09.11.2021
185 Recommendations of the Teachers' Retirement Farewell Fund Committee regarding modifications in the Teachers' Retirement Fund 05.11.2021
184 Regarding use of Unicode Hindi fonts. 02.11.2021
183 Office Order Regarding Dr. Mandeep Sharma, Dean Dr. GCN COVAS, CSKHPKV as Nodal Officer (NEP-2020) 02.11.2021
182 Regarding 7th National Youth Convention on " Food Security to Nutritional Security " 02.11.2021
181 Regarding Restricted Holidays 01.11.2021
180 Celebration of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 30.10.2021
179 Committees for smooth conduct of 44th Foundation Day of CSKHPKV 29.10.2021
178 Celebrations of 44th Foundation Day of CSKHPKV on 1st November, 2021 29.10.2021
177 "Special Paid Holiday" to registered voters of 46-Ellenabad Assembly Constituency of Haryana State 28.10.2021
176 Format of mail for Academic Management System 27.10.2021
175 AIU introduces New Schemes for Member Universities - regarding 22.10.2021
174 Selection committee to screen the proposals for International training/internship and fellow assignments for faculty and students of CSKHPKV under NAHEP 21.10.2021
173 Office order regarding Dr. Naveen Kumar Head Dept of Agronomy ,CSKHPKV as Nodal Officer of the University  APAARI. 18.10.2021
172 Message from Sh.Bhupender Yadav, Union Minister of Ministry of Env. Forest and Climate Change regarding Iconic week of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. 18.10.2021
171 30th October declared as "Gazetted Holiday" only in areas of 02-Mandi Parliamentary Constituency and 8-Fatehpur, 50-Arki & 65-jubbal-Kotkhai Assembly Constituencies and areas bordering aforesaid constituencies. 14.10.2021
170 Office order regarding stray/abandoned animals wandering the University Campus 14.10.2021
169 CSKHPKV Offices located at Palampur campus will remain closed on 16.10.2021 12.10.2021
168 Bye-Election to 2-Mandi Parliamentary Constituency, 8-Fatehpur, 50-Arki and 65 Jubbal-Kotkhai Assembly Constituency - Enforcement of Model Code of Conduct -reg. 11.10.2021
167 Regarding issuing of Identity cards to the University Pensioners Employees 08.10.2021
166 Regarding issuing of Identity cards to the University Employees (Teaching and Non-Teaching) 08.10.2021
165 Committee constituted to select and procure the items to be displayed in the UNISHOP for sale 07.10.2021
164 Seminar on "Importance of Spirituality for Young Generation" 05.10.2021
163 Dr. Sandeep Manuja, Pr. Agronomist, Dept. of Agronomy has bee nominated as Nodal Officer for Disaster Management of CSKHPKV 04.10.2021
162 Celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav-use of office logo - reg. 01.10.2021
161 Agri-Business Incubator will function under direct control of Director of Research 01.10.2021
160 2nd October, 2021 to be celebrated as "Swachhta Diwas" in the University 01.10.2021
159 Walk in Interview by SPIU 23.09.2021
158 Webinar on 'Biological Control: A global sustainable approach for eco-friendly agriculture' on 24.09.2021 23.09.2021
157 Brain storming meeting on "Intensification and sustenance of Pulses in North Hill Zone of India" 23.09.2021
156 29th September and 1st October as "Public Holiday" in Su-Division Udaipur, Keylong & Kaza 20.09.2021
155 Swadeshi Shodh Sansthan 20.09.2021
154 AIU Introduce New Schemes for Member Universities 20.09.2021
153 HP State Innovation Award Scheme for the year 2019-20 and 2020-21 18.09.2021
152 India Biodiversity Awards 2023 18.09.2021
151 Misleading Advertisement in Newspaper & Compliance Report submission 18.09.2021
150 Regarding COVID-19 Vaccination 14.09.2021
149 Pooling of labours/un-skilled outsourced workers for cleaning and cutting bushes on 14.09.2021 13.09.2021
148 Yoga Protocol (Y-Break) developed by Ministry of AYUSH 10.09.2021
147 Webinar on 'Talking Menopause: Health & Nutrition' 08.09.2021
146 Address for correspondence of ICAR - CPRI Shimla 08.09.2021
145 Office order regarding filling up of application for ranking of Agricultural Universities 06.09.2021
144 Meeting on NEP-2020 has been postponed due to administrative reason 03.09.2021
143 Members of Editorial Board of Himachal Journal of Agricultural Research (HJAR) 02.09.2021
142 Disciplinary Committee to maintain the discipline during the event 'The Man who knew infinity' 28.08.2021
141 Meeting of the Core-group of High Power Committee on 03.09.2021 at 11:00 am on NEP-2020 28.08.2021
140 Circular - regarding displaying a documentary 'The Man who knew infinity' at the University Auditorium on 28.08.2021 evening at 6:00 pm 28.08.2021
139 Committee for identification of different components of Horizontal and Integrated Farming System (IFS) 25.08.2021
138 Cultural programme on the eve of 16th Convocation of the University on 23.08.2021 from 7:00 pm onwards 23.08.2021
137 Students residing in university hostels to attend the 16th Convocation of the University 22.08.2021
136 Circular regarding attending the 16th Convocation of the University 21.08.2021
135 Office order regarding  22.08.2021 (Sunday) as a working day in the university campus 19.08.2021
134 Pooling all beldars, unskilled outsource workers, contractual field workers and DPLs working in CSKHPKV on 21st August, 2021 19.08.2021
133 COVID-19 guidelines for individuals entering the state 19.08.2021
132 Celebration of Sadbhavna Diwas 18.08.2021
131 Notification regarding Muharram to be observed on 20th August 2021 in place of 19th August 2021 18.08.2021
130 Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav 13.08.2021
129 Circular Regarding issuing fake appointment order/letters /admit cards etc. on behalf of the university  to tarnish the image of the university. 12.08.2021
128 Regarding implementation of Hindi as official language - Report 12.08.2021
127 Circular regarding University Level Independence Day celebrations 10.08.2021
126 Swachh Himachal Abhiyaan - 2021 w.e.f 09th August to 15th August 2021 09.08.2021
125 Office Order regarding pooling all beldars, unskilled outsource workers, contractual field workers  and DPLs working in various offices of CSKHPKV 09.08.2021
124 Notification regarding Dr. Priyanka Rana, Medical officer university Health center as Complaint officer 06.08.2021
123 Members on the Board of Studies, COA, CSKHPKV, Palampur 05.08.2021
122 Regarding COVID-19 Vaccination 05.08.2021
121 Regarding compensation to be granted to polling officials while on election duty 04.08.2021
120 Nominations called for the PJYSAU Lifetime Achievement Award 28.07.2021
119 Instructions regarding Vidhan Sabha Business 27.07.2021
118 National Educational Policy (NEP) 2020 26.07.2021
117 IPA-Chandra Prabha Singh Young Scientist Awards for Block Year - 2019-2020 26.07.2021
116 Awards - Fertilizer Association of India 23.07.2021
115 Regarding COVID-19 vaccination 22.07.2021
114 Progress of implementation of NEP 2020 during the last one year 22.07.2021
113 Subject matter of the Advertisements/trainings 16.07.2021
112 Instructions issued by the Secretary (Agr.) Govt. of HP to all the Appellate Authorities and PIOs 16.07.2021
111 Timings of opening of University Gate No. 3 & 5 16.07.2021
110 Ceiling of maximum persons in social/academic/sports/entertainment/cultural and other congregations in the State/District 15.07.2021
109 Annual Report for the year 2020-21 13.07.2021
108 CSKHPKV Palampur will remain closed on 08.07.2021 as a mark of respect for the departed dignitary (Sh. Virbhadra Singh, Former Chief Minister, H.P.) 08.07.2021
107 Condolence meeting to mourn the sad demise of Sh. Rajesh Verma, Work Inspector on 09.07.2021 07.07.2021
106 Dr. (Mrs.) Punam, PES, Dept. of Horticulture & Agroforestry to take care of environmental aspects in the Solid Waste Management project 07.07.2021
105 Two awards constituted in the University to be conferred on the selected department and scientist on the occasion of independence day 05.07.2021
104 Information required regarding about the achievements made alongwith major schemes pertaining to the respective department by 11:00 am on 02.07.2021 30.06.2021
103 Circular regarding use of e-mail services as a digital mode of communication 29.06.2021
102 Office order regarding continuing certain precautions and restrictions to contain the spread and resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic as issued by GoHP, Revenue Department-Disaster Management 23.06.2021
101 Lecture #12 by Sh. Ratap Chandra Sarangi, Hon'ble Minister of State, Animal Husbandry, Dairy and Fisheries and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises 23.06.2021
100 Vaccination camp for the age group 18-44 years is organized on 23.06.2021 22.06.2021
99 International Yoga Day will be celebrated in the University on 21st June 2021 from 6:00 am to 7:00 am 19.06.2021
96 Members to take care of environmental aspects in the Solid Waste Management Project in CSKHPKV 19.06.2021
95 Committee to look into and execute the work of fodder/grass cutting in the University campus 19.06.2021
94 Office Order regarding extension of "Corona Curfew" till further orders 12.06.2021
93 Format of identification certification to be generated for the purpose of COVID-19 vaccine registration and authentication 11.06.2021
92 Office Order regarding extension of restrictions imposed till 6:00 AM of 14th June, 2021 06.06.2021
91 Installation of biometric attendance in all offices of the University 02.06.2021
90 Unplugging of switches of various appliances during unpleasant weather and daily 02.06.2021
89 Office Order regarding Operation of University as per Govt. of HP Orders during Corona restrictions from 31.05.2021 30.05.2021
88 Circular with link for Online Yoga Session to be held on 28 May 2021 at 06:00 AM 25.05.2021
87 Letter from DG, ICAR, New Delhi regarding COVID-19 instructions and Candle March 25.05.2021
86 Office Order regarding Closure of University till 6 AM of 31-May-2021 25.05.2021
85 Office Order regarding New Head of the Departments 20.05.2021
84 Office Order regarding Closure of University till 6 AM of 26-May-2021 16.05.2021
83 Corrigendum 09.05.2021
82 Instructions regarding strict compliance of order issued by the Chairman DDMA-cum-District Magistrate, Kangra at Dharmashala 09.05.2021
81 Office Order regarding Closure of University till 6 AM of 17-May-2021 and suspension of UG and PG classes till 31-May-2021 06.05.2021
80 Regarding registration of Yoga-for-Unity, Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India 03.05.2021
79 Instructions to contain spread of COVID-19 pandemic and suspension of UG and PG classes upto 10.05.2021 01.05.2021
78 Notification Regarding COVID-19 Vaccination 30.04.2021
77 Member board of studies of the College of Community Science 29.04.2021
76 Notification regarding charge of post of DEE, Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry 27.04.2021
75 Condolence meeting to mourn the demise of Sh. Vivek Katoch to be held on 28.04.2021 at 4:50 pm 27.04.2021
74 Regarding Gate Pass 26.04.2021
73 Procedure/guidelines to be observed by Departmental Promotion Committee issued by the Additional Chief Secretary (Personnel) to the Govt. of HP 22.04.2021
72 COVID appropriate behaviour and vaccination 22.04.2021
71 Adoption of COVID-19 guidelines and suspension of classes till 01-05-2021 21.04.2021
70 Video Conferencing Room allotted to the University Network System 19.04.2021
69 Dr. Devesh Thakur, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Vety. Animal Husbandry & Extn. has been included as a member of ICT 19.04.2021
68 Instructions for compliance in the University Campus w.e.f.16.04.2021 to contain spread of COVID-19 pandemic 15.04.2021
67 Adoption of COVID-19 guidelines and Closure of University Campus on 13.04.2020 followed by holidays on 14th and 15th April, 2021 13.04.2021
66 Labour deployment for cleanliness of University campus for 10th April, 2021 (2nd Saturday) 08.04.2021
65 Notification Regarding 07.04.2021 declared as public holiday to the employees of CSKHPKV working at Palampur campus. 06.04.2021
64 Office Order Regarding Suspension of UG and PG classes till 15-04-2021 03.04.2021
63 ICCR Chairs 01.04.2021
62 Dr. Vinod Kumar Sharma, Principal Scientist (Agronomy) as member of the Research Council 31.03.2021
61 Signing of MoUs and MoAs with foreign country or its organization, CGIAR Centers 30.03.2021
60 Telephone no. 01894-230370 is vacant and can be shifted to another office/branch on demand 30.03.2021
59 Earmark/approve the residences in the University campus 30.03.2021
58 Educational institutions would remain closed till 4th April, 2021 27.03.2021
57 Filling up of two posts of Senior Assistant on secondment basis in Governor's Secretariat 27.03.2021
56 Filling up various posts on secondment basis 27.03.2021
55 Order under Section 34 of the Disaster Management Act - 2005 - Regarding COVID-19 27.03.2021
54 Circular regarding adoption of directions regarding threat of COVID-19 26.03.2021
53 Office Order regarding suspension of classes (UG and PG) of all constituent colleges 26.03.2021
52 Necessary SOPs for the containment of spread of COVID-19 in the State 23.03.2021
51 Committee of Hostel Wardens and representatives of students 23.03.2021
50 Dr. Suresh Kumar has been nominated as Member, Extension Council of CSKHPKV 23.03.2021
49 100 Days of Yoga towards International Day of Yoga 2021 23.03.2021
48 Fulbright announcement - Fulbright Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowships 22.03.2021
47 Regarding members of Academic Council 20.03.2021
46 Subject matter of the advertisement/trainings 17.03.2021
45 Standing Condemnation Committee to inspect vehicles, tractors and  other machinery 16.03.2021
44 Office order regarding cleanliness of University area 12.03.2021
43 Notification regarding marinating record of events in the University for future reference 10.03.2021
42 Notification regarding Rules of Deputy Registrar and Assistant Registrar 08.03.2021
41 Corrigendum w.r.t circular no. 13545-634 dated 08.03.2021 08.03.2021
40 Circular regarding modification in the circular No.13058-138 dated 06.03.2021 08.03.2021
39 International women's day celebrations at University level 06.03.2021
38 Regarding Surveillance, Containment and Caution to arrest the spread of COVID-19 04.03.2021
37 Strict Compliance and adherence of the SOPs to contain the spread of COVID-19 02.03.2021
36 Earmarking of house no. 1 in New Campus and House No. 12 in Holta Campus 02.03.2021
35 Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture invites applications for various posts 26.02.2021
34 Invitation on Information Handling Skills for Teaching, Learning and Research-Phase-II 26.02.2021
33 Subject matter of the advertisements/trainings 19.02.2021
32 Approval of qualification and emoluments for the award of fellowship 19.02.2021
31 Live extension services to the farmers 19.02.2021
30 Instructions regarding Vidhan Sabha Business 18.02.2021
29 Office order regarding cleanliness of University area from Gate No. 1 to Mushroom Centre and residential areas towards Organic Farm on 13.02.2021 (2nd Saturday) 11.02.2021
28 Regarding inclusion of Dr. Arun Kumar Sharma, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Animal Nutrition in the Vice-Chancellor's Technical Cell 10.02.2021
27 Agriculture Today - Agri Education Awards 2021-Inviting Nominations 08.02.2021
26 National Awards for Excellence in Agriculture 02.02.2021
25 To observe two minutes silence in the memory of Martyrs on 30.01.2021 at 11:00 AM 29.01.2021
24 Meeting on National Education Policy - 2020 on 30.01.2021 29.01.2021
23 Training programme on Documentation procedures for NABL accreditation for PTLs and PRLs 28.01.2021
22 Visits of authorized media persons may be conducted to exhibit the activities of the University in Electronic/Print/Social Media 27.01.2021
21 MS Teams Link for Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Full Statehood Day 24.01.2021
20 Regarding Lighting of Diyas for Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Full Statehood Day 23.01.2021
19 Regarding Programme of Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Full Statehood Day 23.01.2021
18 Regarding University Level Republic Day celebrations 21.01.2021
17 Official youtube channel of CSKHPKV 21.01.2021
16 National Awards for Excellence in Agriculture 20.01.2021
15 Circular regarding gatherings 20.01.2021
14 Regarding pooling of sweepers under the control of Estate Officer after lunch break 15.01.2021
13 Dr. V.K.Sharma Prof. & Head, Dept. of Soil Science nominated as Nodal Officer COPTA-2003 13.01.2021
12 Office order regarding National Institutional Ranking Framework 13.01.2021
11 Regarding signing of MoUs and MoAs with foreign countries 12.01.2021
10 Notification regarding General elections to Panchayati Raj 11.01.2021
09 Local Holidays 08.01.2021
08 Municipal/Panchayat Elections 08.01.2021
07 Circular 08.01.2021
06 Transfer of Murrah Dairy Unit, HAREC, Dhaulakuan to KVK, Dhaulakuan 07.01.2021
05 Notification - Punjabi University Patiala 06.01.2021
04 ICT cell at Room No. 202 in the Administrative Block 05.01.2021
03 Office Order regarding solution to prevent and getting rid of stray animals 05.01.2021
02 Office Order regarding work for home on 02.01.2021 01.01.2021
01 Circular 01.01.2021

For the Year 2020

Sr. No. Subject Uploaded On
439 Office Order 31.12.2020
438 Notification 31.12.2020
437 VC addressal on the advent of New Year-2021 on 1st January, 2020 at 11:00 am 30.12.2020
436 Gender Policy 30.12.2020
435 Women's Forum 30.12.2020
434 Notification regarding requirement and steps for conducting inquiry in case of allegations of the sexual harassment 24.12.2020
434 Office Order 23.12.2020
433 Notification 22.12.2020
432 Notification regarding revised Application Form for recruitment of Assistant Professors and equivalent 15.12.2020
431 Notification 11.12.2020
430 AIASA award 2020 10.12.2020
429 Notification Regarding 65th Amendment in the statues of CSKHPKV 10.12.2020
428 Circular Regarding protocol are maintained during the meetings, field visits etc. of the Vice-Chancellor 10.12.2020
427 Office Order regarding Dr. S.P.Dixit, Principal Scientist(Soils) as Nodal Officer (IAUA) 10.12.2020
426 Circular regarding condolence meeting 09.12.2020
425 Adoption of the instructions/guidelines to arrest the spread of COVID-19 in the University 08.12.2020
424 Office Order regarding guideline issued by the chief secretary to the Government of Himachal Pradesh 04.12.2020
423 Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 - meeting with all Statutory Officers on 04.12.2020 at 1 PM 04.12.2020
422 Dr. (Mrs.) Punam, Principal Scientist (Agroforestry) has been designated as Associate Nodal Officer (ESP) in the NAHEP-CAAST 03.12.2020
421 Circular regarding instructions/guidelines on Covid-19 01.12.2020
420 Instructions regarding Vidhan Sabha Business 27.11.2020
419 Regarding supplying the list of employees for general panchayat elections 2020 27.11.2020
418 Condolence meeting to mourn the sad and untimely demise of Sh. Rakesh Kumar, Driver 25.11.2020
417 List of Gazetted/Restricted holidays falling during the year 2021 25.11.2020
416 Requirement of taking prior permission by government servants for leaving station/headquarter during leave or otherwise 24.11.2020
415 Circular regarding SOPs on preventive measures to contain spread of COVID-19 in offices in the University 24.11.2020
414 Notification 24.11.2020
413 Notification Regarding member of Academic Council 24.11.2020
412 National Education Policy 2020 23.11.2020
411 Regarding interaction, furnishing, information about achievements giving news to press, electronic or social media 23.11.2020
410 Use of Logo of 50th years journey of Statehood (H.P.) for Office Stationary, Official Communication, Correspondence etc. 21.11.2020
409 Annual Report for the year 2019-20 19.11.2020
408 National Educational Policy-2020 19.11.2020
407 Subject Matter of the advertisements/Training 13.11.2020
406 Office hours for all teaching and non-teaching staff 12.11.2020
405 Instructions/Guidelines regarding extension of lockdown in Containment Zones to spread the arrest of COVID-19 in the University 12.11.2020
404 Use of Logo of 50 years journey of Statehood (H.P.) 12.11.2020
403 Office Order Weed Eradication Work Force 11.11.2020
402 Office Memorandum 10.11.2020
401 Circular- "Every year every scientist one project" 06.11.2020
400 Circular - To mourn the sad demise of Sh. Suresh Kumar, Beldar who was on secondment in Jersey Cattle Breeding Farm Palampur 06.11.2020
399 Notification 03.11.2020
398 Subject matter of the advertisements/trainings 03.11.2020
397 Committee regarding discrimination complaints from SC/ST/OBC students/teachers/non-teaching staff 03.11.2020
396 NSS Sarvekshana Journal-reg 03.11.2020
395 Revised Circular Regarding postponing of 43rd Foundation Day of CSKHPKV on 2nd November 2020 02.11.2020
394 Circular Regarding 43rd Foundation Day of CSKHPKV on 2nd November 2020 30.10.2020
393 Request for issue of certificate indicating Plastic free campus for Green and clean Campus Award under NAHEP 28.10.2020
392 Circular 27.10.2020
391 Notification 22.10.2020
390 R & P rules for the post of Junior Technician 21.10.2020
389 Dr. Sanjay Kumar, Pr. Sci. & Incharge Seed Unit, ICAR, Pusa has assumed the charge of Director, ICAR-IISS, Mau 20.10.2020
388 Use of Logo of 50th years journey of Statehood (H.P.) 17.10.2020
387 Air borne control measures in view of Covid-19 16.10.2020
386 Subject matter of the Advertisement /trainings 13.10.2020
385 Members of the HP Legislative Assembly on the Senate of CSKHPKV 13.10.2020
384 Lecture on "National Education Policy 2020:Higher Education and Research" will be delivered in the Seminar Hall, DEE on 09.10.2020 08.10.2020
383 Notification 07.10.2020
382 Signing of MoUs/MoAs with foreign country or its organization, CGIAR Centers etc. 05.10.2020
381 Nomination as Coordinator and Co-cordinator for Experiential Learning and Student READY Programme in the University 05.10.2020
380 Celebrating 150th birth anniversary of Gandhi ji as 'Swachhta' on 2nd October, 2020 01.10.2020
379 Subject matter of the advertisements/trainings 30.09.2020
378 University level non-teaching retirement farewell function to be held at the respective Department/Office from September 2020 onwards 30.09.2020
377 Abolition of Affidavits-Introducing of Self Certifications 30.09.2020
376 Notification Regarding Internal Complaints Committee 28.09.2020
375 Office order regarding Re-constitute IPRs Committee. 28.09.2020
374 Room tariff in respect of Circuit House/Rest Houses except Circuit House Willy's Park and Peterhof Shimla 26.09.2020
373 Addendum regarding Technical Cell 24.09.2020
372 Circular 23.09.2020
371 Comments on the draft document on Himachal Pradesh Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policy - 2020 for HP 23.09.2020
370 Dr. Suresh Kumar, Principal Agronomist & Head, Dept. of Agronomy has been assigned the charge of Associate Director (Extension) 22.09.2020
369 Dr. G.Sugumar assumed the charges of VC- Tamil Nadu 21.09.2020
368 Committee to examine issues with regard to the award of fellowships in Adhoc Research Projects funded by ICAR/DBT/DST/UGC etc 19.09.2020
367 Advertisement Notice  - SVBPUAT, Meerut 19.09.2020
366 Commemoration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi ji organizing closing events regarding 18.09.2020
365 Office Order  18.09.2020
364 High Power Committee for preparation of vision document on action plan for implementation of NEP-2020 17.09.2020
363 Addendum regarding implementation of National Educational Policy 17.09.2020
362 Adoption of instruction contained in order No. Rv.(DMC)(C)20-2/2020-COVID-19 dated 31.08.2020 in the University 17.09.2020
361 Subject matter of the advertisement/trainings 17.09.2020
360 Regularization of absence period during COVID-19 epidemic lockdown - clarification regarding 17.09.2020
359 Notification regarding regularization of contract appointees in CSKHPKV, Palampur 15.09.2020
358 Webinar 14.09.2020
357 Invitation to participate in online Panel Discussion 14.09.2020
356 Constitution of committees for implementation of NEP-2020 11.09.2020
355 Complete statehood and success story for the the last 50 years 10.09.2020
354 Subject matter of the advertisement/trainings 09.09.2020
353 Proceedings of the meeting held on 05.09.2020 at 2:30 pm 09.09.2020
352 Bulletin titled Rice Stakeholders' Advisory on COVID-19 09.09.2020
351 Notification regarding establishment of Vice-Chancellor's Technical Cell in CSKHPKV, Palampur 09.09.2020
350 Web meeting (Address by Director, NAAC) dated: 08.09.2020 at 3:00 pm 08.09.2020
349 Invitation for 7th Dr. B.P. Ghildyal Memorial Lecture on 10.09.2020 08.09.2020
348 Establishment of Information and Communication Technology Cell in the University 07.09.2020
347 The Video Conferencing regarding the role of National Education Policy 2020 will be transmitted through webcast except session of governors interaction ( 11.30 Am -1.30 PM). Webcast link is https://webcast.gov.in/mhrd 07.09.2020
346 Video Conferencing regarding the role of National Education Policy 2020 in transforming high education 05.09.2020
345 NAAC Webinar on the theme "Saluting the Teachers - Makers of the Nation" 05.09.2020
344 Circular regarding plantation ceremony being organized by CAAST-NAHEP 05.09.2020
343 Circular regarding opening and closing of gate no. 3 05.09.2020
342 Meetings 05.09.2020
341 Online address on "Saluting Teachers-Makers of the Nation" by Prof.S.C.Sharma, Director, NAAC on 5th Sept., 2020 04.09.2020
340 Subject Matter of the advertisements / trainings 04.09.2020
339 Regarding expression of Industries for setting up Assaying & Hallmarking Centre in India under the Central Assistance Scheme 03.09.2020
338 Prashashan mein hindikaran report - puruskar 03.09.2020
337 Cancellation of Webinar on the theme "Acharya Devobhava" 03.09.2020
336 Sorrow on the death of Sh. Pranab Mukherjee, Former President of India 02.09.2020
335 Webinar on the theme "Acharya Devobhava" 02.09.2020
334 Regarding serving University tea in official programmes 01.09.2020
333 Filling up of teaching faculty posts on deputation basis in MHU, Karnal 01.09.2020
332 Elected members of the Senate 29.08.2020
331 Maj. General (Retd.) Atul Kaushik, Kaushik Niwas Nahan, Distt. Sirmaur HP as Chairperson of the HP Pvt. Edu Institution Regulatory Commission 28.08.2020
330 Prof (Dr.) Kamal Jeet Singh Vill. Dodru, P.O. Bhira, Distt. Hamirpur as member of HP Pvt. Edu Institution Regulatory Commission 28.08.2020
329 Instructions regarding Vidhan Sabha Business 24.08.2020
328 Joining Report of the Hon'ble Chairman, Private Educational Institutions Regulatory Commission 21.08.2020
327 Regarding  Celebration of Sadbhavna Diwas 19.08.2020
326 Regarding Vice-Chancellor of Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University 19.08.2020
325 Election to University Senate-Appointment of Presiding Officers/Polling Officers 18.08.2020
324 Circular regarding celebration of Independence day at University Level 14.08.2020
323 Holding elections to the Senate 14.08.2020
322 Regarding authority to countersign/attest the declaration forms of the electors voting through postal ballot papers  13.08.2020
321 Circular - Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi 13.08.2020
320 Subject matter of the advertisements/trainings 10.08.2020
319 Final list of contesting candidates for senate election 07.08.2020
318 Utilization of PMIS-Entry of service details of all officers/officials. 05.08.2020
317 Nominations of valid candidates received by the due date and time for Senate Elections 04.08.2020
316 Notification 03.08.2020
315 Subject Matter of the advertisement 03.08.2020
314 Circular 31.07.2020
313 Notification 29.07.2020
312 Office Order 29.07.2020
311 Circular regarding regulation of entry of University employees into the University at various gates 27.07.2020
310 Circular 27.07.2020
309 Schedule for election to elect the representatives of Teachers and Non-Teachers as members of Senate 23.07.2020
308 Subject matter of the Advertisement/trainings 23.07.2020
307 Proceedings of the presentation made in Advanced Solid Waste Management System 23.07.2020
306 Notification 22.07.2020
305 Memorandum 22.07.2020
304 Recruitment and Promotion Rules for the post of Junior Office Assistant  (Information Technology) 21.07.2020
303 Letter Regarding Action Taken Report on the actionable points of Governors Conference 18.07.2020
302 Letter Regarding Vice-Chancellor of Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana 18.07.2020
301 Notification regarding nomination of Non-official member of Finance Committee 18.07.2020
300 Regarding Electors of Senate 18.07.2020
299 Notification of members of Board of Studies, College of Agriculture 16.07.2020
298 Regarding supply of information for Annual Report for the year 2019-20 16.07.2020
297 Regarding MoU with School of Life Sciences, Central University of Himachal Pradesh 16.07.2020
296 Advertisement/Training for award under HP State Innovation Award Scheme, post of Consultant(Technical) at PPV&FR Authority, Online Training programme on Analysis of Experiment Data using R and Nominations for training programme on Rodent Pest Management. 14.07.2020
295 Regarding Extension of tenure of Vice-Chancellor, Punjabi University, Patiala 14.07.2020
294 Regarding Returning Officer for conducting the elections of the three constituencies of Senate 13.07.2020
293 Exemption from seeking approval from entering into agreement with foreign agencies for cooperation in the field of education 10.07.2020
292 Office order regarding elections of the Senate in the University 10.07.2020
291 Advertisement for the post of Vice-Chancellors 06.07.2020
290 Instructions/guidelines regarding COVID-19 03.07.2020
289 Regarding noting and drafting instructions 03.07.2020
288 Subject Matter of the advertisement 02.07.2020
287 Regarding action taken report 01.07.2020
286 Notification 01.07.2020
285 Notification 26.06.2020
284 Feedback Questionnaire for online teaching in NARS. 26.06.2020
283 ICAR Webinar Series: Be+. 26.06.2020
282 Notification regarding Members of Academic Council 22.06.2020
281 Webinar series on Be+ during  COVID 19 20.06.2020
280 Circular 20.06.2020
279 Notification to re-constitute an 'Internal Complaints Committee' for implementation of code conduct for women at work place 19.06.2020
278 Circular regarding opening and closing of Gate No. 3 18.06.2020
277 Online workshop being organized by ICAR-IGFRI Jhansi 17.06.2020
276 Circular to mourn the sad and untimely demise of Sh. Kulwant Singh, Driver, Dept. of SST 17.06.2020
275 National Webinar on "Strategies & Policy Interventions for Agricultural Development in North-East India During COVID-19 ERA 12.06.2020
274 Regarding  QASPIR online course on Developing Digital Practitioners         10.06.2020
273 Regarding  Notice of election  List of Senior Teachers as on 01.06.2020       List of Junior Teachers as on 01.06.2020    List of non teachers employees as on 01.06.2020 10.06.2020
272 Regarding proceedings 10.06.2020
271 Regarding proposal for establishment of entrepreneurship development club at college level 09.06.2020
270 Webinar by Dr. B.S.Dhillon, VC, PAU 09.06.2020
269 Notification 08.06.2020
268 Circulation regarding request to join the webinar series 06.06.2020
267 Circular 02.06.2020
266 Appointment of Vice-Chancellor  University of Madras 02.06.2020
265 Microsoft Digital Transformation Session with Agricultural Universities 02.06.2020
264 Office Order Regarding Withdrawal of orders regarding of Plying of University Buses 01.06.2020
263 Opening of University w.e.f. 01-June-2020 31.05.2020
262 Interactive session of Hon'ble Minister of HRD Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank Ji 30.05.2020
261 Corrigendum 30.05.2020
260 Circular Regarding submission of life certificate for university pensioners 30.05.2020
259 National Webinar from 30th-31st May 2020 29.05.2020
258 Office Order regarding University shall continue to remain closed w.e.f 26.05.2020 except the staff with essential and emergency services 27.05.2020
257 Regarding -Academic management System. 23.05.2020
256 Circular 21.05.2020
255 Celebration of "ANTI TERRORISM DAY" 21.05.2020
254 Regarding Nomination for GNR Gold Medal 2020 18.05.2020
253 Regarding Invitation to Registrars/Directors/Deans/Professors/Librarian to Join the Editorial Board of the IJBST Journal Group 16.05.2020
252 Order under Section-34 of DM Act 2005 regarding intimation of arrival from Outside District Kangra 11.05.2020
251 ADDENDUM 05.05.2020
250 Regarding Closure of University w.e.f.04-May-2020 till further orders except Emergency and Essential Services 04.05.2020
249 Regarding Action taken report on the minutes of the meeting held with the officers  of the state Government during the visit of Hon'ble Chairman, National Commission for Safai Karamcharis to HP 04.05.2020
248 Regarding Employees to attend the Office w.e.f.04.05.2020 03.05.2020
247 Regarding Installation of Arogya Setu App and other measures during COVID-19 crises. 02.05.2020
246 Circular Regarding Adoption of Guidelines issued by Chief Secretary, Govt of H.P. 25.04.2020
245 Letter regarding Maintenance of Social Distancing in the University Buses 21.04.2020
244 Circular regarding Adoption of Guidelines of Ministry of Home Affairs for Containment of COVID-19 epidemic is put on hold 21.04.2020
243 Circular regarding Adoption of Guidelines of Ministry of Home Affairs for Containment of COVID-19 epidemic 20.04.2020
242 Office order regarding plying of University bus HP-37B-9004 20.04.2020
241 Circular regarding Closure of University till 03rd May, 2020 except essential and emergency services 16.04.2020
240 Circular regarding Closure of University till 14th April, 2020 except essential and emergency services 01.04.2020
239 Office order regarding plying of University bus HP-37C-4625 and HP-37B-0731 alongwith route of the buses 31.03.2020
238 Office order regarding plying of University bus HP-37C-4625, HP-37B-0731 & Ambulance HP-37B-6494 - duties of drivers thereof 31.03.2020
237 Office order regarding plying of University Mini bus HP-37-4625 27.03.2020
236 Circular regarding closure of University till 31st March, 2020 except essential and emergency services 27.03.2020
235 Circular regarding close of University for 3 days i.e. 24th to 26th March, 2020 24.03.2020
234 Preventive measures to be adopted to contain COVID-19 in institution campuses/premises-reg. 23.03.2020
233 Details of staff and students who visited outside the state/abroad 23.03.2020
232 Notification regarding exemption of female candidates from the examination fee 23.03.2020
231 Nomination for work specific interaction for the fellowship of TA 23.03.2020
230 Circular regarding retirement function 23.03.2020
229 Circular regarding preventive measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 21.03.2020
228 Circular regarding cancellation of retirement welfare function 20.03.2020
227 Office Order 20.03.2020
226 Woman Scientist Innovator of the year Award 2020 19.03.2020
225 Circular 19.03.2020
224 Regarding adherence to the advisory issued by the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh 19.03.2020
223 Notification 17.03.2020
222 Suspension of classes (UG & PG) of all constituent colleges till March 31, 2020 in order to avoid spread of COVID-19 15.03.2020
221 All India JNU Entrance Examination 2020-21 13.03.2020
220 Subject Matter of the advertisement 13.03.2020
219 Notification 12.03.2020
218 Circular 11.03.2020
217 Circular regarding Dean, Directorate of Extension Education, OUAT, Bhubaneswar 06.03.2020
216 Advisory/Circular to sensitize and create awareness about the coronavirus 06.03.2020
215 Notification regarding members of Research Council 03.03.2020
214 Tour Programme of Sh. Bandaru Dattaraya, Hon'ble Governor of HP 03.03.2020
213 Administrative changes in Indus International University 29.02.2020
212 Notification Regarding PIO MAREC Salooni 29.02.2020
211 Scheme for maintenance, review and suctody of list of public servant of gazetted status of doubtful integrity 29.02.2020
210 Notification Regarding Four  Type V Houses Earmarked 28.02.2020
209 Notification Regarding Members of Extension Council 28.02.2020
208 Notification Regarding residences for hostel wardens 28.02.2020
207 Memorandum - Regarding charge of Vice-Chancellor of SKUAST 22.02.2020
206 Notice regarding appointment of Vice-Chancellor of GADVASU, Ludhiana, Punjab 20.02.2020
205 Circular 14.02.2020
204 Instruction regarding Vidhan Sabha Business 14.02.2020
203 Notification regarding change in the name of Zero Budget Natural Farming to Subash Palekar Natural Farming 10.02.2020
202 Information regarding "Drug Free Himachal Application" 10.02.2020
201 Notification regarding common score card for recruitment of Assistant Professors and equivalent positions in CSKHPKV 07.02.2020
200 Sensitization Workshop on NAHEP Component 2 Activities at CSKHPKV 06.02.2020
199 Rules/guidelines for advertisement and recruitment of all categories of non-teaching posts in CSKHPKV 06.02.2020
198 Regarding Ph.D Programme of the University of Lucknow 06.02.2020
197 Superintendent/Section Officer/Assistant Registrar as Public Information Officer (PIO) of the Vice-Chancellor's office 03.02.2020
196 Observance of silence on 30th January 28.01.2020
195 Condolence circular 27.01.2020
194 Dr. G.D. Sharma, Farm Manager as PIO of the Directorate of Research 27.01.2020
193 Circular regarding University Level Republic Day Celebrations 24.01.2020
192 Circular regarding orientation programme on Mukhyamantri Seva Sankalp (MMSS) helpline 1100 24.01.2020
191 Joining of Director of Research in SKUAST-Jammu 23.01.2020
190 Strengthening of mechanism of Internal Financial Control in different departments 23.01.2020
189 Notification - Finance Department 23.01.2020
188 Circular regarding change in timings of opening ceremony of Inter-College Youth Festival 23.01.2020
187 Extension of date to receive applications of the "1st Best Extension Scientist Award" 22.01.2020
186 Inviting applications for ICAR - Post Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) scheme at IARI 22.01.2020
185 Circular regarding State Level Holi Festival - selling of Holi tickets 22.01.2020
184 Circular regarding Inter-College Youth Festival to be held on 23rd and 24th January, 2020 22.01.2020
183 Nominations for Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (SSB) Prize for Science and Technology 2020 20.01.2020
182 Regarding Atal Community innovation Centers under Atal Innovation Mission thereof 17.01.2020
181 Notification 17.01.2020
180 Office Order 08.01.2020
179 Regarding Local Holiday 08.01.2020
178 Regarding non- compliance of the provision of RTI act 2005 by appellate authorities in the state 04.01.2020
178 Subject matter of the advertisement/ trainings 04.01.2020

For The Year 2019

177 Circular regarding New Year Addressal by the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor in 01.01.2020 30.12.2019
176 Notification regarding fixing of prescribed limit for the condemnation of Motor Cycles of H.P. Police Department 20.12.2019
175 Regarding charge of Dean, College of Horticulture & Forestry, Neri Distt. Hamirpur 20.12.2019
174 Proceeding of counting of ballots on dated 03.11.2019 13.12.2019
173 Asia Education Summit & Awards 2020 - Nomination forms & details 12.12.2019
172 Single Point of contact for various communication with AIU 12.12.2019
171 Ratification of Agenda Item for ICAR-Post Doctoral Fellowship Reg. 12.12.2019
170 Reservation for Economically Weaker Section 12.12.2019
169 Gazetted Holidays for the year 2020 11.12.2019
168 Ratification of Agenda item for ICAR-Post Doctoral Fellowship Reg. 09.12.2019
167 The Himachal Pradesh Eligibility for Appointment to Class-III and Class-IV posts rules, 2019 06.12.2019
166 Subject Matter of the advertisement 05.12.2019
165 Slogan - "Say yes to life/Say no to drugs" to be depicted on all official correspondence 05.12.2019
164 Notification 04.12.2019
163 Instructions regarding Vidhan Sabha Business 02.12.2019
162 Memorandum 26.11.2019
161 Office Order 25.11.2019
160 Notification regarding Anti Drug Vigilance Committee 22.11.2019
159 Workshop on "Awareness of Drug abuse" for UG and PG students 19.11.2019
158 Dr. Bijendra Singh assumed the charge of Vice-Chancellor of ANDUAT, Kumarganj, UP 18.11.2019
157 Tour Programme of Sh. Virender Kanwar Hon'ble Rural Development Panchayati Raj AH and Fisheries Minister Himachal Pradesh 07.11.2019
156 SPOC for Chief Minister helpline related activities 06.11.2019
155 Tour Programme of Sh. Bandaru Dattatreya, Hon'ble Governor Himachal Pradesh 06.11.2019
154 Proceeding of the minutes of the meeting held on 01.07.2019 regarding implementation of RPwD Act,2016 04.11.2019
153 Notification regarding term and conditions procedure and form of contract/agreement for appointment to the post's in university on contract basis as contained in Annexure-I and Annexure-II. 28.10.2019
152 Office order regarding Dr. M.L. Bhardwaj Dean College of Horticulture Dr. Y S Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry Nauni Solan. 25.10.2019
151 Circular regarding Dr. V.P.Chovatia as Vice chancellor  Junagadh Agricultural Universty 25.10.2019
150 Circular regarding anonymous complaints against the University teachers/employees/other functionaries 22.10.2019
149 Legal Awareness Camp 22.10.2019
148 Notification regarding members of Academic Council 22.10.2019
147 Special Holiday on 21st Oct., 2019 for registered voters of 18-Dharamshala & 55-Pachhad 22.10.2019
146 Special Holiday on 21st Oct., 2019 for registered voters of 39-Mukerian Assembly Constituency 22.10.2019
145 Special Holiday on 21st Oct., 2019 for registered voters of Haryana State serving /employed in borders of Sirmour and Solan 22.10.2019
144 Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week-2019 21.10.2019
143 Subject Matter of the advertisement 14.10.2019
142 Subject Matter of the advertisement 10.10.2019
141 Order 05.10.2019
140 Invitation for e-Auction of mementos 01.10.2019
139 Inclusion of Students Column in the University News 30.09.2019
138 Dr. R.C. Agrawal, Registrar General, PPV & FRA has been assigned the charge of DDG (Edn.), ICAR, New Delhi 27.09.2019
137 Circular - ICAR- Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute 27.09.2019
136 Notification 27.09.2019
135 Bye-Elections 2019 to 18-Dharamshala and 55-Pachhad (SC) Assembly Constituencies-Enforcement of Model Code of Conduct 27.09.2019
134 Bye-Elections 2019 to 18-Dharamshala and 55-Pachhad (SC) Assembly Constituencies-Model Code of Conduct 26.09.2019
133 Proceedings 23.09.2019
132 Circular regarding 26th Annual Inter College Games of the University 18.09.2019
131 Regarding charge of Vice-Chancellor of Anand Agricultural University, Anand (Gujrat) 13.09.2019
130 Subject Matter of the advertisements/ training 13.09.2019
129 Regarding invitation for award under HP State innovation Award Scheme for the Year 2018-19 reg. extension of last date. 12.09.2019
128 Circular to mourn the sad and untimely demise of Smt. Madhu Bala, Sweepress 07.09.2019
127 Subject Matter of the advertisements/ training 03.09.2019
126 Inclusion of student Column in the University News 03.09.2019
125 Guidelines issued by the HP Motor vehicles (first Amendment) rules,2018 for School buses/ Vehicles engaged in transportation of school children in the state implementation thereof 03.09.2019
124 Circular : A talk on women's health and wellness by Matr Prem Foundation organised on 03.09.2019 02.09.2019
123 Circular regarding Teachers' Day addressal at University Auditorium on 05.09.2019 02.09.2019
122 Circular 30.08.2019
121 Circular 30.08.2019
120 Circular 30.08.2019
119 Office Order 30.08.2019
118 Notification 30.08.2019
117 Regarding Annual Report  2018-19 27.08.2019
116 Regarding Bye Election to state legislative Assembly 2019 of 18 Dharamshala 27.08.2019
115 Regarding payment of pay and allowances for polling / Counting personnel deputed during Lok Sabha Election 23.08.2019
114 Circular 22.08.2019
113 Subject matter of the advertisements/trainings 21.08.2019
112 Dr. D.K. Vatsa nominated as a member of Board of Management, CSKHPKV, Palampur 20.08.2019
111 Celebration of Sadbhavana Diwas 20.08.2019
110 Circular 19.08.2019
109 Regarding International Workshop-cum-exhibition 19.08.2019
108 Circular 19.08.2019
107 Notification Regarding close the classes of all the constituent colleges of the university on 17th  August, 2019 17.08.2019
106 Regarding University level Independence day celebration on 15th August, 2019 13.08.2019
105 Regarding Celebration of 150th birth anniversary of "Father of Nation" mahatma Gandhi on 2nd Oct.2019 09.08.2019
104 Subject matter of the advertisements/trainings 05.08.2019
103 Sh. Kalraj Mishra has assumed the charge of Governor, Himachal Pradesh 03.08.2019
102 Annual Report for the year 2018-19 30.07.2019
101 Revised draft of Education Policy of the Country 26.07.2019
100 Abolition of Affidavits-introducing of self certifications 24.07.2019
99 Notification 23.07.2019
98 Circular-Income Tax Department organizing outreach programme on Income Tax 22.07.2019
97 Circular 22.07.2019
96 Office Order 19.07.2019
95 Notification 19.07.2019
94 Regarding implementation of RPwD Act,2016 17.07.2019
93 Regarding Subject Matter of the advertisement/ training 17.07.2019
92 Regarding formulate internal committee for the students with disabilities in University/ Colleges 17.07.2019
91 Regarding  Meeting with the Chairperson, National Commission for Safai Karamchari 16.07.2019
90 Regarding Annual report for the year 2018-19 under Section 25 of the RTI Act, 2005 15.07.2019
89 Notification 15.07.2019
88 Memorandum 15.07.2019
87 Office Order 15.07.2019
86 Meeting with the Chairperson, National Commission for Safai Karamchari 02.07.2019
85 CIRCULAR 29.06.2019
84 Invitation of nominations for award under HP State Innovation Award Scheme 2018-19 26.06.2019
83 10th Brainstorming Session organized by IAUA on June 28-29, 2019 at CSKHPKV 26.06.2019
82 Indian Agricultural Universities Association Vice-Chancellors Meet-Request for consent to be the Chief Guest 22.06.2019
81 Annual Report for the year 2018-19 under Section 25 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 22.06.2019
80 Instructions regarding of GOI for Minority Community Certificate not mandatory for welfare scheme 22.06.2019
79 Notification - Vice-Chancellor - Mangalore University 22.06.2019
78 Office order 21.06.2019
77 Subject matter of the advertisements/trainings 19.06.2019
76 Order 19.06.2019
75 Circular regarding International Day of Yoga 18.06.2019
74 Subject matter of the advertisement/ training 14.06.2019
73 Office order 07.06.2019
72 Regarding Tour Program of Hon'ble Governor , Himachal Pradesh 04.06.2019
71 Regarding ibid inaugural function on 05.06.2019 at 10.00 am 04.06.2019
70 Regarding regularization of daily waged workers/contingent paid workers who have completed 5 years of continuous service 04.06.2019
69 Regarding the invitation to Wellness Con-2019, International Conference on Wellness at CSJM University, Kanpur 01.06.2019
68 Training programme sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, GOI 31.05.2019
67 Invitation for a five day Short Term Course on "Carbon Capture and Storage" 30.05.2019
66 10th Brainstorming session of IAUA on the theme "Model Act Revision" to be held on June 28-29, 2019 29.05.2019
65 Instruction to authors for paper presentation at the 107th Session of Indian Science Congress to be held from 3-7 Jan, 2020 22.05.2019
64 Notification to nominate DR/AR (Admn.) as Liaison Officer to reservation in-services as applicable 22.05.2019
63 Office order DR/AR (Admn.) as Nodal Officer of the University under right to Information act, 2005. 22.05.2019
62 Circular regarding direct communication with HIMCOSTE on IPR issues 13.05.2019
61 19.05.2019 declared as gazetted holiday on account of HP General Elections to Lok Sabha 06.05.2019
60 Circular regarding Dr. Artabandhu Sahoo has assumed the charge of Acting Director, ICAR-CSWRI 02.05.2019
59 Circular regarding closing timings of Gate no. 5 02.05.2019
58 Prof. (Dr.) Aditya Kumar Misra has assumed the charge of Chairman, ASRB 29.04.2019
57 Instructions regarding compassionate appointment - adoption thereof 24.04.2019
56 Regarding Public Grievance 20.04.2019
55 Notification 16.04.2019
54 Office Order regarding sensitization workshop NAHEP on 13.04.2019 12.04.2019
53 "Polythene Hatao Paryavaran Bachao Abhiyan"-2019 w.e.f 12th April to 20th April 2019 11.04.2019
52 Subject matter of the advertisement/ training 09.04.2019
51 Notification regarding Dr. Abhay Kumar as Vice- Chancellor of IEC University, Solan, Himachal Pradesh 09.04.2019
50 Notification 09.04.2019
49 Circular regarding talk on AI and Robotics 02.04.2019
48 Office Order regarding meeting of all the Statutory Officers with the Vice-Chancellor, CSKHPKV on 02.04.2019 at 3:30 pm 01.04.2019
47 Subject matter of the advertisements/ trainings 30.03.2019
46 Corrigendum 28.03.2019
45 Circular 28.03.2019
44 Subject matter of the advertisements/ trainings 28.03.2019
43 Regarding -Lok Sabha Elections,2019-Application of Model Code of Conduct 23.03.2019
42 Regarding - Proceeding of the meeting held under the chairmanship of Vice-Chancellor CSKHPKV, Palampur on 20.03.2019 23.03.2019
41 Regarding - Deletion of all references on politicians/ Ministers on the official. 23.03.2019
41 Regarding -Unscientific Disposal of Municipal Solid waste. 23.03.2019
40 Circular-ICAR-Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi, U.P. 19.03.2019
39 Notification-COVS & A, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneshwar 19.03.2019
38 Circular- Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur 19.03.2019
37 Dr. C.L. Chandan as Vice-Chancellor, Sardar Ballabh Bhai Patel Cluster University 19.03.2019
36 Notification-subject matter the advertisements/ trainings 18.03.2019
35 One day State Mourning throughout India on 18.03.2019 18.03.2019
34 Distribution of amended Statutes 1988 of CSKHPKV, Palampur 15.03.2019
33 Unscientific disposal of Municipal Solid Waste 15.03.2019
32 Enforcement of Modal Code of conduct 14.03.2019
31 General Elections to Lok Sabha 2019 14.03.2019
30 Circular 14.03.2019
29 General Elections to Lok Sabha 2019 14.03.2019
28 Notification-subject matter the advertisements/ trainings 14.03.2019
27 Notification regarding Members of Academic Council 06.03.2019
26 Notification regarding regularization of daily waged workers/contingent paid workers 02.03.2019
25 Dr. R.K. Kataria, Principal Scientist (Agronomy) as member of Research Council 01.03.2019
24 Sr. Medical Officer UHC has occupied university accommodation at CSKHPKV 01.03.2019
23 6th June 2019 declared as gazetted holiday in CSKHPKV 27.02.2019
22 Notification regarding reconstitution of Editorial Board of HJAR 25.02.2019
21 Circular regarding State Eligibility Test-2018 21.02.2019
20 Notification-subject matter the advertisements/ trainings 21.02.2019
19 Circular regarding beautification of the campus 20.02.2019
18 Circular - State Level Holi Festival - 2019 16.02.2019
17 Notification-subject matter the advertisements/ trainings 14.02.2019
16 Circular - Department of Extension Education Education & Communication 12.02.2019
15 Subject matter of the advertisements/trainings 08.02.2019
14 Regarding inviting nominations for Himachal Gaurav Puruskar/Prerna Srot Samman/Civil Services Award 2019 07.02.2019
13 Notification 05.02.2019
12 Regarding Formulate internal Committee for the students with Disabilities in University/Colleges 05.02.2019
11 Guidelines for conducting written examination for persons with Benchmark disabilities 30.01.2019
10 Subject matter of the advertisements/trainings 29.01.2019
09 Regarding Tenders floated for buses through GeM 28.01.2019
08 Instructions regarding Vidhan Sabha 24.01.2019
07 Circular regarding University Level Republic Day celebrations 23.01.2019
06 4th Agrivision-2019 National Convention on Integrated Agriculture-Prosperous Bharat 19.01.2019
05 Notification 11.01.2019
04 Circular-regarding inter collage youth festival 11.01.2019
03 Notification regarding Local Holidays 07.01.2019
02 Notification regarding Transits Hostel Facility 07.01.2019
01 Notification regarding uniformity in the transfer of teachers 02.01.2019

For the Year 2018

Sr. No. Subject Uploaded On
175 Vice-Chancellor's Addressal on 1st January 2019 at 11:00am 29.12.2018
174 List of Holidays for the year 2019 29.12.2018
173 Subject matter of the advertisements/trainings 28.12.2018
172 Rate Contract of Transport 26.12.2018
171 Admission Notice 22.12.2018
170 Members of Board of Studies 15.12.2018
169 Dr. N.Kumar has joined as Vice-Chancellor of Tamil nadu University of Agriculture , Coimbatore Tamil nadu 06.12.2018
168 ICAR Awards-2018 06.12.2018
167 Schedule of flight 04.12.2018
166 Circular regarding attending the convocation on 5th December, 2018 04.12.2018
165 Subject matter of the advertisements/trainings 03.12.2018
164 Tour Programme of Acharya Devvrat Hon'ble Governor Himachal Pradesh 03.12.2018
163 Tour Programme of Dr. Ram Lal Markanda, Hon'ble Agriculture/TD & IT Minister, H.P. 01.12.2018
162 Instructions regarding Vidhan Sabha Business 24.11.2018
161 Regarding implementation of Section 4(1) (a) of RTI Act 2005 24.11.2018
160 Tour Programme of Sh. Jai Ram Thakur, Hon'ble Chief Minister, Himachal Pradesh for November, 2018 22.11.2018
159 Arrangement for landing/taking off of Helicopter 22.11.2018
158 Issues/topics/priority areas for organizing seminars and undertaking special studies/research in 2018-19 21.11.2018
157 Subject matter of the advertisements/trainings 21.11.2018
156 Circular 20.11.2018
155 Advertisement regarding various posts/trainings 17.11.2018
154 Circular 16.11.2018
153 Dean, College of Agriculture, as Grievance Redressal Officer from this University under section 23 of RPwD Act, 2016 12.11.2018
152 Notification 09.11.2018
151 Tour Programme of Acharya Devvrat, Honble Governor, Himachal Pradesh 08.11.2018
151 Mr.Rajesh Talwar as a Registrar ,  SKUAST- Jammu 06.11.2018
150 Dr. U.S. Gautam has joined as Vice-Chancellor of Banda University of Agriculture & Technology, Banda 03.11.2018
149 Subject matter of the advertisements/trainings 03.11.2018
148 Circular regarding Condolence on 27.10.2018 at 4.45 pm 27.10.2018
147 Biennial Election of the  Non-Teaching Employees Union 18.10.2018
146 Advertisement regarding various posts/trainings/Awards in various departments 12.10.2018
144 Circular regarding health services at University Health Centre by Fortis Hospital Kangra 11.10.2018
143 Circular regarding the charge of the post of Registrar and Director, HRD, SDAU, Sardarkrushinagar DAU 10.10.2018
142 Advertisement regarding various posts/trainings 10.10.2018
141 Advertisement regarding various posts/trainings/Awards in various departments 08.10.2018
140 Advertisement regarding various posts/trainings/Awards in various departments 06.10.2018
139 Office Order - Swachhta Abhiyan day on 6th October 2018  04.10.2018
138 Notification - Members of Extension Council 04.10.2018
137 Advertisement regarding various posts/trainings/Awards in various departments 04.10.2018
136 Office order 04.10.2018
135 Requisition of vehicles 02.10.2018
134 Visit of Governor on 03.10.2018- Regarding 02.10.2018
133 Circular regarding financial help to Sh. Satish Kumar, Peon for his son's treatment 27.09.2018
132 National Conference on Challenges and opportunities in Statistics and informatics for futuristic humanosphere especially in agriculture 27.09.2018
131 Winter School at ICAR Lucknow 26.09.2018
130 Office order 25.09.2018
129 Notification regarding closure of Educational Institutions in District Kangra on 25th September, 2018. 25.09.2018
128 Regarding opening of DELNET Guest House,New Delhi 24.09.2018
127 Notification regarding closure of Educational Institutions in District Kangra on 24th September, 2018. 24.09.2018
126 Notification 20.09.2018
125 Use of products of Himachali craftsman 13.09.2018
124 Request to support Yuva Parivartan-Empower Youth of India 12.09.2018
123 Registrar, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar 12.09.2018
122 Prof. (Dr.) K.S. Verma as Vice-Chancellor, Career Point University, Hamirpur 12.09.2018
121 Swachhata Samachar 12.09.2018
120 Green Campus Initiative all Agricultural Universities in India 12.09.2018
119 Marching firmly towards excellence 11.09.2018
118 Annual Report for the year 2017-18 10.09.2018
117 Ethical Committee in the University 10.09.2018
116 Audit of Scientific equipment/resources 10.09.2018
115 Advertisement regarding various posts/trainings/Awards in various departments 10.09.2018
114 Committee for smooth conduct of PRT visit 09.09.2018
113 Regarding visit of Peer Review Team to CSKHPKV 08.09.2018
112 Revised Tentative visit schedule of Peer Review Team to CSKHPKV 07.09.2018
111 Circular regarding 26th Annual Inter College Games, 2018 07.09.2018
110 Office Order regarding declaration of 08.09.2018 and 09.08.2018 as working day 07.09.2018
109 Office order regarding meeting with regard to the visit of Peer Review Team (PRT) 05.09.2018
108 Circular 01.09.2018
107 Office Order 31.08.2018
106 Circular regarding counseling sessions on ragging 30.08.2018
105 Notification 29.08.2018
104 Elected to the senate of the CSKHPKV From the constituencies 29.08.2018
103 Advertisement regarding various posts/trainings/Awards in various departments 29.08.2018
102 Prof. Ashok Kumar, OSD to Vice-Chancellor nominated as Nodal Officer for ICAR Peer Review Team 29.08.2018
101 Prof. (Dr.) Vishnu Sharma as Vice-Chancellor of Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bikaner 28.08.2018
100 Prof.(Dr.) Ranbir Singh as Vice-Chancellor, National Law University, Delhi - Extension thereof 28.08.2018
98 Schedule of flight for Mi-172(VT-PWG) Helicopter 27.08.2018
97 State language Hindi competition 25.08.2018
96 Advertisement regarding various posts/trainings/Awards in various departments 21.08.2018
95 Nodal Officer for e-samadhan online system in CSK HPKV 21.08.2018
94 Election to University Senate -Appointment of Presiding Officer/Polling Officers 20.08.2018
93 Celebration of Sadbhavana Diwas 20.08.2018
92 Revised Fax Message from H.P. Government 17.08.2018
91 Fax Message from H.P. Government regarding paying homage to Sh. Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Former Prime Minister of India 17.08.2018
90 Rules and guidelines for the engagement of superannuated Professors/equivalents as UEP 16.08.2018
89 Regarding examination for the post of Junior Office Assistant (IT) in Dr. YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry 16.08.2018
88 Advertisement regarding various posts/trainings/Awards in various departments 16.08.2018
87 Visit of Peer Review Team for accreditation of the CSKHPKV, Palampur 16.08.2018
86 Circular regarding parking of vehicles outside gate 1 and 5 14.08.2018
85 Holding the election of the Senate 14.08.2018
84 Notifications regarding nominations of members for the Scientific Advisory Committee 13.08.2018
83 Regarding use of hindi language in office works-reward thereof 13.08.2018
82 Circular on University level Independence Day celebrations on 15th  August, 2018 10.08.2018
81 Authorization to Countersign/attest the declaration forms of the electors through postal ballot papers 10.08.2018
80 Withdrawal of nominations of candidates for election to senate 07.08.2018
79 Dr. Sikander Kumar, Professor as Vice-Chancellor of Himachal Pradesh University 07.08.2018
78 HOD Crop Improvement as Coordinator for a nationwide DBT-State partnership Programme on Skill Vigyan 03.08.2018
77 Regarding online complaint management system "She-Box" 28.07.2018
76 Electors of the Senate with Final Electoral rolls 28.07.2018
75 Subject matter of the advertisements/ Trainings/Awards 27.07.2018
74 Circular 26.07.2018
73 Regarding Annual Report 2017-18 26.07.2018
72 Notification 26.07.2018
71 Notification -Fin(C)B(7)-2/2013-17.04.2018 24.07.2018
70 Notification -Fin(PR)B(7)-64/2010-28.09.2012 24.07.2018
69 Notification -Fin(PR)B(7)-33/2010-16.04.2018 24.07.2018
68 Notification 20.07.2018
67 Inspection Branch- settlement of outstanding Advances 20.07.2018
66 Inspection Branch- Drawl and adjustment of Temporary Contingent Advances 20.07.2018
66 Order passed by the Hon'ble Chief Information Commissioner H.P 20.07.2018
65 NOTIFICATION regarding APARs   download in pdf format      download in Doc. format 20.07.2018
64 Schedule for election of senate 2018 17.07.2018
63 Advertisement/Trainings 16.07.2018
62 Constituencies of University Senate download in Pdf Format Senior Teacher's Electoral  | Junior Teacher's Electoral  |Employee's Electoral 16.07.2018
61 Notification 10.07.2018
60 Instructions regarding reservation in Himachal Bhawan /Himachal Sadan 07.07.2018
59 Regarding Prevention Caste Based Discrimination 07.07.2018
58 Annual Report for the year 2017-18 05.07.2018
57 Notification-GATE - 2019 04.07.2018
56 Advertisement/Trainings/Awards 03.07.2018
55 11th International meet on Hindi 02.07.2018
54 Notification 27.06.2018
53 Use of hindi as official language 26.06.2018
52 Commercialization of technology evolved by the University - Committee thereof 25.06.2018
51 Ban on use of plastic bottles 21.06.2018
50 Prof. Sat Prakash Bansal as VC, Himachal Pradesh Technical University, Hamirpur 20.06.2018
49 Dr. A.K. Sharma as Dean College of Technology and Engineering, MPUAT 20.06.2018
48 Circular - International Yoga Day (in continuation) 20.06.2018
47 Circular - International Yoga Day 19.06.2018
46 Advertisement regarding various posts/trainings in various departments 19.06.2018
45 Office Order - To make cordial atmosphere at work place 19.06.2018
44 Annual Report for the year 2017-18 under section 25 of he RTI Act 2005. 15.06.2018
43 Office Order - Dr. V.K. Sharma as Nodal Officer (ICAR) during absence of Dr. N.K. Sankhyan 14.06.2018
42 Circular-Dr. R.R. Patil, Director of Extension, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad 14.06.2018
41 Office Order regarding senate elections 11.06.2018
40 Advertisement/Trainings 08.06.2018
39 Notice of Senate election - 2018 06.06.2018
38 Advertisement regarding various posts/trainings in various departments 05.06.2018
37 Admission notice Deenabandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science & Technology, Murthal, Sonepat 04.06.2018
36 Notice regarding Entrance test 2018 for B.Sc. Nursing 01.06.2018
35 Regarding Zero Budget Farming 30.05.2018
34 Notification 30.05.2018
33 Office Order 30.05.2018
32 National Conference Agriculture 2022-Doubling Farmers' Income 30.05.2018
31 Advertisement for various posts in various organizations 25.05.2018
30 3rd Dr. P.N. Bahl Award fro the biennium 2016-17 25.05.2018
29 Admission Notice-Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry 24.05.2018
28 Online applications forAIEE for admission to Doctoral and postgraduate programme 24.05.2018
27 Circular 21.05.2018
26 RTI Regarding complaints of non credit of PLI premiums of CSKHPKV Employee 21.05.2018
25 Advertisement regarding various posts/trainings in various departments 18.05.2018
24 Superannuation of Sh. Sat Paul Singh, Jt. Controller RAS, CSKHPKV 17.05.2018
23 Disposal of examination answer sheets, waste paper etc. 17.05.2018
22 Scientist Incharge, RRS Salooni as Nodal Officer ICAR/NARES infrastructure base in district Chamba 16.05.2018
21 Schedule of flight for Mi-172(VT-PWG) Helicopter 16.05.2018
20 U.S. Awasthi IFFCO awards for the year 2018 16.05.2018
19 Advertisement in CCSHAU, Haryana 15.05.2018
18 Circular regarding observance of discipline and punctuality among university employees 14.05.2018
17 Regarding adoption of PWD norms of economic life of the vehicles/machinery 10.05.2018
16 Advertisements 10.05.2018
15 Charge of Registrar, BASU, Patna 10.05.2018
14 Vacancy 08.05.2018
13 Advertisement regarding various posts in various departments 07.05.2018
12 Visas to Indian qualified workers to work in Canada 05.05.2018
11 Office Order regarding Athletic Meet 05.05.2018
10 Corrigendum - Advertisement No. 04/2018 04.05.2018
9 Invitation of nominations for award under HP State Innovation Award Scheme for the year 2017-18 04.05.2018
8 Circular 04.05.2018
7 Notification regarding Registrar Lala Lajpat Rai University of Vety.and Animal Science Hisar 04.05.2018
6 Circular regarding Athletic meet on 5th - 6th May, 2018 03.05.2018
5 Vidhan Sabha Questionnaire 02.05.2018
4 Advertisement regarding various posts in various departments 02.05.2018
3 Job opportunities for Agri and Allied Science Graduates 02.05.2018
2 Training programme for newly recruited faculty 02.05.2018
1 Notification 02.05.2018