Home Constitution Executive Committee Enrolment Form Contact


Executive Committee
Enrolment Form

Memorandum for Registration of Association

(Under H.P. Societies Registration Act, 2006)





1.              Name of the Association : Home Science- Alumni Association Palampur

2.              Registered Office:       College of Home Science, CSKHPKV Palampur Himachal Pradesh

 3.              MEMBERSHIP:     A person who has subscribed to the membership of the association by   paying a subscription of Rs. 500 one time.

Types of Memberships

      (a)            Founder members: The first office bearer to the Memorandum of Association of the Home Science Association shall, on registration of the Association under the   

                        Himachal Pradesh Societies Registration Act, 2006, be enrolled in the Register of Members as the founder members of the Association.

 (b)            Honorary Member: would be such members who have not graduated from this college but are working towards its upliftment.

        4.              Register of Member:-

The Association shall maintain at its registered office or operating office a register of its members and shall record therein within fifteen days the admission , removal , expulsion and cessation of its membership. The following particulars may be mentioned therein:-

(i)     Name, Address, Age and Occupation of the member.

(ii)    Amount of admission fee paid.

(iii)   The date on which the member has been admitted.

(iv)   The specimen signature of the members.

5.              Rights and Duties of the Members:-


Each and every member of the association shall:-

(i)            Have one vote in every meeting of the General House.

(ii)           Be entitled to participate in the meetings, functions and gatherings of the

(iii)          Inspect the books of account containing minutes of proceedings of general
meeting and the Register of members of Association on any working days by giving reasonable notice but shall have no right to take extracts/ notes of the same.

(iv)         Be bound by the rules and regulations, bye- laws, instructions, directions and
policy guideline which may be framed from time to time.

(v)          Remain loyal to the Association and its Governing Body and the General Body.

(vi)         Have right to take part in the election of the members of the Association.


          6.              Meetings of the association:-

(a)      The meetings of the governing body of the association shall be held at least once in six             

        months. The association shall at least send 10 days notice for such meeting to its  members.


(b)      The meeting of the governing body can be called at any time by the President or General

         Secretary and on request signed by at least one-third members of the governing body.


(c)      The President, however, may call an emergency meeting, at any time in case of emergency situation in the interest of the association duly informing all members of the governing body.


(d)      The meetings of the general body shall be held at least once in a financial year in accordance with the provisions of Himachal Pradesh Societies Registration Act, 2006.


(e)    A Special General meeting can be called at any time by the President or on a requisition containing the proposed agenda and reasons for such meeting in writing of one fifth of the members of association or at the instance of Registrar of the societies.


7.      Management of the association:


            General Body

The general body of the association shall be consist of all type of members and the meeting of such body shall be held once in a year. The following business shall be transacted in the annual General Meeting of the association and decisions shall be taken by majority of votes:-

(i)     To receive, consider and adopt the annual report of the Governing Body on the working and affairs of the association in the preceding financial year; and

(ii)    To receive, consider and adopt the Annual Audited Account for the proceeding financial year along with the Audit Report thereon: and

          (iii)   To elect members of the Governing Body and announce result; and

          (iv)   To consider any other business with permission of the President including consideration of Annual Budget, Constitution and appointment of standing sub-
                    committees approval of any excess in expenditure over the sanctioned budget of the year, consideration of the schemes, polices and annual plan prepared by the
                    Governing Body for the ensuing year and amendments in the constitution of the association.

 Governing body:

(i)     The association shall elect a governing body, consisting of at least five members, by resolution passed by a majority of the members present and entitled to vote at an
annual general body meeting of the association held in accordance with its bye-laws and provisions of Himachal Pradesh Societies Registration Act, 2006.

(ii)    The general body of the association may increase the number of governing body members.

         (iii)   The term of the governing body or its members so elected shall be three years.

          (iv)   The constitution of the governing body shall be as under:-

(a)      President                             -              One

(b)      Vice-President                  -              Two

(c)      General Secretary            -              One

(d)      Joint Secretaries               -              Two

(e)      Treasurer                             -              One

(f)       Members                            -              Six

(v) The governing body shall be vested with the management of the association and shall exercise such powers and perform such functions as may be imposed or conferred by these bye-laws or the Himachal Pradesh Societies Registration Act, 2006.

           8.        Powers and functions of the governing body

(i)       To admit new members subject to approval of general body.

(ii)      To invest funds for furtherance of the objectives of the society.

(iii)     To dispose off applications of membership.

(iv)     To maintain true accounts of money received and expended, and accounts of the assets and liabilities.

            (v)      To prepare for submissions to the annual general meeting:-


            (a)   Balance Sheet

            (b)   Receipt and disbursement statement.

            (c)   Details of money received and source thereof and money expended and the object or purposes for which sums/money are expended.

              (d)   Prepare annual budget and annual report of the society for approval.

               (e)   Amendment of bye-laws if any and annual work programme for approval.

(vi)     To maintain register of members up to date.

(vii)    To convene annual general meeting in due times.

(viii)   In general to carry out the management of the association in accordance with its  byelaws.


9.        Officers of the association:-

Patron:                 The patron of the association would be the Dean of the College.


(i)   To preside over the periodical/quarterly meetings of the governing body/general body of society and to exercise general supervision over the activities of the association and to regulate the proceedings of the meeting to set-out the aims and objects of the association and shall also permits for discussion, if necessary, any other subject items moved before him by the Members.

(ii)    She/he shall be treated as the 'Head of Association ' and shall decide any matter by casting his decisive vote in case of tie. The President shall convene Meeting of the Association in the event of resignation, insolvency or insanity of any Officer/Bearer/Member within the period of a week of all or 2/3rd Members of the Association along with all
other Executives of the Association shall also be invited for the Meeting.

(iii)   She/he shall give necessary directions and instructions to the General Secretary and Treasurer for the proper and smooth working, management, supervision, and
administration of the society.

(iv)   She/he may authorize for the expenditure upto 5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) for social benefits/activities and the expenditure so incurred should be got
approved by the Society at its next meeting and the receipt of such expenditure must be present in the meeting for the record of society.

(v)    She/he shall keep copies of all official records and documents related to the members of the society and the copies of all other important records and documents of the

(vi)   If, in the opinion of the President, any emergency has arisen which require immediate action, he can take such action as he deems fit and necessary, and inform the same to the members of the Governing Body and get it ratified in the next meeting in due course.




In the absence of president, the vice-president shall use all the powers of president and perform all such duties assigned to him by the president or governing body from time to time.


(i)        The Secretary shall be overall In-charge of entire administrative records of the association and carry out the all correspondence of the association.

            (ii)       She/he shall administer the affairs of the association in consultation with the President.

(iii)      She/he shall convene and arrange the all-periodical and other meetings of the association in consultation with the President.

(iv)     She/he shall prepare and present the Annual Report of the association before the General Body meeting of the association.

(v)     She/he shall maintain a register containing the names and addressed of the all Members of the association, issue notice of the meeting in consultation with the
President and record the minutes of the meeting. She/he will be responsible for assigning the work of all activities of the
association and shall conduct correspondence on the behalf of the association.

(vi)     To keep and maintain all records (excluding cash transactions and accounts) and perform all correspondence on the behalf of association.



The treasure shall be over all In-charge of the cash transactions and accounts of the society.

 (i)     She/he shall be responsible for the proper maintenance of the Accounts of the association i.e. prepare and finalize the Annual Statements of accounts at the end of every financial year and submit it in the annual general body meeting of the association after its approval from the association.

(ii)    To keep and update the accounts of the association on regular basis pertaining all transitions of money received and paid; and she/he shall responsible for the proper maintenance of the accounts of the association and for this purpose she/he shall record all the receipts/payments of income and expenditure regularly in the cash book and shall placed it before the governing body of the association in its next meeting.

(iii)   Shall deal with the Bank(s) and all financial institutions according to the directions of the governing body of the association.

(iv)   Shall be responsible for making all collections, receipts of cash/cheque from members of association as subscription/registration fees and other payments and receipts of any other financial and non-financial assistance from the Center or State Government/N.G.O./National or International Agencies/Bank/Company and any other legal entity or individual and issue receipts thereof on the behalf of the association.

(v)    The Treasurer may keep cash in hand as prescribed by the governing body of the association and deposit the remaining or surplus amount in the bank.


10.      Funds

 The President/Governing Body shall have full power of supervision and control over the receipts and expenditures, and entire funds of the association shall be used solely and         only for the purpose of the aims and objectives of the association.

 11.      Banking operations

President and two other members of the Governing Body i.e. either General Secretary or the Treasurer shall be authorized for all types of banking operation with mandatory signature of the President.

 12.      Accounts and audit

(a)      The financial year of the association shall start from 1st day of April to 31st day of March of the following year.

(b)      An auditor appointed by the President/Governing Body shall audit the accounts of the association and subordinate offices at least once in a year.

13.  Certified that this is a true copy of the Rules and Regulations.


    Sd/-                                                         Sd/-                                                                   Sd/-

President                                                    Vice-President                                                Secretary