Future Thrust
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Last Updated: March 01, 2024


 Future Thrust


Crop Improvement

  • Global climate change is a going to be a unique research challenge to present day Agriculture. Consequent upon change in climate (Global Warming), appearance of different type of pathogens is expected. Besides pathogens, the present day high yielding varieties are expected to behave differently under changing climate. Available water resources are also expected to be reduced. To face the above said expected situation especially in wheat crop where there is stagnation in genetic improvement in grain yield, the genes from wild relatives for disease resistance, heat tolerance and drought resistance needs to be explored. Incorporation of such genes into cultivated spp.through biotechnological tools seems to be essential.

  • Our soils are becoming deficient in various nutrients, the development of varieties with better nutrient use efficiency.

  • Keeping in view the threat of stem rust race Ug 99 , the stem rust resistance sources will be used

  • S Keeping in view the threat of stem rust race Ug 99 , the stem rust resistance sources will be used

  • Development of heat and drought resistant / tolerant varieties

  • Use of marker assisted biotechnological tools for transfer of desired genes

  • Use of marker assisted biotechnological tools for transfer of desired genes

  • Development of new varieties of pulses  wrt climate change and changing disease    scenario

  • Genetic enhancement for yield, quality and  resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses

  • Mapping and tagging of genes/QTLs and marker assisted selection for yield and grain    quality traits. Development of transgenics and hybrids in chickpea,  and Vigna

  • Post-harvest management and value addition in pulses

  • Nucleus and breeder seed production of improved varieties


Crop Production

  • Subhash Palekar Natural Farming technology evaluation and refinement.

  • Soil health and quality assessment with the adoption of advanced agro technologies.

  • Development of site specific production technologies for the millets and other future crops. 

  • Developing ways to recycle the bio-waste in agriculture.

  • Integrated nutrient management and optimization of granular, liquid and nano fertilizers use in cropping systems.


Crop Protection

  • Survey and surveillance of important diseases, pathotypes of important crops and their diagnosis with changing climate.

  • Formulation and testing of IPM and IDM modules in wheat to manage Karnal Bunt, Powdery mildew, Head scab, loose smut, aphids and termites.

  • Utilization of Sr26 gene in breeding programme for incorporation resistance against Ug99.

  • Multiplication of seed of varieties possessing genes for resistance to Ug99 race of black rust.

  • Development of disease forecasting modules and need based fungicides application schedule for the management of important diseases.

  • Screening and identification of Wheat varieties behaving reasonably well under complete rain fed conditions based on morpho-physiological characters.

  • Studies on Erwinia stalk rot and foliar diseases of maize.

  • Identification and characterization of resistant sources of important diseases of maize, turmeric and garlic.

  • Collecting of germplasm of chickpea, lentil, mash and moong and identification of  agronomically superior and sources with multiple resistance to diseases (Chickpea: Ascochyta blight, wilt and root rot  and Botrytis grey mould) Lentil (rust and wilt and root rot), moong and mash (Mungbean yellow mosaic virus, anthracnose and web blight).

  • Identification and characterization of newly emerging diseases of pulse crops eg rust, stemphyllium blight and web blight of chickpea, lentil and mash, respectively in the context of climatic change and .    to study their etiology, epidemiology and management.

  • Using genomic and genetic tools and information systems for studying host-parasite interaction in Ascochyta rabiei- chickpea, Uromyces vicia fabae- lentil, MYMV and Colletotrichum truncatum-mash systems.  Incorporating novel genes for enhanced resistance through the use of biotechnology approaches.

  • Integrated pest/disease management strategies for the pule and oilseed diseases.

  • Revival of ginger valley through Integrated manangement of rhizome rot of ginger following farmers participatory approach.

  • Dissemination of pulse production technology through farmers participatory approach for securing nutritional security and improving  livelihood of rural masses at micro level by making farming families self sufficient in pulse production.