Page 11 - Chapter-XXIII
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3 unmarked question(s), if any.
23.16. The answerbook(s) of End-term examination shall not be shown to
4 the student under any circumstances.
23.16. In case, the total marks are found to be incorrect on scrutiny, the
5 same will be corrected and the result shall be revised accordingly
(even if it is towards lower side) by the Dean concerned. If,
however, any question is found to be unchecked by the External
Examiner, the answerbook(s) shall be sent to the External Examiner
for doing the needful and the result(s) shall be revised accordingly.
23.16. No representation by the student(s) shall be entertained regarding the
6 outcome of the result after scrutiny.
Re- 23.17. If a student feels that his/her answer book of a course(s) for external
evaluation 1 examination (except Re-examination) has not been fairly evaluated,
he/she may apply in the Acad. Form-29(e) complete in all respect
alongwith the necessary fee of Rs.1000/- per course to the office of
the Dean by the due date as laid down in the Academic Calendar for
the year or notified separately. The re-evaluation fee once deposited
with the University shall not be refunded.
23.17. Coordinator examination shall act as Incharge of re-evaluation work
2 and shall get such answerbook(s) of the course evaluated and revised
result shall be determined in the following manner:
1. An external examiner other than the one who had originally
evaluated answerbook(s) will re-evaluate the same and the higher
of the two awards shall be the final award. In case the variation is
not more than 15% of the external examination.
2. The answerbook shall be referred to the third examiner in case
variation is more than 15% of the two awards and the average of
two higher awards (out of the three) shall be the final award.
3. The fraction of 0.5 and above will be rounded off to the next
whole integer.
4. The detailed marks certificate of the semester shall be revised
accordingly and the same shall be conveyed to the student.
23.17. The time required for re-evaluation shall be 30 days from the last
3 date of receipt of application. Further, the declaration of results of
re-evaluation can be delayed for reasons beyond the control of
23.17. If a student simultaneously applies for re-evaluation and re-
4 examination of a course, then in such case, out of the two results,
one which is higher shall be considered for declaring the result.
23.17. A student whose answerbook is not available for reasons beyond the
5 control of the University, may be permitted by the Vice-Chancellor
on the recommendations of the Dean concerned either to re-appear
in the same paper in the next examination without payment of
registration/examination fee or he/she may opt for award of marks
on the basis of his/her CGPA till the previous semester examination.
23.17. In case of any representation, the grant of scholarship/award/medal,
6 etc. may be withheld till declaration of result of re-evaluation.
Re- 23.18. The Re-examination shall be permitted only for End-term theory