VC Secretariat

Cells Attached

1. Technical Cell

12 members repersenting each college and directorates

  • Vice-Chancellor
  • Members
    College of Agriculture
  • Dr.R.S.Chandel, Head, Department of Entomology
  • Dr.Naveen Kumar, Principal Scientist, Department of Agronomy
  • Dr.G.C.Negi, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
  • Dr.Desh Raj, Proffesor & Head, Department of Vety. Medicine
  • Dr.Adarsh Kumar, Professor & Head, Department of Vety. Surgery
  • College of Community Science
  • Dr.Ranjana Verma, Professor Dept. of Food Science, Nutrition & Technology
  • College of Basic Sciences
  • Dr. Rishi Mahajan, Asstt. Professor, Department of Microbiology
  • Information and Communication Technology Cell
  • Sh. Vaibhav Kalila, Asstt. Professor, CGRT
  • Directorate of Research
  • Dr. Goverdhan Dass Sharma, Farm Manager, Directorate Research

2. Information and Communication Technology Cell

Four members from IT field

    Team Members
  • Dr.Shivani Katoch, Professor and Incharge
  • Sh. Vaibhav Kalia, Assistant Professor (Computer Science)
  • Dr. Devesh Thakur, Assistant Professor (Veterinary Animal Health and Extension Education)
  • Er. Ashish Dhiman, Assistant Professor (Computer vision & Robotics)
  • Sh. Kapil Sharma, Assistant Professor (Computer Science)
  • Sh. Shakiv Pandit, Assistant Manager (Agri-Business Incubator)

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