Last Updated: 25.07.2015

Dr. G. C. Negi College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, CSK~Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Palampur, HP, INDIA


Department of Veterinary
Pharmacology & Toxicology


Annual Reports (2017-18) (2018-19)

  Welcome to the Web Site of the Department of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, DGCN COVAS, CSKHPKV, Palampur

From the desk of Course Director


            India is one of the twelve mega plant biodiversities of the world possessing approximately 15,000 medicinal plants. Further, varied agroclimatic conditions favour cultivation of wide array of medicinal flora of our country. This provides immense opportunities for harnessing therapeutic potential of indigenous medicinal plants in the Animal Health care. The present day advancements in all the fields of modern science including biotechnology, biochemistry and analytical chemistry provide synergistic inputs to this end.


            Considering the importance of indigenous medicinal plants in the betterment of the Animal Health, the Department of Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, CSKHPKV, Palampur is organizing a twenty one day ICAR sponsored Winter School on “Recent Trends in Utilisation of Plant Biodiversity in Animal Health Care with Special Reference to Pharmacotherapeutics, Pharmacodynamics and Safety Assessment” from 18th February to 10th March, 2006 for faculty members & scientists of State Agricultural Universities and ICAR Institutes.


            Eighteen participants sponsored from different parts of the country are attending this three week technically enriched programme. Expert speakers from different SAUs, ICAR, CSIR and other institutions have been invited to deliver the lectures and practicals on the frontier areas in the field of utilization of herbal biodiversity in animal health care and ethno-pharmacology. The technical programme of the winter school covers various upcoming topics such as plant based bioenhancers, bioprospecting, application of space technology and GIS for monitoring and conserving plant biodiversity, role of in vitro and cell culture models in evaluation of herbal medicaments. A due emphasis has also been given on the issues of value addition and quality control of the herbal products. The participants would also be apprised of the modern analytical gadgets such as HPLC, HPTL and NMR in the analysis of bioactive constituents. Several other issues of current interest such as IPR, patents and WTO are also being discussed during the 21 day programme of the winter school.


             The financial assistance received from Indian Council of Agricultural Research for the organization of this Winter School is gratefully acknowledged. I am extremely grateful to Dr. D. S. Rathore, Vice Chancellor; Dr. R. C. Katoch, Dean, COVAS; Dr. B. Prasad, Dean, PGS, CSKHPKV, Palampur for their guidance, support and help. Thanks are also due to faculty members and non-teaching staff members of the department for their help in conducting of the winter school.


            I am also thankful to all other faculty members, non-teaching staff, undergraduate and postgraduate students of the college for their help and enthusiasm for the successful organization of winter school.



Palampur                                                        (C.Varshneya)

February 18, 2006                                           Director Winter School-cum-Professor and Head,

                                                                        Dept. of Pharmacology & Toxicology,

                                                                        COVAS, CSKHPKV, Palampur.






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