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                                Dr. S C Sharma, Director Research        Dr R Kumar, Prof. & Head                         Dr. K.B Sharma, Prof.                          and Dr. Daisy Rani interacting with farmers

          Department of Veterinary Physiology, COVAS organized a field day at Village Gadiara (Kandbari) on 28.08.2009. Under AICRP on “Improvement of feed resources and nutrient utilization for raising animal production”, a macronutrient supplementation trial was conducted on animals belonging to 15 families of village Kandwari, Gadiara and Sapedu. The interventions were made on the basis of existing feeding practices at farmer’s level. On the basis of preliminary survey work it was observed that energy to protein ratio is not optimum as per the standard feeding practices being followed in the organized farms, therefore improved and modified concentrate mixture was formulated and provided to the animals for 3 months period. The field day was organized with a aim to get first hand feed back on outcome of macronutrient supplementation.

During the programme, farmer’s directly interacted with the Director of Research, CSK HPKV, Palampur and Scientists of the Department. On this occasion Dr. S C Sharma, Director of Research, CSK HPKV, Palampur, interacted with the farmers of village Gadiara, to know the impact of feeding trial on the low yielding cows. Dr. S C Sharma, Director of Research, advised the farmers to adopt the latest technologies and feeding practices and also to propagate this technology to others. Farmers brought to the notice of Director of Research that there is tremendous improvement in milk yield of cows after adopting the technology advised.

Dr. R. Kumar gave a brief outline of feeding trial outcome and motivated all the farmers present to adopt this technology for improved income from dairy farming. Dr. K.B. Sharma, stressed upon the farmers to follow the total mixed ration, feeding practices strictly and also highlighted its’ advantages.

Dr. R. Kumar Professor and Head, Department of Veterinary Physiology, Dr. K.B. Sharma, PI of the project, Dr. Daisy Rani Assistant Professor Animal Nutrition, and Dr. S. S. Chauhan Assistant Professor Veterinary Physiology keenly interacted with the farmers.

There was immediate response of animals in form of improved health condition of animals, besides tremendous increase in milk yield of about 1-2.5 liters/day/animals. The cost of balanced ration provided under AICRP was Rs.12.74/Kg which results in average increase of 1.56 liters milk per day/animals. The families selected were mostly marginal farmers and had been rearing the animals on grazing only and to this home made concentrate and Kitchen waste is usually given to the lactating animals daily.

After macronutrient supplementation trial period, it’s heartening to note that 60% of the families are continuing to feed their animals with improved balanced ration. This interaction meeting was grand success.