Farming SituationLast updated : July 17, 2023 |
At present, in district Kullu total cultivated area is about 66818 ha out of which 36765 ha is net cultivated area. Only 2905 ha is irrigated which comes out to be 7.9 per cent of the net cultivated area. Kullu is more known for its fruit production as about 21590 ha area is under apple and other fruit crops and rest is under cereal and vegetable crops. In irrigated area of the district Kullu rice and vegetable cultivation is going on. The district Kullu has diverse agro-climatic conditions/zones. Out of the four distinct agro-climatic zones of the state, this district has two i.e. zone-II, sub-temperate and sub-humid mid hills (651-1800 m.a.m.s.l. and 90-100 cm rainfall) & Zone-III, wet temperate high hills (above 1800 m.a.m.s.l. & 90-100 cm rainfall and snow). Major parts of the cultivable land falls in the zone-II, where farmers besides cereal crops (wheat, paddy, maize) are cultivating pulses, oilseeds and cash crops i.e. vegetables on large scale. Zone-III is characterized by heavy rainfall and snow. In this zone cropping intensity is low and horticultural crops are the major crops of this zone. However, wheat, maize, barley, paddy, pulses and oilseed are also grown in large scale. Both the zones are suitable for off-season vegetable cultivation. In these zones vegetables are grown at such a time when it is not possible to grow them in plain due to adverse climatic conditions and some of the vegetables grown are tomato, capsicum, frenchbean, cucumber, summer squash, peas, cabbage and cauliflower etc. So these are exclusively off-season vegetables of the district Kullu. Vegetable growers of the district are earning lot of money or getting premium price for their produce by sending these vegetables in the plains market. |
[Designed & developed by: UNS, University
Library, CSKHPKV, Palampur] |