Welcome to Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Hamirpur at Bara

Last updated :May 17, 2023

Thrust Areas
Extension Activities
Contact Us

Keeping in view the agro-climatic conditions, farming practices and socio-economic situations of the farming community of the district, the thrust areas of KVK Hamirpur at Bara are as under:

  1. Standardization of rainfed technologies for growing cash crops in rain fed situation.

  • Rain water harvesting

  • Contingent crop planning

  • Judicious use of residual soil moisture

  • In-situ water conservation.

  1. Diversification/Intensification of farming systems towards cash crops.

  2. Skill Up-gradation of farmers/ farm women, rural youth & extension workers.

  3. Improve the productivity/income of different agricultural and allied enterprises.

  4. Participatory on -farm research in standardizing latest technologies.

  • Assessment of hybrids and other cultivar.

  • Organic farming of vegetables, medicinal and aromatic plants.

  • Protected cultivation.

  • Health and nutrition management of milch animals.

  1. Management of obnoxious weed – bio-fuel, vermicomposting, mulching, replenishment of grasslands with improved grasses.

  2. Post Harvest and Value Addition Activities among Women Self Help Groups and Mahila Mandals for the efficient utilization of available marketable surplus of fruits and vegetables.

  3. Soil and water conservation on scientific lines on private and public land resources.

  4. Promotion of allied agri-based enterprises such as mushroom production, bee keeping, poultry, dairy farming, fisheries among un-employed rural youths through vocational trainings.

  5. Market/farmers led extension.

[Designed & developed by: UNS, DEE, CSKHPKV, Palampur]
[Content provided by KVK Hamirpur at Bara]