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               UNIT-IV Method of Data Collection                                                   (9 Hours)
                       Collection of data, observation method, collection of data through questionnaires, schedules,
                       difference between questionnaires and schedules. Data Types Nominal, Ordinal and Ratio scale;
                       scaling techniques. Classification, analysis and presentation of data. Statistical treatment of
                       collected data. Arithmetic mean, geometric mean and standard deviation.

               UNIT-V Testing of Hypothesis                                                        (9 Hours)
                       Meaning, Characteristics and concepts relating to testing of Hypothesis (Parameter and statistic,
                       Standard error, Level of significance, type-I and Type-II errors, Critical region, one tail and two
                       tail tests); Procedure of testing Hypothesis. Sampling    schemes like, simple random sampling
                       without replacement, simple random sampling with replacement and stratified random sampling.

               SUGGESTED READINGS:

                   1.  C.R. Kothari, ―Research Methodology‖, New Age Publishers, 2004
                   2.  R. Kumar, ―Research Methodology‖,3  edition, 2011.
                   3.  A.M. Goon, M.K. Gupta and D. Gupta, ―Fundamentals of Statistics‖, Vol. I, 8th Edn. The
                       World Press, Kolkata, 2002.
                   4.  S.  C.  Gupta  and  V.K.  Kapoor,  ―Fundamentals  of  Mathematical  Statistics‖,  4 Edition
                       (Reprint), Sultan Chand &Sons, 2008.

               Minor II:

               Comp.311                  Programming Using Python                                        2+1

               Learning Objectives:

               The primary objective of this course is:
                     Introduces programming concepts using Python to Computer Science students.
                     Focuses on the development of Python programming to solve problems of different
                     Introduces the concept of object- oriented programming

               LEARNING OUTCOMES:

               This course will enable the students:
                     Understand the basics of programming language
                     Develop, document, and debug modular Python programs.
                     Apply suitable programming constructs and built-in data structures to solve a problem.
                     Use and apply various data objects in Python.
                     Use classes and objects in application programs and handle files.

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