Associate Professor
Mailing Address:
Department of Veterinary Microbiology,
DGCN College of Veterinary and Animal Science,
CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, Palampur, INDIA-176 062
Ph.D. (Applied Veterinary Microbiology) from the United Graduate School of Veterinary Science, Gifu University, Japan (2007). Worked on research project entitled “Pathogenesis of Chlamydial infections”.
Japanese language course (Level-A) in 2002 in the International Student Center, Gifu University, Japan.
Masters of Veterinary Science (M.V.Sc.) in Veterinary Microbiology from the DGCN College of Veterinary and Animal Science, CSK HPAU, Palampur (1996). Worked on research project entitled “Prevalence of Chlamydiosis both in domestic poultry and wild carriers”.
Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry (B.V.Sc. & A.H.) from DGCN College of Veterinary and Animal Science, CSK HPAU, Palampur (1994).
“Raman fellowship 2015-16” for post-doctoral research in USA by The University Grants Commission (UGC), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India
“Mid Career Scientist Award-2013” in the field of Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology by the Indian Society for Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology (ISVIB) in recognition of best research work entitled “Animal Chlamydiosis in India: Current Challenges and Future Prospects”
“Grant for international Training on Bioinformatics (Animal Sciences)” by ICAR under National Agricultural Innovation Project in 2009.
“Sir F. M. Burnett Memorial Award-2008” in recognition of the best team work entitled “Molecular epidemiological investigation of a flea-borne Rickettsial outbreak in the Western Himalayan region based on glt-A and ompB genes” in the fields of Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology by the Indian Society for Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology (ISVIB).
“MEXT (Japanese Government Scholarship)” award in 2002 for higher studies in biotechnology in Japan.
“Prof. P.K. Uppal Young Scientists Travel Grant for Equine Health Promotion Award” in 2000 by the Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases (IAVMI).
“Gang Mana Sharma Award” in 2001 by the Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists (IAVP) for the best article published on pack animals.
“USDA certificate of appreciation" by the Research and Scientific Exchange Division, United States department of Agriculture (USDA) for Research Project with the USDA entitled “Epidemiology and immunodiagnosis of Chlamydia psittaci infection in sheep and goats.
Certificate of honour for M.V.Sc
University Gold Medalist and Himotkarsh Gold Medalist for B.V.Sc. & A.H.
Himotkarsh Gold Medalist for B.V.Sc. & A.H
Merit scholarships during board and undergraduate studies.
Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) for M.V.Sc.
Research articles published: 74
National: 55
International: 16
Popular articles 03
Books/Book Chapters: 04
Seminars/Symposia/Conferences presentations: 41
National 28
International 13 (In Japan, USA and India)
Some important research articles:
- Rajesh Chahota, Anjali Dattal, SD Thakur, Mandeep Sharma (2015). Isolation of Brucella melitensis from a human case of chronic additive polyarthritis. Indian J. Med. Microbiol. 33 (3): 429-32.
- Rajesh Chahota, SD Thakur, Mandeep Sharma and Susamoy Mittra (2015). Detection of Flea-borne Rickettsia spp. in the Western Himalayan region of India. Indian J. Med. Microbiol. 33(3): 422-425.
- Rajesh Chahota, S. Gupta, B. Bhardwaj, P. Malik, S. Verma and M. Sharma (2015) Seroprevalence studies on animal chlamydiosis amongst ruminants in five states of India. Vet. World 8(1): 72-75.
- Gupta S., Chahota, R., Bhardwaj, B., Malik, P., Verma, S. and Sharma, M. (2014) Identification of chlamydiae and mycoplasma species in ruminants with ocular infections Lett. Appl. Microbiol. (Nov 24. doi: 10.1111/lam.12362).
- Katoch S., Chahota, R., Sharma K. S. Markovic Radmila, Sefer, D. (2013). Performance of broiler chicken fed varied nutrient density diets supplemented with direct fed microbes. Acta Veterinaria (Beograd) 63(5-6): 643-53.
- Hirohito Ogawa, Rajesh Chahota, Kenji Ohya, Tsuyoshi Yamaguchi, and Hideto Fukushi (2013) Relatedness between host species and genotype of beak and feather disease virus suggesting possible interspecies cross infection during bird trade. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 75(4): 503–507.
- Chahota, R., H. Ogawa, Y. Mitsuhashi, K. Ohya, T. Yamaguchi and H. Fukushi (2006) Genetic diversity and epizootiology of Chlamydophila psittaci prevalent among the captive and feral avian species based on VD2 region of ompA gene. Microbiol. Immunol. 50(9): 663-678.
- Chahota, R., H. Ogawa, K. Ohya, A. Matsumoto, T. Yamaguchi and H. Fukushi (2006) Characterization of Chlamydophila psittaci strains associated with avian and human infection. J. Vet Med. 59(4): 289-291.
- Hirohito Ogawa, Rajesh Chahota, Takayuki Hagino, Kenji Ohya, Tsuyoshi Yamaguchi, Hideto Fukushi (2006). A survey of avian polyomavirus (APV) infection in imported and domestic bred psittacine birds in Japan. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 68(7): 743-745.
- Matsumoto, A., Murao, W., Kumon, H., Fukushi, H., Chahota, R. 2004. Characteristics of Chlamydia sp. isolated from cervicitis (Shinjuku, Infectious disease surveillance center, National institute of infectious diseases, Japan), pp. 7-8.
- Rajesh Chahota, Mandeep Sharma, R. C. Katoch, Subhash Verma, M. M. Singh, Vipasha Kapoor and R. K. Asrani (2003). Brucellosis outbreak in an organized dairy farm involving cows and in contact human beings in Himachal Pradesh, India. Veterinarski Arhiv. 73(2): 95-102.
- Katoch, R. C., Mandeep Sharma, Rajesh Chahota, Prasenjit Dhar, B. C. Chauhan and Chaman Singh (2003). Seroprevalence of chlamydial infections among buffaloes of Himachal Pradesh, India. Buffalo Bulletin. 22(4): 75-77.
- Rajesh Chahota, R. C. Katoch, Subhash Verma, Mandeep Sharma, R. S. Deswal, R. K. Asrani, R. Katoch and Arvind Mahajan (2001). Aetio-pathology of Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) among equines in Himachal Pradesh. Indian J. Vet. Path. 25: 38-40.
- Rajesh Chahota, R. C. Katoch, S. P. Singh, Subhash Verma and Arvind Mahajan (2000). Concurrent outbreak of chlamydiosis and aflatoxicosis among chickens in Himachal Pradesh, India. Veterinarski Arhiv. 70(4): 207-213.