Future Thrust
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Last Updated: August 23, 2021


Future Thrust

   A.  Crop improvement:

Ø   Collection, evaluation and maintenance of local maize, rapeseed-mustard germplasm from different parts of region vis-à-vis introduction of indigenous and exotic germplasm.

Ø   Development of varieties of brown sarson, gobhi sarson, mustard and karan rai suitable for cultivation in different eco-systems

o     Brown sarson varieties with high yield, resistance against biotic & abiotic stresses

o     Gobhi sarson varieties with high yield, early maturity and quality

o     Mustard varieties with high yield, resistance against biotic & abiotic stresses

o     Karan rai varieties with high yield and early maturity

Ø      Development of normal and specialty maize varieties / hybrids

Ø      Production of nucleus/ breeder seed of improved varieties of rapeseed- mustard,     

     maize and linseed

Ø    To provide facility for advancement of breeding materials of different     

 Agricultural Institutions/Universities at Kukumseri (Lahaul & Spiti)

Ø      Transfer of technology to farmers through  Front Line Demonstrations


B.   Crop Production:

Ø      Standardization of various agro-production techniques

Ø      Diversification of location- specific cropping systems

Ø      contingent crop planning through adoption of selected germplasm, spatial and  

     temporal arrangement to mitigate the changing climate


C.    Crop protection:

Ø   Development of bio-intensive modules of Integrated Disease Management in Rapeseed mustard, maize and linseed

Ø   Studies on the variability of major pathogens of  oilseed crops


D.    Crop quality:

Ø  Screening of germplasm and elite breeding material for oil content, fatty acid profile and glucosinolate content

Ø  Screening of Himalayan flora for induced resistance response against Alternaria  

brassicae and Albugo candida of rapeseed-mustard and investigation of  underlying biochemical mechanism

Ø  Isolation and identification of chemical molecules from botanical extracts/essential oils having antifungal activity against Alternaria brassicae