Year |
Sr. No |
Name of student
Title of thesis |
Major Advisor |
1976 |
1 |
Amar Singh Kapoor
Epidemiology and control of rice blast in
Himachal Pradesh |
Dr. B. M. Singh |
2 |
Anand Parashar |
Studies on brown spot of soybean (glycinemax
(L.) Merr) caused by Septoria glycines Hemmi |
Dr. A. K. Sood |
3 |
Arun Kumar Sud |
Studies on white rust of crucifers caused
by Albugo candida (Lev) Kunze |
Dr. C. L. Bhardwaj |
1987 |
4 |
Tilak Raj Sharma
Studies on powdery mildew of wheat caused
by Erysiphe graminis f. sp. tritici |
Dr. B. M. Singh |
5 |
Rajinder Singh
Chauhan |
Epidemiology and control of pea rust
caused by Uromycesvicae-fabae (Pers.) de Bary |
Dr. B. M. Singh |
6 |
Murli Ram) |
Studies on Ascochyta blight and pod
spot of pea (Pisum sativum) Lib. |
Dr. A. K. Sood |
7 |
Raghbir Singh |
Studies on variation in Rhizoctonia
solani Kuhn |
Dr. S. K. Sugha |
8 |
Nandita Kanwar |
Studies on the nutrition and fruiting of
Amanita caesarea (Scop. Ex. Fr.) Grev. |
Dr. B. M. Sharma |
9 |
Rakesh Kumar
Mandradia |
Studies on Ascochyta blight of
chickpea |
Dr. A. S. Kapoor |
10 |
Vineet Kumar
Evaluation of Lycopersicon esculentumvar.
cerasiformae (Dun.) A. Grey for resistance to bacterial wilt and
Phytophthora blight |
Dr. B. M. Singh |
11 |
Joginder Dhar |
Studies on mosaic disease of Phaseolus
vulgaris L. in Himachal Pradesh |
Dr. O. P. Sharma |
12 |
Amar Nath Chandrani |
Studies on bio-deterioration of french
bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seed in Himachal Pradesh |
Dr. Y. S. Paul
13 |
Kamal Dev |
Investigations of floury leaf spot of
frenchbean caused by Rramularia phaseoli (Drunmmond) Deighton |
Dr. R. P. Kaushal |
14 |
Santosh Kumar Kapoor |
Studies on Fusarium wilt of chickpea in
Himachal Pradesh |
Dr. S. K. Sugha |
15 |
Rakesh Kumar Devlash |
Studies on downy mildew of onion |
Dr. S. K. Sugha |
16 |
Sachinder Kural |
Investigations on bacterial blight of peas
in Himachal Pradesh |
Dr. A. K. Sood |
17 |
Amrish Vaid |
Studies on grain discoloration in rice
(Oryza sativa L.) |
Dr. O. P. Sharma |
18 |
Narender Kaushal
Studies on Phomopsis blight and
fruit rot of brinjal |
Dr. S. K. Sugha |
19 |
Amar Singh
Biological control of collar rot of
brinjal caused by Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. |
Dr. Dhanbir Singh |
20 |
Aman Jyoti Sharma
Studies on a species of Leucocoprinus
Pat. |
Dr. B. M. Sharma |
21 |
Anil Kumar
Epidemiology and management of pod blight
of soybean |
Dr. R. P. Kaushal |
22 |
Vinay Sagar |
Studies on host resistance and management
of Ascochyta blight in peas |
Dr. C. L. Bhardwaj |
23 |
Pradeep Kumar Malik
Studies on Phytophthora blight of
french bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) |
Dr. A. K. Sood |
24 |
Chandan Sharma
Studies on wilt complex of lentil (Lens
culinaris Medik) |
Dr. R. P. Kaushal |
25 |
Rax Paul |
Characterization of resistance to powdery
mildew (Erysiphe graminis f. sp. tritici) H. Maschall in
some Indian and exotic wheat |
Dr. A K. Basandrai |
26 |
Suman Kumar
Epidemiology and management of Septoria
leaf spot of tomato |
Dr. S. K. Sugha |
27 |
Chaman Lal Sharma
Epidemiology and management of white rot
of pea in H.P. |
Dr. A.S. Kapoor |
28 |
H. Netar Airi |
Management of rice blast (Pyricularia
oryzae Cav.) with systemic fungicides |
Dr. G. K. Sood |
29 |
Ashok Kumar |
Pathogenic specialization in bean
anthracnose pathogen Colletotrichum lindemuthianum and its
management |
Dr. P. N. Sharma |
30 |
Pawan Kumar Sharma |
Epidemiology and management of French bean
mosaic disease in HP |
Dr O. P. Sharma |
31 |
Deepika Sud |
Investigations on morel mushroom |
Dr. B. M. Sharma |
32 |
Surender Kumar Sharma
Management of stem rot of gram caused by
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Lib. de Bary |
Dr. B. R. Verma |
33 |
Rajeev Rathour |
Studies on seed borne diseases of pea
(Pisum sativum) in Himachal Pradesh |
Dr. Y. S. Paul |
34 |
Dig Vijay |
Management of late blight of potato |
Dr. Dhanbir Singh |
35 |
Rita Rana
Ecological relationship of mosaic disease
of Ageratum with field crops |
Dr. O. P. Sharma |
36 |
Rajan Sharma
Pathogenic variation in Colletotrichum
truncatum and resistance in urdbean to the pathogen |
Dr. R. P. Kaushal |
37 |
Pardeep Kumar
Evaluation of substrates for Dhingri
(Pleurotussajor-caju (Fr.) Singer) cultivation and their recycling |
Dr. J. Pal |
38 |
Adutiya Vikas |
Variability in population dynamics of
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Zingiberi Trufillo causing rhizome
rot of ginger |
Dr. K. S. Rana |
39 |
Monika Singh
Epidemiology and management of urdbean
leaf crinkle in Himachal Pradesh |
Dr. O. P. Sharma |
40 |
Meena Devi |
Evaluation of plant extracts against
fungal diseases of vegetable nurseries |
Dr. S. K. Sugha |
41 |
Rohit Mehta |
Studies on the false smut of rice caused
by Ustilaginoidea virens (Cke.) Tak. |
Dr. G. K. Sood |
42 |
Santosh Kumari |
Biocontrol of powdery mildew of cucurbits
caused by Sphaerotheca fuliginea (Schlech.ex Fr.) Pollacci |
Dr. Dhanbir Singh |
43 |
Piaro Devi
Investigations on Morchella esculenta
Fr. |
Dr. B. M. Sharma |
44 |
Prachi |
In vitro induction and selection
for resistance to ginger yellows caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.
sp. zingiberi |
Dr. T. R. Sharma |
45 |
Bodh Raj Sharma
Epidemiology and management of rice blast |
Dr. A. S. Kapoor |
46 |
Preeti Aggarwal
Studies on common bunt of wheat caused by
Tilletia tritici and Tilletia laevis |
Dr. A. K. Sood |
47 |
Puneet Kaur
Integrated management studies on pea
diseases |
Dr. Y. S. Paul |
48 |
Rajesh Dogra
Purification and characterization of
urdbean leaf crinkle virus |
Dr. P. N. Sharma |
49 |
Ritu Gupta
Studies on foliar blights of wheat |
Dr. V. K. Sood |
50 |
Shivani Sehgal
Studies on quality spawn production of
white button mushroom |
Dr. J. Pal |
51 |
Vinay Sharma
Pathological studies on Botrytis
elliptica (Berk) Cooke |
Dr. S. Dhancholia |
52 |
Dinesh Chand |
Studies on integrated management of rice
blast |
Dr. G. K. Sood |
53 |
Kusum Gurung |
Management and yield loss assessment of
Colocasia blight |
Dr. S. K. Sugha |
54 |
Usha Rana
Epidemiological and host resistance
studies on Colletotrichum leaf spot in urdbean |
Dr. R. P. Kaushal |
55 |
Suresh Kumar Kapoor
Biocontrol of black scurf of potato caused
by Rhizoctoniasolani Kuhn |
Dr. Dhanbir Singh |
56 |
R. Jayakrishanan |
Cultivation studies on a strain of
Pleurotus ostreatus (Jack. Ex Fr.)
kummer |
Dr. B. M. Sharma |
57 |
Renu Kapil
Management of white rot of pea (Sclerotinia
sclerotiorum) using Trichoderma spp. and biopesticides |
Dr. A. S. Kapoor |
2003 |
58 |
Mandeepkaur |
Molecular characterization of pathogenic
variability in Colletotrichum capsici and evaluation of
resistance |
Dr. O. P. Sharma |
59 |
Atmanand Tripathi |
Variability studies on Ralstonia
solanacearum (EF Smith) Yabuuchi et al. in Himachal Pradesh |
Dr. A. K. Sood |
60 |
Sunil Patial |
Yield loss assessment and management of
bean anthracnose |
Dr P. N. Sharma |
61 |
Neeraj Kumar |
Evaluation of components of integrated
management of Alternaria blight in rapeseed- mustard |
Dr. Ashok Kumar |
62 |
Dupinder Purva |
Studies on root rot complex of Okra |
Dr. S. Dhancholia |
63 |
Archana Sharma |
Epidemiology and Management of target spot
of soybean caused by Corynespora cassiicola |
Dr. R. P. Kaushal |
64 |
Vandna Mankotia |
Ecology and management of Sclerotium
rolfsii Sacc causing collar rotrot of tomato |
Dr D. K. Banyal
65 |
Vikas Kapoor |
Studies on barley stripe caused by
Pyrenophora graminea |
Dr. S. K. Rana |
66 |
Gaurav Sood |
Wet bubble disease caused by Mycogone
pernociosa in Agaricus bisporus |
Dr. J. Pal |
67 |
Varun Sood |
Etiology and biological control of Banded
leaf and sheath blight of maize in Himachal Pradesh |
Dr. Y. S. Paul |
68 |
Puneet Sharma |
Biocontrol potential of Trichooderma
species against some important Soil borne pathogens of vegetable crops
Dr. A. S. Kapoor |
69 |
Sunitha Dogra |
Antifungal potential of Panchgavya against
some soil borne pathogens |
Dr. S. K. Sugha |
70 |
Prachi Sharma |
Biophysical and molecular characterization
of Nl-I strain of BCMV impacting kidney Bean. |
Dr. O. P. Sharma
2007 |
71 |
Pankaj Kumari |
Efficacy of Botanicals against
Ralstonia solanacearum causing bacterial wilt of Solanaceous
vegetables |
Dr. A. K. Sood |
72 |
Richa |
Etiology and management of root rot
complex of Chickpea |
Dr. R. P. Kaushal |
73 |
Rishusharma |
Molecular Characterization of Pleurolus
using molecular markers |
Dr. B. M. Sharma |
2008 |
74 |
Ashlesha |
Investigation on anti fungal activity of
microbes present in Panchgavya |
Dr. S. K. Sugha |
75 |
Pawan Kumar
Epidemiology and management of Cowpea
Anthracnose |
Dr. D. K. Banyal |
2009 |
76 |
Arvind Kimar |
To study the wide efficacy of
Trichoderma spp. against soil borne and foliar pathogen |
Dr. A. S. Kapoor |
77 |
Krishma Chauhan |
Evaluation of plant extracts against
Ralstonia solanacearum causing bacterial wilt |
Dr. A. K. Sood |
78 |
Lovleet Rana |
Biology and management of wet bubble
disease in white button mushroom |
Dr. J. Pal |
79 |
Shalika |
Non chemical management of stalk rot of
cauliflower caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary |
Dr. Y. S. Paul |
80 |
Surinder Singh |
Integrated Management of Fusarium wilt of
chilies |
Dr. K.S.Rana |
81 |
Sujata |
Investigation on Fruit Rot of Brinjal and
its management |
Dr. Suman |
2010 |
82 |
Anuradha |
Evaluation of seed health of some rice
varieties grown in Himachal Pradesh |
Dr. A.S.Kapoor |
83 |
Devanshi Pandit |
Epidemiology and Management of anthracnose
of horse gram |
Dr. R.P.Kaushal |
84 |
Abhishek |
Population Genetic analysis of
Colletotrichum species associated with capsicum |
Dr. P.N.Sharma |
85 |
Arun Kumar |
Studies on variability in Alternaria
brassicae infecting rapeseed- mustard in Himachal Pradesh and its
management through host resistance |
Dr. Ashok Kumar |
86 |
Shrvan Kumar |
Studies on management of Karnal Bunt of
wheat |
Dr. Dhanbir Singh |
87 |
Varun Sharma |
Variability studies in Colletotrichum
truncatum causing anthracnose in urd bean (Vigna mungo L.)
and evaluation of sources of resistance |
Dr. A K Basandrai |
88 |
Jaya Chaudhary |
Variability in Phytophthora nicotianae
var. nicotianae infecting capsicum and its management |
Dr. D K Banyal |
89 |
Neeraj Sharma |
Etiology and eco-friendly management of
damping- off of okra |
Dr. B R Thakur |
90 |
Harish Kumar
Epidemiology and management of leaf scald
of rice |
Dr. S K Rana |
91 |
Pooja Kapoor
Cultivation of Ganoder malucidum”
Dr. B. M. Sharma |
2012 |
92 |
Sumeet Sharma
Studies on Epidemiology and Management of
Sclerotinia rot of Rapeseed-Mustard in Himachal Pradesh |
Dr Ashok Kumar |
93 |
Deepak Sharma |
Etiology and management of Colllar rot of
Bell Pepper |
Dr. K S Rana |
2013 |
94 |
Dimple Rana
Studies on Resistance and Bio-management
of Paddy Blast |
Dr. Y S Paul |
95 |
Naiya Sharma
Evaluation of parameters for cultivation
of a new Pleurotus specics |
Dr. S Dhancholia |
96 |
Sonam Kumari |
Etiology and management of root rot of
bell pepper under protected cultivation |
Dr. Amar Singh |
2014 |
97 |
Nidhi Kumari |
Molecular Characterization of PMMoV and
evaluation of resistance in Capsicum |
Dr. P. N. Sharma |
98 |
Shalini Rapotra |
Etiology and management of bacterial
canker of Capsicum |
Dr. Suman Kumar |
99 |
Banita Devi |
Integrated Management of Banded Leaf and
Sheath Blight of Maize |
Dr. B.R. Thakur |
100 |
Mamta Devi
Etiology and management of Stemphylium
leaf spot of tomato under protected cultivation |
Dr. D K Banyal |
2015 |
101 |
Aditi Mehra |
Epidemiology and management of Gray mould
of capsicum under protected cultivation |
Dr. D K Banyal |
102 |
Priyanka Dogra |
Biology and management of Frogeye leaf
spot of Soybean caused be Cercospora sojina Hara |
Dr. Amar Singh |
103 |
Shiwali Dhiman |
Investigation on role of Colletortichum
spp. On capsicum seed health parameters and management |
Dr. P N Sharma
104 |
Shabnam |
Epidemiology and management of Stemphylium
blight of garlic |
Dr. Suman Kumar |
2016 |
105 |
Sneha |
Molecular characterization of BCMV Ln 7n
strain and yield losses assessment in common bean |
Dr. P N Sharma |
106 |
Anudeep |
Characterization of Colletotrichum
spp and their behavior on different crops |
Dr. S. Dhancholia |
107 |
Arushi |
Biology and management of powdery mildew
of tomato under protected condition |
Dr. D K Banyal |
108 |
Abhishek Negi |
Biology and management of target spot of
tomato caused by Corynesporacasiicola |
Dr. Amar Singh |
109 |
Nisha |
Etiology and management of pea root rot
wilt complex disease |
Dr. B R Thakur |
110 |
Amrit Pal Mehta |
Variability studies in Blumeria
graminis fsp tritici causing powdery mildew in wheat and
evaluation of resistant sources |
Dr. A K Basandrai |
111 |
Arashika |
Studies on white rot of pea caused by
Sclerotinia sclerotium de Bary |
Dr. B R Thakur |
112 |
Kavita Nawaliya |
Etiology and management of wilt complex of
bottlegourd |
Dr. Suman Kumar |
113 |
Sonali Katoch |
Studies on variability in Phytophthora
capsici and evaluation of resistant sources in capsicum |
Dr. Amar Singh |
114 |
Gurpreet Kaur |
Variability in Phytophthora nicotianae
var. parasitica causing buckeye rot of tomato and its sensitivity
to fungicides |
Dr. D K Banyal |
115 |
Rahual Pathania |
Studies on wilt of Chickpea caused by
Fusarium oxysporium f.sp. ciceris |
Dr. B R Thakur |
116 |
Bikramjeet Singh |
Evaluation of yield and qulity parameters
of Pleutorus species |
Dr. S. Dhancholia |
117 |
Vishal Sharma |
Studies of anthracnose disease of cucumber |
Dr. Suman Kumar |
118 |
Richa Bahman |
Studies on leaf blight of maize in HP |
Dr Arun Sud |
119 |
Sidesh S K |
Biological control of sheath blight of
rice caused by Rhizoctonia solani Khun |
Dr S K Rana |
120 |
Sonali Chauhan |
Eco friendly management of white rot of
common bean caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum |
Dr P N Sharma |
2019 |
121 |
Divyanshi Bhatti |
Biology and management of bacterial canker
of tomato |
Dr. Suman Kumar |
122 |
Harneet Kaur |
Eco-Friendly management of wheat powdery
mildew caused by Blumeria graminis tritici |
Dr. A K Basandrai |
123 |
Himani Gupta |
Impact of head blight on seed health of
wheat and its management |
Dr P N Sharma |
124 |
Kushwinder Kaur |
Eco Friendly management of pea root rot
caused by Fusarium solani f. sp .pisi |
Dr. B R Thakur |
125 |
Jaina V Patel |
Biological management of damping off of
okra ( Abelmoschus esculentus ) |
Dr. Amar Singh |
126 |
Priyanka B Patel |
Studies on mosaic disease of soybean and
evaluation of host resistance |
Dr P N Sharma |
127 |
Pooja Kapoor |
Integrated management of sheath blight (Rhizoctonia
solani ) of Rice |
Dr S K Rana |
128 |
Prena Thakur |
Studies on cultivation of Golden Oyster
Mushroom (Pleurotus citrinopileatus) |
Dr Arun Sud |
129 |
Siddarth Anand |
Etiology and epidemiology of collar rot
complex of cowpea |
Dr D K Banyal |
2020 |
130 |
Anchal Titaria |
Studies on sheath rot of rice caused by
Sarocladium oryzae |
Dr. Sachin Upmanyu |
131 |
Ankita Chauhan |
Variability of Ralstonia salanacearum
and ecofriendly management of bacterial wilt of tomato |
Dr. Pardeep Kumar |
132 |
Divya Bhandari
Biology of Phytophthora colocasiae
Raci. causing blight of Colocasia and its eco-friendly management |
Dr. Amar Singh |
133 |
Nikita |
Management of wet bubble of button
mushroom caused by Mycogone perniciosa (Magnus) |
Dr. Arun Kumar Sud |
134 |
Pratibha Sharma |
Analysis of virulence shift in
Colletotrichum lindemuthianum causing bean anthracnose and its eco
friendly management. |
Dr. P.N Sharma |
135 |
Raghav Alias Bantu |
Management of turcicum leaf blight of
maize in HP |
Dr. Rakesh Devlash |
136 |
Shiney Chatak |
Integrated disease management of
anthracnose of urd bean caused by Colletotrichum truncatum |
Dr. D.K Banyal |
137 |
Sunidhi |
Epidemiology and management of ascohyta
blight of chickpea (Cicer arietium L ) |
Dr. B.R Thakur |
2021 |
138 |
Ayushi Sharma |
Biological control of pea root rot caused
by Fusarium solani f.sp. pisi |
Dr. B.R Thakur |
139 |
Kajal |
Epidemiology of turcicum leaf blight in
maize and identification of resistant sources |
Dr. Rakesh Devlash |
140 |
Ridhima Gupta |
Biology of Xanthomonas axonopodis
pv. glycinea causing bacterial pustule of soybean and
identification of resistant sources |
Dr S K Rana |
141 |
Sakshi Sharma |
Studies on epidemiology of Lentil wilt and
host resistance |
Dr B K Sharma |
142 |
Tarushi |
Studies on synthetic log cultivation of
Shitake mushroom, Lentinula edodes (Berk.) |
Dr (Mrs.) Deepika Sud |
2022 |
143 |
Monika Rathi |
analysis of Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn and evaluation of resistance
in rice |
Dr. Sachin Upmanyu |
144 |
Anshul Kumar Sharma |
Biology of Colletotrichum truncatum
causing anthracnose of soybean and identification of resistant source |
Dr. Amar Singh |
145 |
Nikhil Rana |
Studies on black point disease of wheat in
Himachal Pradesh |
Dr BK Sharma |
146 |
Parul Upadhaya |
Ecofriendly management of stem rot of
Berseem caused by Sclerotinia spp. |
Dr. D.K Banyal |
147 |
Sachin Sharma |
Ecofriendly management of bacterial wilt
of tomato |
Dr. Pradeep Kumar |
2023 |
148 |
Nidhi |
Fortification of substrates to produce
bio-enriched oyster mushroom |
Dr (Mrs.) Deepika Sud |
149 |
Preeti |
Management of false smut of rice caused by
Ustilaginoidea virens (Cke.) Tak |
Dr. Sachin Upmanyu |
150 |
Kavita Kushwaha |
Fungal root endophytes
mediated management of pea root rot in Himachal Pradesh |
Joginder Pal |
151 |
Pragtishree |
Biocontrol of false smut
of rice caused by Ustilaginoidea virens |
Amar Singh |
152 |
Twinkle |
Detection and management
of seed borne mycroflora of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill |
Amar Singh |
153 |
Dipanshi Thakur |
Evaluation of organic
additives on bioefficiency of Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kuhn |
Dr (Mrs.) Deepika Sud |
154 |
Shiwali Thakur |
Eco-friendly management of
collar rot of soybean caused by Sclerotium rolfsii Sace |
Amar Singh |
155 |
Gaurav Katoch |
Studies on collar rot of
elephant foot yam caused by Sclerotium rolfsii |
Suman Kumar |
156 |
Shilpa Thakur |
Biological managment of
bacterial wilt of tomato caused by Ralstonia solanacearum |
Pardeep Kumar |
157 |
Arora |
Characterization of virus
(es) associated with capsicum under protected cultivation in Himachal
Pradesh |
Shikha Sharma |
2024 |
158 |
Arushi Chauhan |
Diversity analysis of Colletotrichum
lindemuthianum isolates and identification of resistance sources against
bean anthracnose |
Dr. Shabnam Katoch |
159 |
Mahima Sharma |
Evaluation of agro-waste substrates for
the cultivation of Shiitake mushroom Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler |
Dr. Deepika Sud |
160 |
Mukul Sharma |
Epidemiology and management of leaf spot
of ginger caused by Phyllosticta zingibera Ramakr |
Dr. Shiwali Dhiman |
161 |
Piyush |
Investigations on maydis leaf blight of
maize caused by Bipolaris maydis (Nisik and Miyake) Shoe maker |
Dr. Rakesh Devlash |
162 |
Pragati Gautam |
Deciphering endophytic fungi for the
management of damping off of okra caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn |
Dr. Joginder Pal |
163 |
Ritvik Katoch |
Investigation on the status and
characterization of the pathogen associated with the stem gall disease
of coriander |
Dr. Suman Kumar |
164 |
Sonali Katoch |
Etiology and management of cabbage wilt in
Himachal Pradesh |
Dr. Shikha Sharma |
Year |
Sr. No |
Name of student
Title of thesis |
Major Advisor |
1977 |
1 |
Gobind Singh Saharan
Studies on linseed rust |
Dr. B. M. Singh |
1981 |
2 |
Chuni Lal Bhardwaj
Studies on the resistance of rice to
Pyricularia oryzae Cavara |
Dr. B .M. Singh |
1982 |
3 |
Vinod Kumar Sud
Epidemiology and control of leaf spot of
mash (Vigna mungo (l.)
Hepper) caused by Cercospora canescens Ell. & Martin |
Dr. B. M. Singh |
1983 |
4 |
Suresh Kumar Sugha |
Glume blotch of rice: epidemiology, nature
and genetics of resistance |
Dr. B. M. Singh |
5 |
Arvind Kumar Sood |
Studies on the genetics of resistance of
wheat to bunt caused by Tilletia caries (DC.) Tul. And
Tilletia foetida (Wallr.) Liro |
Dr. B. M. Singh |
1984 |
6 |
Makhan Lal Tikoo |
Assay and biological activity of rice
phytoalexins |
Dr. B. M. Singh |
1986 |
7 |
Rajendra Prasad
Kaushal |
Genetics of resistance in urdbean to some
major diseases occurring in Himachal Pradesh |
Dr. B. M. Singh |
1989 |
8 |
Bipan Kumar Sharma |
Biological control of Sclerotinia
sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary |
Dr. B. M. Singh |
9 |
Tilak Raj Sharma
Induction and transfer of resistance to
Alternaria blight of mustard caused by Alternaria brassicae
and A. brassicola |
Dr. B. M. Singh |
10 |
Bhag Ram Thakur
Evaluation of disease resistance in
Capsicum peppers |
Dr. B. M. Singh |
11 |
Rajender Singh
Chauhan |
Genetic variation for disease resistance
in somaclones of wheat with particular reference to
karnal bunt (Neovossia
indica) |
Dr. B. M. Singh |
12 |
Arun Kumar Sud |
Management of Phytophthora blight
of tomato with fungicides |
Dr. B. M. Singh |
1992 |
13 |
Jitendra Pal
Induction and evaluation of variants of
Pleurotus sajorcaju (Fr.) Singer for yield and quality characters |
Dr. B. M. Singh |
14 |
Rattan Singh Thakur
Studies on the control of white rot of pea
caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary |
Dr. B. M. Singh |
15 |
Nandita Kanwar |
Investigation on powdery mildew
(Erysiphe graminis f. sp. tritici resistance and
intensity-loss relationship in wheat |
Dr. P. D. Tyagi |
16 |
Vineet Kumar |
Studies on the genetics of disease
resistance in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) |
Dr. B. M. Singh |
17 |
Devinder Kumar Banyal |
Studies on powdery mildew of pea caused by
Erysiphe pisi DC |
Dr. P. D. Tyagi |
18 |
Kamal Dev
Studies on resistance to Karnal bunt
(Neovossia indica) in wheat |
Dr. B. M. Singh |
1995 |
19 |
Rakesh Kumar Develash |
Epidemiology and management of downy
mildew of onion |
Dr. S. K. Sugha |
20 |
Amrish Vaid |
Investigations on resistance of peas to
powdery mildew caused by Erysiphe pisi |
Dr. P. D. Tyagi |
21 |
Chander Shekhar Kalha |
Variability, host resistance and cultural
management of Pseudomonas solanacearum affecting tomato |
Dr. A. K. Sood |
1996 |
22 |
Anand Parashar |
Biological control of bacterial wilt of
tomato caused by Pseudomonas solanacearum |
Dr. A. K. Sood |
23 |
Vinay Sagar |
Studies on root rot disease complex of
peas |
Dr. S. K. Sugha |
24 |
Amar Singh
Biology and management of Erysiphe pisi
DC on pea |
Dr. P. D. Tyagi |
1997 |
25 |
Rax Paul |
Studies of powdery mildew (Erysiphe
pisi DC ex Saint-Amens) resistance in pea |
Dr. P. D. Tyagi |
26 |
Suman Kumar
Epidemiology and management of
Phomopsis disease of brinjal |
Dr. S. K. Sugha |
27 |
V K Ambardar |
Management of bacterial wilt of tomato
caused by Pseudomonas solanacearum |
Dr. A. K. Sood |
1999 |
28 |
Ashok Kumar
Induction and transfer of resistance to
floury leaf spot and fuscous blight in french bean from alien germplasm |
Dr. R. P. Kaushal |
29 |
Rajeev Rathour |
DNA fingerprinting of Magnaporthe
grisea from rice for virulence diversity |
Dr. B. M. Singh |
30 |
Surender Kumar Sharma
Studies on variability in bean common
mosaic virus and host resistance |
Dr. O. P. Sharma |
31 |
Pardeep Kumar
Management and population dynamics of
Burkholderia solanacearum in tomato |
Dr. A .K. Sood |
2001 |
32 |
Rajan Sharma
Induction of resistance in pea against
Ascochyta blight and powdery mildew using mutagenesis and cell
culture techniques |
Dr. R. P. Kaushal |
2002 |
33 |
Deepika Sud |
Eco-pathological study of seed mycoflora
and its impact on bio-deterioration of Phaseolus vulgaris L. in
H.P. |
Dr. O. P. Sharma |
2004 |
34 |
Preeti Aggarwal |
Integrated management of bacterial wilt of
tomato |
Dr. A .K. Sood |
35 |
Shivani Sehgal |
Studies on cytology of morphogenesis of
Morchella esculentaFr |
Dr. B. M. Sharma |
36 |
Meena Devi |
Integrated management of wilt/root rot
complex of pea |
Dr. Y. S. Paul |
37 |
Vinay Sharma |
Integrated Management of Rice Blast |
Dr. A. S. Kapoor |
38 |
Usha Rana
Epidemiology and integrated management of
Colocasia Blight |
Dr. S. K. Sugha |
39 |
Bilal Ahmad Padder |
Molecular Variability in Colletotrichum
lindemuthianum and management of Bean Anthracnose |
Dr. P. N. Sharma |
2007 |
40 |
Renu Kapil |
Molecular characterization of BCMV Strains
infecting Phaseolus vulgaris and evaluation of resistance |
Dr. O. P. Sharma |
2009 |
41 |
Vikas Kapoor |
Molecular characterization of Ascochyta
spp. causing pea blight and evaluation of resistance |
Dr. R. P. Kaushal |
2010 |
42 |
Prachi Sharma |
Coat protein diversity in Bean Common
Mosaic virus and elucidation of R-Gene in Indian Landrace of
Phaseolus vulgaris |
Dr. P.N.Sharma |
2011 |
43 |
Ashlesha |
Ecofriendly management of bell pepper (Capsicum
annum L. Var. grossum Sendt.) diseases especially under
protected cultivation. |
Dr. Y.S.Paul |
2012 |
44 |
Rishu Sharma |
Genetic Diversity and Strain improvement
of Pleurotus ostreatus |
Dr.B.M.Sharma |
45 |
Vivek Kumar Pandey |
Anti-Plant Pathogenic Properties of Higher
Fungi especially wild mushrooms,collected from North-West Himalayas |
Dr.Y.S.Paul |
46 |
Renu Thakur |
Studies on genetic variability in
Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis) P.Karst.for identification of elite
strains |
Dr.B.M.Sharma |
2014 |
47 |
Anuradha |
“Molecular Characterization of NL-IN
strain of BCMV infecting Common Bean in Himachal Pradesh and Development
of Diagnostic Kits” |
Dr. P N Sharma |
48 |
Raj Krishan
“Organic Management of Buckeye Rot of
Tomato Caused by Phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica
(Dastur) Waterhouse” |
Dr. Y S Paul |
2015 |
49 |
Pooja Kapoor |
“Biodiversity of Pleurotus spp. In
H.P. for exploration of their bioprospecting, genetical and yield
potentials |
Dr. S Dhancholia |
50 |
Abhishek Katoch |
“Mapping of resistance gene conferring
resistance to Colletotrichum lindemuthianum in common bean land
race KRC5” |
Dr. P N Sharma |
2016 |
51 |
Jaya Choudhary |
Genetics of resistance and virulence
analysis in Erysiphe pisi – pea host pathosystem |
Dr D K Banyal |
Naiya Sharma |
Virulence analysis of Collectotrichum
lindemuthianum and its management in common bean |
Dr P N Sharma |
2018 |
53 |
Nidhi Kumari |
Characterization of Pepper mild mottle
virus strains and evaluation of resistance in capsicum |
Dr P N Sharma |
2019 |
54 |
Narinder Pal |
Variability, epidemiology and management
of Fusarium oxysporiun f.sp lini |
Dr Ashok Kumar |
55 |
Shabnam |
High resolution mapping of Co-Ind gene
from common bean landrace KRC-5 possing resistance to Colletotrichum
lindemuthianum races |
Dr. S. K Rana |
56 |
Anudeep B
Mallannavara |
Studies on virulence spectrum and host
resistance in oat-Blumeria graminis f.sp. avenae
pathosystem |
Dr. D.K Banyal |
57 |
Shiwali Dhiwan |
Molecular mapping of anthracnose
resistance gene in common bean landrace KRC8 and identification of adult
plant resistance components |
Dr. P.N Sharma |
2021 |
58 |
Dimple Rana |
Studies on variability and management of
Fusarium wilt of chickpea |
Dr. B.R Thakur |
59 |
Ashima Thakur |
Epidemiology and management of Stemphylium
blight of onion |
Dr. D.K Banyal |
60 |
Priya Bhargava |
Epidemiology and
management of flag smut (Urocystis agropyri (Preuss) Schroet.) of
wheat |
Dr. S. K Rana |
61 |
Gurpreet Kaur |
Epidemiology and
management of fusarium head blight of wheat |
Dr. S. K Rana |
62 |
Abhilasha Sharma |
of variability in Cercospora sojina Hara causing frogeye leaf
spot and identification of resistant sources in soybean |
Dr. Amar Singh |
63 |
Khuswinder Kaur |
Diversity analysis of Pseudocercospora griseola populations
causing angular leaf spot of common bean and identification of resistant
sources |
Dr. Amar Singh |
64 |
Diksha Sinha |
Biology and management of early blight of tomato caused by Alternaria
solani |
Dr. D.K Banyal |
65 |
Sood |
Studies on variability in major pathogen causing root rot of okra and
its integrated disease management |
Dr. Amar Singh |