Tea Husbandary & Technology
Last Updated: April 20, 2023

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शुद्ध, प्रामाणिक, कुदरती जैविक चाय पियो - मस्त जिंदगी जियो                                  NATURAL ORGANIC KANGRA TEA (DHAULADHAR HIM PALAM) ADVERTISEMENT



The 'Tea Experiment Station' was established in the year 1962 for promotion and popularization of Kangra Tea. Later in the year 1998, it was upgraded to a full fledged department as the "Department of Tea Husbandry and Technology"  with the objectives of teaching, research and extension education in the field of Tea husbandry and Technology to develop skilled and efficient human resource in Tea Husbandry The teaching activity is spread over both at U.G. and P.G. levels.

To provide facilities for Teaching in the department and to provide basic infrastructure for carrying out teaching, research and extension education needs

Besides teaching, research and extension, Department of Tea Husbandry and Technology is acting as a commercial Farm enterprise by providing ample amount of income to the university. The university has allotted a sizeable area to undertake research and development activities on tea crop. Presently the department has 45 hectares of land most of which is in the process of development. Recently an additional area of 8 hectares which is in neglected state has been allotted to the department. These developmental activities will serve as the ‘MODEL UNITS’ for the planters of the region.

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[Content provided by Department of Tea Husbandry & Technology]