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Last uploaded: September 04, 2023


Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bilaspur (Berthin) Welcomes You

Activities at a glance

         Got recommendation of zimikand variety  Palam Ziminad-1, which is the first variety for cultivation in HP

         Standardized off season production technology of protected cultivated vegetables for doubling farmer’s income.

         Producing  quality seed of different pulses throughout the  year

         Standardized Kharif onion production technology for use during lean period. Technology is in huge demand in the district.

         Maintained tuber crops museum in which local zimikand, tardi, dregal, arbi, colocasia, sweet potato, tapioca/cassava, arrow root etc are maintained. Keeping in view the work on tuber crops, ICAR has sanctioned All India Coordinated Research Project on Tuber Crops in 2014, which is now upgraded as regular centre during 2017-18

         Developed and maintained year round vegetable nutri garden at KVK campus.

         Conducted 200 hours Skill development training programmes for 60 farmers of the district under Pradham Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna on Quality seed growers (40 farmers) and Mushroom Growers (20 farmers).

         Adjudged as second prize (thrice) in installation of exhibition in Annual State Level workshop of KVKs on 1-2.03.2007, 21-22.03.2010 and again 12-13 Sept., 2013 by Zonal Project Director, Zone-I at Directorate of Extension Education, CSK HPKV, Palampur.

         KVK got appreciation letter from Director,  ATARI for work on zimikand.

         Organised 110 training programmes under HPCDP-JICA-ODA Bilaspur at 18 project sites benefitting 3280 farmers.

         Developed and maintained a model of Low Cost Rain Water Harvesting Structure, having 18 lakh litre water capacity.

         Demonstrated vermi composting technology at farmers fields with the purpose to promote organic farming.

SMS advisory to farmers under Kisan Portal on different aspects and technologies on their mobile phones.



Success stories of KVK:


·        Zimikand variety ‘Palam Zimikand-1’ developed by KVK scientists is acceptable to farmers especially in monkey prone areas and has replaced uneconomical traditional crops.


·        Standardized Kharif onion production technology through sets for use during lean period. Technology is in huge demand in the district as well in low and mid hills of HP


Quality pulse seed production and “Quality seed growers” 200 hours training under Pradham Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna has increased acreage under pulse cultivation in the district.