Page 53 - CatalogNEP-PS
P. 53

18. Fibre Optics communication
                   19. Design of Active filters
                   20. BCD to Seven Segment display
                   21. A/D and D/A conversion
                   22. Experiments using various types of memory elements
                   23. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division using 8085/8086
                   24. Wave form generation and storage oscilloscope
                   25. Frequency, Voltage, Temperature measurements
                   26. Motor Speed control., Temperature control using 8086.

               UNIT 3                                                                             (20 Hours)
                   1.  Study  of  the  characteristics  of  a  GM  tube  and  determination  of  its  operating  voltage,
                       plateau length/ slope etc.
                   2.  Demonstration  of  nucleonic  level  gauge  principle  using  G.M  counting  system  and
                   3.  Verification of inverse square law for gamma rays
                   4.  Study of elliptically polarized light.
                   5.  Ultrasonic wave velocity in liquids by ultrasonic diffraction.

               UNIT 4                                                                             (20 Hours)
               Computer based experiments using BASIC/ FORTRAN/C/C++:
                   1.  Statistical and error analysis of (a) given data (b) error estimation in computation.
                   2.  (Roots of a quadratic/ cubic equation (b) summation of a series.
                   3.  Numerical differentiation and integration of simple functions.
                   4.  Operations  on  a  matrix  (a)  inversion  (b)  diagonalisation  (3x3  matrix)  (c)  solution  of
                       simultaneous equations.
                   5.  Plotting and interpolation of a function.
                   6.  Finding the value of Pi using monte carlo method
                   7.  Assemble language programming on PC.
                   8.  Experiments based on computer Aided Design.
                   9.  Trouble shooting using signature analyzer.


                   1.  Millman J, Halkias C and Parikh C. (2009).  Integrated Electronics:  Analog and Digital
                       Circuits and Systems. Noida, India: Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
                   2.  Boyle  stad  R.  L  &  Nashelsky  L.  (2009).  Electronic  Devices  and  Circuit  Theory.  New
                       Delhi: Pearson.
                   3.  Theraja B. L. (2010). Basic Electronics: Solid State. New Delhi: S. Chand & Company
                   4.  Chattopadhyay D and Rakshit P. C. (2008). Electronics: Fundamentals and Applications.
                       New Delhi, India: New Age International.
                   5.  Saha G, Malvino A.P and Leach D.P. (2011). Digital Principles and Applications. Noida,
                       India: Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
                   6.  Malvino  P  and  Brown  J.A.  (2011).  Digital  Computer  Electronics  Noida,  India:  Tata
                       McGraw-Hill Education.
                   7.   Hawkins Cand Segura J. (2010). Introduction to Modern Digital Electronics. New York,
                       USA: SciTech Publishing
                   8.   Serway  R.A,  Moses  C.J&  Moyer  C.A.  (2012).  Modern  physics.  Massachusetts,  USA:
                       Brooks Cole.
                   9.  Thornton S. T. (2012). A. Rex Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers.

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