Ch. Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur (H.P.)
University Network System
Our Services
The UNS is commited to provide best services to the subscribers. The University has an internet connectivity through NKN (Nation Knowledge Network)
with 1 Gbps of bandwidth. The UNS provide its subscribers the connections at the same speed without any speed restrictions of any kind. The University has
a network with OFC as its backbone. But to few locations where OFC connectivity was not possible, the UNS has provided connectivity through EPABX line whereever
The UNS has installed and is maintaing Firewall which protects the University Network from any network threats from within or outside of the University.
A user database is also being maintained using this firewall. The Users are allotted static IP addresses and the connection is MAC bound i.e.
The Internet services can only be accessed through a designated PC only.
The user is required to login through web browser to authenticate itself in Network authencation page which appears automatically if the user is not logged in.
If the page does not appears, user is either already logged in or shall need to open the Netwotk authentication page by typing url:
The form for subscrition of Internet services can be downloaded from following link:
Subscriber Form for Internet
The UNS also maintains Offficial e-mail ids of the users of this University. The email services are provided by NIC (National Informatics Centre) and are of the format:
This service is hosted and maintained by NIC itself ( UNS has the admin login for the services and can create or deletethe users from NIC servers related this Univerty only.
The user can subscribe to e-Mail services by applying in the proforma:
Subscriber Form for e-mail id