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Executive Committees
7th Alumni Meet 2018
Enrollment Form

Last updated:
Thursday, October 04, 2018.

 Designed & developed by
University Network System, CSK HPKV, Palampur, HP, INDIA - 176062


Regd. No.: 13/SDM-Palampur Dated: 14/06/1991

[Amendments as approved in the General Body meeting during the 1st Alumni Meet held at Palampur on November 01, 2006 stand incorporated in this version]


I.       NAME The name of the Association is College of Agriculture Palampur ALUMNI ASSOCIATION (CAPAA).

II.         REGISTERED OFFICE : The office of the Association is located at the College of Agriculture, CSKHPKV, Palampur -176 062 (HP).

III.        AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the Association are as follows:

  • to foster fraternity, friendship and fellowship among the member alumni,

  • to maintain and promote the overall image of the Institute (COA) as a premier centre of exc­ellence in hill agriculture and allied sciences,

  • to focus attention on pressing problems related to agricultural research and development,

  • to establish closer interaction between related national and international bodies having similar objectives,

  • to under take suitable publications, organise seminars, symposia and other related activities for the furtherance of its objectives,

  • to encourage the members for socio-economic voluntary work, and

  • to undertake any other activity as is required for the achievement of the above objectives.


1.                PATRONS: The Vice-Chancellor of CSK HPKV is the Chief Patron of the Association and Dean, College of Agriculture is the Patron.

2.           Membership: All those who have successfully complete any programme of study from this college are the esteemed alumni of the college and will be enrolled as the members of the association.

            Honorary Members: All those who contributed to the academic growth and development   of the Institution may be extended honorary membership. Not more than 10 members are to be extended honorary membership each year.

            Associate Members: All those who are associated with the activities of the College of Agriculture are welcome to become the members of CAPAA, however, the membership fee in such cases would be double.

3.       Subscription: There will be one time membership fee of Rs. 500/- (Life Membership). However, it will be Rs 300/- for students.

4.        Privileges: Members are entitled to the following rights & privileges:

  • To be present and vote in all General Body Meetings.

  • To hold any office of the Association on being duly elected.

  • To receive free or concessional supplies of publications brought out by the Association.

  • To receive invitation to all Seminars, Symposia etc., organised by the Association.

  • To be members of any of the Sub - committees which may be constituted by the General body or Executive Committee.

  • To have such other rights & privileges, which may be decided by the General Body from time to time.

5.       Liability of the members: The liability of members is Limited to the amount of subscription due from time to time. He/She is required to pay membership / registration fee (during Alumni Meet etc.) as may be fixed by the General Body/Executive Committee from time-to-time.


6.      General Body: General Body (GB) consists of all the enrolled members of the Association. The GB is the supreme authority of the Association. It formulates general policies and programmes of the Association in conformity with the constitution and Bye laws and may provide specific directions to the executive committee (EC). It is the only body which can make amendments to or altogether change the rules of the Association, according to the procedure laid down in this constitution.

  • The Annual GB meeting shall be held ordinarily at the time of the convocation of the University but not later than a year. The Secretary on behalf of the executive committee shall present to this meeting the annual report, audited financial statement for the preceding year & the budget, if any. The notice of such a meeting along with the agenda will be posted to the members well in advance. Any matter that is not on the agenda paper will be considered at the meeting, with the consent of president, who will preside overall the meetings of GB.

  • The Secretary with the approval of the executive committee of the Association shall call the General Body meetings as and when necessary. Ten per cent the members of the Association may also requisite a meeting of the GB by notifying in writing to the Secretary and stating the business to be transacted. The Secretary, in consultation with the President, shall call an extra-ordinary meeting of the GB with in 30 days of the receipt of requisition, giving a notice of at least seven days. 1/3"* will form the quorum for all the meetings of the General Body.

7.     Executive Committee (EC): The EC of the Association consists of the following:

i) President


ii) Vice-President


iii) Secretary


iv) Joint Secretary


v) Treasures


vi) Members


  • The first EC was nominated by the Patron (Dean, COA). The immediate past President & Secretary will also be the Ex-officio members of the EC (for the following term).

  • The President, Secretary, Treasurer and one Vice President will always be elected from among the members of the Association located at the Headquarters of the Association.

  • The election of all the members of EC shall be by secret ballots on the principle of simple maj­ority. Only members whose subscriptions are not in arrears at the time of filling nomination elections shall be eligible for contesting and voting.

  • The normal tenure of the office bearers and other members of the EC shall be for two years. There shall be fresh elections for the new EC in the Annual-General Body meeting to be held at the time of Convocation/Alumni Meet/ as may be fixed by the Executive Committee. Interim vacancies within the EC including those of the office bearers may be filled up by the EC by nomination.

  • The EC shall be responsible for the management of affairs and execution of the programme and policies for the achievement and furtherance of the objectives of the association. It shall take decisions on all matters except those which fall in the jurisdiction of the GB. The EC shall be answerable for all its activities to GB.

  • The EC shall have full control on the funds of the association, which shall be used for any purpose which in the opinion of the EC tends to meet and enhance the cause of the Association. The EC shall approve the receipts and expenditure & may frame rules forproper maintenance of the accounts.

  • The EC shall meet as and when necessary. There shall, however, be at least two meetings in a year. The Secretary, in consultation with the President, may summon EC to meet as and when required. The Secretary shall call an extra ordinary meeting of the EC within ten days of the presentation of demand with agenda for such a meeting signed by at least 1/3* of the members of EC.

  • The quorum for any meeting of the EC shall be one third of the members of EC.

  • The office-bearers of the Association will function under the general directions of the EC. The Secretary will be responsible for the day to day working of the Association and the Treasurer will keep accounts, receive deposits, and make payments. The President will preside over all meetings of EC. In the absence of the President Vice-President (HQ) will exercise the functions of the President. In the case of sudden vacation of office in the interval between two meetings of EC by the Secretary or the Treasurer, or both, the President shall designate one (or two) of the members of EC to take his/her (or their) place and exercise his/her (or their) functions, until the next meeting of the EC.

8.              Record of members: The Secretary and the Treasurer of the Association will maintain a register of members which alongwith the minutes book of the Association shall be conclusive evidence of the membership of the Association.

9.              Accounts: All amounts received by the Association will be deposited in a scheduled bank or be invested appropriately as may be decided by the EC.

  • The accounts shall be jointly operated by any two of the three office - bearers, namely, the Treasurer, the President and the Secretary.

  • The accounts will be closed on the last day of the financial year of the Association and be audited by two members nominated by EC and a statement thereof will be presented by the Treasurer to the EC which after approval will be presented to the GB for adoption.

  • The financial year of the Association shall be from 1st April to 31st March of each year.

  • The audit of the accounts of the association shall be got conducted annually.

10.  Property of the Association:

  • The property, movable and immovable, belonging to the Association shall be deemed to be vested for the time being in the EC and in all proceedings, civil and criminal shall be described as the property of EC of the CAPAA.

  • The income and properly of the Association from where so ever derived shall solely be spent in the promotion of its objects as set forth earlier and no portion thereof shall be distributed among its members by way of dividends, bonus, etc.

  • If at any time, the Association is dissolved, and if there shall remain upon such dissolution, after the satisfaction of all its debt and liabilities, any property whatsoever and where so ever, the same shall not be paid or distributed among the members of the Association, but shall be given to the College of Agriculture, for students welfare activities.

11.    Dissolution of the Association: Not less than three-fifths of the members of the Association may determine that it shall be dissolved and thereupon it shall be dissolved forthwith or at the time then agreed upon and, all necessary steps shall be taken for the disposal and settlement of the property of the Association its claims and liabilities, according to the rules of the Association applicable there to, if any and if not, then as the General Body shall find expedient provided that, in the event of any dispute arising among the said GB or the members of the association the adjustment of its affairs shall be referred to the principal court of original civil jurisdiction of the district where the headquarters of the Association is situated, and the court shall make such order in the matter as it shall deem requisite provided that the Association shall not be dissolved unless three fifths of the members shall have expressed a wish as such or by proxy at a general meeting convened for the purpose.


12.    Amendments: Any motion having for its objects, the alteration of existing rules or enactment of new ones will first be submitted to the EC which will consider it at a special meeting to be held for the purpose. If two - thirds of the members present in EC meeting vote in favour of any amendment or fresh enactment it will be included in the agenda of the next Annual General Body Meeting or Extra-ordinary GB meeting which have the power to ratify or resile them.

  • The EC may with the sanction of the Association frame or alter bye - laws for the working of the Association not in consistent with its rules.

13. Any member(s), deputed by EC/GB on tour for the promotion of the cause of CAPAA or in relation to CAPAA activities or any other purpose as may be felt appropriate by EC/GB, will be paid TA or may be provided conveyance alongwith rest house/ guest house charges. The daily Allowance (DA) will not be less than Rs 150/- per day.


14. The Association may use or be used in the name of the Secretary, CAPAA.


15.    All the clauses, of the Society Registration Act 1860 (Punjab Amendment Act, 1957) shall apply to the Association.


16.    Certified that this is a true copy of the Rules and Regulations.


Sd/-                                       Sd/-                                          Sd/-

President                            Vice-President                             Secretary

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