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University Management Committee Decisions

             A meeting of the 5th UMC was held on 5th November, 2007 at 11.30 AM in the Committee Room of the Admn. Block under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor. The following were present:


            Dr.S.C.Sharma, Director of Research

            Dr.O.P.Sharma, Dean, COA

            Dr.P.K.Sharma, Dean, PGS & COHS

            Dr.K.K.Katoch, Director of Extension Education

            Dr.A.C.Varshney, Dean, COVAS

            Dr.G.L.Bansal, Dean, COBS

            Sh.Narender Sharma, Registrar

            Sh.V.P.Sharma, Comptroller


            The Vice-Chancellor welcomed all the members who attended the meeting and apprised them the agenda of the meeting.


Points discussed in Regional Committee No.1 meeting of ICAR at UHF, Solan:

The Vice-Chancellor informed that he along with the Director of the Research, Director of Extension Education and Dean, PGS attended the Regional Committee No.1 meeting of the ICAR held at UHF, Solan on 1st & 2nd November, 2007 under the Chairmanship of the Director General, ICAR, New Delhi. The Director General, ICAR conveyed his good wishes on the Foundation Day of the University. He informed that various issues concerning University welfare were raised and discussed during the meeting.

The new wheat variety HPW-251(RL) developed by the University for the northern hill zone was got released from the DG, ICAR. The Vice-Chancellor also informed that the testing of maize hybrid will henceforth be done by the VPKAS, Almora, as discussed in the meeting. He, therefore, desired the Director of Research to reshape the maize programmes of the Bajaura station.

The Director General, ICAR has shown his desire to visit the University in near future. The Vice-Chancellor asked all the members to explore the possibility of such function/conference where the DG can be invited to Palampur.

The Vice-Chancellor informed that the ICAR has agreed to increase the financial support to the universities. In this connection he desired that the GIS centre of the University should be upgraded from department to that of institution. A project in this regard with the help of GIS Centre will be prepared and submitted to ICAR for funding.

The Vice-Chancellor also raised the issue of pollination which was appreciated by the Chairman. The Vice-Chancellor desired the DR to explore the possibility of creating a new Pollination Research Centre in the University and also explore possibilities for foreign collaboration in this regard.

The ICAR made it clear that henceforth the grant to those institutions will be withheld whose accreditation has not been done. The ICAR also desired the Universities to prepare Vision 2025. The Vice-Chancellor informed that further discussion in this regard will be held in the next meeting of the UMC.

The issues regarding RAWE and development of pasture land were also discussed during the meeting. The Chairman asked the University to go ahead with the proposal. The Vice-Chancellor, therefore, desired that, in future, instead of sending the students to farmers fields under RAWE programme only they should be attached to the companies, banks etc. as well for training so that they get better job opportunities. The Dean, COA has been directed to look into it. Likewsie Director of Research has been asked to look into the matter with regard to pasture land development as discussed in the meeting.

The issue regarding integration of R&D, which is the need of they day, was also raised. The Vice-Chancellor desired the DR. DEE and Dean, PGS to organize a 2-day brain storming session in this regard taking into account the present needs of the research and extension so that the projects are prepared and  submitted to the ICAR for funding.

            The issue of financially weaker institutions was also discussed. The ICAR will be considering to give funds to make these institutions financially viable.

            The issue regarding establishing institutional linkages with ICAR institutions for education, research and extension activities was also raised and discussed at Solan. In this connection the Vice-Chancellor desired that the University should organize a meeting with the ICAR Institutes in which the DDGs and DG, ICAR may be invited to discuss and finalize the matter further.

            The Vice-Chancellor informed that the scholarship issue to the Ph.D. scholars also came for discussion. It was suggested by the Vice-Chancellor that Ph.D. scholars should get scholarship on the CSIR pattern. The University will prepare a blue print and take up the matter with the ICAR.


Other Items:

            The DEE informed that he visited Parwanoo and discussed the matter with Mr.Khurana, regarding opening of Amul Parlour in the University. He further informed that Mr.Khurana will visit the University in this regard very soon.

            The Vice-Chancellor informed that the Secretary (Fin.) to the Govt. of HP,  Shimla, has desired the University to submit a project on long term strategies for developing irrigation in HP. The project will be prepared with the help of Dept. of Agricultural Economics and GIS Centre.  A 2-page proposal on term of reference will be submitted soon to the Govt.

            The Vice-Chancellor has informed that there is a proposal for signing of Expression of Interest under Indo-Canadian S&T Cooperation Programme for Joint Funding and Partnership Development Activities. In this connection a meeting with the Canadian Delegation will be held at Chandigarh in the 1st week of December and, if possible, the delegation will be invited to visit the University.

            H.E., the Governor of HP, has conveyed that the President of India would be inviting to visit the University in March. Therefore, the Vice-Chancellor desired that the University Convocation may be fixed in March. Dean, PGS has been asked to act as Convener. The preparation in this regard may be started forthwith.

            The Vice-Chancellor informed that H.E., the Governor of HP will be visiting the University on 27th November, 2007. Therefore, necessary preparation in this regard should be started and Dr.O.P.Sharma, Dean, COA has been asked to look into it.

            The Vice-Chancellor informed that he is not happy with the functioning of the estate wing. A meeting in this regard has already been convened and the second meeting will be held on 6th October, 2007. He desired all the Deans/Directors to submit a list of pending work so that this could be discussed in the meeting.

            Regarding allocation of CDA grant, the Vice-Chancellor desired all the Deans/Directors to submit the demand only for those works which needs emergent renovation.

            The Vice-Chancellor informed that 4/5 buses are lying idle in the University workshop.  In this connection he desired that Dean, PGS to prepare the time table for plying these buses between hostels to library and other colleges in consultation with the Deans and Wardens.

            The meeting ended a vote of thanks to the Chair.