University Library CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur (H.P.)
Univ. Seal


The University library has subscribed to many e-Resources which are available for the employees and students of the University.
The link for various facilities can be accessed through Library website.
These facilities can be directly accessed through the computers having internet facility provided by the U.N.S.
To access these facilities from home or other locations outside the University, the user needs to have a username and password for Knimbus which enables the user to access the e-Resources from any internet enabled computer. The username and password can be obtained by sending an email to

On Campus Users

  • ONOS Portal
  • Anti-Plagiarism
  • WebOPAC
    A Library Catalogue to search books, journals, theses etc.
  • National Digital Library
    A link to National Digital Library
  • Fed Gate
    A combined search engine for all eResources
  • CeRA/J-Gate
    Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture
    Searchable and downloadable online full text National and International journals.
    Administrators link :
    Online Indian journals from
  • e-Books
    e-Books from
  • eBooks-EBSCO host
    e-Books from EBSCO host.
    User Need to Register with EBSCO to download eBooks
  • eBooks-OvidSP
    e-Books from OvidSP.
  • eBooks-CeRA (Science Direct)
    E-Books from
  • KrishiPrabha
    KrishiPrabha is a full-text electronic database of Indian Agricultural Doctoral Dissertations submitted by research scholars to the 45 State/Deemed Agricultural Universities
  • Shodh Ganga
    A reservoir of Indian Theses.
  • AgriCat@eGranth
    "AgriCat" is a Union Catalogue of the holdings of 12 major libraries of the ICAR Institutes and SAUs combined together.

Off Campus Users

All the above facilities can be availed off the campus and round the clock through EZproxy EZproxy need a valid username and password.
This facility can be availed by sending written request through e-mail to
username and password will be sent through email only within one or two days.

This facility is provided free of cost and is only for the employees and students of this University.