March 01, 2025
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Organized Induction training for the faculty of University w.e.f.
22-27.08.2022 in which 73 faculty members participated from four constituent
colleges of the university, research stations and KVKs of CSKHPKV Palampur.
Workshop on Capacity Building and Skill Enhancement of Students w.e.f.
21-22.03.2023 organized by Entrepreneurship Development Clubs, HRD &
Placement Cell,
CSKHPKV Palampur in association with National Skill Development Forum & The
Institution of Engineers (India).
191 students from different Colleges viz., CoA, CoVAS & CoCS of the
University participated in the Workshop.
Conduct of GD and interaction/ interview of students for placements in
Gharda Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. on 17-18.04.2023. 7 students were selected for
the Sales Executive posts.