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CABI Archive Book Collection - 235 Books Just a Click Away...



All books are listed below, just click the one which you want to read.




Sno. Book Title
1 Agricultural Biotechnology and Transatlantic Trade: Regulatory Barriers to GM Crops
2 Agricultural Research Policy in an Era of Privatization
3 Agricultural Technologies and Tropical Deforestation
4 Agriculture and Intellectual Property Rights: Economic, Institutional and Implementation Issues in Biotechnology
5 Agriculture and International Trade: Law, Policy and the WTO
6 Agriculture, Hydrology and Water Quality
7 Air Pollution and the Forests of Developing and Rapidly Industrializing Regions: Report No. 4 of the IUFRO Task Force on Environmental Change
8 Allium Crop Science: Recent Advances
9 Amino Acids in Animal Nutrition
10 Animal Domestication and Behaviour
11 Animal Health & Welfare in Organic Agriculture
12 Apples: Botany, Production and Uses
13 Applied Animal Endocrinology
14 Aquaculture and Fisheries Biotechnology: Genetic Approaches
15 Avocado, The: Botany, Production and Uses
16 Bacteria from Fish and Other Aquatic Animals: A Practical Identification Manual
17 Banana Wars: The Anatomy of a Trade Dispute
18 Behavioural Ecology of Parasites, The
19 Below-ground Interactions in Tropical Agroecosystems: Concepts and Models with Multiple Plant Components
20 Benchmarking in Tourism and Hospitality Industries: The Selection of Benchmarking Partners
21 Bioassays of Entomopathogenic Microbes & Nematodes
22 Biodiversity of West African Forests: An Ecological Atlas of Woody Plant Species
23 Biological Control in IPM Systems in Africa
24 Biological Control Programmes in Canada, 1981-2000
25 Biology of Animal Stress, The: Basic Principles and Implications for Animal Welfare
26 Biology of Seeds, The: Recent Research Advances: Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Seeds, Salamanca, Spain 2002
27 Biology of Terrestrial Molluscs ,The
28 Biology of Wetas, King Crickets and Their Allies, The
29 Biostatistics for Animal Science
30 Biotechnology of Fruit and Nut Crops
31 Biotechnology Revolution in Global Agriculture, The: Innovation, Invention and Investment in the Canola Industry
32 Biotic Interactions in Plant-Pathogen Associations
33 Bond Scheme for Common Agricultural Policy Reform, A
34 CAP Regimes and the European Countryside: Prospects for Integration between Agricultural, Regional and Environmental Policies
35 Carbohydrates in Grain Legume Seeds: Improving Nutritional Quality and Agronomic Characteristics
36 Case Studies in Ecotourism
37 Cassava: Biology, Production and Utilization
38 Central & Eastern European Agriculture in an Expanding European Union
39 Chemical Pesticide Markets, Health Risks and Residues: Biopesticides Series No. 1
40 Climate Change & Global Crop Productivity
41 Climate Change in Contrasting River Basins: Adaptation Strategies for Water, Food and Environment
42 Communicable Disease Epidemiology and Control: A Global Perspective
43 Competition and Succession in Pastures
44 Competitive Destination, The: A Sustainable Tourism Perspective
45 Conflict, Social Capital and Managing Natural Resources: A West African Case Study
46 Consumer Acceptance of Genetically Modified Foods
47 Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure: Volume 3
48 Coping with Risk in Agriculture
49 Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management
50 Crocodiles: Biology, Husbandry and Diseases
51 Crop Pollination by Bees
52 Crop Science: Progress and Prospects
53 Crop Variety Improvement and Its Effect on Productivity: The Impact of International Agricultural Research
54 Crop-soil Simulation Models: Applications in Developing Countries
55 Cultural Attractions and European Tourism
56 Cycad Classification: Concepts and Recommendations
57 Dairy Sheep Nutrition
58 Desiccation and Survival in Plants: Drying Without Dying
59 Destination Benchmarking: Concepts, Practices and Operations
60 Digestive Physiology of Pigs: Proceedings of the 8th Symposium
61 Diseases and Disorders of Finfish in Cage Culture
62 Diseases of Tropical Fruit Crops
63 Dogs, Zoonoses and Public Health
64 Dormancy in Plants: From Whole Plant Behaviour to Cellular Control
65 Dynamics of Hired Farm Labour, The: Constraints and Community Responses
66 Ecology and Silviculture of Oaks, The
67 Ecology of Soil Decomposition, The
68 Economic and Social Issues in Agricultural Biotechnology
69 Ecotourism Policy and Planning
70 Ecotourism Programme Planning
71 Employment Dynamics in Rural Europe
72 Encyclopedia of Ecotourism, The
73 Entomopathogenic Nematology
74 Environmental Change and Geomorphic Hazards in Forests: Report No. 4 of the IUFRO Task Force on Environmental Change
75 Environmental Impacts of Ecotourism
76 Environmental Impacts of Sugar Production: The Cultivation and Processing of Sugarcane and Sugar Beet
77 Environmental Policies for Agricultural Pollution Control
78 Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms, Volume 1: A Case Study of Bt Maize in Kenya
79 Enzymes in Farm Animal Nutrition
80 Ethology of Domestic Animals, The: An Introductory Text
81 Evaluating Indirect Ecological Effects of Biological Control
82 Family Business in Tourism and Hospitality, The
83 Farm Animal Metabolism and Nutrition
84 Farmers, Scientists and Plant Breeding: Integrating Knowledge and Practice
85 Fetal Nutrition and Adult Disease: Programming of Chronic Disease through Fetal Exposure to Undernutrition
86 Field and Laboratory Methods for Grassland and Animal Production Research
87 Fire Blight: The Disease and its Causative Agent, Erwinia amylovora
88 Fluorides in the Environment: Effects on Plants and Animals
89 Food Safety and International Competitiveness: The Case of Beef
90 Food Safety: Contaminants and Toxins
91 Forage Evaluation in Ruminant Nutrition
92 Forest Biodiversity: Lessons from History for Conservation
93 Forest History: International Studies on Socio-economic and Forest Ecosystem Change: Report No. 2 of the IUFRO Task Force on Environmental Change
94 Forest Policy for Private Forestry: Global and Regional Challenges
95 Forest Tourism and Recreation: Case Studies in Environmental Management
96 Forestry Budgets and Accounts
97 Forests and Landscapes: Linking Ecology, Sustainability and Aesthetics
98 Forests at the Land-Atmosphere Interface
99 Forests in Sustainable Mountain Development: a State of Knowledge Report for 2000: Task Force on Forests in Sustainable Mountain Development
100 Fungi as Biocontrol Agents: Progress, Problems and Potential
101 Ganoderma Diseases of Perennial Crops
102 Genetics of the Dog, The
103 Genetics of the Horse, The
104 Genetics, Evolution and Biological Control
105 GIS and Spatial Analysis in Veterinary Science
106 Global Rangelands: Progress and Prospects
107 Globalization and the Developing Countries: Emerging Strategies for Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation
108 Good Statistical Practice for Natural Resources Research
109 Grassland Ecophysiology and Grazing Ecology
110 Grazing Ecology and Forest History
111 Growth of Farm Animals
112 Health, Nutrition and Food Demand
113 Hemp Diseases and Pests: Management and Biological Control; An Advanced Treatise
114 Impact of Carbon Dioxide and Other Greenhouse Gases on Forest Ecosystems, The
115 Improving Tourism and Hospitality Services
116 Insect Movement: Mechanisms and Consequences: Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society's 20th Symposium
117 Insect Pest Management
118 Insects on Palms
119 Integrated Natural Resources Management: Linking Productivity, the Environment and Development
120 Integrated Pest Management in the Global Arena
121 Integrated Pest Management: Potential, Constraints and Challenges
122 Integrated Plant Nutrient Management in Sub-Saharan Africa: From Concept to Practice
123 Integrated Resource and Environmental Management: The Human Dimension
124 Intellectual Property Rights in Animal Breeding and Genetics
125 Introgression from Genetically Modified Plants into Wild Relatives
126 Invasive Alien Species: A Toolkit of Best Prevention and Management Practices
127 Invertebrates as Webmasters in Ecosystems
128 Laboratory Production of Cattle Embryos
129 Leisure and Tourism Policy and Planning
130 Leisure Education, Community Development & Populations with Special Needs
131 Livestock Handling and Transport
132 Lyme Borreliosis Biology, Epidemiology and Control
133 Macrocyclic Lactones in Antiparasitic Therapy
134 Managing Plant Genetic Diversity
135 Managing Soil Quality: Challenges in Modern Agriculture
136 Market Development for Genetically Modified Foods
137 Measuring & Auditing Broiler Welfare
138 Meat Science: An Introductory Text
139 Methods & Approaches in Forest History: Report No. 3 of the IUFRO Task Force on Environmental Change
140 Methods in Agricultural Chemical Analysis: A Practical Handbook
141 Mineral Nutrition of Livestock, The
142 Mites of Greenhouses: Identification, Biology and Control
143 Modelling Forest Systems
144 Modelling Nutrient Utilization in Farm Animals
145 Molecular Nutrition
146 Molluscs as Crop Pests
147 Muscle Development of Livestock Animals: Physiology, Genetics and Meat Quality
148 Natural Enemies of Terrestrial Molluscs
149 Natural Resource Management in Agriculture: Methods for Assessing Economic and Environmental Impacts
150 Natural Resources Management in African Agriculture: Understanding and Improving Current Practices
151 Nature-Based Tourism, Environment and Land Management
152 Nematode Parasites of Vertebrates: Their Development and Transmission
153 Nematology: Advances & Perspectives Volume II: Nematode Management and Utilization
154 New Horizons in Tourism: Strange Experiences and Stranger Practices
155 Nitrate and Man: Toxic, Harmless or Beneficial?
156 Nitrogen Fixation in Tropical Cropping Systems
157 Nitrogen Fixation: Global Perspectives: Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 2-7 July 2001
158 Nutrient Elements in Grassland: Soil-Plant-Animal Relationships
159 Nutrient Requirements and Feeding of Finfish for Aquaculture
160 Nutrients for Sugar Beet Production: Soil-Plant Relationships
161 Nutrition and Immune Function
162 Organic Fruit Growing
163 Parasitic Nematodes: Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Immunology
164 Persistence and Change in Rural Communities: A 50-Year Follow-Up to Six Classic Studies
165 Phoma Identification Manual: Differentiation of Specific and Infra-specific Taxa in Culture
166 Pineapple, The: Botany, Production and Uses
167 Planning Agricultural Research: A Sourcebook
168 Plant Diversity and Evolution: Genotypic and Phenotypic Variation in Higher Plants
169 Plant Evolution and the Origin of Crop Species
170 Plant Genotyping: The DNA Fingerprinting of Plants
171 Plant Pathologist's Pocketbook
172 Plant Resistance to Parasitic Nematodes
173 Poisonous Plants and Related Toxins
174 Postharvest Physiology and Hypobaric Storage of Fresh Produce
175 Poultry Feedstuffs: Supply, Composition and Nutritive Value
176 Poultry Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology
177 Principles of Plant Health and Quarantine
178 Principles of Tropical Agronomy
179 Priorities in Biopesticide Research and Development in Developing Countries: Biopesticides Series No. 2
180 Public Concerns, Environmental Standards and Agricultural Trade
181 Quality Control & Production of Biological Control Agents: Theory and Testing Procedures
182 Quantitative Genetics, Genomics and Plant Breeding
183 Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis in Animals
184 Recreational and Environmental Markets for Forest Enterprises: A New Approach Towards Marketability of Public Goods
185 Regulation of Agricultural Biotechnology, The
186 Reproductive Technologies in Farm Animals
187 Responsible Marine Aquaculture
188 Ruminant Physiology: Digestion, Metabolism, Growth and Reproduction
189 Rural Tourism and Recreation: Principles to Practice
190 Salmonella in Domestic Animals
191 Sampling and Monitoring in Crop Protection: The Theoretical Basis for Developing Practical Decision Guides
192 Saving Seeds: The Economics of Conserving Crop Genetic Resources Ex Situ in the Future Harvest Centres of the CGIAR
193 Seed Biology: Proceedings of the Sixth International Advances and Applications: Workshop on Seeds, Mérida, México, 1999
194 Seed Dispersal & Frugivory: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation
195 Seed Fate: Predation, Dispersal and Seedling Establishment
196 Seeds: The Ecology of Regeneration in Plant Communities
197 Service Quality in Leisure and Tourism
198 Sheep Nutrition
199 Social Behaviour in Farm Animals
200 Soil Fertility Decline in the Tropics with Case Studies on Plantations
201 Soy Protein and Formulated Meat Products
202 Stable Isotopes in Human Nutrition: Laboratory Methods and Research Applications
203 Strategic Management in Tourism
204 Sustainable Management of Soil Organic Matter
205 Sustainable Management of Vertisols, The
206 Taenia solium Cysticercosis: From Basic to Clinical Science
207 Tourism & the Less Developed World: Issues and Case Studies
208 Tourism and Development in Mountain Regions
209 Tourism and Transition: Governance, Transformation and Development
210 Tourism Ecolabelling: Certification and Promotion of Sustainable Management
211 Tourism in Destination Communities
212 Tourism in National Parks and Protected Areas: Planning and Management
213 Tourism in Western Europe: A Collection of Case Histories
214 Tourist as a Metaphor of the Social World, The
215 Tradeoffs or Synergies: Agricultural Intensification, Economic Development and the Environment
216 Trees on the Farm: Assessing the Adoption Potential of Agroforestry Practices in Africa
217 Trees, Crops and Soil Fertility: Concepts and Research Methods
218 Tropical Fruit Pests & Pollinators: Biology, Economic Importance, Natural Enemies and Control
219 Tropical Mycology: Volume 1, Micromycetes
220 Tropical Mycology: Volume 2, Micromycetes
221 Trypanosomiases, The
222 Tylenchida: Parasites of Plants and Insects
223 Verticillium Wilts
224 Volunteer Tourism: Experiences that Make a Difference
225 Volunteering as Leisure / Leisure as Volunteering: An International Assessment
226 Waste Composting for Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture: Closing the Rural-Urban Nutrient Cycle in Sub-Saharan Africa
227 Wastewater Use in Irrigated Agriculture: Coordinating the Livelihood and Environmental Realities
228 Water Productivity in Agriculture: Limits and Opportunities for Improvement
229 Water Dynamics in Plant Production
230 Weaner Pig, The: Nutrition and Management
231 Weed Ecology in Natural & Agricultural Systems
232 Weeds & Weed Management on Arable Land: An Ecological Approach
233 Welfare of the Laying Hen: Poultry Science Symposium Series Volume Twenty-seven
234 Western Corn Rootworm: Ecology and Management
235 Worms and Human Disease