Page 67 - CatalogNEP-LS
P. 67

Principles  of  Aquaculture:  Basics  of  aquaculture,  definition  and  scope,  history  of
               aquaculture.Systems of aquaculture: pond culture, pen culture, cage culture, running water culture
               a  zero-water  exchange  system,  Extensive,  semi-intensive,  intensive,  and  super  intensive
               aquaculture.  Major  candidate  species  for  aquaculture:  Fresh  water,  brakish  and  marine.
               Monoculture, polyculture, and integrated culture system.
               UNIT –II                                                                           (15 Hours)

               Taxonomy  of  fish:  Definition,  component,  importance,  stages  of  taxonomy,  Zoological
               nomenclature. Classification of Fishes
               UNIT -III                                                                          (15 Hours)

               Fresh water aquaculture resources-ponds, tanks, lakes, reservoirs etc. Nursery, rearing and grow
               out ponds preparation and management – control of aquatic weeds and algal blooms, predatory
               and weed fish, liming fertilization and manuring. Water quality management. Transportation and
               acclimatization  and  seed.Composite  fish  culture  system.  Integration  of  aquaculture  with
               agriculture/horticulture. Integration of aquaculture with livestock.

               PRACTICAL(30 Hours)

               Component of aquaculture farm, Water quality in relation to fish production, Practical‘s on pre-
               stocking  and  post  stocking  management.  Preparation  and  management  of  nursery,  rearing  and
               grow out  pond. Collection, identification and control  of aquatic weeds,  insects,  predatory  fish.
               Estimation of planktons. Identification of fresh water fishes. Identification of brackish and marine

               SUGGESTED READINGS:

                   1.  Jayaram K.C. (2010). Fish Taxonomy. NPH
                   2.  Jhingran V.G. fish and fisheries of India. Hindustan publication Corpn. (India) Delhi
                   3.  Rath R. K. Fresh water aquaculture. Scientific publishers, Jodhpur 342001 India
                   4.  Arumugam N. Aquaculture and Fisheries. Sara Publication

               Zoo.421                   Parasitology                                                    3+1


               The primary objectives of this course are:
                     To introduce the basic concept of host parasite interactions.
                     To acquaint the students with important arthropod vectors.

               LEARNING OUTCOMES:

                     To enable the students to classify and study the variation in morphology, life cycle and
                       pathogenesis of important parasites causing diseases in animals and human beings.

               THEORY (45 Hours)

               UNIT- I                                                                            (15 Hours)

               Brief  introduction  of  Parasitism,  Parasite,  Parasitoid  and  Vectors  (mechanical  and  biological
               vector).  Host  parasite  relationship;  Parasitic  Protists;  Study  of  Morphology,  Life  Cycle,

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