

Sr. No. Uploaded on Description
5 04.03.2025 Fee for the 2nd semester of Academic Year 2024-25 of 4th Year B.Sc. (Hons.) Community Science, B.Tech (Food Technology) and B.Sc. (HHA) Programme   CoCS
4 29.01.2025 Fee for the 2nd semester of Academic Year 2024-25 of 4th Year B.Sc. (Hons.) Agricultural Programme   COA
3 03.02.2025 Notification regarding registration of  B.Tech(Food Technology) for 1st and 2nd Semester3rd year B.Sc(Hons) and 3rd year (Food Technology) and B.sc.(Hospitality and Hotel administration) COCS
2 03.02.2025 Notification regarding Academic Calendar for 1st year students of B.Tech(Food Technology) for 1st and 2nd Semester and revised Uniform Calendar for 3rd year B.Sc(Hons) and 3rd year (Food Technology) and B.sc.(Hospitality and Hotel administration) COCS
1 03.02.2025 Registration of B.Sc.(Hons/Hons.with Research)2nd and 3rd Year for the 2nd semester of the Acad year 2024-25   COBS


Sr. No. Uploaded on Description
16 09.12.2024 Fee for the 2nd semester of Academic Year 2024-25 in r/o 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students of B.Sc. (Hons./Hons. with Research)  COBS
15 21.10.2024 Fee for the 1st semester of Academic Year 2024-25 in r/o continue students of 3rd Year COCS
14 21.10.2024 Fee for the 1st semester of Academic Year 2024-25 in r/o continue students of 4th Year  COCS
13 11.10.2024 Fee for 2nd semester of the Academic Year 2024-25 of 4th Year B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture COA
12 11.10.2024 Fee for 1st semester of the Academic Year 2024-25 of 2nd Year B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture COA
11 11.10.2024 Fee for 1st semester of the Academic Year 2024-25 of 4th Year B.Sc. (Hons) Community Science and B.Tech (Food Technology) COCS
10 11.10.2024 Fee for 1st semester of the Academic Year 2024-25 of 3rd and 4th Year B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture COA
09 26.07.2024 Fee for 2nd semester of the Academic Year 2024-25 of 4th Year B.Sc. (Hons) Community Science  COCS
08 25.07.2024 Fee for 2nd semester of the Academic Year 2024-25 of 4th Year B.Sc. (Hons.with Research) Physical Science and Life Science   COBS
07 18.07.2024 Fee for 1st semester of the Academic Year 2024-25 of 4th Year B.Sc. (Hons.with Research)Physical Science and Life Science   COBS
07 06.05.2024 Fee for 1st semester of the Academic Year 2024-25 of 4th Year B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture Programme   COA
06 02.05.2024 Fee for 2nd semester of 1st Year B.Tech (Food Tech.) for the Academic Year 2023-24   COCS
05 02.05.2024 Fee for 2nd semester of 2nd for the Academic Year 2023-24 - B.Sc. (Hons.), B.Tech (Food Tech.) and B.Sc.(HHA)   COCS
04 27.04.2024 Fee for 2nd semester of 2nd and 3rd Year B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture for the Academic Year 2023-24   COA
03 27.04.2024 Fee for 2nd semester of 1st year B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture for the Academic Year 2023-24   COA
02 16.03.2024 Fee for 2nd semester of 2nd and 3rd year students of B.Sc. of Academic Year 2023-24   COBS
01 20.01.2024 Fee for 2nd semester of 4th year of B.Sc. (Hons.) Community Science and B.Tech (Food Tech.) for the Academic Year 2023-24   COCS



Sr. No. Uploaded on Description
12 28.12.2023 Fee for 2nd semester of B.Sc. 4th Year of Academic Year 2023-24   COA
11 23.11.2023 Fee for 2nd semester of B.Sc. 1st Year of Academic Year 2022-23   COBS
10 22.11.2023 Fee for the 1st semester of Academic Year 2023-24 for 2nd year and 3rd year B.Sc.(Hons.) Community Science , B.Tech (Food Technology) and B.Sc(Hospitality and hotel Administration II & III yr students  COCS
09 10.11.2023 Fee for the 1st semester of Academic Year 2023-24 for B.Sc. II & III yr students  COA
08 06.11.2023 Fee for B.Sc. II & III yr students of 1st semester of Academic Year 2023-24  COBS
07 01.07.2023 Fee for B.Sc. 1 yr students of 1st semester of Academic Year 2023-24  COBS
06 13.06.2023 Fee for 2nd semester of Academic Year 2022-23 of B.Sc. 1st and 2nd year  COCS
05 11.06.2023 Fee for 2nd semester of Academic Year 2022-23 of B.Sc. 1st and 2nd year  COBS
04 07.06.2023 Fee for 2nd semester of Academic Year 2022-23 of B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture Programme COA
03 27.03.2023 Fee for 2nd semester of Academic Year 2022-23 of B.Sc. III year students of B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture Programme COA
02 22.03.2023 Fee for 2nd semester of Academic Year 2022-23 of B.Sc. III year students of B.Sc. (Hons.) College of Community Science and B.Tech. (Food Technology) COCS
01 06.03.2023 Fee for 2nd semester of Academic Year 2022-23 of B.Sc. III year students of College of Basic Science
