Page 137 - CatalogNEP-PS
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interface, ocean land interface, land surface processes, formation of peninsular Indian mountain
system, formation of Himalayas, Progression of agriculture in the Indian subcontinent.
UNIT IV: (6 Hours)
Environmental Assessment and Management
Definition and concept of EIA, environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Environment
Management Plan (EMP), EIA guidelines, life cycle analysis, cost benefit analysis, EIA
notification, eco-labeling schemes. Natural resources and their assessment. Remote sensing and
GIS: Principles and application, Risk assessment.
UNIT V: (6 Hours)
Human Communities and Environment
Human population growth; impact on environment, Population explosion- family welfare
programme, Environment, and human health: concept of health and disease; common
communicable and non-communicable diseases; public awareness, Environmental movements;
Chipko movement, Silent valley Movement, Appiko Movement, Bishnois of Rajasthan, Narmada
Bacho Andolan, NGT and its importance, environmental ethics; Role of various religious and
cultural practices in environmental conservation. Resettlement and rehabilitation of developmental
project affected persons and communities relevant case studies
PRACTICAL (30 Hours)
1. Formulate questionnaire for assessment of the impact of climate change on people.
2. sampling of plant and animal biodiversity of the college campus
3. Determine the water quality parameters of a given area
4. Assess air quality Index
5. Develop and maintain vermicomposting unit using biodegradable waste
6. Assessment of carbon foot-print using mathematical tools
7.Correlation analysis of human population growth and impacts on the environment and
human health
1. Primack, R. B. (2014). Essentials of conservation biology
2. Odum, E.P., Odum, H.T., and Andrews, J. (1971). Fundamentals of Ecology. Saunders,
Philadelphia, USA.
3. Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P. and Gupta, S.R. (2017). Ecology, environmental sciences and
conservation, S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi.
Biochem.321 General Biochemistry 3+0
The primary objective of this course is to introduce:
Importance of Biochemistry in agricultural research.
Involvement of Biochemical processes in our day-to-day life.
Introduction to different biomolecules and their composition.