Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK)- Kangra
Technologies Adopted
Protected Cultivation of vegetables and flowers for livelihood security
The area under protected cultivation has increased up to about 50 ha till date in the district. Presently, about 2000 farmers have adopted protected cultivation of vegetables and flowers as a vocation for self-employment and earning ₹ 2.5 to 4.5 Lakh from 1000 m2
Eco-friendly management of fruit fly pest in Vegetable crops:
The technology has been adopted in about 1000 ha vegetable growing area in the state, resulting in direct additional returns to the tune of ₹24 lakh per annum, apart from saving of about ₹ 40 lakh on account of reduction in pesticide applications. Further reduction of pesticide applications reduced pesticide load in the environment and the trap could be a viable option in the organic ecosystem.
Off season and exotic vegetable cultivation in high hill wet temperate zone.
Area under vegetables has increased to about 12000 ha in the district with production of 2.23 MT, which has ensured livelihood for the marginal and small farmers and higher returns per unit area. Under off season vegetable cultivation of peas and cole crops acreage has increased from 1000 hectare to 2200 hectares till date in the region fetching premium returns and higher profitability of ₹ 0- 2.4 lakhs/ ha.
Adoption of scented Paddy cultivar (HPR 2612):
Short duration scented paddy cultivar HPR 2612 not only fits well in cropping system in many niche areas of district but also resistant to blast and false smut diseases. Ii has been adopted in about 2000 ha in the district during last eight years fetching additional revenue of ₹ 10000 – 14000 per ha to the farmers.
Agri Entrepreneur Development:
The landless farmers of the district has a challenge of earning bread and butter for the family as he has a limited scope towards his livelihood security. In such cases the KVK, Kangra organised vocational trainings in the field of Mushroom Cultivation and approximately 500 viable units are operational in the district enabling farmers in drawing secured income from this venture.
Who Are we
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kangra came into existence on 19th January, 2000 with 100 percent financial assistance from Indian Council of Agricultural Research. The total land with the KVK is 8.64 ha. The centre has its own administrative building, farmers hostel, threshing floor and farm godown and various units like rain water harvesting system, soil testing laboratory, plant health diagnostic services, Information hub, crop demonstration and seed production farm, Vegetable Production Unit dairy unit, Vermiculture unit, fodder/ Pasture and Pasture Development Unit, horticulture unit, Medicinal & Aromatic unit and Integrated Farming System unit, polyhouse, poultry and goatry units. District Kangra is situated in the lap of Western Himalayas lying between 31˚ 21′ to 32˚ 59′ N latitude and 75˚ 47′ 55″ to 77˚ 45′ E longitude & 250 to 6975 m above msl. The district has a variety of climatic situations ranging from Sub humid subtropical, Humid sub-tropical, Humid sub-temperate to Wet temperate climate with average annual rainfall of 1522 mm. The temperature are highest on average in June (30.7˚ C) and lowest in January 11.8˚ C. Total geographical and net cultivated area of the district is 577665 and 213889 ha, respectively, with population of 15.60 lakh. Among cereal crops; wheat, maize and paddy are the important crops grown in the district. Important vegetable crops grown in the district are potato, peas, tomato, cabbage, cauliflower, radish, cucumber and capsicum. Among fruits, Citrus, mango and Litchi are the important fruit crops of the district.
Our Strengths
- Science and technology-led growth leading to enhanced productivity, profitability and sustainability of agriculture
- Farmer-centric growth in agriculture and allied sectors through application of appropriate technologies in specific agro-ecosystem perspective
- Technology Assessment and Demonstration for its Application and Capacity Development
- A unique opportunity offered by varied agro ecological situations in the district to serve farmers in cultivating off season vegetables for higher returns
Our Proud Krishi Ambassadors
Ms. Sushma Devi
Vill. Abdullapur PO Jamanabad
Round the year Vegetable Cultivation and Nutri Garden
Mr. Jalim Singh
Vill. Bhadiara PO Tiara
Mushroom Cultivation
Mr. Ram Singh
Vill. Dhugiari PO Gaggal
Subhash Palekar Natural Farming
Ms. Suman Lata
Vill. Siholpuri PO Shahpur
Mahila Kisan Award-2018
Value Addition of Agricultural Produce
Our Scientists
Dr. Sanjay Sharma
Programme Coordinator cum ES(Soil Science)
Contact : 94180-69252
Technical & Office staff
Technical & office Staff
S.No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Sh. Rakesh Rana | Tech. Asstt.Gr-I |
2 | Sh. Jagdish Chand | Tech. Asstt.Gr-II |
3 | Sh. Sushil Kumar | Laboratory Attendant |
4 | Sh. Sushil Kumar Nag | Sr. Sc. Stenographer |
5 | Sh. Shalender Kumar | Driver |
6 | Sh. Uttam Chand | Beldar |
7 | Sh. Tilak Raj | Peon |
Contact us
Programme Coordinator
CSKHPKV Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kangra ,
Distt-Kangra-176001, Himachal Pradesh
Telefax: 01892 264550