
Last updated : July 17, 2023

Mandate & Function
Concept, Philosophy & Objectives
Faculty & Staff
Farming Situation
Contact Us
Progress Reports

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1.  Technology Assessment & Refinement
For any major problem in agriculture there are many remedies suggested by various research organizations. Through on farm testing Krishi Vigyan Kendra does comparative studies in farmers fields to come to conclusion which of the technologies tested is more suitable to the resources available & is cost effective. This is a form of participatory study where farmers’ perspective is given most importance. The results of such studies can later be made available to farmers.


2.   Training
On an average this KVK conducts 60 to 70 need- based training programs in a year for farmers, farmwomen & rural youth. 30-40% of them are long duration trainings. More emphasis has been given on self employment oriented training for school dropouts, unemployed rural youth and women folk . Many participants on completion of the training have been successfully self employed by way of establishing their own specialized farms, vegetable and fruit Nursery, dairy, beekeeping & value added product  unit. Efforts have also been concentrated to empower the women component technically as they play a very vital role in agricultural operations. All these training programmes are designed on the basis of learning by doing in which full use of audio-visual aids is done in class rooms and practical exposure is given in field.


3.   Demonstrations
Every year Krishi Vigyan Kendra conducts several demonstrations on farmers fields on technologies released by research institutes, universities. These are mainly related to latest released varieties, methods to control pest & diseases, technologies to increase yields, agri implements to reduce drudgery of women, technologies to reduce cost of production etc.




The farmers can avail the following services of the Krishi Vigyan Kendra:



Participation in the Trainings arranged by the Krishi Vigyan Kendra: The Krishi Vigyan Kendra also arrange off campus training on desired topics in farmer's village if 20-25  farmers from the same village want to participate. Short and long-term vocational training in agriculture and allied fields for achieving higher production on farms and generating self-employment.


Participate in Krishi Vigyan Kendra's other extension activities such as Kisan melas, study tours, field days etc.


Interact with the scientists at the Krishi Vigyan Kendra & get consultancy on issues related to agriculture & allied fields & information on advanced technological options.


Farmers can collaborate with KVK for conducting demonstrations & trials on their fields that Krishi Vigyan Kendra does every year.


Farmers on study tour can see our farm & demonstration units on crops, vermicompost, nursery, &  farmers can stay in our hostels after paying nominal charges.


Farmers can buy the following inputs from the ATIC centre of KVK on “No Profit No Loss” basis.

  1. Seeds and seedlings of different crops including fodder crops.

  2. Vermi-compost & vermi-culture.

  3. Uromin bricks (UMB), Mineral mixture and Dog biscuits.

  4. Package of practices for various crops & other literature.


Farmers can use the library facility at the Krishi Vigyan Kendra free of charge for reference work. Students doing research work in agriculture can also avail this facility.


Farmers can request Krishi Vigyan Kendra scientists to pay diagnostic visits to their problematic fields for getting curative & diagnostic recommendations


Training to update extension personnel with emerging advances in agricultural research

Consultancy and expertise for entrepreneurship development/micro enterprise development:

  1. Watershed development

  2. Organic farming

  3. Layout of farm and nursery

  4. Vegetable cultivation and protected cultivation/polyhouse technology

  5. Disease diagnosis and control

  6. Integrated pest control

  7. Fodder cultivation and grassland management

  8. Dairy management

  9. Value addition of farm produce

[Designed & developed by: UNS, University Library, CSKHPKV, Palampur]
[Content provided by KVK Bajaura]