Last Updated: October 08, 2024 |
Farming ScenarioSirmour district is spread in three agro-ecological zones as shown in figure given below. Majority of farmers (87 %) in this district are marginal and small farmers and average size of land holding is 2.28 ha. Rainfed farming is mostly practiced in the area. Irrigated facilities are available on 35.32% of net sown area.
Popular farming systems and Cropping pattern of District Sirmour Zone 1- Plains - Agriculture-Vegetable-Livestock- Maize, paddy & wheat are main crops grown on large area, pulses &oilseeds are grown as sole /mixed on neglected /marginal lands. Vegetable and cash crops are grown on limited scale. Horticulture is done as back yard enterprise.- Mango, kinnow, lime, litchi, guava are main fruits. Livestock- Cows, buffalos, goat are common live stock. Fodder crops grown are- Oats, barseem sorghum, charry and bajra. Grass lands has local grasses. Cropping patterns is cereal based. Irrigation is limited and mostly done through tube wells i.e ground water. Zone II Mid Hills- Agriculture-Vegetable-Livestock-Horticulture- Maize, wheat &barley are main cereal crops grown on large area ,pulses &oilseeds are grown as sole /mixed on marginal lands. Vegetable are grown as cash crop where irrigation is available ginger, capsicum, tomato, and garlic are major crops. Livestock- -Cows, sheep and goat are common live stock . Horticulture is also a part of farming system but commercial aspect is lacking in this zone - Mango, lime, peach, guava & walnut are main fruits. Fodder crops grown-Sorghum, charry and oats .Grass lands has local grasses(dholu) which are low in nutrition and less productive. Cropping patterns is cereal based. Irrigation is in limited area and mostly done through natural springs, drainage courses, runoff collection Zone III, High hills- Vegetable-Agriculture-Horticulture Livestock – Majority of farming systems are vegetables based in high hills and these are grown by majority of farmers where ever small irrigation is available. Colder climate also facilitate the farmers as evaporation losses are low and moisture is retained for longer period. Ginger, garlic, beans, tomato, capsicum and pea are main as cash crops .Cereals viz- Maize, & barley are popular among farmers where as rajmash, mash & kulthi are common pulses. Horticulture is done on commercial scale - Peach, plum, apple, apricot & walnut are main fruits. Livestock- Cows, sheep and goat are common live stock. Fodder crops grown- Oats &sorghum. Grass lands have local grasses. Irrigation is limited area and mostly done through natural springs and drainage courses.
Crop Production and Productivity in district Sirmour
Ginger, Garlic and off-season
vegetables like tomato, capsicum, peas, potato, french beans, are the major cash
crops of the area whereas wheat, maize, rice, urd and toria are important field
crops. Apple, Peach, Kinnow, Mango, strawberry are the main horticultural crops.
Protected cultivation is also becoming popular among the farmers of the
district. i) Crop production
ii) Vegetable production
iii) Fruits production
Livestock Inventory of district Sirmaur