Future Thrust
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Last Updated: May 02, 2022


Future Thrust  


Future Thrust


Crop Improvement

·         Development of high yielding and disease resistant wheat varieties suitable for different sowing conditions of H.P

·         Development of high yielding and disease resistant barley varieties (grain and dual purpose) for H.P.

·         Development of single cross hybrid for early maturing and medium maturing with resistance to turcicum leaf blight, Maydis leaf blight and Banded leaf sheath blight diseases.

·         Development of maize varieties/hybrids for diversified and industrial uses viz; sweet corn, popcorn, baby corn, green cobs , high starch and high oil. 

·         Development of single cross hybrids for quality protein maize (high lysine and tryptophan) and bio-fortified maize (Provitamin E, A, Fe and Iron content). 

·         Popularization of Single cross hybrid seed production technology among the farmers


Vegetable Science

·         Development of bacterial wilt resistant high yielding varieties/hybrids in Solanaceous vegetables.

·         Development of insect-pest resistant (Powdery mildew, Ascochyta blight and Leaf miner) and high yielding varieties in garden pea.

·         Development of insect-pest resistant (Anthracnose, rust and mites) and high yielding varieties in French bean.

·         Development/Identification of suitable varieties/hybrids in important vegetable crops for protected cultivation and for organic farming conditions.

·         Standardization of agro techniques in important vegetable crops for protected cultivation and for organic farming conditions.

·         On farm demonstrations of improved agro techniques and the techniques for growing of vegetable crops under organic farming conditions among small and marginal farmers of districts Kullu & Mandi.

·         Quality seed production programmes for important vegetable crops including the varieties for protected cultivation and organic farming conditions.



·         Development and refinement of low input rainfed production technology.

·         Integrated plant nutrients Management (organic and/ or inorganic) strategies for different cropping systems.

·         Development and refinement of production technologies for specialty corn (baby corn, pop corn, sweet corn, QPM), malt barley and vegetables.

·         Yield maximization in cereal based irrigated production systems.

·         Development and popularization of niche based production technologies for organic farming.

·         On-farm assessment of production technology components and their refinement for higher productivity in farming situations.

·         Increasing crop productivity through water harvesting in rainfed areas.

·         Dissemination of organic nutrient management techniques through adoption of bio villages in the command area.

·         Contingent crop planning for aberrant weather conditions.

·         Cropping system based integrated weed management.

·         Medium range weather forecast, development of crop growth models and weather based farmers' advisory services.



·         Exploration/ evaluation of plants, microbials and bioagents for their insecticidal activity against insect- pests of vegetable crops.

·         Development of pest management modules under protected cultivation situations.

·         Development of pest management modules for important crops under organic farming situations.

·         Measurement and management of insecticide resistance in insect – pests of vegetable crops.

·         Development of weather based forecasting modules for key insect- pests of crops.

·         Survey and surveillance of insect-pests and  non- insect pests of important crops.

·         Management of wasps (Vespa spp.) predating upon honeybees.

·         Development of pollen substitutes/ supplements for feeding honey bees during pollen dearth periods.

·         Development and standardization of insect pest management package for polyhouse crops.

·         Determination of environmentally based economic thresholds values for the key pests under mid hill agro climatic conditions.

·         Improvement in the application technology of insecticides to get better targeting, placement and uniformity of deposits within the target canopy.

·         Developing a suitable forewarning system for the key insect pests outbreak.

·         Development of insect pest management package for vegetables/pulses oilseeds and cereals.

·         Development of ecofriendly techniques for the control of wasps attacking honey bees.

·         Development of pollen substitutes/supplement acceptable to honey bees during dearth period.


Soil Science

·         Rain water harvesting module for increasing crop production under rainfed conditions.

·         Generation of organic nutrient management strategies for potential crops under rainfed conditions.

·         Standardization of water soluble foliar spray for vegetable cropping systems.

·         Development of package of practices for greenhouse vegetable crops

·         Fortification of Zn and Fe fertilizer in apple.


Plant Pathology

·         Development of distribution maps for major diseases of different crops w.r.t. incidence, severity and losses caused by these diseases.

·         Development of disease management package for organic cultivation of vegetables/ pulses/ oil seeds/ cereals.

·         Development of disease management package for poly house crops.

·         Monitoring and management of resistance against fungicides in plant pathogens.

·         Identification of sources of resistance against major diseases of maize, wheat, barley, pulses and vegetable crops.



Agri. Economics

·      Analysis of broad state level trends to record the emerging cropping patterns, input use and yields, demand-supply patterns and gaps.

·      Study of marketing mechanisms and suggestions for most efficient mechanism.

·      Study of emerging and potential markets to generate database for market intelligence and policy planning of different commodities in terms of different parameters, keeping in view the ongoing agricultural transformation.

·      Assessment of gaps in technology adoption, reasons for improper/non-adoption and farmers’ feedback for suitable measures to enhance adoption level.