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Last Updated: August 23, 2021




  • ·        To identify/develop high yielding, early maturing, moisture stress tolerant and disease resistant varieties of brown sarson, mustard, gobhi sarson, karan rai and maize suitable for cultivation in different eco-systems

  • ·        Collection, evaluation, maintenance and utilization of oilseeds and maize germplasm

  • ·        Standardization of various agro-production techniques and plant protection measures for oilseed crops and maize

  • ·        Diversification for location- specific cropping systems

  • ·        Production of nucleus/breeder /foundation seed of improved varieties of cereals and  oilseeds

  • ·        To provide facility for advancement of breeding materials of different Agricultural Institutions/ Universities at CSKHPKV, MAREC, Kukumseri (Lahaul & Spiti) during summer season 

  • ·        Transfer of technology for rapeseed- mustard and maize production to farmers through  Front Line Demonstrations

  • ·        Organization of advanced trainings on oilseeds and maize