Page 125 - CatalogNEP-LS
P. 125

Introduction to Bioinformatics; History; Contentions and applications; Scope of bioinformatics;
               Basic  introduction  to  Computers,  Programming  languages,  fundamentals  of  the  UNIX/Linux
               operating  system-various  open  resources  essential  for  bioinformatics;  HPC  &  HTC;  Role  of
               internet  and  WWW  in  Bioinformatics;  Neural  networks  and  artificial  intelligence.  Basic
               biomolecular concepts: central dogma; Protein and amino acid, DNA & RNA Sequence, structure
               and function; Biological Data generation methods and problem posed by it - mass spectrometry
               and  Edman  degradation,  Sanger‘s  sequencing  and  Maxam–Gilbert sequencing;  Introduction  to
               NGS platforms.

               UNIT – II:                                                                                                                   (10 Hours)
               Concepts of database; Database management systems (DBMS); Introduction to query language;
               Index;  Forms  and  Reports.  Introduction  to  Bioinformatics  data  and  databases:-  Types  of
               Biological  data:  Genomic  DNA,  Complementary  DNA  (cDNA),  Recombinant  DNA  (rDNA),
               Expressed sequence tags (ESTs), Genomic survey sequences (GSSs), SNPs. Primary Databases:-
               GenBank,  EMBL,  DDBJ,  Composite  Databases:-NRDB,  UniProt,  Literature  Databases:-  Open
               access  and  open  sources,  PubMed,  PLoS,  Biomed  CentralCentral.  Sequence  Databases  :-
               Nucleotide sequence Databases (GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ); Protein sequences Databases (Swiss-
               ProtProt, TrEMBL, UniProt, UniProt Knowledgebase – UniProtKB, UniProt Archive –UniParc,
               UniProt  Reference  Clusters  –UniRef,  UniProt  Metagenomic  and  Environmental  Sequences  –
               UniMES); Sequence motifs Databases:-Prosite, ProDom, Pfam, InterPro. Sequence file formats:-
               fasta, fastq, sam/bam, vcf, gff;  GenBank, PIR, aln/ClustalW2, GCG/MSF. Structure and derived
               databases:-  The  primary  structure  databases  (Protein  Data  Bank  –PDB,  Cambridge  Structural
               Database –CSD, Molecular Modeling Database -MMDB).
               UNIT – III:                                                                        (10 Hours)

               The  secondary  structure  databases  (Structural  Classification  of  Proteins  –SCOP,  Class
               Architecture  Topology  Homology  –CATH,  Families  of  Structurally  Similar  Proteins  –FSSP,
               Catalytic Site Atlas –CSA. Molecular functions/Enzymatic catalysis databases (KEGG ENZYME
               database, BRENDA).
               Genome  Databases:-  Viral  genome  database  (ICTVdb,  VirGen),  Bacterial  Genomes  database
               (Genomes OnLine Database –GOLD, Microbial Genome Database-MBGD), Organism specific
               Genome database (OMIM / OMIA, SGD, WormBase, PlasmoDB, FlyBase, TAIR), and Genome
               Browsers  (Ensembl,  VEGA  genome  browser,  NCBI-NCBI  map  viewer,  KEGG,  MIPS,  UCSC
               Genome  Browser)Bioinformatics  Database  search  engines:-Text-based  search  engines  (Entrez,
               SRS, DBGET /LinkDB). Sequence similarity based search engines (BLAST and FASTA). Motif-
               based  search  engines  (ScanProsite  and  eMOTIF).  Structure  similarity  based  search  engines
               (VAST and DALI). Proteomics tools at the ExPASy server; Data Submission.

               PRACTICAL (30 Hours)

                   1.  Understanding and use of web resources: NCBI
                   2.  Retrieval of information from nucleotide and protein databases.
                   3.  Basic commands of Windows, Unix and Linux operating systems
                   4.  Similarity searches using tools like BLAST and interpretation of results
                   5.  Use of different protein structure prediction tools
                   6.  Sequence alignment

               SUGGESTED READINGS:

                   1.  Mount D. (2004) Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis. Cold Spring Harbor
                       Laboratory Press, New York.

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