Page 147 - CatalogNEP-PS
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Nutritional status and biochemical composition of major food materials viz., cereals, pulses
               oilseeds, fruits and vegetables.

               UNIT – III:                                                                        (15 Hours)
               Importance and biological functions of nutritional and anti-nutritional factors
               Importance and biological functions of vitamins and minerals; anti-nutritional factors in food
               stuffs; factors affecting the nutritive value of food grains, fruits and vegetables

               PRACTICAL (30 Hours)

               Preparation  of  solutions;  qualitative  tests  for  proteins,  amino  acids,  carbohydrates,  and  lipids;
               estimation of dietary fibre; estimation of oil, iodine value and saponification value.


                 1.  Katoch R. 2019. ―Agricultural Biochemistry‖. 1st edition, Kalyani Publishers, India.
                 2.  Katoch  R.  2011.  ―Analytical  Techniques  in  Biochemistry  and  Molecular  Biology‖.  1st
                    edition, Springer, New York, USA.
                 3.  Katoch  R.  2018.  ―Macromolecules,  Enzymology  and  Metabolism‖.  1st  edition,  Kalyani
                    Publishers, India.
                 4.  Katoch  R.  (2019).  Principals  and  techniques  in  Biochemistry:  1st  edition.  Published  by
                    Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, CSKHPKV, Palampur.

               SEC III:

               Chem.224                   Chemistry of Cosmetics and Perfumes                            3+1


               Objectives of this course are:
                      familiarization of the students with essential oils and their application in Industry.
                      to provide basic knowledge about various cosmetic products.

               LEARNING OUTCOMES:

               The student will be able to
                     to understand the methods of preparation of various cosmetic products.
                     to apply knowledge gained through the course to different artificial flavours and their uses.

               THEORY (30 Hours)

               UNIT I:                                                                            (10 Hours)

               A general study including preparation and uses of the following:hair dye, hair spray, shampoo,
               sun tan lotions, face powder, lipsticks, talcum powder

               UNIT-II:                                                                           (10 Hours)
                Study of methods of preparation and uses of the followingnail enamel, creams (cold, vanishing
                and shaving creams), antiperspirants.
               UNIT-III:                                                                          (10 Hours)

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