Page 134 - CatalogNEP-PS
P. 134

13. WAPtoreadafileand
                          a.  Print the total number of characters, words and lines in the file.
                          b.  b. Calculate the frequency of each character in the file. Use a variable of dictionary
                             type to maintain the count.
                          c.  c. Print the words in reverse order.
                          d.  d. Copy even lines of the file to a file named ‗File1‘ and odd lines to another file
                             named ‗File2‘.
                   14. WAPtodefineaclassPointwithcoordinatesxandyasattributes.Createrelevant  methods  and
                      print    the    objects.   Also     define    a    method     distance    to    calculate
                   15. Writeafunctionthatprintsa  dictionary  where  the  keys  are  numbers  between  1  and
                      5andthevaluesarecubes ofthekeys.
                   16. Consideratuplet1=(1,2,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,10).WAPtoperformfollowingoperations:
                          a.  Printhalfthevaluesofthetupleinonelineandtheotherhalfinthenextline.
                          b.  Printanothertuplewhosevaluesareevennumbersinthegiventuple.
                          c.  Concatenateatuplet2=(11,13,15)witht1.
                          d.  Returnmaximumandminimumvaluefromthistuple
                   17. WAPtoacceptanamefromauser.Raiseandhandleappropriateexception(s)


                   1.  Taneja,S.,Kumar,N.PythonProgramming-
                       AmodularApproach,1stedition,PearsonEducationIndia, 2018.
                   2.  Balaguruswamy  E.  Introduction  to  Computing  and  Problem-Solving  using  Python,
                       2ndedition,McGrawHill Education, 2018.
                   3.  Brown,MartinC.Python:TheCompleteReference,2ndedition,McGrawHillEducation, 2018.
                   4.  Guttag,J.V.IntroductiontocomputationandprogrammingusingPython,2ndedition,MITPress,

               Minor III:

               Stat.321                   Probability and probability distributions                      2+1


               The primary objective of this course is to introduce:
                     Probability and statistics to the students.
                     The concepts of probability and distributions.

               LEARNING OUTCOMES:

               This course will enable the students to:
                     Explain the concept of probability and its applications.
                     Analyze random experiments, sample spaces, events and algebra of events.
                     Construct random variables, discrete and continuous types, p.m.f., p.d.f., and c.d.f.
                     Calculate mathematical expectation and generating functions.
                     Evaluate standard discrete and continuous probability distributions.

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