Page 14 - Chapter-XXIII
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2 the Registrar well before the start of the Academic year. The
Registrar will notify the vacant seats in the respective
programme/years for lateral entry separately.
23.20. An applicant shall be eligible for lateral entry if he/she has earned
3 44/88/128 credits with minimum of 4/8/12 Non Creditsfor entry to
Second/Third/Fourth year respectively and the courses studied must
be in accordance to the courses in the course catalogue of these
programme of this University.The Dean concerned shall notify a
committeeto verify the equivalence of major subjects with the
requisite programme.
23.20. There should not be a gap of more than two years of study for lateral
4 entry.
23.20. The seats shall be filled strictly according to the merit of the
5 applicants.
Repeating 23.21. A student who has passed all the courses but has secured an OCGPA
of 1 less than 5.00 in undergraduate programme shall be allowed to
Course(s) repeat one/two course to make up the deficiency with the prior
for award permission of the Dean subject to the following conditions:
of degree. i. The repetition shall be allowed only once in a course.
ii. The repetition shall be permitted only to enable the student to
fulfill the minimum OCGPA requirement and not for the
improvement of the OCGPA for enabling him/her to qualify for
the award of scholarship, fellowship or for competing for a
„Certificate of Honour‟ or for a position in the University.
iii. When a student is permitted to repeat a course after getting
OCGPA less than 5.00 in undergraduate programme, the credit
hours and credit points corresponding to that course shall be
counted only one for the degree requirements.
iv. For computing the overall grade point average, the better of the
two grades after repeating, shall be taken into account. But in
personal record of the student, maintained in the Registrar‟s
Office, other the earlier grade and the grade obtained after
repetition shall be recorded and the act that repeated course shall
be indicated by the letter „r‟ superscripted on the grade obtained
after such repetition. However, till such time as the student
repeats the course, the original grade and credits shall be used to
compute the overall cumulative grade point average.
v. Student, repeating any of the courses, shall be required to study
that course in regular semester with the next batch within the
prescribed load limit and shall appear in all the examinations,
complete tutorial/assignment. The rule for minimum attendance
shall not apply to undergraduate student repeating a course.
However, if a student desires, he/she may attend the entire
course to make up for the deficiency, if any.
Dropping 23.22. The student registered in any degree programme, shall be required to
from the 1 earn his/her degree within double the duration of normal period of
University that particular degree irrespective of registered or unregistered
semester. A student who fails to obtain his/her degree within the