• Raman Fellowship 2015-16 for Dr. Rajesh Chahota for post-doctoral research in USA by the University Grants Commission (UGC), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship for Dr. Aneesh Thakur post doctoral research in Denmark
  • ISVIB Scientist Award: Dr. Mandeep Sharma & Dr. Subhash Verma were awarded Scientist Award for their high impact factor publication.
  • Dr. Rajesh Chahota promoted to Professor and Dr. Prasenjit to Associate Professor.
  • Mid Career Scientist Award-2013 for Dr. Rajesh Chahota in the field of Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology by the Indian Society for Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology (ISVIB) in recognition of best research work entitled “Animal Chlamydiosis in India: Current Challenges and Future Prospects”
  • Mid Career Scientist Award-2012 for Dr. Subhash Verma in the field of Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology by the Indian Society for Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology (ISVIB).
  • DST Inspire Scholarship for Miss Sheilza Katoch for her PhD studies.
  • FISVIB Fellowship-2010 award by the Indian Society of Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology for Dr. Mandeep Sharma in recognition of his long and meritorious service in Veterinary and Animal Sciences with purposeful contribution in the fields of Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology.
  • Dr. Mandeep Sharma, Associate Director of Research and HOD was invited as visiting scientist from 05th March -10th March 2011 by The University of Sydney, Faculty of Veterinary Science in relation to foot rot research.
  • Himotkarsh Gold Medal for Dr. Prasenjit Dhar for standing top in DGCN COVAS during his PhD in 2004-2009
  • International Training grant on Bioinformatics (Animal Sciences) by ICAR under National Agricultural Innovation Project in 2009 for three months training in University of Texas, USA for Dr. Rajesh Chahota.
  • Shyama Singh and Balamati Memorial Award by Indian Association of Advancement in Veterinary Research, IAAVR-2010. The award consists of a Certificate, Memento and Rs. 1000/ for Dr. Mandeep Sharma (2010).
  • Sir F. M. Burnett Memorial Award-2008 in recognition of the best team work entitled “Molecular epidemiological investigation of a flea-borne Rickettsial outbreak in the Western Himalayan region based on glt-A and ompB genes” in the fields of Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology by the Indian Society for Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology (ISVIB). Team leader Dr. Rajesh Chahota reveived citatation and Gold Medal. Other team members includes Dr. Mandeep Sharma, Dr. S. Mitra and Dr. Sidarthdev Thakur.
  • Broad Outlook Learner Teacher (BOLT) award by Air-India under their reaching out project (ROP) for Dr. Mandeep Sharma as State winner (2008-2009).
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in the lab of Prof. Barry, funded by Wellcome Trust at Glasgow Biomedical Research Centre, University of Glasgow, U.K. by Dr. Subhash Verma (2007-2008).
  • Fellow of National Academy of Veterinary Sciences (FNAVS) for Dr. Mandeep Sharma in recognition of his contributions to the advancement of veterinary sciences (2007).
  • ISVIB Mid Career Scientist award by Indian Society of Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology (ISVIB- 2007) to Dr. Mandeep Sharma.
  • Best poster presentation award by Indian Society of Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology (ISVIB) to Dr. Aneesh Thakur for his paper entitiled “Tuberculosis in cattle in and around Palampur city of Himachal Pradesh” (co-authors- Drs. Mandeep Sharma, Prasenjit Dhar and Vipin Katoch).
  • Fellowship by Govt. of Israel to Dr. Mandeep Sharma for attending a four week International Workshop on Veterinary Public Health organized by MASHAV, CINADCO & VSAH in Israel (2005).
  • Overseas Research Scholarship (ORS) & University of Glasgow Postgraduate Scholarship to carry out his Ph. D research in the Division of Infection and Immunity, U.K for Dr. Subhash Verma (2003-07).
  • MEXT (Japanese Government Scholarship) to pursue his Ph.D at Gifu University, Japan to Dr. Rajesh Chahota (2002-2007).
  • British Chevening Scholarship to Dr. Subhash Verma for postgraduation in immunopharmacology at University of Strathclyde, U.K. (2002-2003).
  • Gang Mana Sharwna Award by ISVP to Drs. Rajesh Chahota, R. C. Katoch, Subhash Verma & Mandeep Sharma for best article published on pack animals (2001).
  • Young Scientist Award for A. Mahajan (Co authors- R. Chahota, R.C. Katoch and Subhash Verma) by Indian Society of Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology. (2000).
  • Young Scientist Award for Dr. Arvind Mahajan by The Nature Conservators. (2000).
  • Prof. P. K. Uppal Young Scientists Travel Grant for Equine Health Promotion Award for R. Chahota (Co authors- R. C. Katoch and Subhash Verma) the year by IAVMI (2000).
  • BOYSCAST award for Dr. Mandeep Sharma by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India for  a postdoc study at USDA, ARS, at National Animal Disease Center, AMES, IOWA, USA. (1998-1999).
  • Dr. Krishna Iyer Gold Medal for Best research Paper published in Indian Veterinary Journal for Dr. Subhash Verma & Dr. R.C. Katoch (1998).
  • Honour for Dr. Mandeep Sharma at the "XV International Symposium of WAVMI on Salmonellosis-Brucellosis" held at Limassol, Cyprus in 1997, for acting chairperson of one session i.e. control of these infections.
  • USDA certificate of appreciation by Dr. Reed, Director, Research and Scientific Exchange Division, United States department of Agriculture (USDA) for the scientific endeavors and accomplishments resulting in the successful completion of the Cooperative Research Project with the USDA entitled "Epidemiology and immunodiagnosis of Chlamydia psittaci infection in sheep and goats to Dr. R. C. Katoch, Dr. Mandeep Sharma, Dr. Rajesh Chahota & Dr. Subhash Verma were awarded (1997).
  • Young Scientist Award for Dr. Mandeep Sharma as co-author of a research article by ISVP. (1994).