Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Mandi

Technologies Identified

Extension Programs

Cluster Front Line Demonstrations on oilseeds and Pulses Sponsored by ICAR

Cluster demonstrations on organic farming  under PKVY Sponsored by ICAR

Nutri sensitive agriculture resource innovation (NARI)Sponsored by ICAR

Extension Programs

Entrepreneurship development through high-tech agriculture based enterprises with special focus on Mushroom Cultivation, Protected cultivation and Hydroponics in Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh under Farm Sector Promotion Fund (FSPF) sponsored by NABARD

Establishment of District Agro Meteorological Unit (DAMU)Sponsored by ICAR


Awards, Fellowships  and Felicitations

Our Faculty:    18

Associated Farmers:      03 (National level)

Farmers Trained:  22037


Who Are we

Krishi Vigyan Kendra is a district level Farm Science Centre aiming to promote science and technology in agriculture and its allied fields. Science and technology-led growth leading to enhanced productivity, profitability and sustainability of agriculture is the vision of KVK. The mandate of KVK is Technology Assessment and Demonstration for its Application and Capacity Development.  KVK Mandi was sanctioned during 1994, established in 1996 with its headquarter at Sundernagar. Jurisdiction of Krishi Vigyan Kendra is spread across ten community development blocks with varying agro climatic conditions from subtropical to temperate encompassing rich diversity of agriculture. Mandi district is spread over an area of 395 thousand hectare. There are 559 Gram Panchayats and 3429 villages in the district. Of the total geographical area, 43.8 % is covered under forests, 24.2 % under permanent pasture and 18.6 % is cultivable. Only 18.2 % of the net cultivable area is having irrigation facility. Maize, paddy and mash in Kharif and wheat, barley, gram and lentil in Rabi are the main crops grown in this district. Recently, vegetable growing is gaining popularity amongst the farmers because of its high returns. Protected cultivation, rain water harvesting & micro irrigation, off season & exotic vegetable production, bio intensive pest management and rural entrepreneurship development are the major focus areas of KVK.

Our Strengths

  • Multi disciplinary team of scientists for on farm research and technology transfer
  • Well established labs for soil testing and plant diagnosis
  • Quality breeder seed and planting material production
  • Well established demonstration units like protected cultivation, ZBNF, horticulture, horticulture nursery, dairy, mushroom cultivation, Azolla production, including rain water harvesting
  • Well equipped facilities like conference hall, farmer’s hostel etc. for organizing long duration vocational courses
  • Farming system based technological support to farmers
  • Technological support through ICT mediated expert systems
  • Convergence & linkages with other departments
  • Recognition of work at national and international level

Success Stories

Integrated farming becomes means of self employment

Sh. Sanjay Kumar, a post graduate young entrepreneur is a resident of Village Plauhata PO Upper Behli Tehsil Sundernagar District Mandi Himachal Pradesh. After spending about five years in Afganistan and Dubai, he came back to India and started his journey of farming in his one hectare of land.  He came into contact with KVK, Mandi and experts advised him to adopt integrated farming system for remunerative returns. He acquired number of vocational and skill development trainings from KVK. Protected cultivation, open cultivation of cereals, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, ZBNF,  dairy with Goat rearing are the major components of his IFS model. Today, he has established an identity as a successful entrepreneur in the field of integrated farming and master trainer of ZBNF and earning net returns to the tune of about 4.20 lakh per annum.

Round the year mushroom cultivation ensures livelihood security

Sh. Kundan Lal, a 45 year young entrepreneur is a resident of Village Khanyari PO Kanda Tehsil Chichyot District Mandi Himachal Pradesh. After getting education of matric, he served on daily wage basis in govt. and private sectors for about three years. With no means of earning a  secured livelihood, he decided to start farming on his one acre of land. He started growing traditional crops but this was not sufficient enough to meet his family expenses. Then he came into the contact of KVK, Mandi during 2007 and experts motivated him to start mushroom cultivation. KVK experts motivated him to start round the year mushroom cultivation. After acquiring seven days training on mushroom cultivation from CSKHPKV, Palampur during 2011, he started his journey of mushroom cultivation with 50 bags.  He has also acquired 200 hrs skill development training on mushroom grower job role under ASCI. Today, he has established an identity as a successful entrepreneur in the field of mushroom cultivation and earning net returns to the tune of about 2.50 lakh per annum. The produced fresh mushrooms are sold to the consumers in the local markets as well as in hotels in Manali & Shimla

Simple house wife turned into successful entrepreneur

Smt Kalpna Sharma has been forced into farming profession about few years back after her husband became bed ridden due to back bone problem in a severe accident. Initially it was very difficult for her to earn two ends meal and get medical aid to her bed ridden husband, and failure to secure a job to meet her family expenses, she decided to go for farming as her livelihood source. She started from traditional crops like paddy, wheat, maize etc. but owing to poor returns, she started cultivating vegetables. Thereafter she got training on protected cultivation and erected polyhouses of 750 m2 each. She is in regular touch with KVK scientists for technological advise and started raising vegetables (Capsicum and cucumber) under protected conditions. She earns about 2.80 lakhs from polyhouse which not only gave her confidence but made also helped her to meet family expenses

Promoting vocal for local through women led self help groups

Himalayan Gaurav trust is a non government organization formed by two innovative social workers with its head quarter at Chauntra in district Mandi of Himachal Pradesh. Smt. Leela Devi and Sh. Pritam is the founder of this trust. These social workers started mobilizing rural women to adopt value addition of locally available fruits and vegetables which otherwise going waste due to lack of technical knowhow. They came in contact with KVK, Mandi Himachal Pradesh and experts motivated them to start processing of food items on group approach. KVK experts imparted skill development trainings on processing to group members. These group members then acted as master trainers and are involved in imparting trainings to their fellow members in the village level. Various value added products like  Jam, Chutney, Pickles and amla burfi, murrabba, candy and traditional products like barian, seera etc. are being prepared on large scale by these groups. KVK experts also imparted skill training on Dhingri mushroom cultivation and  some of the groups are doing excellent work on Dhingri mushroom production.  At present 170 Women Self help Groups of Chauntra, Sarkaghat and Drang block of Mandi District of Himachal Pradesh are associated with the trust.  Initially, inter group marketing strategy for selling of produce was adopted but now they have established permanent stall at Chaugan of Bir Billing, a famous tourist place for paragliding. These activities have secured the livelihood of rural women.

Terrace vegetable nursery raising becomes a source of livelihood security

Smt. Sunita Kumari is a resident of village Bharjwanu of Sundernagar block of district Mandi of Himachal Pradesh. She was leading a simple life of house wife devoting herself to her children and family before adopting farming for livelihood. Her husband was working in rented cycle repair shop about 5 Km from her village to earn livelihood for his family but was earning a meager amount which was not sufficient enough to meet out family expenses. In 2007, her husband got serious health problems which forced him to continue his work of cycle repairing and was almost bed ridden. This compelled Sunita Kumari to work as unskilled labour in her village to sustain her family but the earnings were meager enough to meet out family and children education expenses. Consequently she decided to take farming as a profession for sustenance. In the course of her agriculture journey, Smt. Sunita came in contact with KVK Mandi during 2009-10 when she faced initial hurdles and discussed about options in agriculture. KVK experts motivated her to adopt vegetable farming for income generation in her small land holding. She was advised by the KVK experts to scientifically grow and raise the nursery of vegetable crops, for getting the remunerative returns.  She took vocational training on scientific nursery raising of vegetable crops, their production and protection technology at KVK, Mandi and UHF Nauni, Solan. She started growing vegetables on the leased land. She has been cultivating cauliflower, broccoli, radish, spinach, peas, turnip and potato in Rabi season and cucurbits (cucumber, bottle gourd, bitter gourd and summer squash), French bean, capsicum & tomatoes in Kharif season. She does not have sufficient land for farming and thus KVK also motivated her to grow vegetable seedlings on the terrace for supply to fellow farmers and in nearby areas for additional income. At present she has become a successful nursery grower and producing the quality seedlings of different crops like onion, cole crops and solanaceous vegetables apart from poly tube nurseries of cucumber, bottle gourd, bitter gourd and summer squash etc. early in the season. She earns a net profit of Rs. 50,000/- by selling vegetable seedlings grown on terrace of her house.  Apart, she also earns annual income of about Rs. 2.30 lakh by the sale of fresh seasonal vegetable from her leased farm land. Earlier Sunita used to sell vegetables at her village itself. Now vegetable vendors from neighbouring areas usually come to take her produce directly from her fields. She is earning additional income by selling vegetable nursery to other farmers in her village as well as neighbouring villages. At the same time she runs and monitors two Vegetables Self Help Groups in her village and has become a role model for other women farmers. Sh. Purshotam Rupala, Hon’ble State Agriculture Minister also interacted with her during Mahila Ksan Divas on 15th October, 2020 and appreciated her success.

Diversified farming system secures livelihood

Mr. Tej Ram, a progressive farmer of Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh established himself as a successful entrepreneur adopting diversified farming system. With the technological backstopping from KVK, Mandi experts, he has adopted multiple cropping and farming system on his farm which is 1.6 ha in area by growing seasonal and off seasonal vegetables including exotic vegetables, cereals and pulses supported with a small dairy unit.  Overall, he earns about 4.50 lakh from different cropping and livestock production system per annum. The modified different organic formulations prepared from local resources has increased soil fertility and also reduced the cost of chemical inputs. The marketing model developed by him with buy back option not only ensured remunerative returns but has also opened the door to other fellow farmers a best marketing platform for selling of farm produce at reasonable rates. He has been awarded with Outlook Innovation Award 2017 (less than 2 ha) by Union Agriculture Minister, GOI

Group led women entrepreneurship though processing for supplementing family income

Sheetla self help group is a women led group comprising of 25 members of Berri and Mansai villages of Balh development block of district Mandi Himachal Pradesh. This group was formed under JICA project and came into contact with KVK during 2016. KVK experts motivated the members of this group to take up the processing of fruits and vegetables for supporting family income. This group was trained by KVK, Mandi especially in processing and value addition of wild fruit amla which is sufficiently available in their villages. These members were imparted skill training on preparation of various value added amla products like Amla burfi, Candy, Murrabba, Jam, Chuttney in addition to soya products like Soya paneer, soya burfi, soya ladoo etc. The products of this group has attracted the consumers and having good demand in the area

Ex-servicemen ensures lakhs from integrated farming system

Shri Parma Ram Chaudhary, ex-serviceman is a source of inspiration for the farming community. He follows Integrated Farming System where he practices crop husbandry in his 2.5 acre land, dairying with 5 murrah buffaloes in his cattle yard attached to his home and sericulture and mushroom cultivation in an old house on his farm. Moreover, he has a small vermi-composting unit and an azolla production unit. KVK Mandi not only provided him with technical backstopping but also constantly boosted his moral. He kept in constant touch with the KVK and went on adopting innovative and sustainable farm practices resulting into enhanced returns and developed a model of sustainable integrated farming system which is worth replicating in the region. Crop production (cereals & vegetables), dairy, ZBNF, sericulture, mushroom,  small scale Flour mill, terrace farming are the major IFS components of his farm.  He earns net returns of about Rs. 2.50 lakh per annum from both farm and nonfarm based enterprises. He has developed a multi-purpose tiller cum puddler using the engine of an abandoned scooter which was exhibited at the National Innovator’s Meet held at KVK Mysore during November, 2010. His other innovations include multi-crop harvester, modified wheel hand hoe/ weeder and portable farm implements etc. His innovations have been published in ICAR farm innovators compendium of year 2010. He has been instrumental in transfer of farm technology in the region. Many farmers visit his farm for experiential learning and to seek his guidance. He has been recognized at various platforms at the national and state levels. Amongst all, ICAR’s Jagjivan Ram Abhinav Kisan Puruskar from Zone-I for the year 2013 has been the major recognition as an innovative farmer

Rural youth adopted protected farming for self employment

Sh. Lok Pal Thakur is a young farmer of village Dodhwan of Sundernagar Tehsil of Mandi district.  After his schooling (10+2), he was serving in a Private company as an accountant at a meager salary of about Rs. 6000 per month which was not sufficient enough for him to meet out his family expenses. So one day he came in contact with KVK Mandi experts and he discussed about options in agriculture. He was guided by the KVK scientists to apply for subsidy for the construction of polyhouse with Department of Agriculture under Pt DDKBSY. His polyhouse measuring 504 m2 was sanctioned and fabricated in Januray 2014. KVK scientists visited his polyhouse and advised him to grow capsicum. Initially he faced some problems but he regularly got advice from KVK for better management of his crop. He was able to get very good crop until January 2015.Consequently he underwent a training on protected cultivation at CSK HPKV Palampur also and fabricated another polyhouse. Initially, Mr. Lokpal focused on capsicum cultivation, but later he also started growing other vegetable crops like capsicum, cucumber, tomato, coriander, spinach etc. for efficient and most economical use of space and time in protected structures. He meticulously plan crop calendar for his protected structures suiting to market requirements and off season advantage for harnessing maximum profit. He is a regular visitor to KVK and seeks technical guidance on different aspects from time to time and a successful entrepreneur enjoying authority in protected cultivation of vegetables. He has been cultivating vegetables under protected structures for last five years and earning handsome returns to the tune of about 2.50 lakh per annum from polyhouse of 630 m2. Like other farmers initially he also sent the produce to the big city markets in the neighbouring plains, but later on he exploited the local markets/ hotels and bakeries to sell his produce. Owing to good quality he got good demand and handsome returns of his produce in the local market. Being a model polyhouse grower in the region, the trainees in the KVK and other developmental agencies are also regularly visiting his polyhouse for interaction and sharing of experience.

Our Scientists

Dr. Pankaj Sood

Programme Coordinator-cum-Pr. Scientist (Entomology)

Dr. Shakuntla Rahi

Sr. Extn. specialist (Veg. Science)

Contact: 7018453225

Dr. D S Yadav

Extension Specialist (Extension Education)

Contact: 9418652546

Dr. LK Sharma

Extension Specialist (Pomology)

Contact: 9418109440

Mrs. Kalpana Arya

Extension Specialist (Home Science)

Contact: 9418071248

Dr. Brij Vanita

Subject Matter Specialist  (Vet.& A.H)

Contact: 9882540417

Mrs. Neha Chauhan

Subject Matter Specialist  (Soil Science)

Contact: 7832973976

Technical & Office staff




Sh. Ram Lal Thakur

Supdt. Grade-II

Sh. Om Chand

Technical Assistant Grade-II

Sh. Rajender Pal

Technical Assistant Grade-II

Sh. Virender Kumar


Dr. Shivani Thakur

SMS Agro-metrology

Sh. Deepak Sharma

Agro met Observer

Contact us:

Programme Coordinator

Krishi Vigyan Kendra Mandi at Sundernagar 

District Mandi Himachal Pradesh, India -175019

 Tel. & Fax: +91 1907 262547



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