our department at a glance


The Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding

Established in the year 1972 under the then Agriculture Complex component of the HP University, Shimla to develop skilled and efficient human resources in the field of Plant Breeding & Genetics for imparting education to students, undertaking appropriate research on crop improvement on sustainable basis in the hills and mountains and extend knowledge and skill to the hill farmers. An important accomplishment in this process was the approval of number of research projects on major crops by ICAR under All India Coordinated programme besides being funded by the State Govt. and some other national and international funding agencies (DBT, DST, CSIR, BARC, UGC, DST- JSPS, Monsanto etc.)

Heads of the Department

05.09.1972 to 26.09.1974
27.09.1974 to 27.09.1979
28.09.1979 to 28.01.1981
29.01.1981 to 31.01.1986
01.02.1986 to 28.02.2002
01.03.2002 to 30.09.2003
01.10.2003 to 03.12.2003
04.12.2003 to 30.09.2006
03.10.2006 to 28.02.2011
01.03.2011 to 30.04.2012
01.05.2012 to 03.11.2012
05.12.2012 to 20.01.2013
20.01.2013 to 18.05.2021
19.05.2021 to Continue

Our Strength

  • Efficient technology & Expertise for crop improvement
  • High- tech Molecular Cytogenetics & Tissue Culture Lab providing facilities for cutting edge research in innovative spheres
  • Opened new horizon in the sphere of Doubled Haploidy Breeding & Chromosome Engineering and taking in this area amongst all the agricultural Universities and ICAR institutes of the country
  • Multilocational and Niche based evaluation facility at various Research Centres in the entire State & Off season facilities at the centres located in the tribal areas
  • Addressing the crop varietal development issues in a systematic manner covering varied agroclimatic regions of the Hill State
  • Established linkages with world renowned Labs
  • Extending facilities and high- tech expertise to other Institutions/ Universities
  • Attracting fellowships and adhoc projects from various national and international agencies
  • Recognition of the work at national and international fora
  • Placement of students in reputed Institutes/Universities/MNCs


  • UG & PG teaching in the sphere of Plant Breeding & Genetics
  • Creation of opportunities for pursuing innovative and cutting edge research by the PG scholars & faculty of the Department
  • Conservation, documentation and sustainable utilization of Himalayan PGRs
  • Development of superior crop varieties and their nucleus & breeder seed for the diverse regions of the State
  • Technology refinement for accelerated and high precision crop improvement
  • Protection of Plant Breeder s' and farmers' crop varieties under PPV & FRA
  • Establish linkages with the globally renowned (India & Abroad) Labs/ Institutes to exchange the faculty & research scholars for sharing knowledge & expertise in innovative areas of Plant Breeding
  • Open new horizon by Public- Private Interface to commercialize our technology and provide opportunity to test the technology of the private sector for further recommendations