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Last Updated: December 19, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/375 Dated: 19.12.2019
CSKHPKV and NABARD Sign MoU for Implementing Projects on Agriculture Development
Palampur 18 December. A launching workshop of NABARD sponsored projects was organized at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sunder Nagar on 18.12.2019. Mr. Nilay D Kapoor, Chief General Manager NABARD while addressing the gathering told that NABARD had sanctioned three Projects amounting Rs. 41,40,500 under Farm Sector Promotion Fund scheme to be implemented by three KVKs of CSKHPKV, Palampur. These projects have been sanctioned by NABARD with the objective of promoting agriculture and allied activities for enhancing farmer's income. He emphasized that Entrepreneurship development is the main motto of NABARD and that can only be achieved through capacity building of farmers in new and innovative farm enterprises/ technologies. In the workshop, farm varsity and NABARD signed MoU for implementing projects under Farm Sector Promotion Fund. On behalf of NABRAD, Mr. Nilay D Kapoor CGM, NABARD Himachal Pradesh and Dr. YP Thakur, Director Extension Education, CSKHPKV, Palampur signed the MoU.
During MoU signing ceremony, Dr. YP Thakur, Director Extension Education, CSKHPKV, Palampur told that it was encouraging that NABARD had come forward to help the University by providing funds for the upliftment of farmers. He expressed the hope that professional trainings and demonstrations by the KVK experts would enable the farmers to double their income as per the initiatives of Govt. of India and Govt. of Himachal Pradesh. Dr. Thakur told that all three projects sanctioned by the NABRAD will be implemented by KVK, Mandi, Sirmour and Una in their respective districts. In these projects farmers will be imparted skill development trainings under the areas of agriculture, protected cultivation, vegetable cultivation including off season, exotic, Mushroom cultivation and dairy farming etc. He further told that successful models will be established under these vocations which will serve as model entrepreneurs for further experiential learning among other fellow farmers.
Dr. B.R Premi, DGM, NABARD, Dr. RK Raju, Member, Board of Management, young entrepreneur Mr. Yusuf Khan also shared their experience during the workshop. Dr. Sohan Premi, DDM, NABARD, and KVK scientists along with progressive farmers were also present in this workshop. The NABARD team along with Director Extension, CSKHPKV, Palampur also visited hydroponics unit at Dinak, mushroom unit at Mahadev and polyhouses at Plauhta villages of District Mandi.
Earlier, Dr. Pankaj Sood, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Mandi welcomed the Chief guest, other dignitaries/ farmers while highlighting the details about the projects being implemented by different KVKs in districts Mandi, Una and Sirmour.
Mr. Nilay D Kapoor, CGM, NABARD signing MoU with Dr. Y.P. Thakur, DEE, CSKHPKV worth Rs. 41,40,500 under Farm Sector Promotion Fund scheme.
Last Updated: December 11, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/373 Dated: 11.12.2019
Press Release
CSKHPAU and HPKVN to sign MoU for the skill development trainings and certificates courses in farm-based avocation: Vice-Chancellor Prof A.K.Sarial
Palampur 11 December. CSK H.P. Agriculture University and H.P. Kaushal Vikas Nigam (HPKVN) have decided to undertake skill development trainings in identified job roles. This was disclosed by Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, after chairing a joint meeting of University officers and HPKVN representatives.
The Vice-Chancellor told that it has been decided that various skill development trainings in identified job roles in a variety of fields like mushroom cultivation, nursery raising, poultry farming, food processing etc. will be conducted for capacity building of the farming community for entrepreneurship development in agriculture and allied fields. The Vice-Chancellor said that it has also been decided to start certificate courses for the unemployed Himachali youth. Shortly, MoU will be signed by the University and HPKVN for the skill development trainings and starting certificates courses in farm-based avocations.
Director of Extension Education Dr Y.P.Thakur, Dean Dr.Mandeep Sharma, HPKVN State Coordinator Mr Naveen Sharma , industry coordinator Mr. Rajan Kaul and scientists from the University were present in the meeting.
Last Updated: December 07, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/372 Dated: 07.12.2019
Press Release
Workshop on prevention of drug abuse at CSK H.P.Agriculture University
Palampur 7 December. A counselling session and workshop on prevention of drug abuse was organized at CSK H.P. Agriculture University.
Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, while addressing participants, asked them to help in eradicating the menace of drug abuse in the society, especially among the youth. "Students and others should be made aware about the ill-effects of drug addiction and provided timely help if need be", said Prof Sarial. He appreciated the organisers for the workshop as such interactions act as catalyst in spreading the message of collective social responsibility among masses.
Dr. Madhumeet Singh, Students' Welfare Officer informed that this was a part of one month special drive on prevention of drug abuse being observed by the Government of Himachal Pradesh from 15 November to 15 December, 2019.
During the workshop, the guest speaker-cum- counsellor Dr. Atul Gupta, interacted with the students and staff on the menace of synthetic drugs like cocain, heroin etc. He emphasized to develop the skills of saying no to drugs and handle the day to day stress being faced by the youth. During the workshop, Dr. Amit Sharma, DSP Palampur also interacted with the audience and apprised about the prevalent laws and functioning of enforcing agencies along with action to be taken to curb the menace of drug abuse. Dr. Ankur Sharma, Nodal Officer, Anti-drug abuse campaign and Dr Virender Pathak, Coordinator of the workshop also expressed their views.
Students also presented a skit against drug abuse. Deans of constituent colleges and other statutory officers along with students participated in the workshop.
Last Updated: December 04, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/371 Dated: 04.12.2019
Women in Agriculture Day celebrations at College of Home Science
Farm ladies play a pivotal role in agriculture: Vice-Chancellor Prof A.K. Sarial
Palampur 4 December. "Women in Agriculture Day" was celebrated at College of Home Science in CSK H.P. Agriculture University, here today. Chief Guest Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, while addressing the farm ladies and scientists, appreciated the crucial role of farm women in farm production. He said that governments have introduced many schemes for the welfare of farmers, including farm women and they should avail benefits from such programmes for their socio-economic upliftment. The Vice-Chancellor said that some progressive ladies were role models to others as they were putting extra efforts through self-help groups to supplement their family income. Prof.Sarial told that Indian culture and value system were rich and strong due to the sustained efforts of ladies. He advocated keeping this system intact without being influenced by western culture where families were disintegrating at a faster pace.
The Vice-Chancellor underlined the importance of quality education. He told that a large number of girls were coming forward to enroll in agricultural programmes and around 58 percent of girls constitute academic programmes in four constituent colleges in his University. He said that in near future most of the farm officers will be ladies and it will have positive results on farming. He said that farm scientists should upgrade new age technology knowledge of rural women as it will enhance their decision making skills. Prof.Sarial advised farm ladies to be in touch with University for upgrading their skills in farm based avocations like bee-keeping, mushroom cultivation, etc.
The Vice-Chancellor also awarded some farm ladies of self help groups from Molichak, Kandwari, Spedu, Padhiarkhar, etc. for their exceptional work. He also released a brochure of All India coordinated research project on Home Science.
Guest of Honour Dr Yash Pal Thakur, Director of Extension Education, said that it was proven fact that ladies play important role in livestock keeping, including marketing of milk and milk products. He said that ladies should come forward for attending trainings at the University and Krishi Vigyan Kendras.
Guest of Honour Dr.Dinesh Kumar Vatsa, Director of Research, said that ladies were looking after their homes and farms with much efforts and need due recognition for their significant contributions. Such days provide platform to honour them. He said that most of the farm operations were performed by ladies.
Dr. Yadwinder Singh Dhaliwal, Dean, College of Home Science, told that this day is celebrated throughout the world. He said that self help groups were being motivated to link their groups with Startups to widen their areas of operations and enhance profits. He detailed about his college activities.
Dr Jitender Kishatwaria, ICAR Emeritus Professor, said that agriculture was not possible without the active role of women. She advocated nutritional security to farm ladies and children. Dr Anjali Sood and Dr Bindiya Dutt also detailed about the activities undertaken during the women in day celebrations. Some progressive farm ladies shared their success stories.
Deans Dr Mandeep Sharma and Ashwani Kumar Basandrai, heads and scientists also attended the celebrations.
A view of the dais and participants
Last Updated: November 25, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/370 Dated: 25.11.2019
Training Programme on the Job Role of Small Poultry Farmers
CSKHPAU making massive efforts to propel farming in Himachal Pradesh: Vice-Chancellor Prof A.K. Sarial
Palampur 25 November. Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor inaugurated a month long 'Training Programme on the Job Role of Small Poultry Farmer' at Dr G.C.Negi College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences (COVAS) in CSK H.P. Agriculture University, here today.
While addressing the twenty farmer trainees, the Vice-Chancellor said that some very promising schemes to encourage farming and farm enterprises have been initiated by central and state governments and progressive farmers, especially young farmers should come forward to avail the benefits of such programmes. He exhorted them to become job providers rather than job seekers and propel farming for the common good of all. He said that his university was making massive efforts to train a large number of trainings so that young farmers were attractive towards farming.
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, told that his university has developed twenty farm and animal husbandry based models. He exhorted farmers to adopt any model or combination of models as per their region and need.The Vice-Chancellor also interacted with all farmers. He advised them to make full use of special training as government was spending huge amount for the effort which should not go waste. The Vice-Chancellor said that the university scientists will be visiting some of the trainees after some months to see the progress. He advised them to be in touch with scientists at University or its Krishi Vigyan Kendras at district level to seek timely help and guidance. He also underlined the importance of natural farming and Desi cow.
Dr Yash Pal Thakur, Director of Extension Education, said that backyard poultry has good potential in the State. It is helpful for providing additional income and nutrition to farm families. He said that sixteen trainings sponsored by Agricultural Skill Council of India will be organized by the University.
Dr Mandeep Sharma, Dean, COVAS), said that a promising "Karaknath" breed of poultry has been adopted by some progressive farmers of the State. He said that the University has developed "Him Samridhi" poultry breed which was becoming popular.
Dr. Ashok Kumar Panda, Head, Department of Veterinary Extension Education told that training was sponsored by Agricultural Skill Council of India. Dr. Manoj Sharma, course director and Dr. Devesh Thakur, course coordinator detailed about the training.
Shri Sandeep Sood, Registrar; Dr Dinesh Kumar Vatsa, Director of Research; Dr Vipin Kumar Gupta, Students' Welfare Officer, heads and scientists from COVAS were present in the function.
Last Updated: November 22, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/365 Dated: 22.11.2019
Vice-Chancellor Prof A.K. Sarial advises organizing annual Animal Husbandry Officers' workshop
Palampur 22 November. A six days refresher course on 'Recent advances in treatment and control of animal diseases' for the veterinary officers of State Department of Animal Husbandry concluded at Dr G.C.Negi College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences (COVAS) in CSK H.P. Agriculture University, here today.
Chief Guest Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, while addressing the trainee veterinary officers, said that said that field veterinarians need regular updating of their knowledge and skills to face the new emerging challenges in the profession. He advised that on the lines of farm officers' workshop, animal husbandry officers' workshop should be organized annually to share advancement of technology which was helpful to the staff. He also advised that there should be collaborative projects between the COVAS and State Department of Animal Husbandry.
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, said that animal husbandry sector will play crucial role in doubling the income of farmers. He informed that his university has developed twenty farm and animal husbandry based models. "If adopted religiously, such models will help livestock keepers and farmers to double their income", opined Prof Sarial.The Vice-Chancellor also underlined the importance of indigenous cattle breeds in natural farming. He also released a training manual and distributed training certificates to trainees.
Dr Mandeep Sharma, Dean, COVAS), said that it has become more important to diagnose, treat and prevent new kind of diseases which have appeared in the state and country due to affects of climate change.
Dr Yash Pal Thakur, Director of Extension Education, said that animal husbandry was important for small and marginal farmers for their livelihood concerns and nutritional security in Himachal Pradesh. Dr. Desh Raj, Course coordinator-cum- Head, Department of Veterinary Medicine told that 18 officers took part in the refresher course.Dr. Surinder Kapil, Joint Director, State Department of Animal Husbandry and Dr Pardeep Sharma, training coordinator told that the course was sponsored by the State Department of Animal Husbandry.
Besides university scientists, local veterinary officers from the State Department of Animal Husbandry were present in the function.
A view of the dais and participants
Last Updated: November 15, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/364 Dated: 15.11.2019
Vice-Chancellor Prof A.K.Sarial inaugurates training program on Krishikosh repository for strengthening agricultural knowledge
Palampur 15 November. "With Krishikosh, the library has moved to the homes and pockets of farm scientists and students", said Prof A.K.Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, while inaugurating a 'sensitization workshop - cum- training program on Krishikosh repository for strengthening agricultural knowledge' at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, here today.
The Vice-Chancellor told that Krishikosh was a digital repository of accumulated knowledge in agriculture and allied sciences, having collection of old and valuable books, old journals, thesis, research articles, conference proceedings etc. spread all over the country in different Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) research institutions and State Agricultural Universities.He said that 103 State Agricultural Universities and Indian Council of Agricultural Research Institutes were registered in Krishikosh. This repository has more than 1,60,000 articles items which include more than 1,00,000 theses. Under the ICAR open access policy, it was mandatory to upload publication M.Sc. and Ph.D. thesis and dissertations with full contents and summary of completed research projects etc.
He said that Krishikosh has facilitated the researchers and will be of immense help in curbing plagiarism.Prof Sarial also released a manual on the occasion. He also administered anti-drug oath to the participants.
Dr. Madhumeet Singh, Librarian, informed that under the ICAR's Open Access policy, Krishikosh provides a ready software platform to implement all aspects of the open access policy, similar to 'Cloud Service' for individual institution's self-managed repository with central integration. He told that workshop has been jointly organized by the host university and Indian Agricultural Research Institute and funded by the National Knowledge Management Centre for Agriculture Education and Research under National Agricultural Higher Education Project.
Dr.Amrender Kumar, Principal Scientist and Mr Sanjiv Kumar , Technical Officer from IARI and Shri Dev Walia, Assistant Librarian from host university also detailed about Krishikosh to participants. They told that it has got huge response world over as more than 1.30 crore researchers have sought information from it with average 14000 hits daily.
Around 200 post graduate students took part in the workshop. Dr.Y.P.Thakur, Director of Extension Education and other statutory officers, Dr.N.K.Sankhyan, Nodal Officer for ICAR in the University and scientists were present in the inaugural ceremony of workshop.
A view of the dais and participants
Last Updated: November 13, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/363 Dated: 13.11.2019
Prof A.K.Sarial, Vice-Chancellor chairs Anti Ragging Committee Meeting at CSKHPAU
Palampur 13 November. Prof A.K.Sarial, Vice-Chancellor chaired a University level anti-ragging committee meeting at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, here today.
The Vice-Chancellor expressed his satisfaction that the students have maintained the glorious tradition of keeping the campus raagging free for the last eleven years. He asked all concerned to maintain this rich tradition meticulously with alterness and vigil. He informed the members that all required measures have been taken to prevent ragging in the University.
The Vice-Chancellor told that as per the legal and statutory requirements, the Students' Welfare Officer has been designated as Nodal Officer of Anti-ragging Cell and requisite information about anti-ragging activities have been wieldy publicized including regular updating on the university website. There are University level and College level anti-ragging committees entrusted with the responsibility to ensure prevention of any ragging related incidents in the campus. In addition to this, monitoring cell on ragging has been made functional and a committee for promotion and monitoring of inter-action has been constituted in addition to anti-ragging squad and anti-ragging women squad at the University level. Such committees have also been formed at college and hostel level. While expressing his satisfaction of not getting any adverse feedback about the incidents of ragging, he advised the students to avail all helpline numbers in case of any need. He also advised the students to e inform if any case of drugs comes to their notice.
Prof Sarial also advised the senior students to guide the new students in academic matters. He got independent feedback from the new students, their parents and other members.
Shri Sandeep Sood, Registrar detailed about the contents of anti-ragging law. Dr. Amit Sharma, Deputy Superintendent of Police asked students to approach police in case of any anti-ragging incident takes place. The Vice-Chancellor also asked them to avoid drugs and inform the authorities if they have any information of someone getting hooked to drugs so that timely help is provided. He also got feedback from newly admitted students.
Deans of the constituent colleges Drs Mandeep Sharma, Ashwani Basandrai, Yadwinder Dhaliwal, Students Welfare Officer Dr Vipin Kumar Gupta, Librarian Dr Madhumeet Singh, Joint Director (Information & Public Relations) Dr.Hirday Paul Singh, General Secretary Non-teaching employees union and some parents of newly admitted students attended the meeting.
Last Updated: November 11, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/362 Dated: 11.11.2019
CSKHPAU Veterinary Scientists organize animal infertility treatment camps in Bharmour
Palampur 11 November. A team of veterinary scientists from CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University organized six infertility treatment camps in different parts of district Chamba benefititng more than 100 livestok keepers. The camps were organized in collaboration with State Department of Animal Husbandry at Holi, Lamu, Runukothi, Satli, Kugti and Sachuin villages of Bharmour Sub-division under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna(RKVY) project to investigate status of infertility in bovines of Himachal Pradesh.
Prof. Madhumeet Singh, team leader and head of the department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics, told that more than 100 cows were examined and treated in these camps with main emphasis to record reproductive status and abnormalities in cows reared by the farmers in this tribal area. The scientists collected blood samples to study their minerals, biochemical and hormonal profile and also genital discharge samples for detailed diagnosis of uterine infections. Faecal samples were also collected to study the parasitic load in animals in this area and their relationship with infertility. Free medicines were distributed to the farmers. He told that in addition to treating the infertile animals in these camps, area wise mapping of reproductive ailments through clinic-gynaecological examination, nutritional deficiencies through blood investigations, parasitic infestation responsible for reproduction problems and microflora responsible for uterine infections is being done. Data generated will help in deciding future options in dealing with infertility in bovines of H.P.
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor while appreciating the team, told that 267 camps have been organised all over the State in the past and a new RKVY project worth Rs.9.00 lakh has been sanctioned recently for infertility treatment camps to be organised in the tribal areas of the State. He expressed the hope that with more camps, more number of livestock keepers in remote and less assessable areas will be benefitted.
Besides Prof. Madhumeet Singh, the team members included Dr. Pravesh Kumar and Mr. Vijay Rana.
Animal Treatment camps in operation
Last Updated: November 08, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/368 Dated: 06.11.2019
International symposium & conference of Indian Meat Science Association
Investment invited in organic meat production: Shri Virender Kanwar, Animal Husbandry Minister
Palampur 8 November. A three days international symposium and conference of Indian Meat Science Association (IMSA) on "Advances in Production, Processing and Quality Assurance of Muscle Foods for Improved Health and Nutritional Security" concluded at CSK H.P. Agriculture University, here today.
Chief Guest Virender Kanwar, Minister of Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Rural Development, Himachal Pradesh while addressing the delegates, said that ever growing population and higher meat demand offer new entrepreneurial opportunities in the meat sector. He told that Himachal has 48 lakh animal number and there was substantial increase in goat and sheep number. He said that animal breed improvement can help in improving animal production. He said that improved goat breeds have been introduced in the State but market linkages were needed. He told that investment has been invited in animal husbandry sector especially in organic meat production of goat and sheep. He said that Pahari cow milk will be marketed with 'Gauri' brand. Shri Kanwar said that recommendations of symposium should reach all stakeholders.
He said that livestock meat production was a promising area for food production, nutritional security and doubling the income of farmers. He said that farmer commodity groups should be formed at grass root level to organize meat production and marketing. The Minister also awarded five scientists and distributed appreciation certificates.
Dr.S.K.Mendiratta, President, IMSA, told that during the three days conference, major recommendations have emerged for vibrant Indian meat sector to enhance the sustainability of livestock sector, double the farmers' income and employment generation. Dr M.Muthukumar, General Secretary, IMSA, told that major recommendations include intensive farming, organic farming, meat value chain, post harvest processing, artificial intelligence, big data, food safety management system , biotechnology, functional and eco friendly packaging system, efficient by product processing and utilization, etc.
Dr Mandeep Sharma, Dean, Dr G.C.Negi College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, said that the symposium has been very successful as useful recommendations have emerged. He said that goat meat production could prove highly remunerative area for the livestock keepers of Himachal Pradesh.
Drs. Dinesh Krofa and B.G.Mane, organizing secretaries told that around two hundred delegates from all over the country and four delegates from Nepal and Bangladesh took part in the conference. Besides university statutory officers and scientists, Dr Jagdeep Kumar, Director, Department of Animal Husbandry, H.P. and Shri Ashok Sharma, Vice-Chairman, H.P.Gau Seva Ayog were also present in the valedictory function.
A view of the dais and participants
Last Updated: November 06, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/367 Dated: 06.11.2019
International symposium & conference of Indian Meat Science Association
Livestock sector can play important role in doubling the income of farmers: Dr.Ram Lal Markanda, Agriculture Minister
Palampur 6 November. A three days international symposium and conference of Indian Meat Science Association (IMSA) on "Advances in Production, Processing and Quality Assurance of Muscle Foods for Improved Health and Nutritional Security" began at CSK H.P. Agriculture University, here today.
Chief Guest Dr Ram Lal Markanda, Minister of Agriculture, Tribal Development and Information Technology, H.P. while inaugurating the conference, said that as envisaged by the Government, livestock sector can play an important role in doubling the income of farmers. He said that processing of muscle foods from livestock, poultry and fish sector plays an important role in the economics, social and nutritional well being of people which is an important component in rural development and poverty alleviation. In India, the processing sector has been recognized as a potential arena for income and employment generation to over 48 million farmers and processors. These sectors also provide quality animal protein to the people and ensuring nutritional security. With a value of export of fisheries, meat and poultry to a tune of about Rs. 60,000 crore, the processing of muscle foods from livestock, poultry and fish sector was playing a major role in stimulating and strengthening the economic growth of the nation.
Dr. Markanda drew the attention of scientists towards hygienic processing, value addition, effective utilization of by-products, modern preservation techniques, impact of climate change, quality and safety of muscle food. He asked them to develop strategies for multi-sectoral approaches for enhancing state of art technologies and innovations for processing of muscle food from livestock, poultry and fish. The Chief Guest also released some publications.
Dr Mandeep Sharma, Dean, Dr G.C.Negi College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, detailed about the major achievements of his college. He hoped that the conference outcomes will help future course of action in research, training and technology development in the muscle food processing sector.
Dr. S.K. Mendiratta, President, IMSA, spoke on the activities of his association and the importance of the conference. He said that India was exporting meat to more than 70 countries.
Drs. Dinesh Krofa and B.G.Mane, organizing secretaries and Dr Devesh Thakur told that around hundred delegates from all over the country and some delegates from Nepal and Bangladesh were taking part in the conference.
University statutory officers, scientists and students also attended the inaugural ceremony of the conference.
A view of the dais and participants
Last Updated: November 02, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/366 Dated: 02.11.2019
Legal Awareness Camp at CSKHPAU
People should come forward to eradicate social evils: Prof A.K.Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, CSKHAPU
Palampur 2 November. Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial Vice-Chancellor, CSK H.P. Agriculture University has underlined the importance of awareness programmes about various social evils. As Chief Guest, the Vice-Chancellor was addressing the students and staff during 'Legal Awareness Camp' organised by the Students' Welfare Organization in the University.
Prof Sarial said that drug addiction, sexual harassment at the workplace, dowry system, domestic violence, excessive use of social media, etc. were such evils which should be eradicated by the joint action of society and concerned agencies. People should be made aware about the ill effects of such evils and they should be motivated to eradicate such evils. He said that awareness camps at educational institutes act as a catalyst in spreading the message of social responsibility towards women and moral values to convert the violent attitude to harmonious behaviour. Guest of Honour Dr. Daisy Thakur, Chairperson, H.P.State Commission for Women highlighted the role of her organisation for addressing various women related issues and their redressal.
Dr. Amit Kumar Sharma, Deputy SP Palampur, Ms. Abha Bhaiya, Director, Jagori Rural Charitable Trust and other experts spoke on the dowry eradication, law and order, gender equality, etc. Dr.V.K.Gupta, Students Welfare Officer and Dr Vedna Kumari, Presiding Officer, Internal Complaint Committee of the University also expressed their views.
Last Updated: November 01, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/364 Dated: 31.10.2019
CSK H.P. Agriculture University Foundation Day Meeting
Every employee should bring glory to the University with dedicated hard work: Vice-Chancellor Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial
Palampur 1 November. "CSK H.P. Agriculture University has contributed immensely for the betterment of farmer and farming during the last 41 years but need to gear-up to face the new challenges", said Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, CSK H.P. Agriculture University while interacting with University statutory officers and representatives of staff unions.
The Vice-Chancellor elaborated about the major achievements in the mandated areas of academics, research and extension education. He said that it was by virtue of the hard work and dedication of staff that the university has been ranked at eleventh place amongst all farm universities of the country. "There is no time to sit back and enjoy accolades but to work even harder to sustain the position and solve the new emerging problems of the farming community with innovative solutions". He said that it was satisfying that the students were bringing laurels with their achievements in national level competitive examinations like SRF, JRF, ASRB,ICAR NET etc and the teachers were putting extra labour to guide them for competitive examinations. He said that skill component has been added in training of the farmers to equip them better. He also informed about major reforms in the areas of administration and finance.
Prof Sarial said each scientist should have at least one research project with him and publish at least one research paper in reputed journal with more than six score. The Vice-Chancellor said that each and every employee should contribute to the best of one’s capability and bring glory to the University.
During the meeting, staff union representatives requested the administration for filling up the vacant posts of teachers and non-teachers.
Shri Sandeep Sood, Registrar; S.Gurmeet Singh, Comptroller; Dr Rajeev Kumar Agnihotri, Dean Post Graduate Studies; Dr.Ashwani Basandrai, Dean College of Agriculture; Dr Mandeep Sharma, Dean College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences; Dr Y.S.Dhaliwal, Dean College of Home Science; Dr.Madhumeet Singh, Librarian ; Dr.Vipin Kumar Gupta, Students Welfare Officer; Er.Ashwani Kumar Chadha, Estate Officer; Dr Pardeep Kumar, Senator Senior Teachers Constituency; Dr.Pardeep Kumar, Senator Junior Teachers Constituency; Jai Parkash Thakur, Senator Non-teachers constituency; Shri Vimal Kant Shekhri, President Non-teachers union; Dr.R.K.Asrani, President, Veterinary & Animal Science Teachers Association and representatives of other unions actively participated in the meeting and gave suggestions for the betterment of the University.
Vice-Chancellor Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial chairing the meeting of statutory officers and staff unions on the occasion of University Foundation Day on 1 November 2019
Last Updated: October 31, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/364 Dated: 31.10.2019
Foundation Day Feature
Forty one years in the Service of Farming Community of Himachal Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya (renamed as Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya in June,2001) was established on 1st November, 1978.The College of Agriculture (established in May, 1966) formed the nucleus of the new farm University. It is ICAR accredited and ISO 9001:2015 certified institution. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has ranked this University at eleventh place among all farm universities of the country.
The University has been given the mandate for making provision for imparting education in agriculture and other allied branches of learning, furthering the advancement of learning and prosecution of research and undertaking extension of such sciences, especially to the rural people of Himachal Pradesh.
Over the years, this University has contributed significantly in transforming the farm scenario of Himachal Pradesh. Today, the State has earned its name for hill agricultural diversification and the farming community has imposed its faith in the University.
Academic Programmes: The University has four constituent colleges. The College of Agriculture has 13 departments, Dr.G.C.Negi College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences has 18 departments, the College of Home Science has five departments and the College of Basic Sciences has four departments. These colleges offer five Bachelor Degree programmes and the Dean, Post Graduate Studies offers 14 Masters Degree and 7 Doctoral Degree programmes.
At present 1643 students (943 girls & 700 boys) are on roll from six foreign countries and 14 Indian states. Around 7050 students have passed out from the University since its inception. In addition to world class academic, sports and co-curricular facilities, there are ten students' hostels, including one International Students' Hostel.
Research Activities: The Directorate of Research coordinates research in the field of agriculture, veterinary and animal sciences, home science and basic sciences. It has been giving priority to the location specific, need based and problem oriented research with multidisciplinary approach at main campus Palampur, 3 Regional Research Stations (Bajaura, Dhaulakuan & Kukumseri) and 10 Research Sub-stations (Kangra, Malan, Nagrota, Salooni, Akrot, Berthin Sundernagar, Sangla, Leo & Lari) situated in all the districts of the State (except Solan and Shimla).
The University has developed need-based technologies for the different regions of the State and has released 155 improved varieties of different crops. Around 800 quintal breeder seed and around 1000 quintal foundation seed of cereals, pulses, oilseeds, vegetable and fodder crops is produced and supplied to the State Department of Agriculture for further multiplication and making it available to the farming community. Around 100 farm technologies have been recommended to the farmers. To enhance crop and animal productivity, the University has developed suitable technologies in the areas of crop improvement, animal breeding, disease combating, natural resources management, etc. Besides continuing research on organic farming in hill agriculture, the University was first in the country to establish a zero budget natural farming centre and initiated research for safe farm produce, the concept adopted by the central government in its budget this year.
For doubling the farmers’ income by 2022 as envisaged by the government, twenty farm based models have been formulated and shared with the agriculture and animal husbandry departments of the State government. Efforts have been made to educate and motivate the farmers to adopt the models as per the agro-climatic conditions of their area and their requirements.
Extension Education: The Directorate of Extension Education shares the responsibility for planning, implementation and coordination of various extension education programmes of all the departments of four constituent colleges and research stations in close collaboration with the State Departments of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and other concerned departments and institutions. It conducts a large number of trainings for farmers, livestock keepers, farm ladies, rural youth, etc. at main campus and at its eight Krishi Vigyan Kendras (Farm Science Centres) at Bajaura, Dhaulakuan, Hamirpur, Una, Mandi, Kangra, Berthin and Kukumseri. During the last one year, Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare has sanctioned Model Training Courses also. Various skill enhancement trainings sponsored by Agricultural Skill Council of India are also conducted. Natural Farming activities are being undertaken by all Krishi Vigyan Kendras(KVKs) and KVKs have adopted one village each for Natural Farming. The Agricultural Technology Information Center is serving as a single window service to the farmers.
The Media Cell projects and protects the image of the University among target clients and others by various Public Relations and Communication tools.
A massive infrastructure to fulfill the mandate and realize objectives has been created at main campus Palampur, all Research Stations and Krishi Vigyan Kendras. The main clients viz. the farmers and the students are provided quality facilities in the form of training halls, farmers' hostels, transportation, students' hostels, play ground & gymnasium, placement cell, etc.
Among the leading universities in the hill regions of the country, this University has emerged as torch bearer for all. It is considered most peaceful institution in the region with very conducive atmosphere to pursue academic and research activities.
Due to the sincere and arduous work during the past forty one years in the University, the State has achieved new standing in the area of agriculture. Despite constant decrease in area under farming, crop yields have increased. The State has earned name in commercial agriculture, especially off-season vegetable cultivation. Harvests have become bountiful and the socio-economic status of the farming community has improved significantly.
Last Updated: October 31, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/363 Dated: 31.10.2019
CSKHPAU and State Department of Agriculture sign MoU for Geospatial Technology Based Services
Palampur 31 October. CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University and State Department of Agriculture have signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Geospatial Technology Based Services, here today.
Under the MoU signed in the presence of Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, Centre for Geoinformatics Research and Training (CGRT) in the University will provide its expertise in harnessing geo-spatial technologies in various on-going schemes like Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojna (PMKSY), Rashrriya Krishi Vikas Yojna, RAFTAAR etc. through geotagging of assets created since the launch of PMKSY program. The geographic location of non-movable assets like infrastructure shall be taken on priority basis to access the first hand information of such assets. The geotagged assets shall be made available to public over Bhuvan portal developed by National Remote Sensing Centre (ISRO), Hyderabad for meeting the national objectives of the schemes and connecting agriculture with e-governance for digital India initiative of Govt. of India.
MoU was signed on behalf of the State Department of Agriculture by Dr. R.K.Kaundal, Director Agriculture and on behalf of the University by Dr.D.K.Vats, Director of Research and Dr Sharda Singh, Programme Director, CGRT. Dr A.K. Basandrai, Dean, College of Basic Sciences and Dr. Y.P. Thakur, Director Extension Education were also present on the occasion.
CGRT also has the expertise to disseminate the results through Web GIS Portal for dynamic accessibility of outputs by the stakeholders. The CGRT and Department of Agriculture have a history of cooperation in the production and support of various GIS services provided in the form of digital map data starting from dynamic Agro-Ecological Zones (AEZ) to Himachal Pradesh Agriculture Information Files (HASIF). Initially, the MOU has been signed for the period of five years.
Signing of MoU between CAKHPAU and State Dept of Agriculture
Last Updated: October 30, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/362 Dated: 30.10.2019
Vice-Chancellor Prof A.K.Sarial exhorts farm officers and scientists to gear up in doubling the income of farmers
Palampur 30 October. A State level agricultural officers' workshop on Rabi crops was organised at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, here today.
While inaugurating the workshop, Chief Guest Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, exhorted the farm officers and scientists to gear up to help the farmers in doubling their income by 2022.He said that it was a matter of satisfaction that zero budget natural farming (ZBNF) has taken its effective roots in the state. As around 80 percent farming in State was dependent on rains so it will prove very useful to the farmers as ZBNF conserves soil moisture for a longer period. He said that the university and State Deptt. of Agriculture were jointly popularising ZBNF to help the farmers in conserving valuable resources and producing safe food to the consumers.
The Chief Guest said that to double the farmers' income, the university has developed twenty farm based enterprises yet irrigation facilities were crucial for it. He said that the present State government has initiated effective schemes in this direction by implementing irrigation schemes worth Rs.4700 crore and formulating another mega irrigation plan worth Rs. 5100 crore. He expressed the hope that with increasing irrigation facilities, the crop diversification will take place increasing the income of farmers.
Vice-Chancellor Prof Sarial also spoke on the importance of quality seed, improving the quality of trainings, reorienting research as per new challenges and needs of the farmers, animal husbandry, etc. Dr.R.K.Kaundal,Director, Deptt. of Agriculture, H.P. detailed about the arrangements made for farm inputs for ensuing Rabi season. He also elaborated about a dozen new plans including 'Mukhymanti Nootan Poly House Yojna, Prakritik Kheti Khushahal Kisan Yojna, Jal Se Krishi Ko Bal Yojan and asked the University to provide quality plantation material for increasing area under bamboo plantation. Dr.D.K.Vats, Director of Research, elaborated about significant research accomplishments and priorities of the University. He informed that 67000 Kg breeder seed and 9000 Kg of foundation seed of cereals, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables and fodder crops was produced during the last Rabi season. He told that 136 research projects worth Rs.67 crore were in operation in the university.
Dr.Y.P.Thakur, Director of Extension Education told that special efforts were being made to enhance the skill of farmers by organizing 543 trainings benefiting 16000 farmers. Twelve model training courses sponsored by the Agricultural Skill Council of India were also organised. Dr.Ashwani Kumar Basandrai, Dean, College of Agriculture and Dr R.S.Rana also expressed their views. Around 200 agriculture officers and scientists took part in the workshop. The University statutory officers and progressive farmers also took part in the workshop.
Last Updated: October 23, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/361 Dated: 23.10.2019
The farmers of Chamba and Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, CSKHPAU receive National Plant Genome Saviour Community Award worth Rs.10 lakh
Palampur 23 October. The farmers of Bhadal Panchayat of District Chamba and Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, CSK H.P. Agriculture University have received the National Plant Genome Saviour Community Award. The award consisting of Rs 10 lakh, a trophy and a certificate was conferred by Shri Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare and Sh Kailash Choudhary Minister of State of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt of India on the farmers of Bhadal Panchayat of Chamba district for conserving three land races of maize in a ceremony held at New Delhi.
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial told that Haachhi (white) Retti (red) and Chitkuri (pop corn) land races of local maize were collected, evaluated and characterized by the scientists of his University. These were found to be superior in protein and rich in sucrose. For these specialty quality traits they were registered (patented) by the Protection of Plant Variety and Farmers Right Authority (PPVFRA), New Delhi. The Authority recognizes and honours famers and their community maintaining and conserving such important land races and varieties of various crops in the country. The farmers belonging to Bhadal area growing and conserving the three land races of maize from whom a team of scientists led by Dr J.K. Sharma , former Head of Seed Science and Technology department collected the seed, evaluated and identified the specialty quality traits and finally got these registered with PPVFRA giving right to the farmers of royality on account of commercial exploitation of quality traits directly or indirectly by introgression for improvement of existing maize cultivars.
Mr. Sanjay Agarwal, Secretary (Agriculture), Dept of Agriculture Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, Dr Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary Dept of Agriculture Research and Education , Govt of India and Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research and Dr. K.V.Prabhu, Chairperson, PPV&FR Authority were also present on the occasion.
The Vice-Chancellor and farmers receiving the award
Last Updated: October 09, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/360 Dated: 09.10.2019
CSKHAPU students receive the prize from the Chief Minister
Palampur 9 October. Mr Kush Bhardwaj and Mr.Navjot Singh Thakur, students from the CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University have bagged the second position among six universities in the quiz competition organized by the wildlife wing of the H.P. Forest Department. Shri Jai Ram Thakur, Chief Minister, Himachal Pradesh presented a cash prize of Rs eight thousand and a memento to the winners yesterday at Shimla.
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor has appreciated the students for bringing laurels to the alma mater. Mr Kush Bhardwaj is a student of the College of Agriculture and Mr.Navjot Singh Thakur is a student of Dr.G.C.Negi College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences.
Last Updated: September 28, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/349 Dated: 28.09.2019
Vice-Chancellor Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial awards winners of inter-college games at CSKHAPU
Palampur 28 September. Six days annual inter college games came to an end today at CSK H.P.Agriculture University, here today. Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice- Chancellor awarded the winners of various games. The College of Agriculture (COA) was declared overall winner and was awarded the running trophy and Dr G.C. Negi College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences(COVAS) was declared runners up.Chief Guest Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, appreciated the students for playing the games in true spirit and winning laurels to their respective colleges. He said that despite busy academic schedule, students spare time for games which were essential for their physical and mental fitness.Prof Sairla asked all studentsd to take part in sports and cultural activities . He also appreciated Students Welfare Organization for organizing the games in an orderly manner and gave mementoes to coaches, refrees and supporting staff.Dr.V.K.Gupta , Students Welfare Officer, informed that around 430 students in 14 teams from four constituent colleges took part in 33 matches.Now university level teams will be selected to take part in inter university games.University statutory officers, scientists and students took part in the award ceremony. Results:In badmintorn(women), COA defeated COHS (College of Home Science), in Badmintotn(men) COA defeated COBS (Colege of Basic Sciences). In chess (women) COVAS defeated COA.In Chess(men), COA was winner and COHS remained runners up.In Table Tennis(women), COVAS was winner and COA remained runners up whereas in Table Tennis (men), COVAS were winners and COA was runners up. In basket ball (women), COBS defeated COVAS and in Basketball(men) COBS defeated COHS.In football(men) COA defeated COBS.In volleyball(women) COA defeated COVAS and in volleyball(men), COHS defeated COA.In power lifting (women) COA was winners and COBS secured second position. In power lifting (men) COHS was winner and COVAS secured second position.
Last Updated: September 24, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/348 Dated: 24.09.2019
Eight Days Model Training Course begins at CSKHPKV Palampur
Palampur 24 September. A model training course on 'Innovative entrepreneurial approaches in hill farming system for doubling the farmers' income' began at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, here today.
Chief Guest Dr.R.K.Agnihotri, Dean, Post Graduate Studies, said that innovative entrepreneurial approaches were required in farming so that youngsters take up farming and help in doubling the income of farm families. Guest of Honour Dr Y P Thakur, Director Extension, told that the university has been sanctioned three model training courses on competitive basis by the Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare. Dr Mandeep Sharma, Dean, Dr.G.C.Negi College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences also addressed the trainees. Dr Devesh Thakur, Course Director and Dr Manoj Sharma, training co-ordinator told that training course was jointly conducted by the Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education and Directorate of Extension Education. Around twenty officers from Uttrakhand, Jammu & Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh are taking part in the training.
Last Updated: September 23, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/348 Dated: 23.09.2019
Model Training Course on Advances in Protected Cultivation of High Value Vegetable Crops concludes at CSKHPAU
Protected cultivation has potential for increasing farm income: Prof.A K Sarial, Vice-Chancellor
Palampur 23 September. "Protected cultivation has lead many youngsters to become successful entrepreneurs", told Prof.Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, while addressing trainees during the concluding ceremony of eight days 'Model Training Course on Advances in Protected Cultivation of High Value Vegetable Crops' at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, here today.
As Chief Guest, Prof Sarial said that it was heartening that many people have come forward to adopt protected cultivation in the State and have become successful entrepreneurs earning high income and providing jobs to a many. He asked trainees to spread the modern technology of protected cultivation in their areas so that farmers were benefitted. He told that area under protected cultivation in Himachal Pradesh has increased manifold in the last over one decade occupying around five hundred hectare area with more than twenty two thousand poly houses. The vegetable crop farming was generating an income to the tune of more than Rs. three thousand crore annually and protected cultivation has major contribution in it.
He also asked the scientists to carry experiments in natural farming under protected cultivation and come out with some useful recommendation as the state was moving fast towards natural farming. The Vice-Chancellor also released a compendium of lectures and distributed certificates to the trainees.
Dr.Y.P.Thakur, Director of Extension Education, said that training was organised with the sponsorship by union ministry of agriculture and farmers welfare with an intention to enhance the competence and skills of trainees.
Dr Akhilesh Sharma, Head, Dept of Vegetable Science & Floriculture; Dr.Parveen Sharma, Course Director and Dr Pardeep Kumar, Course Coordinator, told that twenty participants from all over the country took part in the training. Topics like poly house construction, hi-tech production of cucumber, tomato and capsicum, vegetable grafting, anti-cancer potential of vegetables, etc were covered during the training.
Dr.Ashwani Kumar Basandrai, Dean, College of Agriculture and other scientists were present in the ceremony.
A view of the dais
Last Updated: September 23, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/347 Dated: 23.09.2019
Sports essential for perfect development of body and mind: Vice-Chancellor Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial
Palampur 23 September. Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, has asked the students to make sports an integral part of their daily life. He was addressing them after inaugurating six days annual inter-college games at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, here today.
The Vice-Chancellor said that for the holistic development of students' personality, sports have been integrated in the academic calendar of the university and quality sports infrastructure has also been created. The students must avail theses facilities and move forward in life with perfect body and mind. He said that sports help in developing leadership qualities and emotional bonding among students. Earlier, Prof Sarial, performed flag hoisting ceremony and inspected march past by the teams.
Dr.V.K.Gupta, Students' Welfare Officer, detailed about the events and told that around 430 students in 14 teams from four constituent colleges will be taking part in 33 matches in seven games like Basketball, Football, Volleyball, Badminton, Table Tennis, Chess and Power-lifting.
University statutory officers, scientists and students took part in the inaugural ceremony.
Vice-Chancellor inaugurating the games, inspecting march past and a view of spectators
Last Updated: September 16, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/346 Dated: 16.09.2019
Model Training Course on Advances in Protected Cultivation of High Value Vegetable Crops begins at CSKHPAU
Palampur 16 September. A 'Model Training Course on Advances in Protected Cultivation of High Value Vegetable Crops' began at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, here today. Dr.Y.P.Thakur, Director of Extension Education, while inaugurating the eight days course, asked the twenty trainees from across the country to learn the latest farm technologies on protected cultivation of vegetable crops and disseminate it in the fields so that the income of farming community may increase manifold. He said that the university was pioneer in developing protected cultivation technologies.
Dr.Akhilesh Sharma, Head, Department of Vegetable Science and Floriculture apprised about different vegetable varieties released by the university. Dr.Parveen Sharma, Course Director detailed about the technology generated in the area of protected cultivation by the university and Dr Pardeep Kumar, Course Coordinator, informed about the significance of the course.
Last Updated: September 16, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/345 Dated: 16.09.2019
Agri-entrepreneurship orientation-cum-incubation programme by Him Palam Raftaar Agri-Business incubator
Startups in agriculture and allied sectors can help farmers: Vice-Chancellor Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial
Palampur 16 September. Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, inaugurated a two month long "Agri-entrepreneurship orientation-cum-incubation programme" at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, here today. The programme was organised by Him Palam Raftaar Agri-Business incubator.
The Vice-Chancellor said that all those young people who have been selected to undergo two months mentorship in the university should put their heart and soul in the proposed idea and should work hard with complete dedication availing quality facilities in the university. The university has provided them experienced and known specialists as mentors. He said that their scalable and repeatable business models should turn into successful enterprises helping generating employment to many others.
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor said that ever increasing unemployment was a challenge for all and the Governments of India and Himachal Pradesh have come out with such Startup schemes to motive the youngsters to start their own business and become successful entrepreneurs. He detailed about Govt. of India sponsored 'Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna Raftaar (RKVY-RAFTAAR)' and Chief Minister's Startup programme. He said that some students and other youngsters have come up with ideas for a scalable business models. The seventeen people have been selected from among around one hundred applicants. The seventeen incubatees will be provided stipend of Rs. Ten thousand per month for pursuing their entrepreneurial aspirations. They will also be eligible for pre-seed funding to convert their innovative idea into a prototype or product and seed stage funding maximum of Rs. 25 lakh may also be granted to them to launch their model in the market.
Guests of Honour Dr.D.K.Vatsa, Director of Research and Dr Ashwani Kumar Basandrai, Dean, College of Agriculture told that Startup schemes were need of the times and basic purpose was to help the farming community with innovative solutions. Co-Principle Investigator Dr.Y.S.Dhaliwal, Dean, College of Home Science and Dr.V.K.Shrma, Principal Investigator and Head, Dept. of Soil Science also detailed about Him Palam Raftaar Agri-Business incubator. University statutory officers, heads and scientists were also present during the inaugural ceremony.
Last Updated: September 07, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/337 Dated: 07.09.2019
CSKHPAU veterinary scientists organize animal infertility treatment camps in Sirmour
Palampur 7 September. A team of veterinary scientists from Dr G.C.Negi College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (COVAS), CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University organized eight infertility treatment camps in different parts of district Sirmour in the first week of September. The camps were organized in collaboration with Department of Animal Husbandry, H.P. at Pipliwala, Sharli, Jamna, Kando-Chyog, Kando-Bhatnol, Shiri-Kyari, Bhawai and Andheri villages under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna(RKVY) project to investigate status of infertility in bovines of Himachal Pradesh.
Prof. Madhumeet Singh, head of the department of Veterinary Gynaecology and team leader, told that around 180 cows and buffaloes were examined and treated in these camps with main emphasis to record reproductive status and abnormalities in bovines reared by the farmers in this district. The scientists collected blood samples to study their minerals, biochemical and hormonal profile and also genital discharge samples for detailed diagnosis of uterine infections. Faecal samples were also collected to study the parasitic load in animals in this area and their relationship with infertility. Free medicines were distributed to the farmers. He said that department is rendering specialized services to the farmers in different parts of the state for treatment of various reproductive disorders with an aim to reduce incidence of infertility. Around 1100 blood, 800 uterine discharge and 1200 fecal samples have been collected and analysed for detailed investigations of various diseases. Area wise mapping of reproductive ailments through clinic-gynaecological examination, nutritional deficiencies through blood investigations, parasitic infestation responsible for reproduction problems and microflora (bacteria and fungi) responsible for uterine infections is being done.
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor while appreciating the scientists for serving the farmers at their doorsteps in remote and less accessible areas said that in the last six years, the scientists from this department have organized 261 infertility treatment camps under RKVY projects in diverse parts of Himachal Pradesh, including around 100 camps in tribal and other very remote locations. Around 7000 cows and buffaloes have been examined and treated in these specialized camps.
Besides Prof. Madhumeet Singh, the team members included Dr. Pravesh Kumar and Mr. Vijay Rana from the Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics.
Last Updated: September 05, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/336 Dated: 06.09.2019
Teachers' Day at CSKHPAU
"Maintain academic excellence", urges Prof Ashok Sarial, Vice-Chancellor
Palampur 5 September. "The university needs to maintain excellence in mandated areas of academics, research and extension education to retain exalted 11th rank among all farm universities of the country", exhorted Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor while addressing the teachers, students and non-teaching employees on the occasion of teachers' day at CSK H.P. Agriculture University, here today.
Prof Sarial, who makes it a point to interact with scientists and students on teachers' day every year, appreciated them for their various achievements and awards at national level and asked them to continue bringing glory to the profession and institution. The Vice-Chancellor said that despite being a younger and small university in comparison to many old and bigger institutions, the sheer commitment, hard work and dedication of each and every individual has been able to galvanize his farm varsity. Almost all undergraduate and post graduate seats have been filled up with the joining of students from six foreign countries and 14 Indian states. Among 1644 students on roll, 938 are girls and around 7050 students have passed out since inception of the university. This year, 50 students qualified national level competitive examination like JRF, SRF, etc. and 146 students got placements. NCC girls wing was started and 36 students, including 14 girl cadets cleared NCC 'C' certificate examination. Four batches of alumni have contributed Rs.25 lakh for instituting scholarships.
The scientists have been able to get a large number of research projects sanctioned amounting to Rs. 25.36 crore in the last one fortnight. Besides providing useful solution to the farm problems, such projects also serve the society by providing employment to meritorious candidates. Shiitake mushroom cultivation and training centre worth Rs. 5.00 crore will be established soon. Seven crop varieties have been recommended for cultivation. The Vice-Chancellor also detailed information about administrative reforms, financial health and staff welfare.
University statutory officers, heads, staff and students attended the function. Later, teachers' day was also organized enthusiastically in all the departments of the constituent colleges.
Vice-Chancellor Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial addressing the staff and students on the occasion of Teachers' Day and a view of the audience
Last Updated: September 04, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/335 Dated: 04.09.2019
Vice-Chancellor Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial holds press conference
ICAR sanctions Rs.22.66 crore project on Protected Agriculture and Natural Farming to CSKHPAU
Palampur 04 September. CSK HP Agriculture University has been sanctioned research projects worth Rs. 25.36 crore recently. This was disclosed by Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, during a press conference, here today.
The Vice-Chancellor informed that a project entitled "Centre for Advanced Agricultural Science and Technology (CAAST) on Protected Agriculture and Natural Farming" under National Agriculture Higher Education Plan worth Rs. 22.66 crore has been sanctioned by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Prof Sarial told the faculty and Post Graduate students engaged in protected agriculture and natural farming research will get exposure and training upto three months on modern concepts of the subject in international and national reputed institutions. Similarly, there is provision in the project for capacity building of students and farm officers in related fields. Prof Sarial informed that this project will provide an opportunity to address issues like diseases and insect-pests, excessive use of fertilizers, weedicides, pesticides etc., and will enable the farmers to produce chemical free vegetables and help in improving the quality of the environment.
The Vice-Chancellor told that in addition to this prestigious project, six other research projects worth Rs. 2.70 crore have been sanctioned recently. These include a project entitled 'Mapping of geographical distribution and identification of new invasive spp. of insects-pest and diseases, simulated futuristic crop water footprints scenarios for major crops, in H.P.' worth Rs 51.58 lakh, project entitled 'Molecular mapping of anthracnose resistance gene in common bean race KRC-8 and identification of adult plant resistance components' worth Rs. 41.00 lakh, project entitled 'Estimation of cost of cultivation of major crops in H.P.' worth Rs. 45.28 lakh, project entitled 'Economic survey of polyhouses in H.P.' worth Rs. 37.75 lakh, project entitled "Eco-friendly Management Strategies for Powdery Mildew of Wheat in H.P." worth Rs. 20 lakh and project entitled 'Evaluation of Glyphosate salt formulations for their weed control efficacy in tea' amounting to Rs 5.10 lakh. Already, 145 research projects amounting to Rs. 64 crore are in operation in the University.
Vice-Chancellor also elaborated about recent admission to various
undergraduate and post graduate programmes. He told that 1644 students were
on roll from 14 Indian states and six foreign countries with 496 fresh
admissions. He told that University has expanded its social media presence
by opening Twitter account: https://twitter.com/HPAUbest and
Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial during his Press Conference.
Last Updated: August 31, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/334 Dated: 30.08.2019
Vice-Chancellor Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial asks students and staff to protect and preserve environment
Palampur 30 August. Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, CSK H.P. Agriculture University has underlined the need to protect and preserve environment. He as interacting with the students and staff after planting a sapling of Peepal (Ficus religiosa) to mark the end of month long plantation drive in Dr.G.C.Negi College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (COVAS), here today.
The Vice-Chancellor appreciated the efforts of NSS volunteers who planted around 100 saplings of medicinal, fruit, ornamental and other useful trees in the college premises. Dr.Mandeep Sharma, Dean told that plantation campaign was initiated in early August and the NSS volunteers actively participated in it. Deptt. of Forest, H.P. and local Rotary club also extended help. Besides, scientists, NSS volunteers, NSS Program Officers Dr Devesh Thakur and Dr Madhu Suman were present on the occasion.
Last Updated: August 16, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/333 Dated: 15.08.2019
The Independence Day was celebrated with enthusiasm and gaiety at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, here today. Prof Ashok Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, unfurled the National Flag and took the salute from the NCC contingent. He inspected the impressive parade by NCC cadets. In his address to the University community, the Vice-Chancellor extended his greetings to all staff members at HQ and outstations and the students. He recalled the sacrifices of freedom fighters and narrated a saga of success and development of the country, the state and the University. He exhorted all to maintain the tempo and serve the farming community with dedication and hard work. For various national level achievements of the university in the recent past, he gave credit to the team spirit of the staff and said that all-out efforts will be made to make the university a top-ranking institution in the country. .He also congratulated 36 NCC cadets, including 20 girl cadets, who passed 'C' certificate examination, this year. Later, sweets were distributed among all the participants. Dr V.K.Gupta, SWO and other statutory officers, Lt Ankur Sharma and other teachers, non-teachers and students were present in a large number during the program.
Last Updated: August 13, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/332 Dated: 13.08.2019
Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial begins his continued term as Vice-Chancellor, CSK HPAU
Palampur 13 August. Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, CSK H.P. Agriculture University (CSKHPAU) started his extended innings as Vice-Chancellor, here today.
The orders of his fresh term for one year or till the joining of new Vice-Chancellor were issued by the Governor, Himachal Pradesh and Chancellor of the University on 9 August.
Prof Sarial, a well known farm scientist, is credited for bringing a perceptible change in the work culture of CSKHPAU during his first term as the ranking of the University jumped to 11th place in the country due to qualitative improvement in mandated areas of teaching, research and extension education activities. His first term was steady with many achievements of the university at national level like besides being improving the ranking from 23rd place to 11th, the university was placed at number two among all farm varsities last year in Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) examinations and record number of placements , major initiatives in natural farming (NF) with the establishment of Rs. three crore research farm followed up by a world bank sponsored mega research project worth Rs.23 crore advanced centre on natural farming and protected agriculture, engaging 31 post graduate students in NF research, recommendation of thirteen high yielding crop varieties, acceleration of research with 145 research projects worth Rs. 64 crore, filling up of essential teaching positions, development of twenty crop models to double the farmers’ income, MoUs with Skill Council of India and SJVN improving quality and number of trainings to farmers, keeping campus free from any controversy and making it raging and tobacco free, etc.
Despite his administrative responsibilities, Prof Sarial, continued teaching and guiding post graduate students and endeared him with students by starting free preparatory competitive classes for them. Due to improvement in education system and creating congenial academic environment in the university, a record 17773 students applied for 152 seats in undergraduate programs in two professional courses this year. He also took initiatives for new infrastructure development like new hostels, labs, examination halls, teacher and non-teacher staff quarters, new guest house, improvement of campus roads, etc. He ensured regularity in organizing meeting of all statutory bodies of the university besides timely payment of salary, pension and other benefits to employees and pensioners. He was able to resolve long pending regularization since 2001 of co-terminus staff. Three years back, administrative and financial system of the university was in doldrums but with the administrative acumenship and perfect liaisoning with State government, things improved as domestic income doubled to Rs. 20 crore and Prof Sarial was able to get additional funds for his university.
Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, who is known for his teaching excellence and research innovations, was awarded Best Teacher Award by Haryana Agricultural University where he worked for three decades from the position of Assistant Professor to Professor when he was selected as Vice-Chancellor in August 2016. He is a researcher par excellence also as he is credited for developing world's longest grain Basmati variety Pusa 1121 released in 2003, which contributes annually more than Rs. 18000 crore forex earnings according to Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare. A multi-billion Dollar forex earner PUSA 1121 is sold in 80 brand names like India Gate Basmati, Patanjali 1121 etc. has earned cumulative value of Rs.1.50 lakh crore during 2008 to 2018 leading India to attain number one position in the world in Basmati export and livelihood security and prosperity to millions of farmers in Basmati growing regions of the country according to ICAR. The farming community of Punjab honoured him with a citation and Rs. one lakh award for helping them in increasing their income by Pusa 1121.
Prof Sarial is also recipient of IARI, Gold Medal, ICAR Jawahar Lal Nehru Award for excellent academic achievements and ICAR recognition award for his outstanding research contribution in Basmati rice. He is member of ICAR Governing Body, Board of Management SKUAST, Srinagar, Technical University, Hamipur and Dr YS P UHF, Solan. He is also member of several professional societies like Fellow of Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding. With his professional obligations, he has visited foreign countries like USA, Africa, Thailand, Taiwan, etc and has served for four years abroad in USA and Africa.
Coming from a humble background Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial was born on 8 April, 1959 and obtained his school education from the rural schools. He is soft spoken personality and is known for his honesty, commitment, discipline, hard work, simplicity and compassion for the poor and downtrodden. The teaching and non-teaching staff has whole heartedly welcomed the extension in term to Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial as Vice-Chancellor and has promised to extend all cooperation for taking forward the University to realize the mission with renewed enthusiasm. Some staff unions and farmer groups have also thanked the Chancellor and State Government for extending the term of Vice-Chancellor.
Last Updated: August 08, 2019
CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur
Significant University Activities for the month of July 2019
Key Highlights
A. CSK HPAU ranked 11th among all farm universities of the country by ICAR
Ř Indian Council of Agricultural Research(ICAR) has ranked CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University at eleventh place among all agricultural universities, deemed universities and ICAR institutes in the country. Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, gave credit for this great achievement to the hard working faculty, non-teaching staff and the students and the new work culture created by them. He told that in the year 2016 ICAR ranking , his university was placed at 23rd place and in the year 2017, it moved to 19th rank while for the year 2018 ranking released on 16 July 2019, the university ranking jumped to 11th rank. He attributed this to superior work culture in the university and asked the university community to keep up the momentum for achieving new milestones in future.
B. ICAR Regional Committee Meeting
Ř A state level review meeting of Indian Council of Agricultural Research regional committee No. 1 was held at the University on 30 July. Chief Guest-cum-Chairman Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, while addressing around three dozen directors, heads, officers and scientists of ICAR institutes and development departments in H.P. said that natural farming was a key to solve many challenges in agriculture.He said that efforts should be initiated at ICAR level to start post graduation in natural and organic farming. Guest of Honour Dr Parvinder Kaushal, Vice-Chancellor, Dr Y.S.Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan said that fast pace development of agriculture was need of the hour. Dr.P.R.Ojasvi, Director, Indian Institute of Soil & Water Conservation, Dehradun, who is also member secretary, said that meeting helps in understanding challenges in the region and finding workable solutions.
C. Oath Taking Ceremony at COVAS
Ř Oath taking ceremony was organised for neo-graduates of Dr.GCN COVAS on 7 July. Chief Guest Prof. A.K. Misra, Chairman, Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board, ICAR, emphasised the importance of integrated farming whereas in his presidential remarks, Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, called COVAS as ‘pride of the University’. Dr Mandeep Sharma, Dean, told that it was 29th batch of 47 students including 20 girls. Three girl students remained toppers of the outgoing batch with Swatilika, Yamini Thakur and Visva Bharti bagging first, second and third positions, respectively.
Ř Three students from Deptt. of Crop Improvement qualified ICAR-SRF 2019 and one student qualified Ph D admission test for admission in IARI, New Delhi.
Ř Three students from Deptt. of Agricultural Economics qualified ICAR- JRF 2019.
A. Research Projects sanctioned & submitted to funding agencies
Ř Two research project proposals worth Rs. 1895.05 lakh as per detail given below have been have been sanctioned to the University:
Sr. No |
Title of the project |
Budget (Rs. in lakh) |
Funding agency |
Name of the P.I. |
1 |
To Explore the feasibility of growing Wheat during Off-season in the Mid & High Hills in Kangra, Kullu and adjoining areas |
4.00 |
Project Director, ATMA, Palampur, |
Dr. (Mrs.) Vijay Rana, Principal Scientist, RWRC, Malan |
2 |
Centre for Advanced Agricultural Science and Technology sub-project “Protected Agriculture and Natural Farming” under NAHEP |
1891.05 |
NAHEP, ICAR, New Delhi |
Dr. Ranbir Singh Rana, Nodal Officer, NAHEP, CGRT, COBS |
Total Budget |
1895.05 |
Ř Eight Research Project Proposals worth Rs. 99.38 lakh on different thematic areas have been submitted to different funding agencies for consideration and necessary funding.
Extension Education
A.Trainings and Demonstrations to the farmers and others
Ř The Directorate of Extension Education and KVKs organized 56 training programmes on various aspects of farming with the participation of 1693 farmers.
Ř Under Zero Budget Natural Farming, cuiltivation of cowpea at KVK, Kangra is in progress.
Ř Seven front-line demonstrations were laid, 14 on farm trials were conductd and three field days were organized by KVKs.
Ř Three Agro-met advisories were issued to the farmers of 5 villages under AICRPAM-NICRA Project during the month.
Ř Five Farmers' Awareness Programmes under NICRA were organized at Patlandar, Jol, Darla, Jangal and Sapahal villages in Sujanpur block of Hamirpur district .
Ř 832 clinical cases were diagnosed and treated in veterinary clinics and 501 samples were also analyzed.
Ř 6845 chicks were supplied to poultry units and NGOs.
Ř In addition to regular trainees, 125 farmers visited the University and KVKs for technical guidance.
A. Motivational Workshop on Entrepreneurship Development
Ř Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor was Chief Guest during second Motivational Workshop on Entrepreneurship Development on 9 July. He asked the youth to beat the unemployment by becoming successful entrepreneurs after enhancing their skills with the help of government schemes.
B. Vice-Chancellor lays foundation stone of VIP Guest House annexe
Ř Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, laid the foundation stone of VIP Guest House annexe on 20 July. The new extension with five suites will be constructed at the cost of Rs.83.00 lakh generated by the University from its own resources.
C. Building dedicated for Him Palam Agri-Business incubator activities
Ř Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, inaugurated a building dedicated to further activities of Him Palam Agri-Business incubator on 29 July. He was also chief guest during closing ceremony of NSS camp at College of Home Science and also inaugurated afforestation in the College by planting a sapling of Rudraksh.
A. Domestic Income
Ř The income as shown in the following table was generated by various wings of the University:
Rs.11,93, 108 |
College of Agriculture |
Rs. 5,52,148 |
Directorate of Extension Education |
Rs 5,95,560 |
Total |
Rs.23, 40,816 |
Ř The funds received from various funding agencies were fully utilized for the payment of salary, wages and retirement benefits, etc.
Last Updated: August 08, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/331 Dated: 08.08.2019
College of Home Science celebrates World Breast Feeding week
Palampur 8 August. World Breast Feeding week was celebrated by the College of Home Science from 1-7 August. Pregnant and lactating mothers were made aware about the importance of breast feeding. Anganwadis at Kandbari, Sornu, Jandera and Parla Tanda were visited by PG students and scientists and group discussions were held with the women on the importance of the breast feeding and its importance for baby's physical and cognitive development . A camp was also organized at Jandera with the participation of 30 ladies. Participants presented their views on female feticide, breast feeding, importance of colostrums and nutritious diet for pregnant and lactating women. Poster making competition among NSS and other students was also organized. Ms. Akanksha Rana, Ms. Shiva and Ms. Samiksha Sharma bagged first, second and third positions, respectively . In recipe making competition, Mr. Archit, Ms. Sheeren and Ms. Shambhvi got first, second and third positions, respectively. Dr. Y.S. Dhaliwal, Dean, COHS appreciated Dr. Anupama Sandal, Dr. Ranjana Verma and other staff for organizing the event.
Last Updated: July 30, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/330 Dated: 30.07.2019
ICAR Regional Committee Meeting at CSKHPAU
Natural farming key to resolve many challenges in agriculture: Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial
Palampur 30 July. A state level review meeting of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) regional committee was held at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, here today.
Chief Guest-cum-Chairman Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, while addressing around three dozen directors, heads, officers and scientists of ICAR institutes and development departments in Himachal Pradesh, said that natural farming was a key to solve many challenges in agriculture in the state.
Prof Sarial, while discussing major constraints said that quality farm land was being diverted for non-agricultural use, fragmentation of holdings, rainfed farming, stagnating productivity levels of most of the crops, distraction of youth from agriculture, less scope of farm mechanization, lack of cold storage facilities, menace of abandoned animals and wild animals were major challenges which need immediate attention of all concerned.
The Vice-Chancellor informed that his university was very first to initiate research work on zero budget natural farming and initial results had been very encouraging. He said that efforts should be initiated at ICAR level to start post graduation in natural and organic farming. He told that his university has developed twenty models to help the farmers in doubling their income. He said that rain water harvesting during monsoon can help to provide essential irrigation during crop sowing season. Similarly, crop diversification from cereal to vegetable and horticultural crops has proved beneficial to the farming community. He said that farm incomes can be stabilized by expansion in irrigation facilities, augmentation of high tech irrigation facilities, supply and value chain arrangements, controlled atmospheric chambers, cold chains and technological innovations, etc. Prof Sarial said that his university has played a significant role in agricultural development in the state enabling it to win 'Krishi Karman Award' four times in succession. In addition to around 100 farm technologies, 159 improved crop varieties developed by the university have helped farmers to increase their income. ICAR has ranked the university at 11th place among all farm universities and ICAR institutes.
Dr Parvinder Kaushal, Vice-Chancellor, Dr Y.S.Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan said that fast pace development of agriculture was need of the hour. ICAR should make budgetary provision for infrastructure and human resource development in Krishi Vigyan Kendras(KVKs) and diagnostic visits of scientists in different parts of the state. He also emphasised cultivation of zone specific horticultural crops to achieve high productivity and quality.
Dr.P.R.Ojasvi, Director, Indian Institute of Soil & Water Conservation, Dehradun, who is also member secretary, said that meeting helps in understanding challenges in the region and finding workable solutions.
Dr.Vikrmaditya Pandey, Nodal Officer, ICAR, Dr.V.P.Sharma, Director, Directorate of Mushroom Research and Dr. D.K.Vatsa, Director of Research from host university also expressed their views. The representatives made presentations about their institutes and discussed issues like the need of additional KVKs in Kangra, Mandi and Shimla, establishment of Agricultural Engineering and Fishery colleges, strengthening of traditional crops seed system, etc in details. University statutory officers also attended the inaugural ceremony of the meeting.
Vice-Chancellor Prof Ashok Sarial welcoming Vice-Chancellor of UHF Dr Parvinder Kaushal
ICAR regional committee meeting in progress
Last Updated: July 29, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/330 Dated: 29.07.2019
Building dedicated for Him Palam Agri-Business incubator
Vice-Chancellor Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial asks youth to take advantage of Startups in agriculture and allied sectors at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University.
Palampur 29 July. Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, inaugurated a building dedicated to further activities of Him Palam Agri-Business incubator at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, here today.
The Vice-Chancellor said that every year around twenty lakh students pass out from schools in the country and try their luck in higher education in chosen field. Every year, increasing unemployment was a challenge for all and the Governments of India and Himachal Pradesh have come out with various schemes to motive the youngsters to start their own business and become successful entrepreneurs. He detailed about Govt. of India sponsored 'Rashtriya Krishi Vistar Yojna Raftaar (RKVY-RAFTAAR)' and Chief Minister's Start-up programme. He said that students and other youngsters having an idea for a scalable business model or an innovation can apply for Agripreneurship Orientation Programme in the university. There is provision of stipends for selected interns for pursuing their entrepreneurial aspirations. The interns will also be eligible for pre-seed funding to convert their innovative idea into a prototype or product and seed stage funding maximum of Rs. 25 lakh may also be granted to them to launch their model in the market.
Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, asked the youngsters to become job providers after becoming successful entrepreneurs by taking advantage of new innovative schemes.
The Vice-Chancellor was also chief guest during closing ceremony of NSS camp at College of Home Science (COHS). He appreciated the students for their various social welfare activities like cleanliness drives in schools and other public places. Earlier, Prof Sarial inaugurated afforestation in the College by planting a sapling of Rudraksh. He said that all plants should be looked after by the students during their degree programme in the college. He also appreciated all those who extended support for afforestation programme.
Dr.Yadwinder Singh Dhaliwal, Dean, COHS, detailed about three programmes in his college and told that trainees will be provided all facilities in the newly dedicated building and a modern food technology lab will be established for interns of Startup programmes. He told that ninety fruit and ornamental plants were planted during afforestation and Rotary Club, Inner wheel club and Indusind bank, Palampur extended support for this programme.
Project Investigator, Him Palam RKVY-RAFTAAR Agri-Business Incubator, Dr
Anjali Sood, NSS officer, Dr Ranjna Verma and representatives of Rotary Club
also spoke on the occasion.
University statutory officers Dr.R.K.Agnihotri, Dean, Post Graduate Studies; Dr Pawan Kumar Mehta, Dean, College of Agriculture; Dr.V.K.Gupta, Students’ Welfare Officer; Er. A.K.Chadha, Estate Officer; faculty, staff and students from COHS, office bearers and members of Rotary Club were present on the occasion.
Last Updated: July 20, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/329 Dated: 20.07.2019
Vice-Chancellor Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial lays foundation stone of VIP Guest House annexe
Palampur 20 July. Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, laid the foundation stone of VIP Guest House annexe at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, here today.
He told that new extension with five suites will be constructed at the cost of Rs.83.00 lakh generated by the University from its own resources. Already, the VIP Guesthouse has four suites and with the addition of new rooms it will be able to provide additional accommodation catering to the hospitality needs of the University.
Estate Officer Er. A. K.Chadha, other statutory officers, Architect Mrs Suman Sharma, scientists and other staff was present on the occasion.
Last Updated: July 18, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/328 Dated: 18.07.2019
CSK HPAU ranked 11th among all farm universities of the country by ICAR
Palampur 18 July. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has ranked CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University at eleventh place among all farm universities of the country.
Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, while expressing his happiness at the ranking status of his university, gave credit of this great achievement to the hard working faculty, non-teaching staff and the students and the new work culture created by them. He told that in the year 2016 ICAR ranking , his university was placed at 23rd place and in the year 2017, it moved to 19th rank while for the year 2018 ranking released on 16 July 2019, the university ranking jumped to 11th rank. This jump in ranking was a big achievement. He attributed this to superior work culture in the university and asked the university community to keep up the momentum for achieving new milestones in future.
The Vice-Chancellor said that among 75 agricultural universities, deemed universities and ICAR institutes in the country, his university secured eleventh position due to excellent performance in teaching, research, extension education and revenue generation. Prof Sarial told that the students have imposed their faith in the University education as there was a regular increase in applicants from around 9000 applicants in the year 2016 to more than 17700 applicants this year for 152 seats in Veterinary and Agriculture streams. It has been possible due to high academic standards maintained by the university students at national level competitive examinations like Junior Research Fellowship, Senior Research Fellowship, Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board examination, ICAR National Eligibility Test, ICAR entrance examination, etc and their placements in public and private sectors were indicators of excellent teaching environment in campus besides, implementation of ICAR Deans’ committee recommendations to improve the farm education. In research, the honours and awards conferred on the faculty, research papers published in high rated journals, patents and geographical indicators granted, crop varieties released, inter institutional collaborated projects implemented and partnership made with private sector, domestic income generated other than grants in crores for research projects to the university, etc. were also contributing factors for improved performance.
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, said that his University was first in the country to establish a zero budget natural farming centre initiated research for safe agricultural products, the concept emerged and adopted by the central government in its budget this year. Vice-Chancellor Prof Sarial said his university will work with renewed vigour and vitality to fulfil the mandate in the areas of academics, research and extension education so that the socio-economic status of the farming community is improved. He thanked the Chief Minister and State government for timely and liberal financial support to the university enabling it to fulfil its mandate.
Last Updated: July 09, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/327 Dated: 09.07.2019
Second Motivational Workshop on Entrepreneurship Development at CSKHPAU
Vice-Chancellor Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial exhorts rural youth to adopt entrepreneurship
Palampur 9 July. Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University has asked the youth to beat the unemployment by becoming successful entrepreneurs after enhancing their skills with the help of government schemes.
As Chief Guest, he was addressing participants from all over the state in a motivational workshop on 'Entrepreneurship development for unemployed youth'. The workshop was organised under Chief Minister’s Start-up programme, here today.
Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, said that rural youth should come forward to take advantage of various programmes of governments of India and Himachal Pradesh including Chief Minister’s Start-up programme and become successful entrepreneurs. He asked them to become job providers than running after the government and other jobs. He asked them to obtain skills to enhance their knowledge. He told that the agricultural business incubator scheme of the university was a boon to the rural youth where their ideas will be productively compensated with sufficient monetary support. He said that the sky was the limit for starting any enterprise with good guidance and training. Moreover, there was a provision of adequate stipend and necessary financial support to turn the idea to a successful business. The Vice-Chancellor cited examples of many farm-based avocations like dairying, poly house cultivation, etc. where rural youth can get training from the university scientists and experts. He said that to double the income of farmers, rural youth can play an important role.
Guest of Honour Dr Mandeep Sharma, Dean, Dr.G.C.Negi College of Veterinary and Animal Science said that skill enhancements were necessary for rural youth. He also spoke on the importance of Desi cow in natural farming.
Drs A.K.Panda, V.K.Sharma and Sidharath Dev Thakur also spoke on the importance of developing entrepreneurship among youngsters and told that one such workshop was also organised last month.
University statutory officers Dr.R.K.Agnihotri, Dean, Post Graduate Studies; Dr.Yash Pal Thakur, Director Extension Education; Dr.Madhumeet Singh, Librarian and Dr.Yadwinder Singh Dhaliwal, Dean, College of Home Science; Dr Jagtar Singh Guleria, Professor emeritus; scientists and experts representing successful enterprises were present in the inaugural ceremony. Some students also attended the motivational workshop.
A viewof the dais and participants in the workshop
Last Updated: July 08, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/325 Dated: 07.07.2019
Oath Taking Ceremony at COVAS
Integrated farming makes agriculture more profitable: Dr A.K.Misra, Chairman, ASRB
Palampur 7 July.An oath taking ceremony was organised for neo-graduates of Dr.G.C.Negi College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, CSK H.P. Agriculture University, here today. Chief Guest Prof. A.K. Misra, Chairman, Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), during his address, emphasised the importance of integrated farming to make agriculture more profitable. He said that a lot of emphasis was given to livestock sector as the country needed to move from food security to nutritional security. Integrated farming can help farmers to derive maximum benefits.
The Chief Guest said that good teachers provide professional birth to the students and good training allows them to excel in life. He expressed his happiness that a large number of girls were entering the veterinary and animal science profession as it allows them to treat all creatures except human beings. He said that it was easier for Himachal Pradesh to transform into an organic state and livestock was essential component for it. Dr A.K.Misra told that veterinarians have ample scope in profession as government and private sectors were providing them huge opportunities.He asked the graduates to uphold the dignity of profession and regularly update their knowledge.
Guest of Honour Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, appreciated the academic, research and extension work in the college and called it 'pride of the University' and expressed his happiness that the staff and students were consistently brining accolades to the institution at national and international levels. He asked the students to prove worthy of the professional oath and serve the livestock keepers with utmost dedication and commitment with gained scientific knowledge and technical skills. He said that there was need to increase animal production for socio economic well being of farmers. Prof Sarial said that natural farming also needs active support of veterinarians for conserving indigenous cattle breeds. He also asked them to help in environment protection with advanced medical knowledge.
Dr Mandeep Sharma, Dean, told that it was 29th batch of 47 students including 20 girls. Since the inception of the college in 1986, 840 students have completed their B.V.Sc. & A.H. degree from the College. The Dean also detailed academic, research and extension education activities of his college. He also administrated professional oath to the passing out students. Three girl students remained toppers of the outgoing batch with Swatilika, Yamini Thakur and Visva Bharti bagging first, second and third positions respectively.
The chief guest awarded internship completion certificates to the neo-graduates and also released some publications by the faculty and staff including college magazine ‘Blue Cross’.
Drs. Desh Raj Wadhawa and Subhash Verma also detailed about the internship programme of passing out graduates.
University statutory officers, scientists and parents of passing out students were present during the ceremony.
Last Updated: July 02, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/324 Dated: 02.07.2019
"Batch (1967-71) fellowship" instituted for the students of College of Agriculture
Palampur 1 July. On the initiatives of Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, CSK H.P. Agriculture University, old students have started contributing generously and depositing "Batch Endowment Money" to award fellowships to the regular students. The second batch of B.Sc. (Agriculture) has instituted a "Batch (1967-71) fellowship" by depositing Rs.5.00 lakh for awarding scholarship to the under-graduate students of the College of Agriculture from the academic session beginning in July, this year. The second batch convener Dr. S.K. Sharma along with thirteen other 'batch mates' handed over the cheques to Prof A.K.Sarial and assured to contribute more amount in due course of time.
Earlier, on the clarion call of Prof. Sarial, the very first batch of B.Sc. (Agriculture) has instituted a "Batch (1966-70) fellowship" by depositing Rs.4.57 lakh and another batch of B.Sc.(Agri 1976-80) has deposited Rs. 6.00 lakh for the fellowships.
While thanking the alumni of "Batch (1967-71) B.Sc. Agriculture", Prof A.K.Sarial said that aim of this new plan was for the professional development of the University by actively involving alumni on the lines of prestigious foreign and many Indian institutes. He said that this proposal will go a long way in developing a sense of belonging to the alumni and strengthening professional bonds among regular and old students in the constituent colleges of the University.
It will be worthwhile to recall that Prof Sarial, himself an alumni of the College of Agriculture (COA), was very first to take initiative and institute "Batch (1976-80) fellowship" to the students of B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture in COA. The Vice-Chancellor has expressed the hope that new initiative will inspire and motivate other batches of B.Sc.(Agri) for supporting liberally for the alma mater and agriculture profession. Prof Sarial has expressed the hope that besides all B.Sc.(Agri) batches numbering more than fifty, the alumni of other three colleges viz. College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, College of Home Science and College of Basic Science will also follow suit for strengthening academics and other professional activities in their respective colleges. He told that all alumni coming to hold their batch wise get together will be provided incentives in the University like venue to hold meetings and accommodation on official rates, etc. They may nominate conveners of their batches and intimate to Deans of their respective colleges.
B.Sc. Agri batch (1967-71) alumni handing over the endowment amount to Prof A.K.Sarial, Vice-Chancellor
Last Updated: June 28, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/321 Dated: 28.06.2019
Farm varsity Vice-Chancellors meet at CSKHPAU
Chief Secretary Mr. B.K.Agarwal asks farm varsities to help farmers in doubling their income
Palampur 28 June. Mr.B.K.Agarwal, Chief Secretary, Govt. of H.P, said that innovative solutions should be devised to improve farm education and asked farm universities to think out of box to double the income of farming community. The Chief Secretary was addressing Vice-Chancellors after inaugurating a two days brain storming session on 'Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Model Act Revision' at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, here today. The event has been jointly organised by the University and Indian Agricultural Universities Association (IAUA).
Mr B.K. Agarwal said that problem of hunger has been solved by farm universities but new challenges have emerged. "Decreasing productivity, increasing input cost, farmers' distress, environment degradation due to excessive use of chemicals, depleting water table, etc. were major issues which need immediate attention. The farm scientists and all concerned should join hands to resolve all such issues", opined Mr Agarwal. He said that farm education should be reoriented as graduates need to serve the farmers, especially needy and poor farmers. He said that this issue required critical thinking as per the needs of country than copying from foreign lands. Some drastic changes can be brought forward by thinking out of the box.
The Chief Secretary advised that farm students should spend adequate time with farmers to gain practical knowledge and enhance their skills. He also asked scientists to frequently interact and involve farmers while taking major policy and other decisions. He told that the Govt of H.P. was advocating zero budget natural farming and asked all farm universities in the country to help farmers in doubling their income.
Dr.A.R.Pathak, President, IAUA and Vice-Chancellor, Junagarh Agriculture University, Junagarh said that common syllabus and rules among all farm universities were necessary to improve quality of education. He said that all state governments should adopt ICAR Model Act to maintain uniformity inquality of education and uniformity in the administrative set-up. This will be very good for the states and nation. He also advocated increasing the tenure of Vice-Chancellor from three years to five years. Dr.Pathak advised that all farm universities should provide the farmers with holistic technologies
Dr.S.K.Patil, Secretary General, IAUA and Vice-Chancellor, Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur said that no country can survive without food and there was need to continuously increase food production. He told that national education policy has been launched recently and farm education investment will be doubled in the next five years. All universities were becoming multi-faculty and farm universities have to to plan and think on this crucial issue.
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor of the host University told that the event was being held for the first time in the University since its inception. He underlined the need to make the ICAR Acts more appropriate, effective and useful for the improvement of teaching, extension and research in the farm universities. Prof Sarial also elaborated major achievements of his university in helping the state to become self sufficient on food front. He told that 17773 applications were received for the entrance test for admission in around 150 seats in undergraduate programmes in College of Agriculture and College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, which was an indicator of the quality of education in his University. He said there was need to establish more colleges for such professional courses and sought government approval to double the intake of students in B.VSc.& A.H. programme. Prof Sarial also underlined the need of farm mechanisation in hills and opening an Agricultural Engineering College in the State. He said that teachers should to be recruited on regular basis with full scale to attract best talent.
Dr.N.C.Patel, former President IAUA and Vice-Chancellor, Anand Agriculture University, Anand briefed that IAUA was co-ordinating with various organizations to improve farm education in the country. He said that Vice-Chancellors should help state governments in formulating agricultural policies.
Besides twenty five Vice-Chancellors; Dr. S.S. Chahal, Chairman, ICAR Model Act Revision Committee; Dr.V.S.Tomar, Member, ICAR Model Act Committee, Dr.A.K.Shrivastva, Member, Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board; Mr Rakesh Prajapati, Deputy Commissioner Kangra, University Statutory Officers, Officers from ICAR and Dr Ashwani Basandrai, Organizing Secretary were also present during the inaugural ceremony. Later, the Vice-Chancellors planted saplings of flowering shrub in front of administrative block.
A view of the dais and participating Vice-Chancellors and others
A view of the dais and participating Vice-Chancellors and others. Group pic of the Vice-Chancellors with Chief Guest Mr B.K.Agarwal, Chief Secretary
Last Updated: June 25, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/320 Dated: 25.06.2019
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor holds press conference
Two days farm varsity Vice-Chancellors' meet at CSK H.P.Agri University on 28-29 June
Palampur 25 June.CSK HP Agriculture University will host a two days meet of the Vice-Chancellors of Agricultural Universities of the country on 28-29 June. This was disclosed by Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, during a press conference, here today.
The Vice-Chancellor said that Mr.B.K.Agarwal, Chief Secretary, Govt. of H.P. will be the Chief Guest in the event being held for the first time in the University since its inception. He told that around 30 Vice Chancellors will participate in the brain storming session on the topic, 'Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Model Act Revision' and will discuss as to how the ICAR Acts may be made more appropriate, effective and useful in the improvement of teaching, extension and research in the Agricultural Universities in the present era of various national and international challenges especially in the context of doubling the farmers' income. The meeting is being organized by the Indian Agricultural Universities Association (IAUA) and its office bearers will also actively participate in the meeting.
Prof Sarial told that members of the high level committee constituted by ICAR under the chairmanship of well-known farm scientist Dr. S.S. Chahal will also participate in the meeting and will hold special sessions to bring out realistic Model Act to initiate a uniform system for improving quality of education, uniformity in the administrative set up of all State Agricultural Universities (SAU) and to improve the quality of education. Suitable amendments will be suggested in the existing ICAR Model Act on governance in university system to improve agricultural education in SAUs as well as private agricultural colleges in the country. The matter of integrating teaching, research and extension in agricultural universities and deployment of quality faculty in agricultural universities on par with international standards will also be discussed.
He said that the emphasis in revised act will be given on ensuring minimum standards for agricultural universities and colleges, uniformity in minimum eligibility criteria for admission to Under Graduate, Post Graduate and Ph.D. programmes in public and private colleges. Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, said that uniformity in nomenclature of university officers, functional autonomy of statutory committees, suggestive guidelines for public funding by State governments and ICAR for operational spending and guidelines for research and sponsored research from public organizations and private firms will be the centre point of discussion.
Dr. Ashwani Kumar Basandrai, Dean, College of Basic Sciences- cum-Organizing Secretary and Dr.Hirday Paul Singh, Jt. Director (Information & Public Relations) were also present in the press conference.
Prof.A.K.Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, holding Press Conference and Group picture of reporters with the Vice-Chancellor
Last Updated: June 25, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/319 Dated: 25.06.2019
Motivational Workshop on Entrepreneurship Development at CSKHPAU
Palampur 25 June. Under Chief Minister's Start-up programme, a motivational workshop on 'Entrepreneurship development for under graduate and post graduate students' of Dr G.C.Negi College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences (COVAS) was held at CSK H.P. Agriculture University, here today.
During his inaugural address the Chief Guest Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, said that passing out graduates should come forward to take advantage of various programmes of governments of India and Himachal Pradesh including Chief Minister's Start-up programme and become successful entrepreneurs. "That way you will become job providers, than job seekers", opined Prof Sarial. He asked them to aim high and achieve their goal by acquiring skills to enhance their practical knowledge. He told that agricultural business incubator scheme of the university was a boon to the neo-graduates where their ideas will be fruitfully rewarded with adequate financial support. He said that sky was the limit for starting any venture with proper two months training with stipend and requisite support to turn the idea to a business with Rs.five lakh grant. He told that there was provision of Rs.30 lakh incentive also in the scheme.
Guest of Honour Dr Mandeep Sharma, Dean, COVAS, underlined the importance of skill enhancements in professional education. Drs A.K.Panda, V.K.Sharma and Sidharath Dev Thakur also spoke on the importance of developing entrepreneurship among youngsters. University statutory officers, scientists and three experts representing successful enterprises were present in the inaugural ceremony.
Last Updated: June 22, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/318 Dated: 22.06.2019
CSK H.P. Agriculture University and Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam to train 800 farmers of H.P.
Palampur 22 June. CSK H.P. Agriculture University and Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam(SJVN) Foundation have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to train eight hundred farmers of Himachal Pradesh.
During MoU signing ceremony today at Shimla, Prof Ashok Ku
mar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor told that it was encouraging that SJVN has been coming forward in the last three years to help the University in training the farmers. He told that skill development programmes through trainings and demonstrations were required to make farmers self-contained and convinced to engage in scientific farming. He expressed the hope that professional trainings by the University experts will enable the farmers to double their income as per the initiatives of the Govt. of India and Govt. of H.P. Prof Sarial said that trained farmers can comprehend integrated agriculture and can adopt various income generating professional activities. He said that like previous training programmes, zero budget natural farming components will also be added in all trainings.
The Vice-Chancellor praised SJVN for repeatedly making endeavors for the upliftment of farmers and livestock keepers under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) involving his University. He informed that SJVN will spend Rs 62.50 lakh for training eight hundred farmers from all over the State. Sixteen trainings will be held at all eight Krishi Vigyan Kendras of the University and equal number of trainings will be conducted at the University HQ.
Dr Y.P.Thakur, Director of Extension Education, said that in all 32 trainings will be conducted by the university experts where farmers will be trained and skill development would be under the areas of agriculture, poly-house cultivation, plant protection, zero budget natural farming, vegetable cultivation, mushroom production, bee-keeping, nursery production, dairy farming, etc. He told that already SJVN and the University had conducted 92 trainings benefiting 2300 farmers of Himachal Pradesh in the last three years.
Mr. D.P.Kaushal, Chief General Manager (HR) from SJVN Foundation, told that MoU has been signed under CSR initiative of SJVN Ltd. Each trainee will be given a stipend of Rs 1400 and the programme will be completed in this very financial year. He also thanked the University.
Mr. Dhiraj Gupta, Manager; Harsh Jain, Assistant Manager, Gopal Kandpal, Assistant Manager and Gopesh Thakur, Junior Officer from SJVN and Dr Desh Raj Chaudhry, Training Incharge from the University were also present during the signing of MOU.
The signing of MOU between the University & SJVN in the presence of Vice-Chancellor Prof A.K.Sarial
Last Updated: June 21, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/317 Dated: 21.06.2019
International Day of Yoga celebrated in the University
Palampur 21 June. International Day of Yoga was celebrated in the University today with the participation of over 150 staff members and students. Vice- Chancellor Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial asked the University community to make Yoga an integral part of daily life as it was an essential element for spiritual, mental and physical fitness. He said that 'Yogic Aasnaas' help one to adapt easily to weather changes and one feels positive throughout the day with early morning Yogic exercises.
Last Updated: June 18, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/315 Dated: 18.06.2019
'Shitake Mushroom Training Centre' worth Rs five crore to be set up at CSKHPAU
Palampur 18 June. CSK H.P. Agriculture University and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to set up Rs. 5 crore model "Shitake Cultivation Training Centre" (SCTC) in the University.
Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice Chancellor, told that setting up of Rs. 5 Crores SCTC in the University will help to train the farmers for the cultivation of 'shitake' mushroom; popularly known as Japanese mushroom, and its promotion for increasing their income. The Vice-Chancellor informed that it is a prized mushroom with delicious taste and texture. Shitake mushroom is used for boosting the immune system, lowering blood cholesterol levels, hardening of the arteries, diabetes, eczema, cold and flu, treating prostrate or breast cancer and as an anti-ageing agent. It is also used for treating hepatitis B, herpes, high blood pressure and stomach ache.
Prof. Sarial said the Shitake also called as Japanese Wood mushroom is most popular and important cultivated mushroom in Japan. Through this collaboration, new opportunities would be opened for the farmers to get the supply of mushroom cultivation blocks at the centre's outlet enabling them to run such potential enterprise to increase their income. This will also help in supplying this mushroom with high nutritional and medicinal properties to the people of the State and beyond.
Under JICA's Official Development Assistance (ODA) a Memorandum of Understanding between CSKHPAU and the Department of Agriculture, Himachal Pradesh through the Himachal Crop Diversification Promotion Project has been signed. A three member delegation of experts from Japan comprising Messers Hirano, Ito and Kochi Shimada visited the University and finalized the details of the Centre.
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial said that a scientist from the University and two Agricultural Development Officers of the Department of Agriculture have been deputed for three months training on basic skills of saw dust block manufacturing and Shitake mushroom cultivation in Japan. They will act as disseminators to impart training to Shitake grower farmers and carry out Research and Development activities in the State.
Last Updated: June 07, 2019
Significant University Activities for the month of May 2019
Key Highlights
A. "National Conference on "Organic and Natural Farming"
A two days National Conference on the theme "Organic and Natural Farming - A Tool for Sustainable Agriculture and Economic Development" was held on 28-29 May at the University.
B. Major engagements of the Vice-Chancellor
Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, participated in 8th IAUA workshop on "Agriculture Universities' Governance Systems - Driving Forces of Change and Challenges" on 8-9 May at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar.
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial,Vice-Chancellor, inaugurated State level Agricultural Officers' Workshop on Kharif crops on 5 May.While addressing around 150 farm officers and the scientists, the Vice-Chancellor told that in the near future, Himachal Pradesh will be a leading State in natural farming as a massive research and extension work has been initiated on it. He told that besides training programmes by the State Department of Agriculture, initial research findings on natural farming at the University were very encouraging. Prof Sarial informed that production of some vegetable, pulses and oilseed crops has increased and input cost has drastically decreased thereby increasing the income of farmers.
Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial Vice-Chancellor,inaugurated a new Examination Hall Building in College of Agriculture on 25 May.It has a seating capacity for 360 students and has been constructed with the financial support worth Rs.2.86 crore from the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR).
The Vice-Chancellor visited demonstrations laid out under Farmers' First programme of ICAR at Tara and Dharer village clusters in Baijnath. He also interacted with the farmers in the area. He appreciated the scientists for their efforts in popularising the latest farm technologies and related farm enterprises for increasing the farm income
A. Research Projects sanctioned & submitted to funding agencies
Two research project proposals worth Rs. 59.07 lakh viz. (i) "Mapping of geographical distribution and identification of new invasive spp of insect-pests and diseases simulated futuristic crop water footprints scenarios for major crops in Himachal Pradesh" worth Rs. 51.57 lakh with Dr. R.S. Rana, Principal Scientist, CGRT as P.I. of the project and (ii) "Termites as perspective solution to solid waste management" worth Rs. 7.50 lakh with Dr. Radhika Sharma, Asstt. Professor (Zoology), COBS as P.I. of the project have been sanctioned to this University by the DST, New Delhi and Deptt. of Environment, Science and Technology, Shimla, respectively.
Two research project proposals on different thematic areas worth Rs. 312.25 lakh have been submitted to different agencies for consideration and necessary funding.
Extension Education
A. Trainings and Demonstrations to the farmers and others
The Directorate of Extension Education and KVKs organized 25 training programmes on various aspects of farming with the participation of 766 farmers.
Under Zero Budget Natural Farming, cuiltivation of gram and linseed at KVK, Kangra is in progress.
Twelve front-line demonstrations were laid, three Onfarm trials were conductd and four field days were organized by KVKs
On-farm demonstration-cum-training on French bean was organized at Haluri (Distt Chamba) in which 25 farmers participated.
Consultancy was extended to farmers regarding soy processing, rice milling, power tiller, thresher, paddy transplanter and other agriculture machinery.
Seven Agro-met advisories were issued to the farmers of five villages under AICRPAM-NICRA Project during the month.
668 clinical cases were diagnosed and treated in veterinary clinics and 451 samples were also analyzed.
10640 chicks were supplied to poultry units and NGOs.
Around 330 farmers visited the University and KVKs for technical guidance.
A.Domestic Income
The income as shown in the following table was generated by various wings of the University:
Rs. 23, 07, 241 |
College of Agriculture |
Rs. 7,17,128 |
Directorate of Extension Education |
Rs 4,23,833 |
Total |
Rs. 34,48,202 |
The funds received from various funding agencies were fully utilized for the payment of salary, wages and retirement benefits, etc.
Last Updated: June 04, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/314 Dated: 04.06.2019
CSK H.P. Agriculture University propels Natural Farming research In Himachal Pradesh
Palampur 4 June. With the research initiatives of CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, natural farming has taken its roots in Himachal Pradesh. With the purpose to replicate Gurukul (Kurukshetra) model of "Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF)" to develop packages and practices,dissemination of ZBNF technology to the stakeholders and human resource development besides capacity building in the field of ZBNF, the foundation stone of a model centre of ZBNF was laid in January, 2018 by the Governor of Himachal Pradesh-cum-Chancellor of the University in the presence of Chief Minister, Himachal Pradesh.Vice-Chancellor Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial says that the university was fortunate to get guidance from time to time by the Chancellor, who is an exponent of natural farming system and got full support from the State Government in initiating work on this altogether new farming system with the initial grant of Rs.300 lakh to strengthen research and development activities at National level. This year, a project proposal to upgrade ZBNF centre as an advanced agricultural science and technology centre on natural farming worth Rs.20 crore has been submitted for funding to the Indian Council of Agricultural Research.The Vice-Chancellor expressed his satisfaction that preliminary research findings on ZBNF were very encouraging. The initial findings on some cereal, vegetable, pulse and oilseed crops have yielded positive results. In case of radish, 31 percent higher yields were obtained than under organic system. Similarly, in cabbage increase was 10 percent whereas in cauliflower there was no difference in yields. In some other vegetables like Broccoli, Kale, Chinese cabbage and pea the yields were five to ten percent lower in ZBNF as compared to organic system but the net returns were higher due to low input cost. Results were satisfactory in garlic, lentil, wheat, gram, gobhi sarson and linseed. The yields in these crops were either higher or slightly lower under ZBNF.He told that in the very first year, the university has been able to rear a dozen Desi cows and has also procured half a dozen such other Desi local cattle of the state. Since Desi cow is most essential component of natural farming so the university has procured two cows of Sahiwal breed and was in the process to procure Gir or Redsindhi breeds, the known indigenous cow breeds of the country.
The Vice-Chancellor told that research work has also been initiated at all eight Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) of the University and KVKs Una and Kullu have especially been assigned work on it. Around twenty percent of experiment farm under KVKs have been brought under natural farming and regular exposure visits were conducted for the farmers. Thirteen Ph.D students and 18 M.Sc. students theses synopsis have been approved for pursuing their research work on natural farmng(NF). The undergraduate students of B.Sc. Agriculture Honors under Rural Appraisal Work Experience (RAWE) programme have also demonstrated the preparation of NF inputs like Beejamarit, Jeevamrit, Ghanjeevamrit, etc. to the farmers. He told that the University was also making an effort to start postgraduate programme in Organic and Natural Farming at ICAR level as it was the regulatory body for such programmes.
Prof Sarial said that the university will be able to develop a replicable model of ZBNF and will be able to demonstrate eco-friendly profitable production technologies under NF. Main purpose is economic upliftment of the small and marginal farmers through adoption of this eco-friendly model of farming as it is mantra for safe and nutritional food and essential for health security. He told that all out efforts will be made for large scale adoption of NFin the State with active collaboration of the State Department of Agriculture.
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor told that a new project entitled "Evaluation, refinement & dissemination of technologies of Subhash Palekar Natural Farming (SPNF) in H.P." worth Rs. 159 lakh has also been sanctioned recently and the university was in the process to implement it. Under this project, package of practices of SPNF for wheat, maize, rice, gram, lentil, finger millet and foxtail millet will be developed and technologies will be disseminated for livelihood security of the farm households of Himachal Pradesh. Comparative study on qualitative and quantitative population of total and beneficial micro flora in dung and urine of cow and yak and their comparative difference in Pahari, high yielding indigenous and cross bred cows under dairy, stall fed and natural grazing conditions is also one of the major objectives. Another objective is to study the effect of SPNF practices on soil health indicators and soil water dynamics, crop water use and water productivity over a period of time.
Porf Sarial said that NF will help in the improvement in water availability and soil health status leading to the sustained crop productivity and the University will be able to develop effective ZBNF plant disease and insect-pest management technologies for the farmers. As this farming system will be able to make available chemical free quality produce which is high in antioxidants than chemically produced food to the consumers. Food higher in antioxidants are good for health as they protect human being against many diseases.
Last Updated: June 03, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/313 Dated: 03.06.2019
CSKHPAU Veterinary Scientists organize veterinary infertility treatment camps in Lahaul and Pangi valleys
Palampur 3 June. A team of veterinary scientists from Dr G.C.Negi College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University organized eight infertility treatment camps for bovines in tribal areas of Lahaul and Pangi valleys of Himachal Pradesh from 27 May to 2 June. The camps were organized in collaboration with Department of Animal Husbandry, H.P., at Sissu, Jahlma, Udaipur, Mudgram and Karpat (Miyar) in Lahaul valley and at Rei, Killar and Karyas in Pangi valley under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY) project to investigate causes of infertility in bovines of Himachal Pradesh.
Prof. Madhumeet Singh, team leader, told that around 150 cows and Dzomo (Yak crosses) were examined in these camps with main emphasis to record reproductive status and abnormalities in bovines reared by the farmers in these areas. The scientists collected genital discharge samples for detailed diagnosis of uterine infections blood samples and also to study their minerals, biochemical and hormonal profile. Faecal samples were also collected to study the parasitic load in animals in this area and their relationship with infertility. Free treatment was given to the ailing animals.
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, while appreciating the scientists for serving the farmers at their doorsteps in very remote areas told that during the last six years, the scientists from the department have organized more than 250 infertility treatment camps under RKVY projects in various parts of Himachal Pradesh, including around 100 camps in tribal and other very remote locations of the State. This is in addition to their mandatory duty of teaching and research.
Prof. Madhumeet Singh, head of the Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics, told that department is rendering specialized services to the farmers in different parts of the state for treatment of various reproductive disorders with an aim to reduce incidence of infertility. Besides Prof. Madhumeet Singh, the team members included Dr. Pravesh Kumar, Dr. Abhay Verma and Mr Vijay Rana from the Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics.
Infertility treatment camps in progress in Pangi and Lahaul valley
Last Updated: May 25, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/310 Dated: 25.05.2019
Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial Vice-Chancellor inaugurates Examination Hall Building
Palampur 25 May. Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial Vice-Chancellor, CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, inaugurated a new Examination Hall Building in College of Agriculture, here today.
The newly inaugurated examination hall, furnished with State of Art facilities, has a seating capacity for 360 students. The building also houses four Smart Classrooms on the ground floor and has been constructed with the financial support worth Rs.2.86 crore from the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. The furnishing has been done from the internal sources of the University. With the coming up of this building all the examinations of the College of Agriculture will be conducted under one roof whereas previously only lecture theatres were being used for the conduct of the examinations. Dr. Pawan Kumar Mehta, Dean, College of Agriculture and other Statutory Officers, Head of the Departments and faculty members of the College of Agriculture were present on the occasion.
The Vice-Chancellor performing the inaugural ceremony of Examination Hall at COA
Last Updated: May 22, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/308 Dated: 22.05.2019
CSKHPKV invites applications for start-ups in agriculture and allied sciences
Palampur 22 May. CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University has invited applications for providing two months free training to 30 individuals for promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in agriculture and allied sectors. Recently, the University has established "Him Palam Rashtirya Krishi Vikas Yojna Agri-Business Incubator" (Him Palam R-ABI )to inculcate Startup culture among students and rural youth. The trained youth may start a new company, develop an innovative idea, which either has a scalable business model with a high potential of employment generation, wealth creation or may work on innovations like development, improvement of products or services. Any individual who wish to open up new company (Startup) may apply to the university in the prescribed format, available on the University website www.hillagric.ac.in by 4 June. There is provision of upto Rs. 30 lakh grant-in-aid to each trainee. Under this Central Startup scheme, the Him PalamR-ABI will select a batch of 30 Agri-entrepreneurs having workable innovative ideas.
Besides this, the
Directorate of Industries, Government of Himachal Pradesh has also funded an
"Agri-Business Incubator (ABI)" to the University under the Chief Minister's
Startup, Innovative project, New Industries Scheme in which eligible
candidates will be provided with the sustenance allowance of Rs Twenty Five
thousand per month for a year, free technical support and many other
incentives to convert their ideas into a successful enterprises. Interested
students and rural youth may apply online at www.emerginghimachal.hp.gov.
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, while exhorting the young men and women to avail these facilities at the University, said that agriculture was a lifeline of Indian economy. The promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship development in this sector has become need of the hour for sustaining rural livelihoods and Indian economy. Consequently, the Government of India has launched a National Startup Project under Rashtriya KrishiVikasYojna (RKVY)in which twenty-four institutes and universities including CSK H.P. Agriculture University have been selected and provided funds worth Rs. 2.33 crore for the establishment of an Agri-Business Incubator. He told that the basic objective of the incubator was to make rural youth and students as job providers rather than job seekers.
Last Updated: May 01, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/307 Dated: 01.05.2019
Farm Officers' Workshop on Kharif crops at CSKHPAU
Himachal Pradesh to emerge as a leading state in natural farming: Prof A.K.Sarial, Vice-Chancellor
Palampur 3 May. A State level Agricultural Officers' Workshop on Kharif crops was organised at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, here today.
While addressing around 150 farm officers from Himachal Pradesh and the University scientists, in his inaugural address Chief Guest, Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor told that in the near future, Himachal Pradesh will be a leading State in natural farming (NF) as a massive research and extension work has been initiated on it. He told that besides, training programmes by the State Department of Agriculture, initial research findings on natural farming at his university were very encouraging. Prof Sarial informed that production of some vegetable, pulses, and oilseed and cereal crops has increased and input cost has drastically decreased thereby increasing the income of farmers. He expressed the hope that natural farming and adoption of university developed crop production models was bound to help farmers in doubling their income. The Vice-Chancellor said that a National Conference on Organic and Natural Farming will be held on 28-29 May at his University.
Prof A.K.Sarial told that Rs.25 crore research project on natural farming will be submitted to Indian Council of Agricultural Research paving the way for establishment of an advanced centre on NF. He also discussed issues related to climate change and supplementing farmers' income by motivating them to adopt avocations like dairy, poultry, bee-keeping, mushroom cultivation, etc.
Dr Des Raj, Director of Agriculture, H.P. told that cultivation and production targets of major kharif crops have been fixed and inputs have been arranged. The director said that only university tested and recommended seed of different crops will be provided to the farmers. He sought suggestions from all so that new improved poly-house and solar fencing schemes were introduced soon. He said that eighty thousand improved farm tools will be made available to the farmers.
Dr.Dinesh Kumar Vatsa, Director of Research elaborated about key research achievements of the University and told that efforts were being made to attract rural youth towards scientific farming. Ninety six research projects worth Rs. 2590 lakh were in operation in the University.
Dr. Yash Pal Thakur, Director of Extension Education informed about major extension education achievements in the recent past. He said that 853 trainings benefiting around sixteen thousand farmers were organised in the last one year. Skill development trainings on quality seed production, integrated farming, dairying, etc have also been organised.
Dr.Pawan Kumar Mehta, Dean, College of Agriculture and Dr.R.S.Rana also addressed the participants.Some of the progressive farmers like Munish Kumar( Hamirpur), Jagdish Ram(Una),Sanjay Kumar(Mandi) and D.R.Chauhan(Bilaspur) also took active part in the proceedings.
Besides technical sessions on natural farming, protected cultivation and entrepreneurship vis-a-viz startup programme in agriculture, a feedback session to elicit views from farm officers, extension specialists and progressive farmers from all districts, was also organised. Statutory officers, heads and some progressive farmers also participated in the workshop. A field visit to the villages adopted under farmers' first was also organised to the farm officers.
A view of the dais and participants in the farm workshop
Last Updated: May 01, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/307 Dated: 01.05.2019
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor visits areas adopted under Farmers' First programme
Palampur 1 May. Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, CSK H.P. Agriculture University visited demonstrations laid out under Farmers' First programme (FFP) of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research at Tara and Dharer village clusters in Baijnath . He also interacted with the farmers in the area. The Vice-Chancellor appreciated the scientists for their efforts in popularising the latest farm technologies and related farm enterprises for increasing the farm income. Dr Yash Pal Thakur, Director of Extension Education and Dr Desh Raj Chaudhary, Principle Investigator, FFP also accompanied the Vice-Chancellor and apprised about the ongoing extension activities in this area. Smt Pinki Devi, Gram Panchayat Pardhan, Dharer expressed her gratitude to the university for transfer of new technology.
Last Updated: April 29, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/306 Dated: 27.04.2019
World Veterinary Day at Dr G.C.Negi COVAS
Experts underline the importance of vaccination
Palampur 27 April. World veterinary day on the theme, 'Value for vaccination' was celebrated enthusiastically at CSK H.P. Agriculture University, here today.
While addressing the veterinary scientists and students, Chief Guest Maj Gen (Dr) Shri Kant Sharma, VSM, SM (Retd), President, National Academy of Veterinary Sciences, said that learning was a continuous process and asked the scientists and students to serve the livestock keepers with dedication. He said that they should be motivated for getting their animals vaccinated.
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, in his presidential remarks appreciated the work at Dr G C Negi College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (COVAS). He said that such programmes makes the society aware about their important and useful work. The Vice-Chancellor said that many diseases can be controlled by timely vaccination. He said that it was worth appreciating that COVAS was regularly organizing vaccination camps in the rural areas. He also spoke on the importance and need of conserving rich animal genetic diversity, need of growing nutritive fodder crops, natural farming, etc.
Dr Mandeep Sharma, Dean, COVAS, detailed major activities and achievements of his college. He said that scientists and students have always brought glory to the alma mater by their excellent performances.
Dr Subhash Verma, delivered a talk on "Value of vaccination".
Dr R.K.Asrani , President, Veterinary and Animal Sciences Teachers' Association (VASTA) and Dr Pradeep Sharma, General Secretary, told that the function was jointly organised by their association and COVAS. Activities like blood donation camp, marathon, slogan writing, poetry, poster making and quiz competitions, etc were organised to mark the occasion. The Chief Guest and the Vice-Chancellor awarded winners of these competitions.
Statutory officers, heads and officers also attended the inaugural ceremony.
Later, a cultural programme , "Mehak" was also organised where Chief Guest Prof A.K.Sarial,Vice-Chancellor, appreciated the performance of students.
The chief guest and Vice-Chancellor awarding some of the winners.
A view of the dais and audience
Last Updated: April 22, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/305 Dated: 22.04.2019
"Excel in life and become brand ambassador of your Alma mater!" Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice Chancellor, CSKHPAU advises the students
Palampur 22 April. "Excel in life and become brand ambassador of your alma mater!" advised Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice Chancellor, CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, while interacting with outgoing batch of B.Sc. (Honours) Agriculture, in College of Agriculture, here today.
Prof Sarial said that a large number of steps have been taken in the last two years to make students competitive enough to face the national level competitive examinations and results have been very encouraging. "Efforts are in the final stages to send students to prestigious institutions abroad to enhance their entrepreneur and other skills and around sixty undergraduate students from agriculture and veterinary sciences will be sent abroad every year", informed the Vice-Chancellor. He said that if students face practical problems during their studies they come out with innovative solutions and "Experiential Learning Programme(ELP)" and "Rural Agricultural Work Experience" prepare them to learn the nitty gritty of farming in the fields. He also advised the students to come forward for registration in Agri-Business Incubator programmes to become successful entrepreneurs.
Dr.Pawan Kumar Mehta, Dean, told that his college took lead in the north India to adopt "Students' Ready" programme of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. He said that his students were earning profit from ELP and many institutions have sought the guidance for implementing this programme. He also asked the students to maintain link with the alma mater by enrolling as members of alumni association.
Drs Suresh Kumar Upadhyay, coordinator told that 68 students were passing out with flying colours. Drs V.K.Sharma and G.D.Sharma also addressed the students. All the students shared their experiences and thanked the college for providing them quality education, best facilities and inculcating confidence in them. Heads and faculty of the college was present in the programme.
A view of the dais and audience
Students with the Vice-Chancellor, Dean and faculty
Last Updated: April 04, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/304 Dated: 04.04.2019
Vice Chancellor Prof. A.K. Sarial underlines the importance and need of artificial intelligence in agriculture
Palampur 4 April. Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice Chancellor, CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, has underlined the importance and need of artificial intelligence (AI) in agriculture. During a sensitization lecture on AI and Robotics for the faculty and students of the University, the Vice-Chancellor said that AI has started bringing positive changes in our daily lives, including the way our food is produced. He said that technologies like machine learning, image recognition, and predictive modelling were being applied in the farm industry to boost productivity and efficiency.
Prof Sarial said that newly advanced approaches assisted by AI could be important steps in the effort to produce more food for ever growing population by helping farmers reduce chemical inputs, detect diseases sooner, buffer against labour shortages and respond to climate change. He told that AI uses machine learning to forecast weather, analyze crops, and help farmers increase yields and profits. It is particularly useful for localized information and recommendations to the farmers who use its services. Some of the companies have developed mobile apps to use image recognition to detect plant diseases, pests, and soil deficiencies affecting plant health. "See and Spray" robots have been developed which use computer vision, robotics, and machine learning to precisely manage weeds. This technology could be of much use in irrigation also.
The Vice-Chancellor asked the faculty and students to read and learn about all such new age technologies for becoming better researchers as the University was in the process of developing 'Institutional Development Plan' proposal where the students and scientists will be encouraged to use AI and Robotics in their learning and research activities.
Earlier, a known expert Mr Harshavardhana Kikkeri delivered an expert lecture on 'Virtual reality, artificial intelligence, robotics and machine learning- new dimension for sustainable agriculture' and answered to various questions of students and scientists.
Dr.Dinesh Kumar Vatsa, Director of Research, introduced him informing that Mr Kikkeri has over 44 patents in various fields from face recognition to virtual training and building autonomous robots and has worked in top institution like National Aeronautics and Space Administration, USA and has returned to the country to help the local industry and institutions in AI and Robotics. Drs Suresh Upadhyaya and Ranbir Singh Rana also spoke on the occasion.
Last Updated: March 12, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/299 Dated: 12.03.2019
Scientific Advisory Committee Meetings at KVKs at Dhaulakuan & Una
Vice Chancellor Prof. A.K. Sarial asks extension specialists to organise frontline demonstrations and on-farm trials on natural farming
Palampur 12 March. Krishi Vigyan Kendras of CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University organised Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) meetings at Dhaulakuan (Sirmour) and Una to discuss the work done in the last one year and formulate action plan for the next year. Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice Chancellor, chaired both the meeting and addressed the SAC members of both KVKs.
The Vice-Chancellor told that a massive programme has been initiated to turn Himachal Pradesh into a natural farming state and the university was extending all possible support in this mega effort. He told that whole hearted involvement of farming community was required for this movement and asked scientists, farm officers and progressive farmers to spread the word among stake holders. Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial detailed the research and extension education efforts of the University in natural farming at Palampur and all KVKs. He asked the extension specialists to educate farmers and general masses about the ill effects of excessive use of chemicals in the crops. He said that on-farm trials and front line demonstrations on naturalfarming should be organized and field data so generated should be compiled and used in publications for the benefit of farming community. He also detailed about Agri-Business Incubator programme of the university to promote innovation and Agri-entrepreneurship and asked young farmers to avail the facility. He said that income of the farmers should be increased with the active support of scientific knowledge and asked the farming community to avail assistance from KVKs of their respective districts.
Dr.Y.P.Thakur, Director of Extension Education, asked members to educate farmers about large number of trainings at Palampur and all KVKs so that they were able to enhance their skills and farm income. He said that all district level departments engaged in the welfare of farmers should work in perfect coordination.
Drs Anand Singh and Bipan Kumar Sharma, Programme Coordinators presented reports of the activities undertaken in the last one year in their respective KVKs and also proposed activities for the next year. Dr. Manjinder Singh, Programme Coordinator,Punjab Agricultural University KVK Hoshiarpur also attended KVK, Una SAC meeting. Progressive farmers and other members representing departments of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Forestry, banks, etc. also took active part in the meetings.
Scientific Advisory Committee meetings in progress at KVK, Dhaulakuan and Una
Last Updated: March 06, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/298 Dated: 07.03.2019
Scientific Advisory Committee Meetings at KVKs at Berthin & Bara
Vice Chancellor Prof. A.K. Sarial asks to disseminate information about natural farming
Palampur 7 March. Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice Chancellor, CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University has asked the scientists, farm officers and progressive farmers to disseminate knowledge about natural farming among farming community. The Vice-Chancellor was addressing them during scientific advisory committee meetings of Krishi Vigyan Kendras of the University at Berthin (Bilaspur) and Bara (Hamirpur).
Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial while elaborating the efforts of the State Government in making Himachal Pradesh a leading natural farming State told that the University has also initiated research and awareness programmes in this direction. Around twenty percent of experiment farm under KVKs have been brought under natural farming and regular exposure visits were conducted for the farmers. He said that farm scientists and all those district level officers who directly deal with farmers, need to educate them about this healthy and eco-friendly farming which will enable the farmers to double their income as envisaged by the governments of India and Himachal Pradesh.
He also spoke on the importance and need to supplement the income of farmers with agricultural based avocations like mushroom cultivation, poultry farming, bee-keeping, etc. The Vice-Chancellor said that young farmers should be made aware about the start-up schemes so that they may get training and become successful entrepreneurs.
Dr.Y.P.Thakur, Director of Extension Education, told that Agricultural Skill Council of India, had sponsored eleven trainings for enhancing the farming skills of the farmers and these have been organised productively. He said that Krishi Vigyan Kendras were major hub for district based farm trainings and demonstration for the farmers and they should avail expert advice of extension specialists to increase their farm production.
Drs Suman Kumar and Pardeep Kumar, Programme Coordinators presented report of the activities undertaken in the last one year. Proposal for the next year were finalised with inputs from the members representing departments of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Forestry, banks, etc.
Last Updated: March 06, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/297 Dated: 06.03.2019
Vice Chancellor Prof. A.K. Sarial distributes 22 breeding bucks to nomadic Gaddi goat farmers
Palampur 6 March. Prof. A.K. Sarial, Vice Chancellor, CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University has appreciated the migratory Gaddi nomads for helping in bridging the gap for fulfilling the demand for quality meat to the consumers in the State. The Vice-Chancellor was interacting with progressive Gaddi nomads after distributing 22 Gaddi breeding bucks to them, here today.
The bucks were provided under the ongoing All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Goat Improvement (Gaddi Field Unit) for breed improvement of the existing Gaddi goats of the State running in the Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding, Dr.G.C.Negi College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences (COVAS). Prof Sarial told that Gaddi goat meat was of high quality as the goats feed on wild vegetation in high altitude areas free from any chemical use in such grazing lands. He asked the scientists to help the Gaddi nomads in marketing of quality meat and asked the farmers to fully utilize the potential of the breeding bucks being provided to them. He also underlined the utility of the project to the farmers.
The Vice-Chancellor appreciated Dr. P.K. Dogra, Principal Investigator of the project and his team for their hard work under migratory field conditions for the benefit of tribal farmers.
Dr. P.K. Dogra said that the university was serving the nomadic Gaddi goat farmers through this project for the last eight years. This project is being implemented under the umbrella of Central Institute for Research on Goats located at Makhdoom, Mathura. The unit provided 22 breeding bucks to 22 different farmers from Kangra, Chamba and Mandi districts of the state for breed improvement of their flocks. This year the Gaddi field unit carried out research on 1152 Gaddi goat of four field units and recorded different production and reproduction parameters. The selected flocks were monitored throughout the year by providing breeding, health care and nutritional inputs. All selected animals were provided health coverage under migratory field conditions viz. vaccination against goat plague, de-worming, periodic health checkups etc. Strategic supplementary feeding was also provided in the form of mineral mixture and concentrate feed.
Dr. Y.P. Thakur Director Extension Education and Research, Dr. Mandeep Sharma, Dean, COVAS, Dr.R.K.Agnihotri, Dean, Post Graduate Studies, Dr Virender Patial, Assistant Director Animal Husbandry and Drs Varun Sankhyan, Parveen Sharma, Ankaj Thakur and Nishant Verma, all team members, were present during the ceremony.
Last Updated: March 05, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/296 Dated: 05.03.2019
CSKHPAU Veterinary Scientists organize animal infertility treatment camps in District Solan
Palampur 5 March. A team of veterinary scientists from CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University organized nine infertility treatment camps in different parts of district Solan, last week. The camps were organized in collaboration with State Department of Animal Husbandry at Bag Ka Jubar, Kunihar, Wakna, Ruhra, Kuthar, Kot, Chaha, Gunai and Lodhi-Majra villages under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna(RKVY) project to investigate status of infertility in bovines of Himachal Pradesh.
Prof. Madhumeet Singh, head of the Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and
Obstetrics and team leader, told that around 200 cows and buffaloes were
examined in these camps with main emphasis to record reproductive status and
abnormalities in bovines reared by the farmers in this district. The
scientists collected blood samples to study their minerals, biochemical and
hormonal profile and also genital discharge samples for detailed diagnosis
of uterine infections. Faecal samples were also collected to study the
parasitic load in animals in this area and their relationship with
infertility. Free medicines were distributed to the farmers.
He informed that department is rendering specialized services to the farmers in different parts of the State for treatment of various reproductive disorders with an aim to reduce incidence of infertility. Since last six years, scientists have organized 245 infertility treatment camps under RKVY projects in diverse parts of Himachal Pradesh, including around 90 camps in tribal and other very remote locations. Around 6000 cows and buffaloes have been examined and treated in these camps. Around 1200 blood, 700 uterine discharge and 500 fecal samples have been collected and analyzed for detailed investigations of various diseases. Area wise mapping of reproductive ailments through clinic-gynecological examination, nutritional deficiencies through blood investigations, parasitic infestation responsible for reproduction problems and micro flora responsible for uterine infections is being done.Besides Prof. Madhumeet Singh, the team members included Dr. Pravesh Kumar and Mr. Vijay Rana from the Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics.
Prof Ashok Kumat Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, while appreciating the team, expressed his happiness that in the last six years, veterinary scientists from department have organized 245 infertility treatment camps in different parts of Himachal Pradesh, including around 90 camps in tribal and other very remote locations.
Last Updated: March 02, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/295 Dated: 02.03.2019
Vice-Chancellor Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial exhorts scientists to apply science with wisdom
Palampur 2 March. Prof. A.K. Sarial, Vice Chancellor, CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University has asked the scientists and students to apply science with wisdom and help in preserving the environment to save the earth for future generations. He was addressing them during the concluding ceremony of national science day celebrations in the university, here today.
Prof Sarial, himself a well known farm scientist, also detailed the contributions of agricultural scientists in making the country self-reliant on food front. He also highlighted the contributions of scientists for the welfare of mankind. The Vice-Chancellor appreciated the College of Basic Sciences for organizing various activities and also awarded the winners of competitions. He also released a science booklet by Drs. Rishi Mahajan and Dr. Abhishek Walia.
Dr. ( Mrs.) Promila Kanwar, Dean, asked the students to pursue the science as a career for nation building. Prof. D. K. Dhawan from Panjab University, Chandigarh delivered a lecture on the theme "Science for people and people for Science".
Dr. Ranbir Singh Rana, Coordinator, told that during the four days event, besides science based competitions, the students also organized a cultural programme.
Dr. S.S.Kanwar, Professor Emeritus, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, University statutory officers and scientists were present during the prize distribution ceremony.
In declamation contest Shorya(COA), Aditya (COA) and Samriti( COBS) were declared first, second and third respectively. In Poster making, Kareena Verma ( COBS), Nitish Gaytri (COVAS) and Shefali Chandel( COVAS) were adjudged first, second and third respectively ; whereas in Quiz Competition teams of Rajat Masand and Sanyav Bhardwaj from COVAS, Shailja Kumari and Sunidhi from COBS and Navedita and Rajender from COHS were adjudged as first, second and third respectively. Sarya Sharma(COBS), Neha Chauhan(COA) and Abhishek Rana(COBS) were winners as first, second and third in power point presentation.
Last Updated: February 22, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/291 Dated: 22.02.2019
CSKHPAU and BARC sign MoU for innovative research activities
Palampur 22 February. CSK Himachal Pradesh
Agriculture University and Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai have
entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for strengthening linkages
between nuclear agriculture and biotechnology. MoU was signed by Prof Ashok
Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, CSKHPAU and Dr V.P.Venugopalan, Head, Nuclear
Agriculture and Biotechnology Division, BARC.
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor said that linkages between these
two premier institutes will be strengthened through various collaborative
efforts on "Breeding of new crop varieties, evaluation, release,
notification and popularization". The crops focused for this endeavour will
be wheat, rice, urd, mungbean, pigeonpea, soybean and cowpea. He told that
this collaboration will open new horizons for taking up innovative research
activities of mutual interests in agriculture, sharing of human resource,
technical expertise and radiation facilities. It will be a unique
opportunity to conduct the visit of post graduate students to acquire
acquaintance with the on-going activities in BARC and harness the mutation
breeding expertise for masters and post -doctoral research. Prof Sarial said
that the idea for collaboration and signing MoU was mooted by him during the
visit of a team of BARC scientists last year and sincere efforts will be
made to establish radiation facilities at the university to cater to the
needs of entire North-Western Himalayan hill States for future mutation
breeding programmes and providing assistance for food crops, temperate
fruits and vegetables processing and protection endeavours. The BARC has
been informed that this facility will enable it to have a platform to get
its mutation inducted new crop varieties screened in North-West Himalayan
regions and get the elite genotypes released and popularized amongst the
Recently, Dr. Sanjay J. Jambhulkar, Head, Mutation Breeding Section, BARC, held discussions with the Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Y.P. Thakur, Director of Research and Dr. H.K. Chaudhary, Professor and Head, Department of Crop Improvement.
Vice-Chancellor Prof A.K.Sarial and Dr V.P.Venugopalan signing MoU at BARC, Mumbai
Last Updated: February 16, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/291 Dated: 16.02.2019
International Conference on Wheat concludes at CSKHPAU
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial exhorts scientists to judiciously utilize resources for the benefit of farming community
Palampur 16 February. Three days International Group Meeting on Wheat concluded at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, here today.
Chief Guest of the valedictory function Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor said that wheat productivity enhancement through climate smart practices was the need of the hour. The research findings of top scientists working on wheat crop would be much useful to other scientists and post graduate students. He said that limited financial resources should be optimally and judiciously used in research for the benefit of farming community. He also underlined the importance of international collaborations for the progress of science. The Vice-Chancellor said that such international events should be organized more frequently as wheat was very important crop in India and other countries.
Shri Ranbir Singh, Chief General Manager, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) told that such meets were able to generate discussions for future research issues which ultimately were helpful for the farming community in enhancing the crop production.
Prof Ian King from University of Nottingham, UK said that the meet has been extremely successful with valuable discussions among the scientists.
Dr Sindhu Sareen, Organizing Secretary and Dr H.K.Chaudhary, Local Organizing Secretary informed that major recommendations of the meet were use of wild crops related to wheat for improvement of this crop, speed breeding, more emphasis on mutation breeding, double haploidy breeding, national facility for developing new varieties in shortest possible time in collaboration with international institutes should be created at Palampur for the benefit of scientists, strict vigilance at Indo Banagladesh border for wheat blast, research for enhanced productivity, development of specific genotypes, suitable varieties for different agro-climatic zones, making farmer aware about effects of climate change, development of zinc and iron rich varieties, etc.
Chief Guest Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial also awarded winners of best poster presentation on different research themes on wheat. The winners from different institutes included Bhawna (Hissar, Dr Poonam Jasrotia(Karnal),Dr Amit Gautam (Morroco), Dr Gaurav(Palampur), Dr Sneh Narwal( Karnal) and Dr Bhumesh( Karnal).
Around 200 scientists from UK, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Jordon, Morocco and India deliberated during the mega scientific meet.
A view of the dais and galaxy of scientists and poster award ceremony
Last Updated: February 15, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/290 Dated: 15.02.2019
International Conference on Wheat: Second Day
Experts discuss ways to mitigate climate change effects on wheat
Palampur 15 February. The scientists taking part in the International Group Meeting on Wheat has discussed ways and means to mitigate effects of climate change on wheat production. It was agreed that speed breeding was an important tool which could be used for advancement of generations.
Dr Ian King, Professor of Cereal Genomics, University of Notttingham, UK emphasized the use of wild taxa for introgression of novel genes for various biotic and abiotic stresses into cultivated bread and durum wheat background. Prof A.K.Sarial, Vice-Chancellor of the host University spoke on speed breeding. Dr. J.K. Roy, Scientist, National Agri-food Biotechnology Institue, Mohali dealt with characterization and use of genes controlling amylose content, pigmentation in colored wheats and phytate biosynthesis. Dr GP Singh, Director IIWBR, stressed upon the need of following the guidelines under the National Seed Act before commercialization of biofortified colored wheats. Dr. Parveen Chhuneja, Director, School of Agriculture Biotechnology, Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana highlighted the wide hybridization programme aimed at transfer and deployment of disease resistance genes and presented a detailed account on use of modern biotechnological tools like. Dr. Sanjay J Jambulkar, Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai discussed the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes by the way of production of mutagenized populations of wheat varieties. Prof. H K Chaudhary, Head, Deptt of Crop Improvement and Agricultural Biotechnology from the host University detailed five decades journey of Double Haploidy Breeding in wheat and new frontiers in the sphere of Chromosome elimination- mediated Double Haploidy Breeding. DH 114 (Him Pratham), the first Doubled Haploid wheat variety developed by the H.P. Agriculture University has opened a pathway to accelerate the varietal development programmes in bread and durum wheats.
Other major topics discussed were utilization of wild species of wheat for wheat improvement, issues related to biotic and abiotic stresses, genetic manipulation of wheat for different quality traits, application of induced mutagenesis for sustain, double haploid breeding, speed breeding, drought and heat tolerance and taming the wheat blast disease in wheat were also discussed. Dr.H.C.Sharma, Vice-Chancellor, Dr Y.S.Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan Prof A.K.Sarial, Vice-Chancellor of the host university; Dr.P.K.Sharma, Vice-Chancellor, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agriculture and Technology, Jammu and Dr S.K.Sharma, former Vice-Chancellor chaired the technical sessions and Dr. Michael Baum, Director from International Centre for Agriculture Research in Dryland Areas (ICARDA), Morocco; Dr Harbans S Bariana, University of Sydney, Australia; Dr Pawan K.Singh, Scientist form International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre , Mexico, etc were key note speakers.
Dr Ian King, University of Notttingham, UK and Dr H.C.Shamra,Vice-Chancellor, UHF, Solan making presentations
Last Updated: February 15, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/289 Dated: 15.02.2019
Agriculture Technology Demonstration Fair at Padhiarkhar
Farm mechanization needed to reduce drudgery and increase production: Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial
Palampur 15 February. CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University organized ‘Agriculture Technology Demonstration Mela at village Padhiarkhar, around 6 KMs from Palampur today. Chief Guest Prof. Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, while addressing the farming community from the local and surrounding villages, said that farm mechanization was a must to reduce farm drudgery and increase farm production. He asked the farmers to adopt improved farm machines and tools developed by the university as these were suitable for the hilly terrain of Himachal Pradesh. If any entrepreneur comes forward to start small farm tools industry, the University will help him. The Vice-Chancellor said that it was a challenge for the farm officers and scientists to double the income of farmers which they need to accept and come out with technologies to strengthen socio-economic status of farmers. He also appreciated the role of farm women in hill agriculture and also spoke on the importance of natural farming, animal husbandry etc and asked farmers to seek advice of scientists and farm officers for scientific farming.
Dr.Y.P.Thakur, Director of Research and Extension Education, told that research work was in progress on farm machinery and tools, poly-houses, renewable energy, ergonomics and safety in agriculture, post harvest technology and such technology can certainly boost farm production.
Dr.R.K.Gupta, Head of Agricultural Engineering department, told that as per the instructions and support from the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, such Agriculture Technology Demonstration Fairs have been organized today all over the country. He elaborated about small farm tools to reduce drudgery.
Drs.R.S.Rana and Radhna Gupta also elaborated about farm mechanization. Dr J.S.Guelria, Professor Emeritus, Dr.J.P.Saini, Head, Organic and Natural Farming, Dr Vijay Awasty, Subject Matter Specailist and some other scientists from the University and Officers from the State Department of Agriculture and villager also actively took part in the Mela. Around two hundred farmers evinced interest in the demonstration exhibition. They also sought answers to their farm related problems from the scientists.
A view of the farmers and Vice-Chancellor addressing the farmers and having a round of exhibition
Last Updated: February 15, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/288 Dated: 15.02.2019
Afghanistan farm officials at CSKHPAU
Palampur 15 Februrary. A group of eight officials working for agriculture development in Afghanistan was on an exposure-cum-study tour for four days to CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University. They were imparted training in modern farm production techniques including protected cultivation, animal husbandry ,etc by the university scientists. They also interacted with Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, who exhorted them to work sincerely for agriculture development in their country. The officials thanked the University and Dr.Y.P.Thakur, Director Extension Education for organizing the training to them.
Farm officials from Afghanistan with Prof A.K.Sarial, Vice-Chancellor and Dr Y.P.Thakur, Director of Extension Education
Last Updated: February 14, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/287 Dated: 14.02.2019
International Conference on Wheat begins at CSKHPAU
Prof V.L.Chopra suggests international research collaborations to enhance wheat productivity
Palampur 14 February. International Group Meeting on Wheat with the participation of over two hundred scientists from seven countries began at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, here today.
Chief Guest Padam Bhushan Prof V.L.Chopra, a well known scientist and former Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research and former Member of Planning Commission, in his inaugural address, said that wheat productivity enhancement through climate smart practices was a timely and an important issue. He said that wheat productivity was at apex point so to take it to next level was a challenge for the scientists. To break the yield level, work should be done to allow the plant to produce more biomass. He also suggested international collaboration on research issues as all were scientists were better equipped to work on wheat. The Chief Guest said that time has come to sit back and reorient modify operating procedures. Dr Chopra suggested strategic national programs and taking the outcomes for international collaborations as global climatic changes were imposing new kind of problems.
Guest of Honour Dr. Michael Baum, Director, Biodiversity and Crop Improvement, International Centre for Agriculture Research in Dry land Areas (ICARDA), Morocco elaborated about the role of his organization in wheat breeding and advancement of agriculture. He said that India was an important country for farm research. There was one global wheat program to avoid duplication. Dr Baun said that research emphasis should be on rain fed production and diseases like yellow rust. He said that support of government for wheat production was an important factor to scientists all over the world.
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor of the host University, informed that India was second highest wheat producer in the world. He told that wheat was grown all Himachal Pradesh occupying sixty five percent cultivable area. The State was ideal for speed breeding as two crops were raised in a year. He hoped that the international meeting will be useful to the University scientists especially post-graduate students as they would get acquainted with modern technologies needed for mitigating changing climatic effects on wheat productivity and interact with top scientists of the world.
Dr.G.P.Singh, Director, Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research (IIWBR), Indian Council of Agricultural Research Karnal told that earlier research had been concentrated on increasing the wheat production but now emphasis is on value addition, etc. and finding solutions to new diseases for this important crop.
Dr.Pawan Kumar Mehta, Dean, College of Agriculture, Dr Sindhu Sareen, Organizing Secretary and Dr H.K.Chaudhary, Local Organizing Secretary also detailed about the international group meet and told that the event was being organized jointly by CSKHPAU, IIWBR, Karnal and Society for Advancement of Wheat and Barley Research with the participation of more than 200 prominent scientists from UK, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Jordon, Morocco and India. The Chief Guest also released some publications.
A view of the dais and galaxy of scientists, lighting of lamp, release of publications and honour ceremonies
Last Updated: February 08, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/285 Dated: 08.02.2019
Press Conference of the Vice-Chancellor
CSKHPAU to host International Conference on Wheat from 14-16 February : Vice-Chancellor Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial
Palampur 8 February. Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, informed that an International Group Meeting on Wheat with the participation of over two hundred scientists from seven countries will be organised from 14-16 February at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University. He disclosed this during a press conference, here today.
The Vice-Chancellor told that this prestigious event was being organised for the first time in Palampur as it is organised once in a five years in any country and it will be jointly organised by his university, Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research (IIWBR), Karnal and Society for Advancement of Wheat and Barley Research (SAWBAR) with the participation of top scientists from UK, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Jordon, Morocco and India. The main theme of the meet will be, "Wheat productivity enhancement through climate smart practices" with six sub themes on 'Genetic manipulation to mitigate efforts of climate change'; 'Biotic stress in changing climate scenario'; 'Abiotic stresses in relation to climate change'; 'Resource optimization for enhanced productivity'; 'Changing food habits and value addition for quality improvement' and 'Impact of climate change on adoption and sustainable production'. Prof Sarial said that main focus of discussions will be on the integrated, conventional and modern technologies mediated breeding for mitigating effects of climate change and expressed the hope that the event will open many avenues for collaborations among the institutes and scientists. He told that the University has taken care to involve post-graduate students in a good number so that they get acquainted with modern technologies needed for mitigating changing climatic effects on wheat productivity and interact with top scientists of the world. The meet will be inaugurated by eminent scientist Padam Bhushan Prof V.L.Chopra, former Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research and Dr. Martin Kropff, Director General, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT), Mexico will be Guest of Honour.
Prof Sarial also informed that the University has recently appointed eleven assistant professors in the constituent colleges. The interviews were conducted in January itself and the process of selection was completed swiftly. Seven teachers have been appointed in the College of Basic Sciences. It is after decades that recruitments have been done in this college which attracts a large number of meritorious students from all over the State. Three teachers have been appointed in the College of Agriculture and one in the College of Home Science. He told that the process to fill-up posts of fifty teachers and non-teachers each was underway.
Vice-Chancellor also gave information about the selection of his University
by the Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare for establishing
an 'Agri Business Incubator' worth Rs. Nine crore under a scheme 'Rashtriya
Krishi Vikas Yojna- Remunerative Approaches for Agriculture and Allied
Sector Rejuvenation' (RKVY-RAFTAAR).
Dr Hirday Paul Singh, Joint Director (Information & Public Relations) welcomed the reporters and Dr Ashok Kumar, OSD to the Vice-Chancellor thanked them.
Last Updated: February 05, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/282 Dated: 05.02.2019
Trainings on the job role of small poultry farmer at COVAS & KVK Kangra
Vice-Chancellor Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial underlines the importance of scientific trainings and skills for becoming successful entrepreneur
Palampur 5 February. Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, inaugurated a month long training program on the job role “Small poultry farmer” at Dr G C Negi College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (COVAS), CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, here today. While addressing trainees and scientists, the Vice-Chancellor said that to be successful in any avocation, practical knowledge of scientific techniques and skills was a prerequisite in this era. He told that Governments of India and Himachal Pradesh were helping farmers in raising their socio-economic status by sponsoring professional trainings and many other programs. He asked the farmers to learn every aspect of poultry farming carefully as their skills will be evaluated by an independent agency after a month long training and successful trainees will be awarded certificates useful for bank loans, etc. The Vice-Chancellor also appreciated the ladies and young farmers from faraway places for voluntarily taking part in the training and expressed the hope that such trainees will also extend newly acquired skills among other villagers of their areas. The Vice-Chancellor said that such trainings were very useful for self employment and becoming successful entrepreneurs. He asked the trainees to be in touch with university scientists and specialists for further guidance and solving their farm related problems.Dr Mandeep Sharma, Dean, COVAS, as guest of honour asked the farmers to learn the skills of poultry farming for becoming successful entrepreneurs. He told that there was huge demand of eggs and poultry meat in the State as it was good source of quality protein. He told that a dairy farming training was also organised recently.Dr Yash Pal Thakur, Director of Extension Education, told the training has been sponsored by the Agricultural Skill Council of India. It was the last training among eleven trainings sponsored by the council and all trainings were organised productively. He also elaborated on the importance of poultry farming and informed that after successful completion of the training, trainees can start their own poultry enterprise availing various benefits available under government schemes for promotion of poultry farming.
Dr A.K.Panda, course director, told that twenty livestock keepers from all over the State were taking part in the 240 hours program. Drs Devesh Thakur and Manoj Sharma also expressed their views.The Vice-Chancellor released a booklet on dairy farming. Dr Pawan Kumar Mehta, Dean, College of Agriculture, Dr Jagtar Singh Guleria, Professor emeritus, Dr Hirday Paul Singh, Joint Director(Information & Public Relations), scientists and some students also attended the inaugural ceremony.Later, the Vice-Chancellor was Chief Guest in the concluding ceremony of month long training program on the job role "Small poultry farmer" at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kangra where he addressed the trainees and distributed participation certificates to them. Dr.Y.P.Thakur, Director of Extension Education, Dr Vishal Dogra, Programme coordinator, Dr Rakesh Thakur, course coordinator and other extension specialists were present during the concluding ceremony at KVK,Kangra.
Last Updated: January 31, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/281 Dated: 31.01.2019
Conference on Food Processing at CSKHPAU
Palampur 31 January. A day long training program-cum-conference on ‘Medium, Small and Micro enterprises in food processing’ was organized jointly by the Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry in India (Assocham) and CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, here today.
Around fifty farmers from district Kangra, scientists and students from the College of Home Science participated in the conference. The experts educated the participants about food value chain, food processing industry, technology, import and export procedures, etc. which may help them upscale their skills to increase the income.
The conference was inaugurated by Dr S.K.Sharma, former Vice-Chancellor who underlined the importance of food processing and value addition for enhancing income of the farming community. Dr.D.K.Vatsa, Director of Research gave details about the major crops of the State which can be used in food processing. Messers Harvinder Singh, Rajesh Kumar and Deepankar Khare detailed about banking and industry schemes. Dr Sangita Sood also addressed the participants.
Pic caption: A view of the dais and audience
Last Updated: January 28, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/281 Dated: 26.01.2019
Prof A.K.Sarial, Vice-Chancellor unfurls the National Flag
Republic Day celebrated with enthusiasm and gaiety at CSKHPAU
Palampur 26 January. The Republic Day was celebrated with enthusiasm and gaiety at CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, here today.
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, unfurled the National Flag and took salute from the impressive NCC contingent comprising well uniformed platoons of boys and girls. Later, in his address to the University community, the Vice Chancellor underlined the importance of democracy and detailed rights and obligations enshrined in the constitution of India. He also spoke on the tremendous progress made by the country and Himachal Pradesh, especially on the food front. He told about the recent achievements of the University in academics, research and extension education and appreciated the NCC cadets for their impressive parade. Prof Sarial also presented prizes to the blood donors, winners of hostel competitions and master of ceremonies of youth festival. He also awarded the students of Holy Mission Public School, Chachian with a cash prize of Rs five thousand for their performance with school band during the programme.
The students of the constituent colleges presented patriotic songs, dances and solo performances. Sweets were distributed after the ceremony.
SWO Dr Ashwani Goel, other statutory officers, heads, teaching and non-teaching employees and students were present in a large number in the ceremony.
Vice-Chancellor Prof A.K.Sarial taking salute from the NCC contingent
Vice-Chancellor Prof A.K.Sarial addressing the University community and spectators
Last Updated: January 17, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/277 Dated: 17.01.2019
CSK HPAU water management technologies may prove helpful to H.P. in implementing irrigation schemes worth Rs 9599 crore for assured irrigation to sixty percent of farmland
Palampur 17 January. "The government of Himachal Pradesh has introduced ambitions irrigation schemes in the last one year. When implemented fully, these are bound to revolutionize farm production" believes Prof A.K.Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University. He told that the major irrigation schemes worth Rs 9599 crore introduced were Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana ("Har Khet Ko Pani- More crop per drop") Jal se Krishi ko Bal, Flow Irrigation Scheme and Solar Irrigation Scheme. One of the schemes with budget outlay of Rs 4848 crore aimed at renovation of old irrigation system while another with budget outlay of Rs 4751 crore to be implemented in four phases by constructing small and medium sized dams and barrages across rivers and rivulets, and check dams and tanks (polythene lined or concrete tanks to store thousands of liters of water) and use the stored water by lift irrigation and or gravity.
He says that water is one of the most vital natural resources of Himachal Pradesh and the State is richly endowed with a hilly terrain having an enormous volume of water. Country's five major rivers namely Sutlej, Beas, Ravi, Yamuna and Chenab originate from Himachal Pradesh and irrigate 98 percent land in Punjab, 84 percent in Haryana, 27.5 percent (55 lakh hectare ) in Rajasthan and even across the border in Pakistan but merely 19 percent (1.13 lakh hectare ) of the cultivated area in H.P. The area under irrigation more or less remained constant in the State affecting overall productivity of agricultural and horticultural crops. It is with this concern during the Vice Chancellors' conference in 2017 Prof Sarial mooted an idea to the NITI Ayog expert Prof. Ramesh Chand to bring at least 10 percent of the total cultivated area of the State under irrigation every year raising it from 19 percent to 69 percent over a period of five years so as to achieve the target of doubling farmers' income. He also proposed it in the State panning board meeting in February 2017. According to Prof Sarial the realized average productivity has been estimated two and half to three times in irrigated system over un-irrigated rain fed. Most of the rains (about 80 percent) received during monsoon from June to September lead to excess water and rest (20 percent) received during the year lead to deficit moisture conditions affecting adversely the timely sowing in the months of May-June and October-November.
He told that CSK H.P. Agriculture University, Palampur has developed a number of technological interventions of water harvesting, storage, conservation and use and will assist the government in implementing new irrigation schemes and their adoption at a larger scale by the farmers. Developing water harvesting, storage, conservation and farmer- friendly technologies has been a great challenge for farm scientists and the first model watershed developed at Palampur after establishment of University. It has four major and ten minor water reservoirs with the total capacity of about 25000 cubic meters water available after monsoons for providing 1-2 life saving surface irrigations to about 20 hectare area (Fig 1-2). Majority of these reservoirs and farm ponds have been polyethylene lined with cross laminated blue coloured UV resistant sheet of 200-250 GSM thickness. The poly-lining has been done to control the seepage losses with the objective of enhancing the water storage period after monsoon rains. To utilize the harvested rain-water efficiently, the water management research of University is now being focused on micro irrigation especially drip irrigation and solar irrigation (Fig 3-4) and the research findings on use of drip irrigation in vegetables in place of surface irrigation have shown superiority in term of water saving by 60-75 percent.
The University and the State Department of Agriculture are conducting training and exposure visits of farmers and extension personals regularly to familiarize with these techniques. The scientists from India and abroad have also visited the University to see these poly-lined farm reservoirs and ponds. Prof A.K.Sarial told that on completion of the irrigation schemes over the next five years period it is estimated that around 3.25 lakh hectare cultivable area would have assured irrigation raising productivity and production of field crops from two and half to three fold.
The Vice-Chancellor feels that technological interventions of water harvesting, storage, conservation and use be adopted and replicated on farmers' fields either on community basis or individual farmers' basis to enhance their income and shift the farmers from subsistence hill agriculture.
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Last Updated: January 10, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/276 Dated: 10.01.2019
Training for veterinarians concludes at CSKHPAU
Early diagnosis useful in preventing diseases & keeping animal productivity high: Vice-Chancellor Prof A.K.Sarial
Palampur 10 January. A four-days training programme on "Diagnostic Protocols in Veterinary Medicine for Veterinary Officers" of the State Department of Animal Husbandry concluded at CSK H.P. Agriculture University, here today.Chief Guest in the valedictory function Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor, underlined the importance of such refresher trainings as technology was advancing and latest disease diagnostic tools were designed at a frequent interval. He said that early diagnosis helped in preventing diseases and keeping animal productivity high for the benefit of livestock owners. He appreciated the Department of Veterinary Medicine, Dr GC Negi College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences (COVAS) for regularly organizing trainings for the veterinarians and farmers. The Vice-Chancellor also distributed participation certificates to the trainees. Dr.Mandeep Sharma, Dean, COVAS, Dr D. R. Wadhwa, training incharge and Dr Pradeep Sharma, training coordinator also addressed the trainees. Twelve senior veterinary officers from the districts of Shimla, Kangra, Hamirpur, Kinnaur and Chamba attended the training.
Last Updated: January 02, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/274 Dated: 02.01.2019
Five students of CSKHPAU bag six awards in an International Symposium
Palampur 2 January. Five post-graduate students of CSK Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University bagged six awards for their research work during recently concluded international Symposium and Annual Convention of Indian Society for the study of Animal Reproduction held at Anand, Gujrat.
Prof. Madhumeet Singh, Head of the department Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics told that out of total ten young scientist awards presented in the symposium, six awards were bagged by the University students. Dr. Anchal Rana received the best oral as well as the best poster presentation awards in female infertility session, Dr. Mohit Mahajan bagged the best oral presentation award in obstetrics session; Dr. Anushma received best poster presentation award in obstetrics session, Dr. Shriya Gupta for best poster in Andrology and Dr. Abhay Verma for best poster in pet, equine and wild animal reproduction sessions.
Prof Ashok Kumar Sarial, Vice-Chancellor has appreciated the students and their advisors namely Prof. Madhumeet Singh and Dr Pravesh Kumar and Dr R.K.Agnihotri, Dean Post Graduate Studies for bringing laurel to the university.
PG students with their medals and certificates
Last Updated: January 01, 2019
Media Cell
Press Release
No. QSD/MC/273 Dated: 01.01.2019
A.K.Sarial exhorts staff to improve hard earned recognition at the national level and serve farmers dedicatedly
Palampur 1 January. Prof A.K.Sarial, Vice Chancellor, CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, has exhorted the staff to improve the hard earned recognition and accolades at National and State level and serve the farming community with renewed vigour and enthusiasm. He was addressing the scientists, non-teaching employees and students on the occasion of New Year, here today.
While enumerating various achievements in the mandated areas of academics, research and extension education, the Vice-Chancellor profusely expressed his gratitude to the State Government for liberal financial support to the University to run the affairs smoothly. He told that among all the farm varsities in the country, his university was ranked 19th by the Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare besides getting all time 2ndposition in Agricultural Research Service(ARS) examination 2017 among all 75 farm varsities. He congratulated 109 students who cleared national level competitive examinations like National eligibility test(NET),ARS, GATE,CAT, JRF, SRF, etc this year and told that the ever increasing number of applicants for university academic programmes was an indicator of high quality education which needed to be maintained consistently.
Prof A.K.Sarial informed that the university was very first in the country to establish natural farming centre worth Rs three crore where research work has already been started and more than a dozen students have also been engaged in research work on natural farming. The University was committed to help in making Himachal Pradesh as natural farming state. While appreciating the scientists for bagging research projects, he told that three new crop varieties of wheat, soybean and mustard have been developed and recommended for release for the farmers of Himachal Pradesh. The University produced more than 800 quintal breeder seed of different crops including 600 quintal wheat seed which was sufficient to cover around 67 percent total wheat area in the state. Around 75 hectare area will be brought under seed production with a mega Rs.10 crore project. Forty four research projects worth Rs. 1155 lakh were sanctioned last year and total 145 research projects worth Rs. 4542 lakh were in operation. The university has almost doubled its domestic income from Rs.10 crore to Rs.19 crore.He said that around 1990 trainings were organized benefiting 53500 farmers.
He told that the government has given approval to fill-up 225 posts of teachers and non teachers and the process was underway to recruit the staff. He informed that recently the Indian Council of Agricultural Research has accredited the university for next five years and ISO has granted ISO certification for next three years. He congratulated all staff members for their performance and helping him to bring glory to the university and asked them to maintain the tempo for serving students and farmers devotedly.
Later, he organised a tea party to teaching and non-teaching staff members whose performance was ranked outstanding in 2018 and the scientists who bagged research projects worth Rs. Fifty lakh or more amount.
Vice-Chancellor Addressing the staff in auditorium
Group pic with outstanding staff members