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Last uploaded: September 04, 2023


Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bilaspur (Berthin) Welcomes You


Krishi Vigyan Kendra of BIlaspur (Berthin) functions as change agent to bring about desirable improvement in productivity of agriculture, animal husbandry and other allied fields and enhance the income of farmers apart from creating employment opportunities. To achieve its mandate, as one of the methodologies, the KVK has started adopting one village at a time for implementing its programmes in an integrated manner as cluster apprroach so that a holistic development could be ushered in with an overall upliftment in socio-economic status of farming community as well as in production of food and profitability.

Much emphasis has been laid on diagnosis of problems of farmers, developing their skills in improved technologies to mitigate identified problems, changing their attitude from unscientific to scientific cultivation and management of farming systems

Regular monitoring & evaluation of these programmes along with impact assessment is being carried out with follow up action to ascertain sustainable development.