Page 24 - CatalogNEP-LS
P. 24

11. Study of the characteristic structural features of tea leaves.

               SUGGESTED READINGS:

                   1.  Pandey, B.P. 1978. Economic Botany. S Chand publishing.
                   2.  Conway,  G.  1999.  The  Doubly  Green  Revolution.  Food  for  All  in  the  21   Century,
                       Penguin Books.
                   3.  Conway, G. and Barbier, E. 1990. After the Green Revolution, Earthscan Press, London.
                   4.  Conway,  G.  and  Barbier,  E.  1994.  Plant,  Genes  and  Agriculture,  Jones  and  Bartlett
                       Publishers, Boston.
                   5.  Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, (1948-76). The Wealth of India.
                   6.  Kochhar, (201 I). Economic Botany in the Tropics, MacMillan Publishers India Ltd., New
                       Delhi.4th edition.


               Bot.212                   Ecology                                                         3+1


               The primary objective of this course is:
                     To enable the students  to the concept  of ecology  and ecosystem  and introduce them to
                       various interactions among organisms and environment.
                     To provide knowledge of dynamics of ecosystems in relation to human life.

               LEARNING OUTCOMES:

               This course will enable the students to understand:
                     The  process  that  shapes  the  distribution  and  abundance  of  organisms  from  the  micro-
                       habitat to the globe.
                     Recognize  that  the  distribution  of  organisms  is  a  product  of  positive  and  negative
                       interactions  within  and  across  the  trophic  levels  including  competition,  mutualism,
                       predation, and parasitism.
                     The evolution of organism form and function influences ecological interactions and habitat

               THEORY (45 Hours)

               UNIT 1: Plants and environment                                                      (7 Hours)
               Ecological  factors:  Atmosphere  (gaseous  composition).  Water  (properties  of  water  and  water
               cycle),  light  (global  radiation,  photosynthetically  active  radiation),  temperature,  soil
               (development, soil profiles, physico-chemical properties), and biota.
               UNIT 2: Ecological adaptations                                                      (6 Hours)

               Morphological,  anatomical  and  physiological  responses  of  plants  to  water  (hydrophytes  and
               xerophytes),  temperature  (thermoperiodictity  and  vernalization),  light  (photoperiodism,
               heliophytes and sciophytes) and salinity.

               UNIT 3: Population ecology                                                          (8 Hours)

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