
Home Constitution Circulars E-body News Members Registration Certificate        

(Last updated : 22.02.2025)

Home Constitution Circulars E-body News Members Registration Certificate



Name Meetings
Definitions Election Procedure
Aims and Objectives Resignation/Vacation of Office
Membership Amendment of constitution
Organizational Structure General
Functions of the Executive Committee ANNEXURE-I
Duties of the Office Bearers ANNEXURE-II
Funds of the Association ANNEXURE-III


  1. The name of the association will be Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University Teachers' Association (HPAUTA) with its headquarters at Palampur (HP).


  1. In this constitution, unless the context otherwise requires 'Association' means the Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University Teachers' Association (HPAUTA, 'University' means the CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya (CSK HPKV), 'University Authorities' shall have the same meaning as defined in Himachal Pradesh Universities of Agriculture, Horticulture and Forestry Act of 1986, 'Teacher' means a person so declared by the statutes of CSK HPKV. 'Member' means a member of association. 'Main Campus' means members located at Palampur.

Aims and Objectives:

The aims and objectives of the association shall be:-
  1. To secure for their members, individually and collectively their rightful status-social, economic and professional;
  2. To safeguard their professional interests and to secure satisfactory conditions of work and service;
  3. To work for the improvement of education in response to the challenge of ever changing socio-economic situation
  4. To establish a professional code of conduct for teachers and to ensure that it is followed by the members.


  1. Entitlement: Membership of the association shall be open to all the teachers of the university as decided by the Executive Committee with the approval of General Body.
  2. Membership: A teacher by applying to the Secretary of the Association on prescribed Performa (Annexure-I), after paying Rs. 50/- as admission fee and Rs. 500/- only as annual membership fee for one year (April to March) shall become the member. The above fees are subject to revision from time to time with the approval of the General Body. Life membership (Membership revised on 5th February 2021)  shall be ten times of the annual membership fee to be retained by the Association in the form of fixed deposit in the name of the association.
  3. Membership Rights: Every member shall have the right to attend, participate and vote in all meetings of the general body of the Association.

Organizational Structure:

  1. General Body: It shall consist of the members of the Association only.
  2. Executive Committee: It comprises the following: President – One (From the headquarter), Vice-President-Two ( One from the main campus and the other from outstation), Secretary- One (From the headquarter), Joint Secretary – One (From the headquarter), Treasurer – One (From the headquarter) and Executive Committee Members; Seven, out of which four will be from main campus representing each constituent college and one each from Zone I, III and IV. The outgoing President and Secretary of the Association will be Ex-officio members in the Executive Committee with voting right provided that he has paid all the dues as a member.
  3. The Secretary with the approval of the President can co-opt any member of the Association on the Executive Committee and the sub-committee or ad-hoc committee of Executive Committee for a specific period and purpose. However, the co-opted members shall not have the right to vote in the Executive Committee meeting.
  4. The Executive Committee shall be elected from among the members having a standing of at least two years.
  5. The tenure of the Executive Committee shall be two years (April to March).

Functions of the Executive Committee:

  1. The Executive Committee shall carry out all duties and functions of the Association.
  2. The quorum for its meeting shall be the presence of more than 50% of the Executive Members.
  3. The Executive committee shall be responsible to the General Body.
  4. In case of any legal dispute regarding the matters of Association , it will be the Executive Committee who will sue and to be sued against.

Duties of the Office bearers:

  1. The President
    1. He will preside over all meetings of the General Body and Executive Committee,
    2. Exercise casting vote in case of equal division of the General Body/Executive Committee.
    3. Be the Principle Executive and administrative head of the Association. It shall be his task to guide and supervise the work of the Association, and countersign all payments/ bills
  2. The Vice-President
    1. The one at the Headquarter will function as President in the absence of the latter. In addition he shall perform such other duties as assigned by the Executive Committee.
  3. The Secretary
    1. He shall look after the routine work of the Association and maintain proper records, call meetings of General Body and Executive Committee in consultation with the President, make necessary arrangements for all the functions of the Association, submit the annual report and act as the special observer in all the sub-committees formed by the Executive Committee, if deemed necessary, in order to coordinate their activities.
  4. The Joint Secretary
    1. He shall assist the Secretary and carry out the functions of the Secretary in his absence. In addition he shall perform such other duties as assigned by the President/Secretary.
  5. Treasurer
    1. The treasurer shall hold all the assets of the Association, receive the payments and gifts; make authorized payments on behalf of the association; be responsible for the maintenance of the accounts, prepare a budget and submit an audited report of the account at the Annual Meeting. The General Body shall appoint a person who is the member of the Association but not of the Executive to act as an Auditor. In addition, he (Treasurer) shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the President or the Executive Committee from time to time.

Funds of the Association:

  1. The funds of the Association shall consist of (i) Membership fee (ii) Special subscription raised by Association (iii) Donation/gift and (iv) Election security and nomination fee etc. (v) Contribution raised through publication of periodicals, bulletins etc. (vi) Any other fund may be raised genuinely under the directions of Executive Committee.
  2. The funds of the Association shall be spent to achieve the objectives of the Association.
  3. The funds of the Association shall be deposited in a scheduled Bank in the name of the Association duly approved by the Executive Committee.
  4. The Bank account shall be jointly operated by the Treasurer and the President/Secretary.
  5. An amount of Rs. 1500/- shall be placed at the disposal of the Treasurer to meet contingent expenses of the Association. An expenditure above Rs. 1500/- should have the prior consent of the Executive Committee in black & white.


  1. At least one General Body meeting shall be held once in four months. The quorum for the meeting will be one third of the total membership at Headquarter. At least one week notice shall be given to the members to conduct a General Body meeting except in emergence cases where a minimum of 24 hrs' notice would be required. An emergent general body meeting can also be held if one fourth of the total members at Headquarters give requisition for such a meeting with specific agenda items to be discussed on a prior notice of three days provided that the regular/scheduled meeting is not falling within next 7 days.
  2. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once in two months. Any emergent meeting of Executive Committee shall be called by the Secretary in consultation with the President or on a written requisition signed by more than half of the strength of Executive Committee specially on the agenda item called/requisitioned at a notice of 24 hours.
  3. In absence of both, President and Vice-President, one of the members of the Executive Committee present at the meeting will be voted to the chair for the particular meeting only.

Election Procedure:

  1. The election for various offices of the Association as per the constitution shall be the responsibility of the Election Committee. However, material help for its functioning will be provided by the Executive Committee. The Election Committee will be answerable regarding its functioning to the General Body during its meeting convened by the Secretary of the Executive Committee, who subsequently shall record the proceeding of the General Body regarding the issue in question, and then subsequently ensure the action approved by the General Body.
  2. The Election Committee shall have one member each from amongst the Professors/ equivalents, Associate Prof./equivalents and Asstt. Prof./equivalents. The first one and in his absence second one will be the convener of the Election Committee.

    The Executive Committee (EC) shall propose a panel of three members (one from each category) which will be considered for approval by the General Body. In case the General Body does not approve the panel recommended by the EC, the following procedure will be adopted to elect the members of Election Committee: A slip showing the names of members proposed on the floor of House, duly signed by the President/Secretary, will be supplied to each member of the General Body. The members will tick not more than three names, one from each of the 3 categories of the teachers, failing which his/her vote for the purpose will be cancelled as invalid. The counting of the votes will be done on the floor of the house by the Secretary of the Executive Committee and declare the result on the floor of the house duly signed by him and the President. However, if there is a doubt about the counting, the same can be repeated in the presence of the members raising the doubt. The result so declared will be final and not subject to any challenge in the Court of Law. The whole of the above process will be accomplished before 31st December.

  3. Nomination of the Returning Officer: The Election Committee will prepare a panel of three persons from the officers / staff of the University not below the rank of Section Officer whose prior consent has been sought and notify the name of any one of them as the Returning Officer to conduct the election of association. The Secretary of the Association will provide two copies each of the constitution and voter list duly signed by President, Secretary and Treasurer to the Convener of the Election Committee with their initials on each page.
  4. Election to Executive Committee shall be held as per schedule given below.
    1. Election will be conducted by Returning Officer to be nominated by the Election Committee at least thirty days before the date of notification of election.
    2. The Returning Officer will notify the election schedule within fifteen days of his nomination and shall complete the election within two month's time after notification.
    3. The election shall be by secret ballot on the basis of simple majority vote. The members posted outside the headquarters shall have the option to vote by postal ballet.
    4. Nomination for membership/office of the Executive Committee must be filled on the prescribed form (Annexure-II). A member can cast only one vote for each membership/office of the Executive Committee except for the post of Vice-President and Executive Committee members of outstations which will be elected by the members of outstations only.
    5. Only those members who have paid their membership dues and arrears before the date given in election schedule can propose/second or contest. The Election Committee will assist the Returning Officer in making all arrangements for elections and also arrange an open house debate of contestants for various offices at the main campus at least three days before the date of elections.
    6. The member shall not propose or second more than one candidate for the same office. Similarly, a member cannot contest for an office for which he has proposed/seconded some other person's name.
    7. The office bearer shall be eligible to seek re-election for the same office for not more than two consecutive terms.
    8. The Returning Officer shall declare the result of election on the date of polling at CSK HPKV Palampur campus.
    9. In case of securing equal number of valid votes by the contestants for any office/membership of Executive Committee, the winner will be decided by draw of lots.
    10. An unsuccessful candidate may challenge the election of a successful candidate through an election petition to be filed by him with the Election Committee within three days of declaration of election results. The petitioner will deposit a non-refundable fee of Rs. 500/- (Five hundred) only along with his petition which will be refunded subject to his contention being upheld. The Election Committee after hearing the petitioner as well as the defendant will give its verdict within three days of the submission of the petition. The decision of the petition will be delivered in the same sitting in which it has been heard. The decision of the Election Committee shall be final and binding on all the parties. After lapse of thirty days from the date of announcement of results, the Election Committee shall destroy all the ballot papers after notifying the place, date and time to the contestants. The Election Committee and Returning Officer will be responsible to sue and to be sued against in the matters of election. The Association shall provide funds to the Election Committee and Returning officer in case of any litigation pertaining to elections.
    11. The act of filing an election petition will not in any manner debars the elected member / office bearer from discharging of their normal duties during the pendency of the petition.
    12. Each nomination form will be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of Rs. One hundred only.
    13. To avoid delay in election process, the postal ballot will be supplied to the members of HPAUTA at outstations by registered post without obtaining their request by the Returning Officer, but such ballot papers must be returned to the Returning Officer as per date specified in the notification for the election schedule. The ballots will be received only through registered post. In the envelop attached with the ballot.

Resignation/Vacation of office :

  1. A member shall cease to be so if he/she resigns or if he/she fails to pay the prescribed dues within six months of continuing academic year.
  2. A resolution regarding vote of no-confidence can be moved against any office bearer / member of Executive Committee of the Association. Such a resolution must be signed and submitted to Executive Committee by not less than 1/10 of the membership of the General body and should enlist substantive points of issue for proper discussion at the General Body. The Executive Committee will forward such a resolution to the General Body for consideration.
  3. Such a resolution will be considered to have been carried by a simple majority of the members not less than 1/2nd of the total membership, present and voting. If the resolution is carried the post of office bearer/member of the Executive Committee would be deemed to have fallen vacant.
  4. Any member / office bearer of the Executive Committee can vacate his office/membership by submitting his resignation in writing to the President/Secretary. The office will be deemed to have been vacated with effect from seventh day of resignation unless decided otherwise by the Executive Committee.
  5. Any vacancy of an office bearer / member of the Executive Committee (EC) arising as a result of death or the resignation or / for any other reason shall be filled by 'co-option' by the Executive committee for the remaining period of the term amongst the members of the Executive Committee except for the post of President / Secretary. However, if the remaining term of the Executive Committee is less than four months, the post of Secretary / President will also be filled up by co-option. But if the remaining term of the EC is equal to or more than four months, the office of the President / secretary shall be filled up by the general election within a period of two months from the date the post fall vacant. Till these posts are filled up, as said above, the Vice-President / Joint Secretary as case may be, will officiate, but the officiating period will not exceed two month.
  6. The General Body on the recommendation of Executive Committee voted by simple majority on being satisfied that a member's conduct is prejudicial to the promotion of the aims and objectives of the Association, will have powers to remove such a member from the Association at any time by simple majority vote by members not less than 1/2nd of the total membership.
  7. If a teacher ceases to be a member of the Association on account of non-payment of dues, he/she will be re-admitted only after clearing the pending dues or by paying Rs. 500/-, which ever is less. Those members who leave their membership of the Association of their own or expelled from the Association will be re-admitted only after the approval of General Body. However, the clause “Re-admission of the Members” will also be applicable to them.

Amendment of constitution:

  1. The constitution may be amended only for the purpose by majority of not less than 2/3rd of the members present in the meeting which should not be less than 1/3rd of total membership posted at Palampur Campus on the day of meeting. The proposal for effecting change in constitution shall be submitted by the Executive Committee to the General Body for consideration.


  1. The Executive Committee may decide to affiliate or seek affiliation of Association with other State / National level Teachers’ Body. The profit of the Association will be utilized for the welfare of the Association.
  2. Any question not provided in the constitution can be decided by the Executive Committee subject to approval by the General Body in its meeting to follow.
  3. If for any reason the Association is to be liquidated or bound up, 3/4th majority of the members present in the meeting which should not be less than 2/3rd of the total membership at Palampur campus, would be required and net assets of the Association shall be transferred according to the decision taken at that General Body meeting.
  4. The decision of the General Body shall be binding on the members and they will work earnestly to achieve the aims and objectives laid out. The members shall ethically and practically follow the resolutions adopted by the General Body. All members will work for strengthening the Teachers' brotherhood.
  5. The Executive Committee elected for the ensuing term shall take an oath of secrecy and allegiance by the outgoing President / Vice-President within fifteen days of declaration of election results.
  6. Membership identify cards will be issued to the Executive Committee members which can be used for official purpose.
  7. HPAUTA will honour/appreciate the distinguished members from time to time for outstanding service rendered with dedication and commitment to the Association, as recommended by the Executive Committee and decided in the General Body meeting.
