Page 29 - CatalogNEP-PS
P. 29

UNIT 3                                                                              (9 Hours)

               Radioactivity decay: Decay rate and equilibrium (Secular and Transient) (a) Alpha decay: basics
               of  α-decay  processes,  theory  of  α-emission,  Gamow  factor,  Geiger  Nuttall  law,  α-decay
               spectroscopy, decay Chains.  (b) β- decay:  energy  kinematics for β-decay, β-spectrum, positron
               emission, electron capture, neutrino hypothesis. (c) Gamma decay: Gamma rays emission from
               the excited state of the nucleus & kinematics, internal conversion.
               UNIT 4                                                                              (5 Hours)

               Nuclear Reactions: Types of Reactions, units of related physical quantities, Conservation Laws,
               kinematics of reactions, Q-value, reaction rate, reaction cross section, Concept of compound and
               direct reaction, resonance reaction, Coulomb scattering (Rutherford scattering).

               UNIT 5                                                                             (10 Hours)
               Interaction  of  Nuclear  Radiation  with  matter:  Energy  loss  due  to  ionization  (Bethe-Block
               formula),  energy  loss  of  electrons,  Cerenkov  radiation.  Gamma  ray  interaction  through  matter
               (photoelectric effect, Compton scattering, pair production), neutron interaction with matter.
               Detector for Nuclear Radiations: Gas detectors: estimation of electric field, mobility of particle for
               ionization chamber and GM Counter. Basic principle of Scintillation Detectors
               and construction of photo-multiplier tube (PMT). Semiconductor Detectors (Si and Ge) for charge
               particle and photon detection (concept of charge carrier and mobility), neutron detector.
               Particle Accelerators:  Accelerator facility available in  India: Van-de Graaff generator (Tandem
               accelerator),  Linear  accelerator,  Cyclotron,  Synchrotrons  (Principal,  construction,  working,
               advantages and disadvantages).
               UNIT 6                                                                              (5 Hours)
               Particle physics: Particle interactions (concept of different types of forces), basic features, Cosmic
               Rays,  types  of  particles  and  its  families,  Conservation  Laws  (energy  and  momentum,  angular
               momentum,  parity,  baryon  number,  Lepton  number,  Isospin,  Strangeness)  concept  of  quark
               model, color quantum number and gluons.
               * Tutorial(15 Hours) one hour per week


                   1.  Basic ideas and concepts in Nuclear Physics: An introductory approach by K Heyde, third
                       edition, IOP Publication, 1999.
                   2.  Nuclear Physics by S N Ghoshal, First edition, S. Chand Publication, 2010.
                   3.  Introductory Nuclear Physics by K S Krane, Wiley-India Publication, 2008.
                   4.  Nuclear Physics: principles and applications by J Lilley, Wiley Publication, 2006.
                   5.  Radiation detection and measurement, G F Knoll, John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
                   6.  Introduction to elementary particles by D J Griffiths, Wiley, 2008.
                   7.  Concepts of Nuclear Physics by B L Cohen, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, 1974.
                   8.  Physics and Engineering of Radiation Detection by S N Ahmed, Academic Press Elsevier,
                   9.  Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics experiments by WR Leo, Springer, 1994.
                   10. Modern Physics by R ASerway, C J Moses and C A Moyer, 3rd edition, Thomson Brooks
                       Cole, 2012.
                   11. Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers by S T Thornton  and A Rex, 4th  edition,
                       Cengage Learning, 2013.
                   12. Modern Physics by R ASerway, C J Moses and C A Moyer, 3rd edition, Thomson Brooks
                       Cole, 2012.
                   13. Concepts of Modern Physics by Arthur Beiser, McGraw Hill Education, 2009.
                   14. Schaum's Outline of Modern Physics, McGraw-Hill, 1999.

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