Page 35 - CatalogNEP-LS
P. 35

PRACTICAL (30 Hours)

                   1.  Structural  details  of  Marchantia,  Asterella,  Plagiochasma,  Targionia,  Pellia,  Frullania,
                       Porella,  Notothylas,  Anthoceros,  Sphagnum,  Pogonatum,  Barbula,  Bryum  and  Entodon
                       and Thuidium.
                   2.  Study of diagnostic features of following genera: Dumortiera, Athalamia, Conocephalum,
                       Cryptomitrium, Reboulia, Riccia, Riccardia, Metzgeria, Blasia, Sewardiella, Plagiochila,
                       Fissidens, Atrichum, Mnium and Thuidium.
                   3.  Field trips to familiarize with natural habitats, growth forms and diversity of bryophytes.
                   4.  To study permanent slides / photographs of m-Chromosomes and Sex- chromosomes.

               SUGGESTED READINGS:

                   1.  Goffinet, B. and Shaw, A.J. Bryophyte Biology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
                       pp. 476, 2000.
                   2.  Richardson, D. H. S. Biology of Mosses, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, pp.
                       220, 1981.
                   3.  Schofield,  W.B.  Introduction to  Bryology, Macmillan Publishing Company,  New York,
                       pp. 431, 1985.
                   4.  Kashyap, S.R. Liverworts of Western Himalayas and the Punjab plains. Vols I II. Research
                       co. Publications, New Delhi. 1932
                   5.  Kumar,  S.S.  An  approach  towards  Phylogenetic  Classification  of  Mosses.  Jour.  Hattori
                       Bot.Lab. Nichinan, Japan. 1984.
                   6.  Rashid, A. An Introduction to Bryophyta. Ist Ed. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New
                       Delhi. 298 pp. 1998.

               Bot.413                   Mycology and Microbiology                                       3+1


                     To provide knowledge about Classification, Mycelium, Reproduction in various groups of
                       Fungi.; Nomenclature, Classification, Structure, reproduction, importance of Bacteria,
                     Information about Viruses, MLOs, Spiroplasmas, Viroids, Mycoviruses; Translocation and
                       distribution in host plants, infection, replication, and transmission of plant viruses.

               LEARNING OUTCOMES:

                     The  students  will  be  learning  about  the  role  of  edible  fungi  in  strengthening  the
                       commercial sector.
                     It helps the students to understand and appreciate role of microbes in their life.
                     The  course  provides  Develop  theoretical  and  technical  skills  of  basic  microbiology
                       (sterilize, isolate, culture, preserve microbes).

               THEORY (45 Hours)

               UNIT-I                                                                              (9 Hours)
               Recent  trends  in  the  classification  of  Fungi.  General  account  of  Myxomycota,  Oomycota  and
               UNIT-II                                                                             (6 Hours)

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