Dr. Subhash Verma, Associate Professor
Department of Veterinary Microbiology, CSKHPKV Palampur
Professional experiece: 16 years
Academic qualifications
Postdoc WCMP, Glasgow Biomed. Res. Centre, UK (2007-08)
PhD University of Glasgow, UK (2003-07)
MSc University of Strathclyde, UK 1st position with distinction (2002-03)
MVSc HPKV, Palampur, India 1st position Gold Medal (1995-97)
BVSc HPKV, Palampur, India, 2nd position Cert. of Honour (1990-95)
Research projects
Principal and co-Principal investigator (On-going)
- All India Network Programme on Haemorrhagic Septicaemia (ICAR)
- Outreach Program on Ethnoveterinary Medicine (DBT)
- Strengthening of Animal Disease Diagnosis & Research Laboratory- RKVY
- Establishment of Veterinary Type Culture Collection- ICAR
- Detection of early markers in subclinical mastitis of bovine- DBT
Molecular mechanisms of antigenic variation in T. brucei
Mol. and genetic mechanisms to create heavy chain Ig diversity and the role of AID
Verotoxin induced apoptosis and associated cell-signaling events
Microbiological investigations on reproductive failures in domestic animals with special emphasis on Brucellosis and Salmonellosis
Epidemio and Immunodiag. of C. psittaci infect in sheep and goats" {USDA-ICAR)
Principal and Co-Principal Investigator (completed)
Strenthening of Animal Disease Research Laboratory (Phase I-II)- RKVY
Characterisation of hilly cattle and its products for potential health benefits (RKVY)
Diversity of C. abortus and C. pecorum infecting domestic animals and development of recombinant protein based species specific immunodiagnostics (DBT)
Immunological & Immunogenetic Profiling of Indigenous Hilly Cow for its disease resistance potential (RKVY)
Serological diversity of Dichelobacter nodosus and development of vaccine against footrot (NAIP-ICAR)
Development of PCR based assay for molecular diagnosis of Chlamydia psittaci (DBT)
Weather Based Animal Disease Forecast Systems (NATP and World Bank)
Keynote speaker- 3rd International Conf. on BioNano Innovation, Brisbane, Australia, 2014
Executive Member- ISVIB (2013-14)
DST International Travel Grant, 2014
ISVIB Mid Career Scientist Award-2013
Wellcome Trust International Travel Bursary, 2008 & 2012
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Wellcome Trust, University of Glasgow
University of Glasgow Postgraduate Scholarship (PhD)
Universities UK Overseas Research Scholarship (PhD)
British Chevening Scholarship to pursue post graduation from UK
ICAR-JRF and Merit Scholarship (M.V.Sc.)
University Gold Medal (M.V.Sc.)
Jagdeesh Kaur Gold Medal for excellence in postgraduate academics (M.V.Sc.)
Himotkarsh Santosh Shiksha Puruskar for postgraduate studies- a state NGO Award
Merit Scholarship (B.VSc.)
Certificate of Honour (B.VSc.)
Rajneesh Singh Memorial Gold Medal for All Round Best Student (B.VSc.)
Second on merit selection for Veterinary Surgeons in H.P. Public Service Commission
International Research Scholarship University of Newcastle Upon Tyne,Ph.D (declined)
Biomed. Training Initiative Award of London Sch of Hyg and Trop Med, Master (declined)
International Research Scholarship for Masters and PhD Faculty Scholarship of University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (declined)
British Society of Immunology travel award to attend International Congress of Developmental and Comparative Immunology, Charleston, South Carolina, U.S.
Indian National Science Academy travel award to attend IIFET, Wellington, New Zealand.
Dr. P.R. Krishna Iyer Gold Medal for best research paper (Indian Veterinary Journal, 1998)
Certificate of Appreciation (United States Department of Agriculture, 1998)
Young Scientist Award (co-author) of ISVIB, 2000
Dr. P. K. Uppal and Young Scientist Travel Grant (co-author) of the IAVMII
Young Scientist Award (co-author) of Indian Society of Animal Reproduction, 2000
Gang Mana Sharwna Award (co-author) on RDS in equines (Ind J. of Vet. Pathology, 2002)
Microbiology: Growth, maintenance and identification of bacterial, viral, chlamydial cultures using established biochemical and molecular protocols for disease diagnosis and research.
Teaching and mentoring skills: Teaching UG & PG students of veterinary medicine, acted as a co-supervisor for M.V.Sc. students in Microbiology, tutored graduates in the subjects of Microbiology, molecular biology and Immunology and guided projects of doctoral, masters and honours students at University of Glasgow.
Molecular Biology & Genetic engineering: Single cell PCR, multiplex, touch-down PCRs, RT-PCR and real time-PCR DNA cloning, subcloning and ligation strategies, gene knockouts and large array knockouts and to develop strategies for RNA interference, Pulse Field Gel Electrophoresis to study chromosomal rearrangements, Molecular probing using radio and non-radio labeled probe and fluorescence in situ hybridization, Southern hybridizations, RFLPs, DNA sequence analysis and identifying alleles, mammalian transfections, bacterial transformation and viral transduction strategies using retroviral and adenoviral based systems.
Proteomics: Homologous and heterologous protein expression, purifications using affinity, ion-exchange and size exclusion chromatography, SDS-PAGE, Western blotting, multiformat-ELISAs
Recombinant phage display technology to develop recombinant antibodies against target protein ligands and antigenic determinants.
Cell Biology: tissue culture and maintenance of cell lines, immunohistochemistry, immunoflorescence microscopy, karyotyping
Immunochemistry and Immunology: isolation of immune and other cell types both by magnetic sorting and FACS, IP assay, kinase assay, cytokine assays.
Bioinformatics: ACT, WebACT, ARTEMIS for genome annotation, NCBI genome annotation tools BLAST, E-PCR, ORF finder, Map viewer and synteny analysis etc. Protein motif databases like Pfam and Prosite, tools for alignment and phylogenetic trees constructions and interpretations like PHYML MINITAB for statistical analysis, RASMOL and SWISSMODEL for structural modeling and interpretation.
Whole animal biology and clinical expertise: Trained as a Vet I have experience in working with small and large domesticated animals, and laboratory animals.
3rd International Conference on BioNano Innovation & 5th International NanoBio Conference taking place in Brisbane, Australia, f 6th -10th July, 2014
Opendoor workshop on working with human Genome, Oxford Research Unit, Ho Chi Minh City, 2012
Opendoor workshop on working with pathogen genomes, Oxford Research Unit, Bangkok, 2008
Annual conference of British Society of Parasitology, Newcastle, UK, 2008
International Meeting of Kinetoplastid Molecular Biology, WoodsHole, USA, 2007
Annual Meeting of Genome Stability Network, Cambridge, UK, 2007
North UK Kinetoplastid Biology Meeting, York, UK, 2007
Internat. Congress of Dev. and Compar Immunology, Charleston, South Carolina, USA, 2006
IIFET 2002 Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 2002.
3rd World Congress on Environment Management (WEF), Palampur, India, 2001
American Association for the Advancement of Science (2007)
British Society of Immunology (2004 onwards)
British Society of Parasitology (2008 onwards)
Life Member of Indian Society of Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology
Life Member of Indian Association of Veterinary Microb, Immun and Infect Disease Specialists
Life Member of Indian Veterinary Journal
Life Member IAAVR
Registered Veterinary Practioner with Himachal Veterinary Council
BOOK (ISBN:978-81-927975-9-5) 01
Presentations 35