Department of Physical Sciences and Languages

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Ř  National Statistics Day-2021(29-06-2021):

29th June has been recognized as “National Statistics Day” in India for the notable contributions made by Prof. Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis in the fields of statistical development and economic planning in the post independent era, coinciding with his birth anniversary at national level. Prof. Mahalanobis is fondly remembered as the Indian Father of Statistics. He had set up Indian Statistical Institute at Kolkata in 1931 for research and training in Statistics. Central Statistical Organization (CSO) and National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO), the pillars of official statistics, were conceived and envisioned by him.  He was also a member of the Planning Commission from 1955 to 1967. Celebration of Statistics Day in his memory is a source of inspiration for statisticians, researchers of all fields of the present day.

In this context, A webinar was organized by Department of Physical Sciences and Languages, College of Basic Sciences in collaboration with `Centre for Advanced Agricultural Science and Technology (CAAST) on Protected Agriculture and Natural Farming (PANF)` funded to CSKHPKV by ICAR under National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP). Chief Guest Prof. H.K.Chaudhary, Vice-Chancellor, discussed various statistical techniques to improve research in the field of agriculture and allied sciences.  He exhorted the youngsters to understand the importance of statistics and its role in the day to day life. Prof Chaudhary recalled the contributions of Prof. Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis, on whose birth anniversary this day is celebrated. Guest of honor and keynote speaker Prof. Narinder Kumar from Deptt. of Statistics, Punjab University, Chandigarh spoke on the evolution of statistics from the beginning of civilization to the modern era. Prof. Anita Singh, Dean College of Basic Sciences gave introductory remarks. Prof. Sharda Singh, Head, Department of Physical Sciences and Languages welcomed the Chief Guest and Key Speaker. Mr. Arun Kumar and Dr. Banti Kumar, Assistant Professors (Statistics) were Organising Secretaries of the webinar.  Around 250 students and research scholars from various Universities/Colleges attended the Webinar.





Ř  National Mathematics Day (22-12-2021):

    National Mathematics Day is celebrated to commemorate the Birthday of the Great Mathematical genius Srinivasa Ramanujan and to recognize & celebrate mathematical brilliances of his works. He was born to a Tamil family at erode, Tamil Nadu in 1887. The Mathematician’s journey to being a genius began when he sent a letter to Professor G. H. Hardy where he had mentioned about 120 mathematical theorems. In 1916, he was awarded the Bachelor of Science degree and the next year he was elected to the London Mathematical Society. In 1918, he was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society for his research on Elliptic Functions and theory of numbers. The same year in October he became the first Indian to be elected a Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. In 1919, he returned to India due to his poor health and a year later, on April 26, 1920, he breathed his last at the age of 32. The story of this mathematical genius is truly inspiring portrayed in his Biopic “The Man Who Knew Infinity”!!!

Mathematics Day was celebrated at CSK H.P. Agriculture University on 22.12.21. Prof H.K. Chaudhary, Vice-Chancellor in his inaugural address said that the mathematical brilliance of Srinivasa Ramanujan was known world over. He exhorted students to love mathematics and use it in the fields of their studies, especially life sciences, for better results and decision making Dr R.S. Chandel, in his keynote lecture spoke about the life journey of Srinivasa Ramanujan. Various other activities were conducted on the occasion as Mathematical Games, Mathematical Quiz, and Puzzels. A Mathematical skit was also performed by the students of College of Basic Sciences. Students from all the constituent Colleges of the University took part in the activities with enthusiasm. The celebrations started on Mathematics Day and will continue and culminate on National Science day on 28 Feb 2022. He appreciated College of Basic Sciences for the celebrations collaborating with Himachal Pradesh Council for Science, Technology & Environment (HIMCOSTE) and National Council of Science, Technology & Communication (NCSTC), Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India.  Dr Anita Singh, Dean of the College presided over the function and encouraged the students to take part in the upcoming events of Science day celebrations like Models, Poster making, Declamation and power point presentation. Dr Sharda Singh, Professor Mathematics-cum-Coordinator of the Celebrations presented detailed report of the Events organised on the occasion.