Page 43 - CatalogNEP-PS
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3.  L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Mechanics 3rd ed. (Pergamon).
                   4.  R. G. Takwale& P. S. Puranik, Introduction to Classical Mechanics (Tata McGraw –Hill)
                   5.  Kiran C. Gupta, Classical Mechanics of Particles and Rigid Bodies (Wiley Eastern).
                   6.  N. C. Rana and P. S. Joag, Classical mechanics (TMH).

               Phys.412                   Quantum Mechanics                                             3+1*


               The primary aim of this course is to:
                   •  make students aware about the basic formulations in quantum mechanics.
                   •  There  are  many  different  types  of  representations  of  state  and  operators  that  are  very
                       useful in studying the subject deeply.
                   •  The course takes up the responsibility to give information about hermitian operators, their
                       eigenvalues  and  eigenvectors.  It  teaches  about  various  commutation  and  uncertainty
                   •  Students  will  be  given  knowledge  about  unitary  transformations,  dirac  delta  function,
                       matrix representation of operators and their applications.
                   •  Main  focus  is  on  angular  momentum  operator  and  their  representation  in  spherical
                       coordinates. Addition of angular momenta is also taught.
                   •  Students will be given insight to solve Schrodinger wave equation in three dimensions.
                   •  Basic idea of time independent perturbation theory is provided.

               LEARNING OUTCOMES:

               After completion of course, students will able to
                     Learn the basic concepts of matrix algebra in quantum mechanics.
                     Understand Hilbert space, concepts of basis and operators, Dirac, bra and ket notations.
                     Understand the theory of orbital and spin angular momentum, tensor operators, CG
                   7.  coefficients and Wigner Eckart theorem.
                     To understand time independent and dependent perturbation theory.
                     To apply time independent and dependent perturbation theory to non-degenrate and
                   8.  degenerate systems.
                     Make use of variation principle to ground state of helium atom.

               THEORY (45 Hours)

               UNIT 1                                                                             (15 Hours)

               Matrix formulation of Quantum Mechanics:Matrix Algebra: Matrix addition and multiplication,
               Null  unit  and  Constant  Matrices,  Trace,Determinant  and  Inverse  of  a  Matrix,  Hermitian  and
               unitary  Matrices,  Transformation  anddiagonalization  of  Matrices,  Function  of  Matrices  and
               matrices  of  infinite  rank.  Vectorrepresentation  of  states,  transformation  of  Hamiltonian  with
               unitary matrix, representation of anoperator, Hilbert space. Dirac bra and ket notation, projection
               operators, Schrodinger,      Heisenberg and interaction pictures. Relationship between Poisson
               brackets and commutationrelations. Matrix theory of Harmonic oscillator.

               UNIT 2                                                                             (15 Hours)
               Symmetry in Quantum Mechanics:Unitary operators for space and time translations. Symmetry
               and degeneracy. Rotation andangular momentum; Commutation relations, eigenvalue spectrum,
               angular momentum matricesof J +, J-, Jz, J2. Concept of spin, Pauli spin matrices. Addition of
               angular momenta, Clebsch-Gordon coefficients and their properties, recurssion relations. Matrix
               elements for rotated state,irreducible tensor operator, Wigner-Eckart theorem. Rotation matrices

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