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(As per ICAR Fifth Deans’ Committee)

 B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture








Revised notification regarding regular courses being offered to B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture 3rd and 4th year classes


Notification regarding regular courses are being offered during 1st semester of Academic Year 2020-21 for 4th year degree programme and B.Tech (Food Technology)

 Courses for B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture as per 5th Deans’ Committee Report w.e.f  2017-18

 1st Semester

S. No.

Name of Course

Course No.

Cr. Hr.


Fundamentals of Horticulture

Hort. 111

2 (1+1)


Fundamentals of Soil Science

Soils 111

3 (2+1)


Introduction to Forestry

FTY 111

2 ( 1+1)


Comprehension & Communication Skills in English

Eng. 111

2 (1+1)


Fundamentals of Agronomy

Agron. 111

4 (3+1)


Introductory Biology/Elementary Mathematics

Bio. 111/ Math 111

2 (1+1/2+0)*


Agricultural Heritage

Agron. 112



Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology

Ext. 111

2 (2+0)


Human Values & Ethics

Soc. 111

1 (1+0)**


Environmental Studies and Disaster Management

Env. 111

3 (2+1)



ORT 111










*R: Remedial course    ** NC : Non-gradial courses


  2nd Semester

S. No.

Name of Course

Course No.

Cr. Hr.


Fundamentals of Genetics

GP 121

3 (2+1)


Agricultural Microbiology

Ag. Micro. 121



Soil and Water Conservation Engineering

Ag. Engg. 121

2 ( 1+1)


Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics

Ag. Econ. 121



Fundamentals of Plant Pathology

Pl. Path. 121



Fundamentals of Entomology

Ento. 121



Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education

Ext. 122



Communication Skills and Personality Development

Ext. 123



Plant Biochemistry

PB 121



Production Technology for  Vegetables and  Spices

VSF 121





2(0+2) NC





  3rd  Semester

S. No.

Name of Course

Course No.

Cr. Hr.


Crop Production Technology-I (Kharif Crops)

Agron. 233

2 (1+1)


Fundamentals of Plant Breeding

GP 232



Agricultural Finance and Cooperation

Ag. Econ. 232



Principles of Food Science and Nutrition

FST 231



Farm Machinery and Power

Ag. Engg. 232



Crop Physiology

Crop Physiol. 231



Fundamentals of Plant Biotechnology

Biotech. 231



Introductory Nematology

Ento. 232



Statistical Methods

Stat. 231



Livestock and Poultry Management

LPM 231





2(0+2) NC





 4th   Semester

S. No.

Name of Course

Course No.

Cr. Hr.


Crop Production Technology-II ( Rabi Crops)

Agron. 244



Production Technology for Ornamental Crops, MAP and Landscaping

VSF 242



Renewable Energy and Green Technology

Ag. Engg. 243



Problematic Soils and their Management

Soils 242



Production Technology for Fruit and Plantation Crops

Hort. 242



Principles of Seed Technology

GP 243/ SST 241



Farming System and Sustainable Agriculture

Agron. 245



Agricultural Marketing Trade and Prices

Ag. Econ. 243



Introductory Agro-meteorology & Climate Change

Agron. 246



Insect Ecology and integrated Pest Management

Ento. 243



Elective Courses


3 Credits




2 (0+2) NC




24+02 (NC)

 5th    Semester

S. No.

Name of Course

Course No.

Cr. Hr.


Principles of Integrated Disease Management

Pl. Path 352



Manures, Fertilizers and Soil Fertility Management

Soils 353



Pests of Crops and Stored Grain and their Management

Ento. 354



Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management-I

Pl. Path 353



Crop Improvement-I (Kharif Crops)

GP 355



Protected Cultivation and Secondary Agriculture

Ag. Engg. 354



Geoinformatics, Nano-technology and Precision Farming

Agron. 358



Practical Crop Production-I ( Kharif Crops)

Agron. 359



Intellectual Property Rights

GP 356



Elective Courses


3  Credits




2(0+2) NC





  6th    Semester

S. No.

Name of Course

Course No.

Cr. Hr.


Rainfed Agriculture and Watershed Management

Agron. 3610



Entrepreneurship Development and Business Communication

Ext. 364



Diseases  of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management-II

Pl. Path. 364



Post-harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables

Hort. 364



Management of Beneficial Insects

Ento. 365



Crop Improvement-II   (Rabi Crops)

GP 367



Principles of Organic Farming




Practical Crop Production-II( Rabi Crops)

Agron. 3612



Farm Management, Production & Resource Economics

Ag. Econ. 365




Ag. Info. 361



Elective Courses


3 Credits




2(0+2) NC





 7th    Semester

Rural Agricultural Work Experience and Agro-Industrial Attachment (RAWE & AIA)

S. No.


 No. of weeks

Credit Hours


General orientation & on campus training by different faculties






Village attachment



Unit attachment in Univ./College/KVK/Research Station Attachment



Plant clinic




Agro-Industrial Attachment




Project Report Preparation, Presentation and Evaluation




Total weeks for RAWE & AIA




8th Semester

Modules for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship: A student has to register 20 credits opting for two modules of (0+10) credits each (Total 20 credits) from the package of modules in the VIII semester.

S. No.

Title of the module



Protected Cultivation



Commercial Vegetable  Production



Mushroom Cultivation



Tea Husbandry & Technology






Nursery Management



Seed Production and Technology



Organic Agriculture


 Semester-wise distribution of courses

B.Sc (Hons.) Agriculture  for Students Admitted in  2016-17

I Semester (2016-17)

Sr. No.

Course Title

Course No.

Cr. Hours


Fundamentals of Horticulture


2 (1+1)


Fundamentals of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology

PBB 111



Fundamentals of Soil Science

Soils 111



Introduction to Forestry


2 (1+1)


Comprehension & Communication Skills in English


2 (1+1)


Fundamentals of Agronomy




Introductory Biology*/Elementary Mathematics*

Bio./Math 111

2 (1+1)/ 2(2+0)*


Agricultural Heritage*

Agron. 112



Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology

Ext. 111

2 (2+0)


Human Values & Ethics (non credit)

Soc. 111





2 (0+2)**


               *R: Remedial course; **NC: Non-Credit Courses


II Semester(2016-17)

Sr. No.

Course Title

Course No.

Cr. Hours


Fundamentals of Genetics

GP. 121



Agricultural Microbiology

Ag. Micro.121



Soil and Water Conservation Engineering

Ag.Engg. 121        



Fundamentals of Crop Physiology

Crop. Physiol. 121



Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics

Ag. Econ. 121



Fundamentals of Plant Pathology

Pl. Path. 121

4(3+1 )


Fundamentals of Entomology

Ento. 121



Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education




Communication Skills and Personality Development






III Semester(2017-18)

Sr. No.

Course Title

Course No.

Cr. Hours


Crop Production Technology – I (Kharif Crops)

Agron. 233

2 (1+1)


Fundamentals of Plant Breeding

GP. 232

3 (2+1)


Agricultural Finance and Cooperation

Ag. Econ. 232

3 (2+1)


Principles of Food Science  and Nutrition

FST 231



Farm Machinery and Power

Ag. Engg. 232

2 (1+1)


Production Technology for Vegetables and Spices

VSF. 231

2 (1+1)


Environmental Studies and Disaster Management

Env. 231



Statistical Methods

Stat. 231



Livestock and Poultry Management

LPM. 231

3 (2+1)



IV Semester(2017-18)

Sr. No.

Course Title

Course No.

Cr. Hours


Crop Production Technology –II (Rabi Crops)

Agron. 244



Production Technology for Ornamental

Crops, MAP and Landscaping                                  




Renewable Energy and Green Technology

Ag. Engg. 243



Problematic Soils and their Management

Soils  242



Production Technology for Fruit and Plantation Crops




Principles of Seed Technology

GP. 243/SST 241



Farming System and Sustainable Agriculture

Agron. 245



Agricultural Marketing Trade and Prices

Ag. Econ. 243



Introductory Agro-meteorology & Climate Change

Agron. 246








Total Uniformity from 2018-19

Elective Courses

S. No.

Courses Title

Course No.

Credit Hours

Semester IV


Agribusiness Management

Ag. Econ. 244



Commercial Plant Breeding

GP 244



Hi-tech. Horticulture 1

Hort. 243


4 .

Weed Management

Agron. 247


Semester V



VSF 353



Biopesticides & Biofertilizers2

Soils 354



Protected Cultivation 3         

VSF 354


Semester VI

1 .

Micro propagation Technologies

Biotech. 362


2 .

Agrochemicals 4

Agron. 3613



Food Safety and Standards

FST 362



Commercial Vegetable  Production

VSF 365


1. Horticulture, Agri. Engg. & CGRT. 2.  Soils, Entomology & Plant Pathology. 3. VSF, Hort & Agri. Engg.

4. Agronomy, Entomology& Plant Pathology.


Total Degree Credit Hours from batch admitted during 2016-17

Semester 1


Semester 2


Semester 3


Semester 4


Semester 5


Semester 6


Semester 7

0+20 READY

Semester 8

0+20 READY



Educational Tour


Grand Total


Total Degree Credit Hours (2017-18 onwards)

Semester 1


Semester 2


Semester 3


Semester 4


Semester 5


Semester 6


Semester 7

0+20 READY

Semester 8

0+20 READY



 Educational Tour


Grand Total


 Department- wise Courses 



Ag. Econ.121

Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics



Ag. Econ. 232

Agricultural Finance and Cooperation



Ag. Econ. 243

Agricultural Marketing Trade and Prices



Ag. Econ. 244               

 Agri-business Management (Elective)



Ag. Econ. 365

Farm Management, Production and Resource Economics


Total (Excluding Elective)





Agron. 111 Fundamentals of Agronomy 4(3+1)


Agron.112 Agricultural Heritage 1(1+0)*R


Agron.233 Crop Production Technology-I (Kharif Crops) 2(1+1)



 Crop Production Technology-II (Rabi Crops)



Agron.245 Farming System and Sustainable Agriculture 1(1+0)


Agron.246 Introductory Agro-meteorology & Climate Change 2(1+1)


Agron.247 Weed Management (Elective) 3(2+1)


Agron.358/GIS 351 Geoinformatics, Nano-technology and Precision Farming 2(1+1)


Agron.359 Practical Crop Production - I (Kharif crops) 2(0+2)


Agron.3610 Rainfed Agriculture and Watershed Management 2(1+1)


Agron.3611 Principles of Organic Farming 2(1+1)


Agron.3612 Practical Crop Production -II (Rabi crops) 2(0+2)


Agron.3613* Agrochemicals (Elective) 3(2+1)
Total( Excluding Elective)   21
Agricultural Engineering


Ag. Engg. 121 Soil and Water Conservation Engineering    2(1+1)


Ag. Engg. 232 Farm Machinery and Power 2(1+1)


Ag. Engg. 243 Renewable Energy and Green Technology  2(1+1)


Ag. Engg. 354 Protected Cultivation and Secondary Agriculture  2(1+1)
Total( Excluding Elective) 8


Ento. 121 Fundamentals of Entomology 3(2+1)


Ento. 232 Introductory Nematology 2(1+1)


Ento. 243 Insect Ecology and Integrated Pest Management 2(1+1)


Ento. 354 Pests of Crops and Stored Grains and their Management 3(2+1)


Ento. 365 Management of Beneficial Insects 2(1+1)
Total (Excluding Elective)   12
Extension Education


Ext.111 Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology 2(2+0)


Ext. 122 Fundamentals  of Agricultural Extension Education 3( 2+1)


Ext. 123 Communication Skills and Personality Development 2(1+1)


Ext.364 Entrepreneurship Development and Business Communication 2(1+1)
Total( Excluding Elective)   9
Genetics and Plant Breeding


GP. 121 Fundamentals of Genetics  3(2+1)


GP. 232 Fundamentals of Plant Breeding 3(2+1)


GP. 243/SST 241 Principles of Seed Technology 3(2+1)


GP 244 Commercial Plant Breeding  (Elective) 3(1+2)


GP 355

Crop Improvement–I (Kharif)



GP 356 Intellectual Property Rights 1(1+0)


GP 367 Crop Improvement –II (Rabi) 2(1+1)
Total( Excluding Elective)   14
Plant Pathology


Pl. Path. 121 Fundamentals of  Plant Pathology      3(2+1)


Pl. Path. 352 Principles of Integrated Disease Management 3(2+1)


Pl. Path. 353 Diseases of Field and  Horticultural Crops and their Management-I  3(2+1)


Pl. Path. 364 Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management-II   3(2+1)
Total( Excluding Elective)   12



Soc. 111 Human Values & Ethics (NC) 1(1+0)**NC
Soil Science


Soils 111 Fundamentals of Soil Science 3(2+1)


Soils  242 Problematic Soils and their Management 2(2+0)


Soils 353 Manures, Fertilizers and Soil Fertility Management 3 (2+1)


Soils 354 Biopesticides & Biofertilizers (Elective) 3(2+1)
Total( Excluding Elective)   8
Vegetable Science & Floriculture
1. VSF 121/231 Production Technology for Vegetables and Spices 2 (1+1)
2. VSF 242

Production Technology for Ornamental

Crops, MAP and Landscaping  

3. VSF 353 Landscaping (Elective) 3(2+1)
4. VSF 354 Protected Cultivation (Elective) 3(2+1)
5. VSF 365 Commercial Vegetable  Production(Elective) 3(2+1)
Total( Excluding Elective)   4


Hort.111 Fundamentals of Horticulture 2 (1+1)


Hort.242 Production Technology for Fruit and Plantation Crops 2(1+1)


Hort. 243* Hi-tech. Horticulture (Elective) 3(2+1)


Hort. 364 Post-harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables 2(1+1)
Total( Excluding Elective)   6
Bio Technology


Biotech. 231 Fundamental of Plant Biotechnology 2(1+1)


Biotech. 362 Micro Propagation Technologies (Elective) 3(1+2)
Total( Excluding Elective)   2
College of Basic Science


PB 121

Plant Biochemistry



FTY 111

Introduction to Forestry



Bio. 111* /

Math 111*

Introductory Biology/ Elementary Mathematics (NC)

2(1+1)/ 2(2+0)



Comprehension & Communication Skills in English



Crop Physiol. 231

Fundamental of Crop Physiology

2 (1+1)


Ag. Micro.121

Agricultural Microbiology



Env. 111

Environmental Studies and Disaster Management



Stat. 231

Statistical Methods



Ag. Info. 361

Agri. Informatics





College of Home Science

FST 231

Principles of Food Science and Nutrition



FST 362

Food Safety and Standards (Elective Course)


Total( Excluding Elective)  


Animal Science
1.   LPM. 231 Livestock and Poultry Management 3 (2+1)
Total( Excluding Elective)  



Student Welfare Organization
1.  NSS/NCC/Physical Education NSS/NCC/Physical Education 2(0+2)NC

 Total Credit hrs = 128+9 (Elective) +3*R +3**NC   =143+40(ELU & RAWE)=183+2(Edu.Tour)

Grand Total=185



Ag.Econ.121:  Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics                                                       Credit Hours: 2 (2+0)


Economics: Meaning, scope and subject matter, definitions, activities, approaches to economic analysis; micro and macro economics, positive and normative analysis. Nature of economic theory; rationality assumption, concept of equilibrium, economic laws as generalization of human behavior. Basic concepts: Goods and services, desire, want, demand, utility, cost and price, wealth, capital, income and welfare. Agricultural economics: meaning, definition, characteristics of agriculture, importance and its role in economic development. Demand: meaning, law of demand, demand schedule and demand curve, determinants, utility theory; law of diminishing marginal utility, equi-marginal utility principle. Consumer’s equilibrium and derivation of demand curve, concept of consumer surplus. Elasticity of demand: concept and measurement of price elasticity, income elasticity and cross elasticity. Production: process, creation of utility, factors of production, input output relationship. Laws of returns: Law of variable proportions and law of returns to scale. Cost: Cost concepts, short run and long run cost curves. Supply: Stock v/s supply, law of supply, supply schedule, supply curve, determinants of supply, elasticity of supply. Market structure: meaning and types of market, basic features of perfectly competitive and imperfect markets. Price determination under perfect competition; short run and long run equilibrium of firm and industry, shut down and break even points. Distribution theory: meaning, factor market and pricing of factors of production. Concepts of rent, wage, interest and profit. National income: Meaning and importance, circular flow, concepts of national income accounting and approaches to measurement, difficulties in measurement. Public finance: meaning, public revenue and public expenditure. Tax: meaning, direct and indirect taxes, agricultural taxation, VAT/ GST.

Ag.Econ. 232:Agricultural Finance and Cooperation                                                                        Credit Hours: 3(2+1)


Money: Barter system of exchange and its problems, evolution, meaning and functions of money, classification of money, money supply, general price index, inflation and deflation. Banking: Role in modern economy, types of banks, functions of commercial and central bank, credit creation policy. Agricultural Finance- meaning, scope and significance, credit needs and its role in Indian agriculture. Agricultural credit: meaning, definition, need, classification. Credit analysis: 3 R’s, and 4C’s of credits. Sources of agricultural finance: institutional and non-institutional sources, commercial banks, social control and nationalization of commercial banks, Micro financing including KCC. Lead bank scheme, RRBs, Scale of finance and unit cost. An introduction to higher financing institutions – RBI, NABARD, ADB, IMF, world bank, Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India. Cost of credit. Recent development in agricultural credit. Preparation and analysis of financial statements – Balance Sheet and Income Statement. Basic guidelines for preparation of project reports- Bank norms – SWOT analysis. 

Agricultural Cooperation – Meaning, brief history of cooperative development in India, objectives, principles of cooperation,  significance of cooperatives in Indian agriculture. Agricultural Cooperation in India- credit, marketing, consumer and multi-purpose cooperatives, farmers’ service cooperative societies, processing cooperatives, farming cooperatives, cooperative warehousing; role of ICA, NCUI, NCDC, NAFED.


Determination of most profitable level of capital use. Optimum allocation of limited amount of capital among different enterprise. Analysis of progress and performance of cooperatives using published data. Analysis of progress and performance of commercial banks and RRBs using published data. Visit to a commercial bank, cooperative bank and cooperative society to acquire firsthand knowledge of their management, schemes and procedures. Estimation of credit requirement of farm business – A case study. Preparation and analysis of balance sheet – A case study. Preparation and analysis of income statement – A case study. Appraisal of a loan proposal – A case study. Techno-economic parameters for preparation of projects. Preparation of Bankable projects for various agricultural products and its value added products.  Seminar on selected topics.

Ag. Econ. 243: Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Prices                                                              Credit Hours: 3(2+1)


Agricultural Marketing: Concepts and definitions of market, marketing, agricultural marketing, market structure, marketing mix and market segmentation, classification and characteristics of agricultural markets; demand, supply and producer’s surplus of agri-commodities: nature and determinants of demand and supply of farm products, producer’s surplus – meaning and its types, marketable and marketed surplus, factors affecting marketable surplus of agri-commodities; product life cycle (PLC) and competitive strategies: Meaning and stages in PLC; characteristics of PLC; strategies in different stages of PLC; pricing and promotion strategies: pricing considerations and approaches – cost based and competition based pricing; market promotion – advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and publicity – their meaning and merits & demerits; marketing process and functions: Marketing process-concentration, dispersion and equalization; exchange functions – buying and selling; physical functions – storage, transport and processing; facilitating functions – packaging, branding, grading, quality control and labeling (Agmark); Market functionaries and marketing channels: Types and importance of agencies involved in agricultural marketing; meaning and definition of marketing channel; number of channel levels; marketing channels for different farm products; Integration, efficiency, costs and price spread: Meaning, definition and types of market integration; marketing efficiency; marketing costs, margins and price spread; factors affecting cost of marketing; reasons for higher marketing costs of farm commodities; ways of reducing marketing costs; Role of Govt. in agricultural marketing: Public sector institutions- CWC, SWC, FCI, CACP & DMI – their objectives and functions; cooperative marketing in India; Risk in marketing: Types of risk in marketing; speculation & hedging; an overview of futures trading; Agricultural prices and policy: Meaning and functions of price; administered prices; need for agricultural price policy;  Trade: Concept of International Trade and its need, theories of absolute and comparative advantage. Present status and prospects of international trade in agri-commodities; GATT and WTO; Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) and its implications on Indian agriculture; IPR.


Plotting and study of demand and supply curves and calculation of elasticities; Study of relationship between market arrivals and prices of some selected commodities; Computation of marketable and marketed surplus of important commodities; Study of price behaviour over time for some selected commodities; Construction of index numbers; Visit to a local market to study various marketing functions performed by different agencies, identification of marketing channels for selected commodity, collection of data regarding marketing costs, margins and price spread and presentation of report in the class; Visit to market institutions – NAFED, SWC, CWC, cooperative marketing society, etc. to study their organization and functioning; Application of principles of comparative advantage of international trade.

Ag. Econ. 365: Farm Management, Production and Resource Economics                                   Credit Hours: 2(1+1)


Meaning and concept of farm management, objectives and relationship with other sciences. Meaning and definition of farms, its types and characteristics, factor determining types and size of farms. Principles of farm management: concept of production function and its type, use of production function in decision-making on a farm, factor-product, factor-factor and product-product relationship, law of equi-marginal/or principles of opportunity cost and law of comparative advantage. Meaning and concept of cost, types of costs and their interrelationship, importance of cost in managing farm business and estimation of gross farm income, net farm income, family labor income and farm business income.  Farm business analysis:  meaning and concept of farm income and profitability, technical and economic efficiency measures in crop and livestock enterprises. Importance of farm records and accounts in managing a farm, various types of farm records needed to maintain on farm, farm inventory, balance sheet, profit and loss accounts. Meaning and importance of farm planning and budgeting, partial and complete budgeting, steps in farm planning and budgeting-linear programming,  appraisal of farm resources, selection of crops and livestock’s enterprises. Concept of risk and uncertainty occurs in agriculture production, nature and sources of risks and its management strategies, Crop/livestock/machinery insurance – weather based crop insurance, features, determinants of compensation. Concepts of resource economics, differences between NRE and agricultural economics, unique properties of natural resources. Positive and negative externalities in agriculture, Inefficiency and welfare loss, solutions, Important issues in economics and management of common property resources of land, water, pasture and forest resources etc.


Preparation of farm layout. Determination of cost of fencing of a farm. Computation of depreciation cost of farm assets. Application of equi-marginal returns/opportunity cost principle in allocation of farm resources. Determination of most profitable level of inputs use in a farm production process. Determination of least cost combination of inputs. Selection of most profitable enterprise combination. Application of cost principles including CACP concepts in the estimation of cost of crop and livestock enterprises. Preparation of farm plan and budget, farm records and accounts and profit & loss accounts. Collection and analysis of data on various resources in India.


Elective Course

Ag. Econ. 244: Agri-business Management                                                                                    Credit hours: 3(2+1)


Transformation of agriculture into agribusiness, various stakeholders and components of agribusiness systems. Importance of agribusiness in the Indian economy and New Agricultural Policy.  Distinctive features of Agribusiness Management: Importance and needs of agro-based industries, Classification of industries and types of agro based industries. Institutional arrangement, procedures to set up agro based industries.  Constraints in establishing agro-based industries. Agri-value chain: Understanding primary and support activities and their linkages. Business environment: PEST & SWOT analysis. Management functions: Roles & activities, Organization culture. Planning, meaning, definition, types of plans. Purpose or mission, goals or objectives, Strategies, polices procedures, rules, programs and budget.  Components of a business plan, Steps in planning and implementation. Organization staffing, directing and motivation. Ordering, leading, supervision, communications, control. Capital Management and Financial management of Agribusiness. Financial statements and their importance. Marketing Management: Segmentation, targeting & positioning. Marketing mix and marketing strategies. Consumer behavior analysis, Product Life Cycle (PLC). Sales & Distribution Management. Value chain management in foodgrains, Pricing policy, various pricing methods. Project Management definition, project cycle, identification, formulation, appraisal, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Project Appraisal and evaluation techniques.


 Study of agri-input markets: Seed, fertilizers, pesticides. Study of output markets: grains, fruits, vegetables, flowers. Study of product markets, retails trade commodity trading, and value added products. Study of financing institutions- Cooperative, Commercial banks, RRBs, Agribusiness Finance Limited, NABARD. Preparations of projects and Feasibility reports for agribusiness entrepreneur. Appraisal/evaluation techniques of identifying viable project- Non-discounting techniques. Case study of agro-based industries. Trend and growth rate of prices of agricultural commodities. Computation of price spread for agricultural commodity, Net present worth (NPW) technique for selection of viable project, Internal rate of return (IRR).



Agron. 111:  Fundamentals of Agronomy                                                                                          Credit hours: 4(3+1)


Agronomy and its scope, seeds and sowing, tillage and tilth, crop density and geometry, crop nutrition, manures and fertilizers, nutrient use efficiency, water resources, soil plant water relationship, crop water requirement, water use efficiency, irrigation- scheduling criteria and methods, quality of irrigation water, water logging.

Weeds- importance, classification, crop weed competition, concepts of weed management-principles and methods, herbicides- classification, selectivity and resistance, allelopathy.   Growth and development of crops, factors affecting growth and development, plant ideotypes, crop rotation and its principles, adaptation and distribution of crops, crop management technologies in problematic areas, harvesting and threshing of crops.


Identification of crops, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and tillage implements, Effect of sowing depth on germination and seedling vigour, Identification of weeds in crops, Methods of herbicide and fertilizer application, Study of yield contributing characters and yield estimation, Seed germination and viability test, Numerical exercises on fertilizer requirement, plant population, herbicides and water requirement, Use of tillage implements-reversible plough, one way plough, harrow, leveler, seed drill, Study of soil moisture measuring devices, Measurement of field capacity, bulk density and infiltration rate, Measurement of irrigation water.

Agron. 112*R:  Agricultural Heritage                                                                                                 Credit hours:  1(1+0)


Introduction of Indian agricultural heritage, status of farmers in society; advice by sages to kings on their duties towards farmers, soil management in ancient, medieval & pre-modern India and its relevance in modern day sustainable agriculture, heritage of crop & water management and plant protection through Kautilya’s  Artha-Sastra and traditional knowledge. Heritage of medicinal plants and their relevance today, seed health in ancient & medieval history and its relevance to present day agriculture, description of Indian civilization and agriculture by travellers from China, Europe and United States, our journey in agriculture, green revolution and its impact and concerns, vision for the future.

Agron. 233: Crop Production Technology-I (Kharif Crops)                                                             Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Origin, geographical distribution, economic importance, soil and climatic requirements, varieties, cultural practices and yield of Kharif crops. Cereals – rice, maize, sorghum, pearl millet and finger millet, pulses-pigeonpea, mungbean, cowpea, kulthi, french bean (Rajmash) and urdbean; oilseeds- groundnut, sesame, sunflower  and soybean; fibre crops- cotton & jute; forage crops-sorghum, cowpea, cluster bean, napier and bajra.


Rice nursery preparation, transplanting of rice, sowing of soybean, pigeonpea, mungbean, maize, groundnut and cotton, effect of seed size on germination and seedling vigour of Kharif crops, effect of sowing depth on germination of Kharif crops, identification of weeds in Kharif crops, top dressing and foliar feeding of nutrients, study of yield contributing characters and yield calculation of Kharif crops, study of crop varieties and important agronomic experiments at experimental farm. Study of forage experiments, morphological description of Kharif crops, visit to research centres of related crops.

Agron. 244: Crop Production Technology-II (Rabi crops)                                                                Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Origin, geographical distribution, economic importance, soil and climatic requirements, varieties, cultural practices and yield of Rabi crops; cereals –wheat and barley, pulses-chickpea, lentil, peas, oilseeds- rapeseed &, mustard, linseed, safflower and sunflower; sugar crop-sugarcane;  other crop- potato, forage crops-berseem, Lucerne, oat and rye grass.


Sowing methods of wheat and sugarcane, identification of weeds in Rabi crops, study of morphological characteristics of Rabi crops, study of yield contributing characters of Rabi crops, yield and juice quality analysis of sugarcane, study of important agronomic experiments of Rabi crops at experimental farms. Study of Rabi experiments, visit to research stations of related crops.

Agron. 245: Farming System and Sustainable Agriculture                                                              Credit hours: 1(1+0)


Farming System-scope, importance and concept, types and systems of farming system and factors affecting types of farming, Farming system components and their maintenance, Cropping system and pattern, multiple cropping system, Efficient cropping system and their evaluation, Allied enterprises and their importance, Tools for determining production and efficiencies in cropping and farming system; Sustainable agriculture-problems and its impact on agriculture, indicators of sustainability, adaptation and mitigation, conservation agriculture strategies in agriculture, HEIA, LEIA and LEISA and its techniques for sustainability, Integrated farming system-historical background, objectives and characteristics, components of IFS and its advantages, Site specific development of IFS model for different agro-climatic zones, resource use efficiency and optimization techniques, Resource cycling and flow of energy in different farming system, farming system and environment, Visit of IFS model in different agro-climatic zones of nearby state Universities/ institutes and farmers field.

Agron. 246:  Introductory Agro meteorology & Climate Change                                                   Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Earth atmosphere- its composition, extent and structure; Atmospheric weather variables; Atmospheric pressure, its variation with height; Wind, types of wind, daily and seasonal variation of wind speed, cyclone, anticyclone, land breeze and sea breeze; Nature and properties of solar radiation, solar constant, depletion of solar radiation, short wave, longwave and thermal radiation, net radiation, albedo; Atmospheric temperature, temperature inversion, lapse rate, daily and seasonal variations of temperature, vertical profile of temperature, Energy balance of earth; Atmospheric humidity, concept of saturation, vapor pressure, process of condensation, formation of dew, fog, mist, frost, cloud; Precipitation, process of precipitation, types of precipitation such as rain, snow, sleet and hail, cloud formation and classification; Artificial rainmaking. Monsoon- mechanism and importance in Indian agriculture, Weather hazards - drought, floods, frost, tropical cyclones and extreme weather conditions such as heat-wave and cold-wave. Agriculture and weather relations; Modifications of crop micro-climate, climatic normals for crop and livestock production. Weather forecasting- types of weather forecast and their uses. Climate change, climatic variability, global warming, causes of climate change and its impact on regional and national Agriculture.


Visit of Agrometeorological Observatory, site selection of observatory, exposure of instruments and weather data recording. Measurement of total, shortwave and longwave radiation, and its estimation using Planck’s intensity law. Measurement of albedo and sunshine duration, computation of radiation intensity using BSS. Measurement of maximum and minimum air temperatures, its tabulation, trend and variation analysis.  Measurement of soil temperature and computation of soil heat flux. Determination of vapor pressure and relative humidity. Determination of dew point temperature. Measurement of atmospheric pressure and analysis of atmospheric conditions. Measurement of wind speed and wind direction, preparation of windrose. Measurement, tabulation and analysis of rain. Measurement of open pan evaporation and evapotranspiration. Computation of PET and AET

Agron. 358/GIS 351: Geoinformatics, Nano-technology and Precision Farming                          Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Precision agriculture: concepts and techniques; their issues and concerns for Indian agriculture; Geo-informatics- definition, concepts, tool and techniques, their use in Precision Agriculture. Crop discrimination and yield monitoring, soil mapping; fertilizer recommendation using geospatial technologies; Spatial data and their management in GIS; Geodesy and its basic principles; Remote sensing concepts and application in agriculture; Image processing and interpretation; Global positioning system (GPS), components and its functions; System Simulation- Concepts and principles, Introduction to crop simulation models and their uses for optimization of agricultural inputs; STCR approach for precision agriculture; Nanotechnology, definition, concepts and techniques, brief introduction about nano scale effects, nano-particles, nano-pesticides, nano-fertilizers, nano-sensors, Use of nanotechnology in tillage, seed, water, fertilizer, plant protection for scaling-up farm productivity.


Introduction to GIS software, spatial data creation and editing. Introduction to image processing software. Visual and digital interpretation of remote sensing images. Generation of spectral profiles of different objects. Supervised and unsupervised classification and acreage estimation. Multispectral remote sensing for soil mapping. Creation of thematic layers of soil fertility based on GIS. Creation of productivity and management zones. Fertilizers recommendations based on VRT and STCR techniques. Crop stress (biotic/abiotic) monitoring using geospatial technology. Use of GPS for agricultural survey. Formulation, characterization and application of nanoparticles in agriculture. Projects formulation and execution related to precision farming.

Agron. 359: Practical Crop Production-I (Kharif Crops)                                                                  Credit hours: 2(0+2)


Crop  planning,  Raising  field  crops  in  multiple  cropping  systems:  Field  preparation,  seed, treatment,  nursery  raising,  sowing,  nutrient,  water and weed management  and management  of  insect-pests and diseases  of  crops,  harvesting,  threshing, drying, winnowing, storage and marketing of produce. The emphasis will be given to seed production, mechanization, resource conservation and integrated nutrient, insect-pest and disease management technologies. Preparation of balance sheet including cost of cultivation, net returns per student as well as per team of 8-10 students.


        Agron. 3610: Rainfed Agriculture and Watershed Management                                                   Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Rainfed agriculture: Introduction, types, history of rainfed agriculture & watershed in India; Problems and prospects of rainfed agriculture in India ; Soil and climatic conditions prevalent in rainfed areas; Drought: types, effect of water deficit on physio-morphological characteristics of the plants, Mechanism of crop adaptation under moisture deficit condition; Water harvesting: importance, its techniques, efficient utilization of water through soil and crop management practices, Management of crops in rainfed areas, Contingent crop planning for aberrant weather conditions, Concept, objective, principles and components of watershed management, factors affecting watershed management.


Study on climate classification, study on rainfall pattern in rainfed areas of the country and pattern of onset and withdrawal of monsoons. Study on cropping pattern of different dry land areas in the country and demarcation of dry land area on map of India. Interpretation of meteorological data and scheduling of supplemental irrigation on the basis of evapo-transpiration demand of crops. Critical analysis of rainfall and possible drought period in the country, effective rainfall and its calculation. Studies on cultural practices viz; mulching, plant density, depth of sowing, thinning and leaf removal for mitigating moisture stress. Characterization and delineation of model watershed. Field demonstration on soil & moisture conservation measures. Field demonstration on construction of water harvesting structures. Visit to rainfed research station/watershed.

Agron. 3611:   Principles of Organic Farming                                                                                  Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Organic farming, principles and its scope in India; Initiatives taken by Government (central/state), NGOs and other organizations for promotion of organic agriculture; Organic ecosystem and their concepts; Organic nutrient resources and its fortification; Restrictions to nutrient use in organic farming; Choice of crops and varieties in organic farming; Fundamentals of insect-pest, disease and weed management under organic mode of production; Operational structure of NPOP; Certification process and standards of organic farming; Processing, levelling, economic considerations and viability, marketing and export potential of organic products.


Visit of organic farms to study the various components and their utilization; Preparation of enriched compost, vermicompost, bio-fertilizers/bio-inoculants and their quality analysis; Indigenous Technology Knowledge (ITK) for nutrient, insect-pest, disease and weed management; Cost of organic production system; Post harvest management; Quality aspect, grading, packaging and handling.


Agron. 3612:   Practical Crop Production-II (Rabi Crops)                                                                Credit hours: 2(0+2)


Crop  planning,  raising  field  crops  in  multiple  cropping  systems:  Field  preparation,  seed, treatment,  nursery  raising,  sowing,  nutrient,  water and weed management,  management  of  insect-pests,  diseases  of  crops,  harvesting,  threshing, drying, winnowing, storage and marketing of produce. The emphasis will be given to seed production, mechanization, resource conservation and integrated nutrient, insect-pest and disease management technologies. Preparation of balance sheet including cost of cultivation, net returns per student as well as per team of 8-10 students.


Elective Courses

Agron. 247: Weed Management                                                                                                          Credit hours: 3(2+1)


Introduction to weeds, characteristics of weeds, their harmful and beneficial effects on ecosystem. Classification, reproduction and dissemination of weeds. Herbicide classification, concept of adjuvant, surfactant, herbicide formulation and their use. Introduction to mode of action of herbicides and selectivity. Allelopathy and its application for weed management. Bio-herbicides and their application in agriculture.  Concept of herbicide mixture and utility in agriculture.  Herbicide compatibility with nutrients and their application. Integration of herbicides with non-chemical methods of weed management. Herbicide resistance and its management.


Techniques of weed preservation. Weed identification and their losses study. Biology of important weeds. Study of herbicide formulations and mixture of herbicide. Herbicide and nutrient compatibility study. Shift of weed flora study in long term experiments. Study of methods of herbicide application and spraying equipments. Calculations of herbicide doses, weed control efficiency and weed index.

Agron. 3613: Agrochemicals*                                                                                                            Credit hours: 3(2+1)


An introduction to agrochemicals, their type and role in agriculture, effect on environment, soil, human and animal health, merits and demerits of their uses in agriculture, management of agrochemicals for sustainable agriculture.

Herbicides-Major classes, properties and important herbicides. Fate of herbicides.

Fungicides Classification: Inorganic fungicides - characteristics, preparation and use of sulfur and copper fungicides, Mode of action - Bordeaux mixture and copper oxychloride.

Organic fungicides, Mode of action Dithiocarbamates, Characteristics, preparation and use of Zineb and maneb.

Systemic fungicides - Benomyl, carboxin, oxycarboxin, metalaxyl, carbendazim, characteristics and use.

Introduction and classification of insecticides, inorganic and organic insecticides- Organochlorine, Organophosphates, Carbamates, Synthetic pyrethroids Neonicotinoids, Biorationals. Insecticide Act and rules, Insecticides banned, withdrawn and restricted use. Fate of insecticides in soil & plant. IGRs Biopesticides, Reduced risk insecticides, Botanicals, plant and animal systemic insecticides their characteristics and uses.

Fertilizers and their importance. Nitrogenous fertilizers: Feedstocks and Manufacturing of ammonium sulphate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium chloride, urea. Slow release N-fertilizers. Phosphatic fertilizers: feedstock and manufacturing of single super phosphate. Preparation of bone meal and basic slag. Potassic fertilizers: Natural sources of potash, manufacturing of potassium chloride, potassium sulphate and potassium nitrate.

Mixed and complex fertilizers: Sources and compatibility preparation of major, secondary and micronutrient mixtures. Complex fertilizers: Manufacturing of ammonium phosphates, nitrophosphates and NPK complexes. Fertilizer control order. Fertilizer logistics and marketing.

Plant bio-pesticides for ecological agriculture, Bio-insect repellent.


Sampling of fertilizers and pesticides. Pesticides application technology to study about various pesticides appliances. Quick tests for identification of common fertilizers. Identification of anion and cation in fertilizer. Calculation of doses of insecticides to be used. To study and identify various formulations of insecticide available in market. Estimation of nitrogen in urea. Estimation of water soluble P2O5 and citrate soluble P2O5 in single super phosphate. Estimation of potassium in Muriate of Potash/ Sulphate of Potash by flame photometer. Determination of copper content in copper oxychloride. Determination of sulphur content in sulphur fungicide. Determination of thiram. Determination of ziram content.

*Note:-  To be jointly taught by Department of Agronomy, Soil Science, Entomology and Plant

             Pathology  .



Ag.  Engg. 121: Soil and Water Conservation Engineering                                                              Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Introduction to Soil and Water Conservation, causes of soil erosion. Definition and agents of soil erosion, water erosion: Forms of water erosion. Gully classification and control measures. Soil loss estimation by universal Soil Loss Equation. Soil loss measurement techniques. Introduction to contouring, strip cropping. Contour bund. Graded bund and bench terraces. Grassed water ways and their design. Water harvesting and its techniques. Wind erosion: mechanics of wind erosion, types of soil movement. Principles of wind erosion control and its control measures.


General status of soil conservation in India. Calculation of erosion index. Estimation of soil loss. Measurement of soil loss. Preparation of contour maps. Design of grassed water ways. Design of contour bunds. Design of graded bunds. Design of bench terracing system. Problem on wind erosion.

Ag. Engg. 232: Farm Machinery and Power                                                                                     Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Status of Farm Power in India, Sources of Farm Power, I.C. engines, working principles of I C engines, comparison of two stroke and four stroke cycle engines, Study of different components of I.C. engine, I.C. engine terminology and solved problems, Familiarization with different systems of I.C. engines: Air cleaning, cooling, lubrication, fuel supply and hydraulic control system of a tractor, Familiarization with Power transmission system : clutch, gear box, differential and final drive of a tractor , Tractor types, Cost analysis of tractor power and attached implement, Familiarization with Primary and Secondary Tillage implement, Implement for hill agriculture, implement for intercultural operations, Familiarization with sowing and planting equipment, calibration of a seed drill and solved examples, Familiarization with Plant Protection equipment, Familiarization with harvesting and threshing equipment.


Study of different components of I.C. engine. To study air cleaning and cooling system of engine, Familiarization with clutch, transmission, differential and final drive of a tractor, Familiarization with lubrication and fuel supply system of engine, Familiarization with brake, steering, hydraulic control system of engine, Learning of tractor driving, Familiarization with operation of power tiller, Implements for hill agriculture, Familiarization with different types of primary and secondary tillage implements: mould plough, disc plough and disc harrow. Familiarization with seed-cum-fertilizer drills their seed metering mechanism and calibration, planters and transplanter Familiarization with different types of sprayers and dusters. Familiarization with different inter-cultivation equipment, Familiarization with harvesting and threshing machinery.

Ag. Engg. 243: Renewable Energy and Green Technology                                                              Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Classification of energy sources, contribution of these of sources in agricultural sector, Familiarization with biomass utilization for biofuel production and their application, Familiarization with different types of biogas plants and gasifiers, biogas, bioalcohol, biodiesel and biooil production and their utilization as bioenergy resource, introduction of solar energy, collection and their application, Application of Solar energy, Familiarization with solar energy gadgets: solar cooker, solar water heater, solar drying, solar pond, solar distillation, solar photovoltaic system and their application, introduction of wind energy and their application.


Familiarization with renewable energy gadgets. Study of different biogas plants and gasifier, Study of production process of biodiesel, Study of briquetting machine, Study of the production process of bio-fuels. Familiarization with different solar energy gadgets. Study of solar photovoltaic system: solar light, solar pumping, solar fencing, solar cooker, solar drying system, solar distillation and solar pond.

Ag. Engg. 354: Protected Cultivation and Secondary Agriculture                                                     Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Green house technology: Introduction, Types of Green Houses; Plant response to Greenhouse environment, Planning and design of greenhouses, Design criteria of green house for cooling and heating purposes. Greenhouse equipment, materials of construction for traditional and low cost green houses. Irrigation systems used in greenhouses, typical applications, passive solar green house, hot air greenhouse heating systems, green house drying. Cost estimation and economic analysis.

Important Engineering properties of cereals, pulses and oilseeds such as physical, thermal and aero & hydrodynamic and their application in PHT (post harvest equipment) equipment design and operation. Drying and dehydration; moisture measurement, EMC, drying theory, various drying methods, type of grain dryer such as deep bed dryer, flat bed dryer, tray dryer, fluidized bed dryer, re-circulatory dryer and solar dryer. Material handling equipment; conveyer and elevators, their principle, working and selection.


Study of different type of green houses based on shape. Determinating the rate of air exchange in an active summer winter cooling system. Determination of drying rate of agricultural products inside green house. Study of green house equipments. Visit to various Post Harvest Laboratories. Determination of Moisture content of various grains by oven drying & other methods. Determination of engineering properties (shape and size, bulk density and porosity of biomaterials). Determination of Moisture content of various grains by moisture meter. Field visit to seed processing plant.


Ento.121: Fundamentals of Entomology                                                                                            Credit hours: 3(2+1)



History of Entomology in India. Factors responsible for insect abundance. Major points related to dominance of Insecta in Animal kingdom. Classification of phylum Arthropoda upto classes. Relationship of class Insecta with other classes of Arthropoda. Morphology: Structure and function of insect cuticle and molting. Body segmentation. Structure of head, thorax and abdomen. Structure and modification of insect antennae, mouth parts, legs, Wing venation, modifications and wing coupling apparatus. Structure of male and female genital organs. Metamorphosis and diapause in insects. Types of larvae and pupae. Structure and functions of digestive, circulatory, excretory, respiratory, nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems in insects. Types of reproduction in insects. Major sensory organs like simple and compound eyes, chemoreceptors.

Part- lI

Systematics: Taxonomy – importance, history and development and binomial nomenclature. Definitions of Biotype, Sub-species, Species, Genus, Family and Order. Classification of class Insecta upto Orders, basic groups of present day insects with special emphasis to orders and families of Agricultural importance like Orthoptera: Acrididae, Tettigoniidae, Gryllidae, Gryllotalpidae, Dictyoptera: Mantidae, Blattidae; Odonata; Isoptera: Termitidae; Thysanoptera: Thripidae; Hemiptera: Pentatomidae, Coreidae, Cimicidae, Pyrrhocoridae, Lygaeidae, Cicadellidae; Delphacidae, Aphididae, Coccidae, Lophophidae, Aleurodidae, Pseudococcidae, Neuroptera: Chrysopidae; Lepidoptera: Pieridae, Papiloinidae, Noctuidae, Sphingidae, Pyralidae, Gelechiidae, Arctiidae, Saturnidae, Bombycidae; Coleoptera: Coccinellidae, Chrysomelidae, Cerambycidae, Curculionidae, Bruchidae, Scarabaeidae; Hymenoptera: Tenthridinidae, Apidae. Trichogrammatidae, Ichneumonidae, Braconidae, Chalcididae; Diptera: Cecidomyiidae, Tachinidae,  Agromyziidae, Culicidae, Muscidae, Tephritidae.


Methods of collection and preservation of insects including immature stages; External features of Grasshopper/Blister beetle; Types of insect antennae, mouthparts and legs; Wing venation, types of wings and wing coupling apparatus. Types of insect larvae and pupae; Dissection of digestive system in insects (Grasshopper); Dissection of male and female reproductive systems in insects (Grasshopper); Study of characters of orders Orthoptera, Dictyoptera, Odonata, Isoptera, Thysanoptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Neuroptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera and their families of agricultural importance..


Ento. 232:  Introductory Nematology                                                                                                  Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Introduction, history and economic importance of phytonematology. General characteristic of plant parasitic nematodes. Nematodes: general morphology, biology and symptomatology. Classification of nematodes upto super family level. Classification of nematodes on the basis of parasitism. Interaction between plant parasitic nematodes and disease causing fungi, bacteria and viruses. Principles and practices of nematode management. Diagnosis, biology, symptoms and management of important plant parasitic nematodes including Meloidogyne spp., Heterodera avenae, Globodera spp., Radopholus similis, Hirschmaniella spp., Pratylenchus spp., Tylenchulus semipenetrans, Rotylenchulus reniformis, Anguina tritici, Aphelenchoides besseyi and Ditylenchus angustus.


Collection and preservation of soil and plant samples for the analysis of nematodes.  Extraction of nematodes from soil and plant tissues following combined Cobb’s decanting sieving and Baermann funnel technique. Counting and estimation of nematode population. Preparation of temporary nematode mounts. Study and identification of  important plant parasitic nematodes with special reference to their characteristics and symptomatology  including Meloidogyne, Pratylenchus, Heterodera, Ditylenchus, Globodera, Tylenchulus, Xiphinema, Radopholus, Rotylenchulus and Helicotylenchus.

Ento. 243:  Insect Ecology and Integrated Pest Management                                                          Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Insect Ecology: Introduction, Environment and its components. Effect of abiotic factors- temperature, moisture, humidity, rainfall, light, atmospheric pressure and air currents. Effect of biotic factors- food competition, natural and environmental resistance. Concepts of balance of nature, biotic potential and environmental resistance, causes of outbreak of pests in agroecosystem, Categories of pests, pest surveillance and pest forecasting, IPM: Introduction, History, Importance, concepts, Principles and Tools, , scope and limitations of IPM. Economic importance of insect pests and pest risk analysis, Methods of detections and diagnosis of insect pests. Calculation and dynamics of economic injury level and importance of economic threshold level. Methods of pest control - host plant resistance, cultural, mechanical, physical, legislative, biological, trasgenics. Classification of insecticides, toxicity of insecticides and formulations of insecticides. Insecticide Act 1968 – important provisions. Safety issues in use of pesticides, phytotoxicity of insecticides, symptoms of poisoning, first aid and antidotes. Recent methods of pest control, repellents, antifeedants, hormones, attractants, gamma radiation. Important groups of microorganism used in biological control of insect pests.


Study of ecosystems, behaviour and orientation of insects. Sampling techniques for estimation of insect pest populations. Methods of diagnosis and detection of various insect pests. Assesment of crop losses due to insects. Methods of Insect Pest Management. Calculations based on economics of IPM. Practicable  IPM Strategies. Calculation of doses/ concentrations of different insecticidal formulations.  Application techniques of spray fluids,

Ento.354: Pests of Crops and Stored Grains and their Management                                              Credit hours: 3(2+1)


General account on nature and types of damage by different arthropods pests. Scientific name, order, family, host range, distribution, biology and bionomics, nature of damage and management of major pests of various field crops, vegetable crops, fruit crops, plantation crops, ornamental crops, narcotics, spices and condiments. Factors affecting losses of stored grain and role of physical, biological, mechanical and chemical factors in deterioration of grains. Insect pest, mites, rodents, birds and microorganisms associated with stored grain and their management. Storage structures and methods of grain storage and fundamental principles of grain store management.


Identification of different types of damage. Identification and study of life cycle and seasonal history of various insect pests attacking crops and their produce: (a) Field Crops (b) Vegetable Crops (c) Fruit Crops (d) Plantation, gardens, narcotics, spices & condiments. Identification of insect pests and mites associated with stored grain. Determination of insect infestation by different methods. Fumigation of grain store / godown. Identification of rodents and rodent control operations in godowns. Identification of birds and bird control operations in godowns. Determination of moisture content of grains. Methods of grain sampling under storage condition. Visit to nearest FCI godowns.

Ento. 365: Management of Beneficial Insects                                                                                 Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Importance of beneficial Insects, Beekeeping, bee biology, commercial methods of rearing, equipments used, seasonal management, bee enemies and diseases. Bee pasturage, bee foraging, bee pollination and communication. Insect-pests and diseases of honey bee.

Types of silkworm, voltinism and biology of silkworm. Mulberry cultivation, mulberry varieties and methods of harvesting and preservation of leaves. Rearing, mounting and harvesting of cocoons. Pests and diseases of silkworm, management, rearing appliances of mulberry silkworm and methods of disinfection.

Species of lac insect, morphology, biology, host plants, lac production – seed lac, button lac, shellac, lac-products. Identification of major parasitoids and predators commonly being used in biological control and their mass multiplication techniques. Important species of pollinators, weed killers and scavengers with their importance.


Honey bee species, castes of bees. Beekeeping appliances and seasonal management, bee enemies and diseases. Bee pasturage, bee foraging and communication. Types of silkworm, voltinism and biology of silkworm. Mulberry cultivation, mulberry varieties and methods of harvesting and preservation of leaves. Species of lac insect, host plant identification. Identification of other important pollinators, weed killers, predators, parasitoids and scavengers. Visit to research and training institutions devoted to beekeeping, sericulture, lac culture and natural enemies.


Ext. 111: Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology                                                                       Credit hours: 2(2+0)


Sociology and Rural sociology: Definition and scope, its significance in agricultural extension, Rural society, Social Groups, Social Stratification, Culture , Social Institution,  Social Change & Development. Educational psychology: Meaning & its importance in agriculture extension. Behavior: Cognitive, affective, psychomotor domain, Personality, Learning, Motivation, Theories of Motivation, Intelligence.

Ext. 122: Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education                                                           Credit hours: 3(2+1)


Education:  Meaning, definition & Types; Extension Education- meaning, definition, scope and process; objectives and principles of Extension Education; Extension Programme planning- Meaning, Process, Principles and Steps in Programme Development. Extension systems in India: extension efforts in pre-independence era (Sriniketan, Marthandam, Firka Development Scheme, Gurgaon Experiment, etc.) and post-independence era (Etawah Pilot Project, Nilokheri Experiment, etc.); various extension/ agriculture development programmes launched by ICAR/ Govt. of India (IADP, IAAP, HYVP, KVK, IVLP, ORP, ND,NATP, NAIP, etc.). New trends in agriculture extension: privatization extension, cyber extension/ e-extension, market-led extension, farmer-led extension, expert systems, etc.

Rural Development: concept, meaning, definition; various rural development programmes launched by Govt. of India. Community Dev.-meaning, definition, concept & principles, Physiology of C.D. Rural Leadership: concept and definition, types of leaders in rural context; extension administration: meaning and concept, principles and functions. Monitoring and evaluation: concept and definition, monitoring and evaluation of extension programmes; transfer of technology: concept and models, capacity building of extension personnel; extension teaching methods: meaning, classification, individual, group and mass contact methods, media mix strategies; communication: meaning and definition; models and barriers to communication. Agriculture journalism; diffusion and adoption of innovation: concept and meaning, process and stages of adoption, adopter categories.


To get acquainted with university extension system. Group discussion- exercise; handling and use of audio visual equipments and digital camera and LCD projector; preparation and use of AV aids, preparation of extension literature – leaflet, booklet, folder, pamphlet, news stories and success stories; Presentation skills exercise; micro teaching exercise; A visit to village to understand the problems being encountered by the villagers/ farmers; to study organization and functioning of DRDA and other development departments at district level; visit to NGO and learning from their experience in rural development; understanding PRA techniques and their application in village development planning; exposure to mass media: visit to community radio and television studio for understanding the process of programme production; script writing, writing for print and electronic media, developing script for radio and television.

Ext. 123: Communication Skills and Personality Development                                                       Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Communication Skills: Structural and functional grammar; meaning and process of communication, verbal and nonverbal communication; listening and note taking, writing skills, oral presentation skills; field diary and lab record; indexing, footnote and bibliographic procedures. Reading and comprehension of general and technical articles, precise writing, summarizing, abstracting; individual and group presentation, imprompt presentation, public speaking; Group discussion. Organizing seminars and conferences. Personality and perceptions, Personality traits, Pillars of personality development, Self development, Positive attitude, self esteem, personality formation structure.


Listening and note taking, writing skills, oral presentation skills; field diary and lab record; indexing, footnote and bibliographic procedures. Reading and comprehension of general and technical articles, precise writing, summarizing, abstracting; individual and group presentations.

Ext. 364: Entrepreneurship Development and Business Communication                    Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Concept of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship Development, Characteristics of entrepreneurs; Assessment of entrepreneurship skills, SWOT Analysis & achievement motivation, Entrepreneurial behavior, Government policy and programs and institutions for entrepreneurship development, Entrepreneurial Development Process; Business Leadership Skills; Communication skills for entrepreneurship development, Developing organizational skill , Developing Managerial skills, Problem solving skill,  Achievement motivation; time management; Supply chain management and Total quality management, Project Planning Formulation and report preparation; Opportunities for entrepreneurship and rural entrepreneurship.


Assessing entrepreneurial potential, problem solving ability, managerial skills and achievement motivation, exercise in creativity, time audit, preparation of business plan and proposal writing, visit to entrepreneurship development institute and entrepreneurs.



Soc. 111: Human Values and Ethics (Non Credit)**                                                                         Credit hours: 1(1+0)


Values and Ethics-An Introduction. Goal and Mission of Life. Vision of Life. Principles and Philosophy. Self Exploration. Self Awareness. Self Satisfaction. Decision Making. Motivation. Sensitivity. Success. Selfless Service. Case Study of Ethical Lives. Positive Spirit. Body, Mind and Soul. Attachment and Detachment. Spirituality Quotient.



GP 121: Fundamentals of Genetics                                                                                                    Credit hours: 3(2+1)


Pre and Post Mendelian concepts of heredity, Mendelian principles of heredity; Cell division – mitosis, meiosis; Probability and Chi-square; Dominance relationships, gene interaction, epistatic interactions with examples; Multiple alleles, blood group genetics, pleiotropism and pseudoalleles; Sex determination and sex linkage, sex limited and sex influenced traits; Linkage and its estimation, crossing over mechanisms, chromosome mapping;  Structural and numerical  changes in chromosomes; Mutation, classification, mutagenic agents, methods of inducing mutation & CIB technique; Qualitative & Quantitative traits, polygenes and continuous variations, multiple factor hypothesis; Cytoplasmic inheritance; Genetic disorders; Nature, structure & replication of genetic material; Protein synthesis, Transcription and translational mechanism of genetic material; Gene concept: Gene structure, function and regulation, Lac and Trp operons.


Study of microscope; Study of cell structure; Experiments on monohybrid, dihybrid, trihybrid, test cross and back cross; Experiments on epistatic interactions including test cross and back cross; Practice on mitotic and meiotic cell division; Experiments on probability and Chi-square test; Determination of linkage and cross over analysis (through two point test cross and three point test cross data); Study on sex linked inheritance in Drosophila ; Study of models on DNA and RNA structure.

GP 232: Fundamentals of Plant Breeding                                                                                           Credit hours: 3(2+1)


Historical development, concept, nature and role of plant breeding, major achievements and future prospects; Genetics in relation to plant breeding, modes of reproduction and apomixis, self – incompatibility and male sterility- genetic consequences, cultivar options. Domestication, Acclimatization, introduction; Centre of origin/diversity, components of genetic  variation; Heritability and genetic advance;  Genetic basis and breeding methods in self- pollinated  crops-mass and pure line selection, hybridization techniques and handling of segregating populations; Multiline concept. Concepts of population genetics and Hardy-Weinberg Law, Genetic basis and methods of breeding cross pollinated crops,  modes of selection;  Heterosis and inbreeding depression, development of inbred lines and hybrids, composite and synthetic varieties;  Breeding methods in asexually propagated crops,  clonal selection and hybridization; Ideotype concept; Wide hybridization and pre-breeding; Polyploidy in relation to plant breeding, mutation breeding-methods and uses; Breeding for important biotic and abiotic stresses; Biotechnological tools-DNA markers and marker assisted selection. Participatory plant breeding; Intellectual Property Rights, Patenting, Plant Breeders and  Farmer’s Rights.


Plant Breeder’s kit, Study of germplasm of various crops. Study of floral structure of self-pollinated and cross pollinated crops. Emasculation and hybridization techniques in self & cross pollinated crops. Consequences of inbreeding on genetic structure of resulting populations. Study of male sterility system. Handling of segregating populations. Methods of calculating mean, range, variance, standard error, standard deviation, heritability, genetic advance; Designs used in plant breeding experiments, analysis of Randomized Block Design. To work out the mode of pollination in a given crop and extent of natural out crossing. Prediction of performance of double cross hybrids.

GP243/ SST 241: Principles of Seed Technology                                                                               Credit hours: 3(2+1)


Seed and seed technology: introduction, definition and importance. Deterioration causes of crop varieties and their control; Maintenance of genetic purity during seed production, seed quality; Definition, Characters of good quality seed, different classes of seed. Foundation and certified seed production of important cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fodder and vegetables. Seed certification, phases of certification, procedure for seed certification, field inspection. Seed Act and Seed Act enforcement. Duty and powers of seed inspector, offences and penalties. Seeds Control Order 1983, Varietal Identification through Grow Out Test and Electrophoresis, Molecular and Biochemical test. Detection of genetically modified crops, Transgene contamination in non-GM crops, GM crops and organic seed production.

Seed drying, processing and their steps, seed testing for quality assessment, seed treatment, its importance, method of application and seed packing. Seed storage; general principles, stages and factors affecting seed longevity during storage. Measures for pest and disease control during storage. Seed marketing: structure and organization, sales generation activities, promotional media. Factors affecting seed marketing, Role of WTO and OECD in seed marketing.


Seed production in major cereals: Wheat, Rice, Maize, Sorghum and Bajra. Seed production in major pulses: Urd, Mung, Pigeonpea, Lentil, Gram, Field pea. Seed production in major oilseeds: Soybean, Rapeseed and Mustard. Seed production in vegetable crops. Seed sampling and testing: Physical purity, germination, viability, etc. Seed and seedling vigour test. Genetic purity test: Grow out test and electrophoresis. Seed certification: Procedure, Field inspection, Preparation of field inspection report. Visit to seed production farms, seed testing laboratories and seed processing plant.

GP 355: Crop Improvement – I (Kharif Crops)                                                                                Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Centers of origin, distribution of species, wild relatives in different cereals; pulses; oilseeds; fibres; fodders, underutilized crops and cash crops; vegetable and horticultural crops; Plant genetic resources: utilization and conservation; Floral biology, study of genetics of qualitative and quantitative characters; Important concepts of breeding self pollinated, cross pollinated and vegetatively propagated crops; Major breeding objectives and procedures including conventional and modern innovative approaches for development of hybrids and varieties for yield, adaptability, stability, abiotic and biotic stress tolerance and quality (physical, chemical, nutritional); Seed production technology in self pollinated, cross pollinated and vegetatively propagated crops. Hybrid seed production technology in Maize, Rice, Sorghum, Pearl millet and Pigeonpea etc., Ideotype concept and climate resilient crop varieties for future.


Emasculation and hybridization techniques in different crop species; viz., Rice, Maize, Sorghum, Pearl millet, Ragi, Pigeonpea, Urdbean, Mungbean, Soybean, Groundnut, Sesame, Castor, Cotton, Cowpea, and Tobacco. Maintenance breeding of different kharif crops. Handling of germplasm and segregating populations by different methods like pedigree, bulk and single seed descent methods; Study of field techniques for seed production and hybrid seed production in kharif crops; Estimation of heterosis, inbreeding depression and heritability; Layout of field experiments; Study of quality characters, donor parents for different characters; Visit to seed production plots; Visit to AICRP plots of different field crops.

GP 356:  Intellectual Property Rights                                                                                                 Credit hours: 1(1+0)


Introduction and meaning of intellectual property, brief introduction to GATT, WTO, TRIPs and WIPO, Treaties for IPR protection: Madrid protocol, Berne Convention, Budapest treaty, etc.Types of Intellectual Property and legislations covering IPR in India:-Patents, Copyrights, Trademark, Industrial design, Geographical indications, Integrated circuits, Trade secrets. Patents Act 1970 and Patent system in India, patentability, process and product patent, filing of patent, patent specification, patent claims, Patent opposition and revocation, infringement, Compulsory licensing, Patent Cooperation Treaty, Patent search and patent database.

Origin and history including a brief introduction to UPOV for protection of plant varieties, Protection of plant varieties under UPOV and PPV&FR Act of India, Plant breeders’ rights, Registration of plant varieties under PPV&FR Act 2001, breeders’, researchers’ and farmers’ rights. Traditional knowledge-meaning and rights of TK holders.

Convention on Biological Diversity, International treaty on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (ITPGRFA). Indian Biological Diversity Act, 2002 and its salient features, access and benefit sharing.

GP 367: Crop Improvement – II (Rabi Crops)                                                                                   Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Centers of origin, distribution of species, wild relatives in different cereals; pulses; oilseeds; fodder crops, under utilized crops  and cash crops; vegetable and horticultural crops; Plant genetic resources: utilization and conservation; Floral biology, study of genetics of qualitative and quantitative characters; Important concepts of breeding self pollinated, cross pollinated and vegetatively propagated crops; Major breeding objectives and procedures including conventional and modern innovative approaches for development of hybrids and varieties for yield, adaptability, stability, abiotic and biotic stress tolerance and quality (physical, chemical, nutritional); Seed production technology in self pollinated, cross pollinated and vegetatively propagated crops, Hybrid seed production technology of rabi crops, Ideotype concept and climate resilient crop varieties for future.


Emasculation and hybridization techniques in different crop species namely Wheat, Oat, Barley, Chickpea, Lentil, Field pea, Rapeseed- mustard, Sunflower, Potato, Berseem. Sugarcane, Handling of germplasm and segregating populations by different methods like pedigree, bulk and single seed descent methods; Study of field techniques for seed production and hybrid seed production in rabi crops; Estimation of heterosis, inbreeding depression and heritability; Layout of field experiments; Study of quality characters, study of donor parents for different characters; Visit to seed production plots; Visit to AICRP plots of different field crops.


Elective Course

GP 244:  Commercial Plant Breeding                                                                                                 Credit hours: 3(1+2)


Types of crops and modes of plant reproduction. Line development and maintenance breeding in self and cross pollinated crops (A/B/R and two line system) for development of hybrids and seed production.  Genetic purity test of commercial hybrids. Advances in hybrid seed production of maize, rice, sorghum, pearl millet, castor, sunflower, cotton pigeon pea, Rapeseed- mustard etc., Quality seed production of vegetable crops under open and protected environment. Alternative strategies for the development of the line and cultivars: haploid inducer, tissue culture techniques and biotechnological tools. IPR issues in commercial plant breeding: DUS testing and registration of varieties under PPV & FR Act. Variety testing, release and notification systems in India. Principles and techniques of seed production, types of seed, quality testing in self and cross pollinated crops. 


Floral biology in self and cross pollinated species, selfing and crossing techniques. Techniques of seed production in self and cross pollinated crops using A/B/R and two line system. Learning techniques in hybrid seed production using male-sterility in field crops. Understanding the difficulties in hybrid seed production, Tools and techniques for optimizing hybrid seed production. Concept of roguing in seed production plot. Concept of line, its multiplication and purification in hybrid seed production. Role of pollinators in hybrid seed production. Hybrid seed production techniques in sorghum, pearl millet, maize, rice, rapeseed-mustard, sunflower, castor, pigeon pea, cotton and vegetable crops. Sampling and analytical procedures for purity testing and detection of spurious seed, grow out test and electrophoresis. Seed drying and storage structure in quality seed management. Screening techniques during seed processing viz., grading and packaging. Visit to public- private seed production and processing plants.


Pl. Path. 121: Fundamentals of Plant Pathology                                                                                Credit hours: 3(2+1)


Introduction: Importance of plant diseases, scope and objectives of Plant Pathology. History of Plant Pathology with special reference to Indian work. Terms and concepts in Plant Pathology. Pathogenesis. Cause and classification of plant diseases. Important  plant  pathogenic  organisms,    different  groups: fungi,  bacteria, fastidious  vesicular  bacteria,  phytoplasmas,  spiroplasmas,  viruses,  viroids,  algae,  protozoa and phanerogamic  parasites with  examples  of  diseases  caused  by  them. Diseases and symptoms due to abiotic causes.

Fungi: general characters, definition of fungus, somatic structures, types of fungal thalli, fungal tissues, modifications of thallus, reproduction (asexual and sexual). Nomenclature, Binomial system of nomenclature, rules of nomenclature, classification of fungi. Key to divisions, sub-divisions, orders and classes.

Bacteria and mollicutes: general morphological characters. Basic methods of classification and reproduction.

Viruses: nature, architecture, multiplication and transmission.

Study of phanerogamic plant parasites.

Principles and methods of plant disease management. Role of Biotechnology in Plant Pathology

Nature, chemical combination, classification, mode of action and formulations of fungicides and antibiotics.


Acquaintance with various laboratory equipment’s and microscopy. Preparation of media, isolation and Koch’s postulates. General study of different structures of fungi. Study of symptoms of various plant diseases. Study of representative fungal genera. Staining and identification of plant pathogenic bacteria. Transmission of plant viruses. Study of phanerogamic plant parasites.

Study of fungicides and their formulations. Methods of pesticide application and their safe use. Calculation of fungicide sprays concentrations.

 Pl.Path. 352: Principles of Integrated Disease Management                                                         Credit hours: 3(2+1)


IPM: Introduction, history, importance, concepts, principles and tools of IDM. Economic importance of plant diseases. Methods of detection and diagnosis of plant diseases. Survey, surveillance and forecasting of plant diseases. Study of Plant disease epidemiology. Methods of disease management: Host plant resistance, cultural, physical, legislative, biological and chemical control. Ecological management of crop environment. Introduction to conventional pesticides for the plant disease management. Development and validation of IDM module. Implementation and impact of IDM module for plant disease management. Safety issues in pesticide uses. Case histories of important IDM programmes.


Methods of diagnosis and detection of various plant diseases. Methods of plant disease measurement. Monitoring of plant diseases in field. Study of disease progress of diseases with relation to envriormental factores.Isolation, screening and Identification of biocontrol agents. Mass multiplication of Trichoderma, Pseudomonas, etc. Bio-efficacy of fungicides in plant disease control. Awareness campaign at farmers fields.

Pl. Path. 353: Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management-I                        Credit hours: 3(2+1)


Symptoms, etiology, disease cycle and management of major diseases of following crops:

Field Crops: Rice: blast, brown spot, bacterial blight, sheath blight, false smut, khaira and tungro; Maize: stalk rots, downy mildew, leaf spots; Sorghum: smuts, grain mold and anthracnose, Bajra: downy mildew and ergot; Groundnut: early and late leaf spots, wilt Soybean: Rhizoctonia blight, frogeye leaf spot, bacterial spot, pod blight, seed and seedling rot and mosaic; Pigeonpea: Phytophthora blight, wilt and sterility mosaic; Finger millet: Blast and leaf spot; black & green gram: Cercospora leaf spot and anthracnose, web blight and yellow mosaic; Castor: Phytophthora blight; Cotton: anthracnose, vascular wilt, and black arm; Tobacco: black shank, black root rot and mosaic. Horticultural Crops: Guava: wilt and anthracnose; Banana: Panama wilt, bacterial wilt, Sigatoka and bunchy top; Papaya: foot rot, leaf curl and mosaic, Brinjal: Phomopsis blight and fruit rot and Sclerotinia blight; Tomato: damping off,  wilt, early and late blight, buck eye rot and leaf curl and mosaic;  Okra: Yellow Vein Mosaic; Beans: anthracnose and  bacterial blight; Cucurbits: downy mildew, powdery mildew, wilt; Chilies: anthracnose and fruit rot, wilt and leaf curl; Ginger: soft rot; Turmeric: leaf spot; Colocasia: Phytophthora blight; Coconut: wilt and bud rot; Tea: blister blight; Coffee: rust


Identification and histopathological studies of selected diseases of field and horticultural crops covered in theory. Field visit for the diagnosis of field problems. Collection and preservation of plant diseased specimens for Herbarium; Note: Students should submit 50 pressed and well-mounted specimens.


Pl. Path. 364: Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management-II                     Credit hours: 3(2+1)


Symptoms, etiology, disease cycle and management of following diseases:

Field Crops:

Wheat: rusts, loose smut, karnal bunt, powdery mildew, alternaria blight, and ear cockle;

Sugarcane: red rot, smut, wilt, grassy shoot, ratoon stunting and Pokkah Boeng;

Sunflower: Sclerotinia stem rot and Alternaria blight; Mustard: Alternaria blight, white rust, downy mildew and Sclerotinia stem rot; Gram: wilt, grey mould and Ascochyta blight; Lentil: rust and wilt; Pea: downy mildew, powdery mildew, root rot/wilt, Ascochyta blight and rust Horticultural Crops: Mango:  anthracnose, malformation, bacterial blight and powdery mildew; Citrus: canker and gummosis; Grape vine: downy mildew, Powdery mildew and anthracnose; Apple: scab, powdery mildew, collar rot, white root rot, fire blight and crown gall; Peach: leaf curl; Pomegranate: bacterial blight; Strawberry: leaf spot

Potato: early and late blight, black scurf, leaf roll, and mosaic; Cruciferous vegetables:  Alternaria leaf spot and black rot; Onion and garlic: downy mildew, purple blotch, and Stemphylium blight; Coriander: stem gall Marigold: Botrytis blight; Rose: dieback, powdery mildew and black leaf spot. Carnation; fusaium wilt, leaf blight, Lilium; bulb rot


Identification and histopathological studies of selected diseases of field and horticultural crops covered in theory. Field visit for the diagnosis of field problems. Collection and preservation of plant diseased specimens for herbarium.


Soils 111: Fundamentals of Soil Science                                                                                           Credit hours: 3(2+1)


Soil as a natural body, Pedological and edaphological concepts of soil; Soil genesis: soil forming rocks and minerals; weathering, processes and factors of soil formation; Soil Profile, components of soil; Soil physical properties: soil-texture, structure, density and porosity, soil colour, consistence and plasticity; Elementary knowledge of soil  taxonomy classification and soils of India; Soil water retention, movement and availability; soil air, composition, gaseous exchange, problem and plant growth; source, amount and flow of heat in soil; soil temperature and plant growth; Soil reaction-pH, soil acidity and alkalinity, buffering, effect of pH on nutrient availability; soil colloids - inorganic and organic; silicate clays: constitution and properties; sources of charge ion exchange, cation exchange capacity, base saturation; soil organic matter: composition, properties and its influence on soil properties; humic substances - nature and properties; soil organisms: macro and micro organisms, their beneficial and harmful effects; Soil pollution - behaviour of pesticides and inorganic contaminants, prevention and mitigation of soil pollution.


Study of soil profile in field. Study of soil sampling tools, collection of representative soil sample, its processing and storage. Study of soil forming rocks and minerals. Determination of soil density, moisture content and porosity. Determination of soil texture by feel and Bouyoucos Methods. Studies of capillary rise phenomenon of water in soil column and water movement in soil. Determination of soil pH and electrical conductivity. Determination of cation exchange capacity of soil. Study of soil map. Determination of soil colour. Demonstration of heat transfer in soil. Estimation of organic matter content of soil.

Soils 242: Problematic Soils and their Management                                                                        Credit Hours: 2(2+0)


Soil quality and health, Distribution of Waste land and problem soils in India. Their categorization based on properties. Reclamation and management of Saline and Sodic soils, Acid soils, Acid Sulphate soils, Eroded and Compacted soils, Flooded soils, Polluted soils.

Irrigation water – quality and standards, utilization of saline water in agriculture. Remote sensing and GIS in diagnosis and management of problem soils.

Multipurpose tree species (MPTs), bio remediation through MPTs of soils, land capability and classification, land suitability classification. Problematic soils under different Agroeco systems.

Soils 353: Manures, Fertilizers and Soil Fertility Management                                                     Credit Hours: 3(2+1)


Introduction and importance of organic manures, properties and methods of preparation of bulky and concentrated manures. Green/leaf manuring. Integrated nutrient management.

Chemical fertilizers: classification, composition and properties of major nitrogenous, phosphatic, potassic fertilizers, secondary & micronutrient fertilizers, Complex fertilizers, nano fertilizers Soil amendments, Fertilizer Storage, Fertilizer Control Order.

History of soil fertility and plant nutrition, criteria of essentiality, role, deficiency and toxicity symptoms of essential plant nutrients, Mechanisms of nutrient transport to plants, factors affecting nutrient availability to plants. Chemistry of soil nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulphur and micronutrients. Soil fertility evaluation, Soil testing. Critical levels of different nutrients in soil. Forms of nutrients in soil, plant analysis, rapid plant tissue tests. Indicator plants. Methods of fertilizer recommendations to crops. Factor influencing nutrient use efficiency (NUE), methods of application under rainfed and irrigated conditions.


Introduction of analytical instruments and their principles, calibration and applications, Colorimetry and flame photometry. Estimation of available N in soils. Estimation of available P in soils. Estimation of available K in soils, Estimation of available S in soils. Estimation of available Ca and Mg in soils. Estimation of available Zn in soils. Estimation of  N in plants. Estimation of P in plants. Estimation of K in plants. Estimation of S in plants.

Elective Course

Soils. 354: Biopesticides & Biofertilizers                                                                                          Credit hours: 3(2+1)


History and concept of biopesticides. Importance, scope and potential of biopesticide. Definitions, concepts and classification of biopesticides viz. pathogen, botanical pesticides, and biorationales. Botanicals and their uses. Mass production technology of bio-pesticides. Virulence, pathogenicity and symptoms of entomopathogenic pathogens and nematodes. Methods of application of biopesticides. Methods of quality control and Techniques of biopesticides. Impediments and limitation in production and use of biopesticide.

Biofertilizers - Introduction, status and scope. Structure and characteristic features of bacterial biofertilizers- Azospirillum, Azotobacter, Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Rhizobium and Frankia; Cynobacterial biofertilizers- Anabaena, Nostoc, Hapalosiphon and fungal biofertilizers- AM mycorrhiza and ectomycorhiza. Nitrogen fixation -Free living and symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Mechanism of phosphate solubilization and phosphate mobilization, K solubilization. Production technology: Strain selection, sterilization, growth and fermentation, mass production of carrier based and liquid biofertiizers. FCO specifications and quality control of biofertilizers. Application technology for seeds, seedlings, tubers, sets etc. Biofertilizers -Storage, shelf life, quality control and marketing. Factors influencing the efficacy of biofertilizers.


To study about mass production technology of important biopesticides. Identification of important botanicals. Visit to biopesticide lab. working in nearby area. Field visit to explore naturally infected cadavers. Identification of entomopathogenic entities in field condition. Quality control of biopesticides.

Isolation and purification of Azospirillum , Azotobacter,  Rhizobium, P-solubilizers and cyanobacteria. Mass multiplication and inoculums production of biofertilizers. Isolation of AM fungi -Wet sieving method and sucrose gradient method. Mass production of AM inoculants.

Note:- To be jointly taught by Department of Soil Science, Plant Pathology and Entomology.



VSF-121/VSF 231*: Production technology for vegetables and spices                                           Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Importance of vegetable and spices in human nutrition and national economy; Vegetable gardens and classification of vegetables; Brief about origin, area, production, improved varieties and cultivation practices such as time of sowing, methods of sowing, transplanting techniques, planting distance, fertilizer requirements, irrigation, weed management, harvesting, storage, physiological disorders, disease and pest control and seed production of important vegetable and spices viz., solanaceous vegetables, cucurbits (cucumber, bittergourd, bottle gourd, musk melon, watermelon, summer squash), French bean, cow pea, okra, amaranth, potato, cole crops, garden pea, onion, garlic, palak, fenugreek, root vegetables, black pepper, cardamom, cumin, coriander, ginger, turmeric. Salient points with respect to production technology of tuber crops (sweet potato, cassava), perennial vegetables (moringa, ivy gourd) and rare vegetables (Asparagus, lettuce, parsley, celery).


Identification of vegetables and spice crops and their seeds. Nursery raising of vegetables and spices. Direct seed sowing and transplanting. Study of morphological characters of different vegetables and spices. Fertilizers applications. Vegetables and spices seed extraction. Harvesting and preparation for market. Economics of vegetables and spices cultivation.

VSF 242: Production Technology for Ornamental Crops, MAPs and Landscaping                        Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Importance and scope of ornamental crops, medicinal and aromatic plants and landscaping. Elements and Principles of landscaping. Landscape uses of trees, shrubs and climbers. Production technology of important cut flowers like rose, gerbera, carnation, lilium and orchids under protected conditions and gladiolus, tuberose, chrysanthemum under open conditions. Package of practices for loose flowers like marigold and jasmine under open conditions. Production technology of important medicinal plants like asparagus, aloe, costus, Cinnamomum, periwinkle, isabgol and aromatic plants like mint, lemongrass, citronella, palmarosa, ocimum, rose, geranium, vetiver. Processing and value addition in ornamental crops and MAPs produce.


Identification of Ornamental plants. Identification of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. Nursery bed preparation and seed sowing. Training and pruning of Ornamental plants. Planning and layout of garden. Bed preparation and planting of MAP. Protected structures – care and maintenance. Intercultural operations in flowers and MAP. Harvesting and post harvest handling of cut and loose flowers. Processing of MAP. Visit to commercial flower/MAP unit.


Elective Courses

VSF 353: Landscaping                                                                                                                        Credit hours: 3(2+1)


Importance and scope of landscaping. Principles of landscaping, garden  styles and types, terrace gardening, vertical gardening, garden components, adornments, rockery, water garden, walk-paths, bridges, other constructed features etc. gardens for special purposes. Trees: selection, propagation, planting schemes, canopy management, shrubs and herbaceous perennials: selection, propagation, planting schemes, architecture. Climber and creepers: importance, selection, propagation, planting, Annuals: selection, propagation, planting scheme, Other garden plants: palms, ferns, grasses and cacti succulents. Pot plants: selection, arrangement, management. Bio-aesthetic planning: definition, need, planning; landscaping of urban and rural areas, Peri-urban landscaping, Landscaping of schools, public places like bus station, railway station, townships, river banks, hospitals, play grounds, airports, industries, institutions. Beautification of highways and avenues in hilly areas. Bonsai: principles and management, lawn: establishment and maintenance. CAD application.


Identification of trees, shrubs, annuals, pot plants; Propagation of trees, shrubs and annuals, care and maintenance of plants, potting and repotting, identification of tools and implements used in landscape design, training and pruning of plants for special effects, lawn establishment and maintenance, layout of formal gardens, informal gardens, special type of gardens (sunken garden, terrace garden, rock garden) and designing of conservatory and lathe house. Use of computer software, visit to important gardens/ parks/ institutes.

VSF 354: Protected Cultivation                                                                                                           Credit hours: 3(2+1)


Protected cultivation- importance and scope, status of protected cultivation in India and World, types of protected structure based on site and climate, basic principles of protected cultivation, cladding material involved in greenhouse/ poly house, greenhouse designs, environment control, artificial lights, automation, soil preparation and management, substrate management, nursery management, types of benches and containers, irrigation and fertigation management, propagation and production of quality planting material of horticultural crops, greenhouse cultivation of important horticultural crops – rose, carnation, chrysanthemum, gerbera, orchid, lilium, tulip, alstroemeria, tomato, bell pepper, cucumber, lettuce, strawberry, pot plants, etc., off-season production of cut flowers and vegetables, plant protection.


Familiarity with various protected structures, year round utilization of polyhouses, identification of vegetable, flowers and other horticultural crops and their varieties, raising of seedlings and saplings under protected conditions, use of protrays for quality planting material production, bed preparation and transplanting, inter cultural operations, soil EC and pH measurement, regulation of irrigation and fertilizers through drip, fogging and misting.

Note:- To be jointly taught by Department of Vegetable Science & Floriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Horticulture

*For B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture IInd Year (2017-18) only


VSF365:  Commercial Vegetable Production                                                                                       Credit Hrs: 3 (2+1)


Scope and importance of vegetable cultivation in hills; Commercial vegetables of different agro-climatic zones; Improved varieties/hybrids, sowing/planting times and methods, seed rate, spacing, nutrients and irrigation requirements, intercultural operations, weed control, harvesting, post-harvest management and plant protection for raising commercial crops like potato, tomato, brinjal, hot/bell pepper, garden pea, French bean, cucumber, bottle gourd, bitter gourd, summer squash okra,  cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, knolkhol, carrot, radish, onion, garlic, turmeric and ginger. 


Identification of vegetable seeds, crops and important varieties; Nursery raising practices; Cultural operations namely, sowing/transplanting, fertilizer application, intercultural operations, weed control, mulching, irrigation, pest management , harvesting and post-harvest  handling of commercial vegetable crops; Identification of important physiological disorders and their management and preparation of vegetable based cropping schemes for commercial farms.



Hort. 111: Fundamentals of Horticulture                                                                                           Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Horticulture-Its definition and branches, importance and scope; horticultural and botanical classification; climate and soil for horticultural crops; Plant propagation-methods and propagating structures; principles of orchard establishment; Principles and methods of training and pruning, juvenility and flower bud differentiation; unfruitfulness; pollination, pollinizers and pollinators; fertilization and parthenocarpy; kitchen gardening; garden types and parts; lawn making; medicinal and aromatic plants; species and condiments; use of plant bio-regulators in horticulture. Irrigation & fertilizers application-method and quantity.


Identification of garden tools. Identification of horticultural crops. Preparation of seed bed/nursery bed. Practice of sexual and asexual methods of propagation. Layout and planting of orchard plants. Training and pruning of fruit trees. Transplanting and care of vegetable seedlings. Making of herbaceous and shrubbery borders. Preparation of potting mixture, potting and repotting. Fertilizer application in different crops. Visits to commercial nurseries/orchard.

 Hort. 242: Production Technology for Fruit and Plantation Crops                                                   Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Importance and scope of fruit and plantation crop industry in India; High density planting; Use of rootstocks; Production technologies  for the cultivation of major fruits-mango, banana, citrus, grape, guava, litchi, papaya, apple, pear, peach, plum, apricot, cherry, kiwi and; minor fruits- pineapple,  pomegranate, strawberry, nut crops (pecan and walnut); plantation crops-coconut, arecanut, cashew, tea, coffee & rubber.


Seed propagation. Scarification and stratification of seeds. Propagation methods for fruit and plantation crops including Micro-propagation. Description and identification of fruit. Preparation of plant bio regulators and their uses, physiological disorders of above fruit and plantation crops, Visit to commercial orchard.

Hort.364/FST362: Post-harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables       Credit hours:2(1+1)


Importance of fruits and vegetables, extent and possible cause of pre and post harvest losses; Pre-harvest factors affecting post-harvest quality; Maturity, ripening and change occurring during ripening; Respiration and factor affecting respiration and affecting respiration rate; Role of ethylene; Post-harvest disease and disorders; Heat, chilling and freezing injury; Harvesting and field handling; Storage (ZECC, cold storage, CA, MA and hypobaric); Principles and methods of preservation; Value addition of foods and food products; Food quality and its role in food industry; Storage and transportation of fresh and processed food products; Food standards and specifications.


Application of different types of packaging for shelf life extension; Effect of temperature on self life and quality of product. Methods of judging maturity in fruits, maturity indices of different fruits and vegetables. Extraction and preservation of pulps and juices. Preparation of jam, jelly, RTS, nectar, squash, osmotically dried product, fruits bar and candy and tomato products, canned products. Quality evaluation of products- physico-chemical, nutritional and sensory. Visit to food processing unit/industry. Demonstration on zero energy cool chamber.

Elective Course

Hort. 243*: Hi-tech. Horticulture                                                                                                        Credit hours: 3(2+1)


Introduction & importance; Nursery management and mechanization; micro propagation of horticultural crops; Modern field preparation and planting methods, Protected cultivation: advantages, controlled conditions, method and techniques, Micro irrigation systems and its components; EC, pH based fertilizer scheduling, canopy management, high density orcharding, Components of precision farming: Remote sensing, Geographical Information System (GIS), Differential Geo-positioning System (DGPS), Variable Rate applicator (VRA), application of precision farming in horticultural crops (fruits, vegetables and ornamental crops); mechanized harvesting of produce.


Types of playhouses and shade net houses, Intercultural operations, tools and equipments identification and application, Micro propagation, Nursery-protrays, micro-irrigation, EC, pH based fertilizer scheduling, canopy management, visit to hi-tech orchard/nursery.

Note: To be jointly taught by Department of  Horticulture, Vegetable Science & Floriculture, GIS, COBS   

FTY 111: Introduction to Forestry                                                                                                    Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Introduction – definitions of basic terms related to forestry, objectives of silviculture, forest classification, salient features of Indian forest ecosystem, Succession and zonation limiting factors climax vegetation, food chain. Natural forest and their formation, types of natural forest and their distribution, natural forest v/s man made forest. Policies. Forest regeneration, Natural regeneration - natural regeneration from seed and vegetative parts, coppicing, pollarding, root suckers; Artificial regeneration – objectives, choice between natural and artificial regeneration, essential preliminary considerations. Crown classification. Tending operations – weeding, cleaning, thinning – mechanical, ordinary, crown and advance thinning. Forest mensuration – objectives, diameter measurement, instruments used in diameter measurement; Non instrumental methods of height measurement - shadow and single pole method; Instrumental methods of height measurement - geometric and trigonometric principles, instruments used in height measurement; tree stem form, form factor, form quotient, measurement of volume of felled and standing trees, age determination of trees. Agroforestry – definitions, importance, criteria of selection of trees in agroforestry, different agroforestry systems prevalent in the country, shifting cultivation, taungya, alley cropping, wind breaks and shelter belts, home gardens. Cultivation practices of two important fast growing tree species of the region. 


Identification of tree-species. Diameter measurements using calipers and tape, diameter measurements of forked, buttressed, fluted and leaning trees. Height measurement of standing trees by shadow method, single pole method and hypsometer. Volume measurement of  logs using various formulae. Nursery lay out, seed sowing, vegetative propagation techniques. Forest plantations and their management. Visits of nearby forest based industries.

Env. 111/231*: Environmental Studies and Disaster Management                                                Credit hours: 3(2+1)


Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies Definition, scope and importance.

Ecosystems: Concept of an ecosystem, Structure and function of an ecosystem, Producers, consumers and decomposers, Energy flow in the ecosystem. Ecological succession, Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids. Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the following ecosystem: a. Forest ecosystem b. Grassland ecosystem c. Desert ecosystem d. Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)

Natural Resources: Renewable and non-renewable resources, Natural resources and associated problems. a) Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies. Timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forest and tribal people. b) Water resources: Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems. c) Mineral resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources, case studies. d) Food resources: World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, case studies. e) Energy resources:  Growing energy needs, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, use of alternate energy sources. Case studies. f) Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification. Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources. Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles.

Biodiversity and its conservation: - Introduction, definition, genetic, species & ecosystem diversity and biogeographical classification of India. Value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values. Biodiversity at global, National and local levels, India as a mega-diversity nation. Hot-sports of biodiversity. Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts.  Endangered and endemic species of India. Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.

Environmental Pollution: definition, cause, effects and control measures of: a) Air pollution b) Water pollution c) Soil pollution d) Sound pollution e) Thermal pollution g) Nuclear hazards. Solid Waste Management: causes, effects and control measures of urban, rural and industrial wastes Fireworks hazards: types, causes, effects on environment and human health, measures to reduce the usage of firework.

Social Issues and the Environment: From Unsustainable to Sustainable development, Urban problems related to energy, Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management. Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions, greenhouse gases, greenhouse gas effect, ozone layer depletion, global warming, climate change, impact of climate change on agriculture production, acid rain, nuclear accidents and nuclear holocaust. Wasteland reclamation. Consumerism and waste products. Environment Protection Act. Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act. Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act. Wildlife Protection Act. Forest Conservation Act. Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation. Public awareness.

Human Population and the Environment: population growth, variation among nations, population explosion, Environmental and human health. International agreement: Montreal and Kyoto protocols and Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Role of Information Technology in Environment and human health with role of an individual in prevention of pollution.

Disaster management

Natural Disasters- Meaning and nature of natural disasters, their types and effects. Floods, drought, cyclone, earthquakes, landslides, avalanches, volcanic eruptions, Heat and cold waves, Sea level rise.

Man Made Disasters- Nuclear disasters, chemical disasters, biological disasters, building fire, coal fire, forest fire, oil fire, air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, industrial waste water pollution, road accidents, rail accidents, air accidents, sea accidents.

Disaster Management- Efforts to mitigate natural disaster at national and global levels. International strategy for disaster reduction. Concept of disaster management, national disaster management framework; financial arrangements; role of NGOs, community –based organizations and media. Central, state, district and local administration; Armed forces in disaster response; Disaster response; Police and other organizations.

*For B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture IInd Year (2017-18) only



Biotech. 231: Fundamentals of Plant Biotechnology                                                                         Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Concepts and applications of plant Biotechnology: scope, organ culture, embryo culture, cell suspension culture, callus culture, anther culture, pollen culture and ovule culture and their applications. Micropropagation methods: organogenesis and embryogenesis, synthetic seed and their significance. Embryo rescue and its significance, somatic hybridization and cybrids, somaclonal variation, and its use in crop improvement. Introduction to recombinant DNA methods: Physical (gene gun method), chemical (PEG mediated) and Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer methods. Transgenics and their importance in crop improvement. PCR techniques and their applications: RFLP, RAPD, SSR. Marker assisted breeding in crop improvement.


Sterilization techniques, Composition of various tissue culture media and preparation of stock solutions for MS nutrient medium, Callus induction from various explants, Micropropagation, hardening and acclimatization, Demonstration on isolation of DNA, Demonstration of gel electrophoresis techniques and DNA finger printing.

Elective Course

Biotech. 362: Micro propagation Technologies                                                                                 Credit hours: 3(1+2)


Meaning and concept of in vitro culture and micro-propagation; Historical milestones, advancement and future prospects of micro-propagation; totipotency, dedifferentiation; Tissue culture methodology: Sterile techniques, synthetic and natural media components, growth regulators, environmental requirement, genetic control of regeneration; Plant regeneration pathways - Organogenesis and Somatic embryogenesis;

Micro-propagation- Definition, methods, stages of micro-propagation and its significance; Axillary bud proliferation approach- Shoot tip and meristem culture; Organogenesis- Purpose, methods and requirements for organogenesis, indirect and direct organogenesis; Somatic embryogenesis- Procedures and requirements for organogenesis, indirect and direct embryogenesis; Differences between somatic and gametic embryogenesis, Synthetic seed- Concepts, necessity, procedure and requirements for production of synthetic seeds.


Laboratory organization, sterilization techniques for explants, glassware, plastic wares, lab wares and working platform. Preparation of stocks and working solution. Preparation and sterilization of growth regulators. Preparation of working medium and experimentation on determining optimum concentration of growth regulators. Callus induction and regeneration of whole plants from different parts of plants. Direct regeneration into whole plants using bud, node and other tissues. Induction of somatic embryos. Experiments of synthetic seeds production and testing storability and germination efficiency.



PB 121: Plant Biochemistry                                                                                                              Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Importance of Biochemistry. Properties of Water, pH and Buffer. Carbohydrates: Importance and classification, Structures of Monosaccharides, Reducing and oxidizing properties of Monosaccharides, Mutarotation; Structure of Disaccharides and Polysaccharides. Lipids: Importance and classification; Structures and properties of fatty acids; storage lipids and membrane lipids. Proteins: Importance of proteins and classification; Structures and zwitter ion nature of amino acids; Structural organization of proteins. Enzymes: General properties and classification; Michaelis & Menten equation; Introduction to allosteric enzymes. Nucleic acids: Importance and classification; Structure of Nucleotides, A, B & Z DNA and RNA. Metabolism of carbohydrates: Glycolysis, TCA cycle, Electron transport chain, Metabolism of lipids: β-oxidation.


Preparation of solution, pH & buffers, Qualitative tests of carbohydrates and amino acids. Quantitative estimation of glucose/proteins. Titration methods for estimation of amino acids/lipids, Effect of pH, temperature and substrate concentration on enzyme action. Paper chromatography/TLC demonstration for separation of amino acids/ Monosaccharides.

Bio. 111: Introductory Biology                                                                                                           Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Introduction to the living world, diversity and characteristics of life, origin of life, Evolution and Eugenics. Binomial nomenclature and classification Cell and cell division. Morphology of flowing plants. Seed and seed germination. Plant systematic- viz; Brassicaceae, Fabaceae and Poaceae.  Role of animals in agriculture.


Morphology of flowering plants – root, stem and leaf and their modifications. Inflorence, flower and fruits. Cell, tissues & cell division. Internal structure of root, stem and leaf. Study of specimens and slides. Description of plants - Brassicaceae, Fabaceae and Poaceae.

Math 111: Elementary Mathematics                                                                                               Credit hours: 2(2+0)


Straight lines : Distance formula, section formula (internal and external division), Change of axes (only origin changed), Equation of co-ordinate axes, Equation of lines parallel to axes, Slope-intercept form of equation of line, Slope-point form of equation of line, Two point form of equation of line, Intercept form of equation of line, Normal form of equation of line, General form of equation of line, Point of intersection of two st. lines, Angles between two st. lines, Parallel lines, Perpendicular lines, Angle of bisectors between two lines, Area of triangle and quadrilateral. Circle: Equation of circle whose centre and radius is known, General equation of a circle, Equation of circle passing through three given points, Equation of circle whose diameters is line joining two points (x1, y1) & (x2,y2), Tangent and Normal to a given circle at given point (Simple problems), Condition of tangency of a line y = mx + c to the given circle x2 + y2 = a2.Differential Calculus : Definition of function, limit and continuity, Simple problems on limit, Simple problems on continuity, Differentiation of xn , ex , sin x & cos x from first principle, Derivatives of sum, difference, product and quotient of two functions, Differentiation of functions of functions (Simple problem based on it), Logarithmic differentiation (Simple problem based on it), Differentiation by substitution method and simple problems based on it, Differentiation of Inverse Trigonometric functions. Maxima and Minima of the functions of the form y=f (x) (Simple problems based on it).

Integral  Calculus : Integration of simple functions, Integration of Product of two functions, Integration by substitution method, Definite Integral (simple problems based on it), Area under simple well-known curves (simple problems based on it).

Matrices and Determinants: Definition of Matrices, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Transpose and Inverse up to 3rd order, Properties of determinants up to 3rd order and their evaluation.

Eng. 111 Comprehension and Communication Skills in English                                                       Credit hours: 2(1+1)


War Minus Shooting- The sporting Spirit. A Dilemma- A layman looks at science Raymond B. Fosdick. You and Your English – Spoken English and broken English G.B. Shaw. Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary- Antonym, Synonym, Homophones, Homonyms, often confused words. Exercises to Help the students in the enrichment of vocabulary based on TOEFL and other competitive examinations. Functional grammar: Articles, Prepositions, Verb, Subject verb Agreement, Transformation, Synthesis, Direct and Indirect Narration. Written Skills: Paragraph writing, Precise writing, Report writing and Proposal writing. The Style: Importance of professional writing. Preparation of Curriculum Vitae and Job applications. Synopsis Writing. Interviews: kinds, Importance and process.


Listening Comprehension: Listening to short talks lectures, speeches (scientific, commercial and general in nature). Oral Communication:  Phonetics, stress and intonation, Conversation practice. Conversation: rate of speech, clarity of voice, speaking and Listening, politeness & Reading skills:  reading dialogues, rapid reading, intensive reading, improving reading skills. Mock Interviews: testing initiative, team spirit, leadership, intellectual ability. Group Discussions.

Crop Physiol. 231/121*: Fundamentals of Crop Physiology                                                               Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Introduction to crop physiology and its importance in Agriculture; Plant cell:  an Overview; Diffusion and osmosis; Absorption of water, transpiration and Stomatal Physiology; Mineral nutrition of Plants: Functions and deficiency symptoms of nutrients, nutrient uptake mechanisms; Photosynthesis: Light and Dark reactions, C3, C4 and CAM plants; Respiration: Glycolysis, TCA cycle and electron transport chain; Plant growth regulators: Physiological roles and  agricultural uses, Physiological aspects of growth and development: Growth analysis, Role of Physiological growth parameters in crop productivity.


Study of plant cells, structure and distribution of stomata, imbibitions, osmosis, plasmolysis, measurement of root pressure, rate of transpiration, Separation of photosynthetic pigments through paper chromatography, Rate of transpiration, photosynthesis, respiration, estimation of relative water content, Measurement of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation by Infra Red Gas Analyser (IRGA).

*For B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture IInd Year (2017-18) only

Ag. Micro. 121: Agricultural Microbiology                                                                                        Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Introduction. Microbial world: Prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes. Bacteria: cell structure, chemoautotrophy, photo autotrophy, growth. Bacterial genetics: Genetic recombination- transformation, conjugation and transduction, plasmids, transposon.

Role of microbes in soil fertility and crop production: Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and sulphur cycles. Biological nitrogen fixation- symbiotic, associative and aysmbiotic. Azolla, blue green algae and mycorrhiza. Rhizosphere and phyllosphere. Microbes in human welfare: silage production, biofertilizers, biopesticides, biofuel production and biodegradation.


Introduction to microbiology laboratory and its equipments; Microscope- parts, principles of microscopy, resolving power and numerical aperture. Methods of sterilization. Nutritional media and their preparations. Enumeration of microbial population in soil- bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes. Methods of isolation and purification of microbial cultures. Isolation of Rhizobium from legume root nodule. Isolation of Azotobacter from soil. Isolation of Azospirillum from roots. Staining and microscopic examination of microbes.

*For B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture IInd Year (2017-18) only

Stat. 231: Statistical Methods                                                                                                             Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Introduction to Statistics and its application in Agriculture; Frequency distribution and its graphical representation; Measures of central tendency, dispersion, skewness and kurtosis; Definition of probability, addition and multiplication theorem (without proof),simple problem based on probability; Definition of correlation, scatter diagram, Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation; Linear regression equations; Introduction to sampling methods, sampling versus complete enumeration, simple random sampling with and without replacement, use of random number tables for selection of simple random sample; Introduction to tests of significance; Large sample tests - SND tests for means (one sample and two samples); Small sample tests: Student's t-test for one sample, Fisher’s t-test for two samples, F-test; Introduction to Analysis of Variance, analysis of one-way and two-way classified data with one observation per cell.


Construction of frequency distribution table and its graphical representation; Measures of central tendency with calculation of quartiles, deciles and percentiles (ungrouped & grouped data), Measures of dispersion (ungrouped & grouped data), Moments, measures of skewness &kurtosis (ungrouped & grouped data); Correlation &regression analysis; Selection of random sample using simple random sampling; SND tests for means (one sample and two samples); Student's t-test for one sample, Fisher’s t-test for two samples, F-test; Analysis of variance for one-way and two-way classified data.

Ag. Info. 361: Agri. Informatics                                                                                                           Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Introduction to Computers, Anatomy of Computers, Memory Concepts, Units of Memory, Operating System, definition and types, Applications of MS-Office for creating, Editing and Formatting a document, Data presentation, tabulation and graph creation, statistical analysis, mathematical expressions, Database, concepts and types, creating database, uses of DBMS in Agriculture, Internet and World Wide Web (WWW), Concepts and components.

e-Agriculture, concepts, design and development. Application of innovative ways to use information and communication technologies (IT) in Agriculture. Computer Models in Agriculture: statistical, weather analysis and crop simulation models, concepts, structure, inputs-outputs files, limitation, advantages and application of models for understanding plant processes, sensitivity, verification, calibration and validation. IT application for computation of water and nutrient requirement of crops, Computer-controlled devices (automated systems) for Agri-input management, Smart phone mobile apps in Agriculture for farm advises, market price, post harvest management etc; Geospatial technology, concepts, techniques, components and uses for generating valuable agri-information. Decision support systems, concepts, components and applications in Agriculture, Agriculture Expert System, Soil Information Systems etc for supporting Farm decisions. Preparation of contingent crop-planning and crop calendars using IT tools.


Study of Computer Components, accessories, practice of important DOS Commands. Introduction of different operating systems such as windows, Unix/ Linux, Creating, Files & Folders, File Management. Use of MS-WORD and MS Power-point for creating, editing and presenting a scientific Document. MS-EXCEL - Creating a spreadsheet, use of statistical tools, writing expressions, creating graphs, analysis of scientific data, handling macros. MS-ACCESS: Creating Database, preparing queries and reports, demonstration of Agri-information system. Introduction to World Wide Web (WWW) and its components.


FST 231: Principles of Food Science and Nutrition                                                                           Credit hours: 2(1+1)


Concept of food science (definition, measurements, density, phase change, pH, osmosis, surface tension, colloidal systems etc.); Food composition, functions, sources and deficiencies (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water,); Food microbiology (bacteria, yeast, moulds, spoilage of fresh and processed foods, production of fermented foods); Principles and methods of food processing and preservation (use of heat, low temperature, chemicals, radiation, drying etc.); Classification and functions of Food Additives; Energy and BMR; Effect of cooking and processing on nutrients; Nutraceutical properties and preparation of health foods; New trends in food science and nutrition.


Proximate analysis of foods; Preparation of food products using fruits, vegetables, milk, cereals and legumes; Estimation of TSS, acidity, sugars, ascorbic acid, pH and microbiological quality of food products; Menu planning; Balanced and modified diets.

Elective Course

FST 362:  Food Safety and Standards                                                                                                 Credit hours: 3(2+1)


Food Safety – Definition, Importance, Scope and Factors affecting Food Safety. Hazards and Risks, Types of hazards - Biological, Chemical, Physical hazards. Management of hazards - Need. Control of parameters. Temperature control. Food storage. Product design. Hygiene and Sanitation in Food Service Establishments- Introduction. Sources of contamination and their control. Waste Disposal. Pest and Rodent Control. Personnel Hygiene. Food Safety Measures. Food Safety Management Tools- Basic concepts. PRPs, GHPs, GMPs, SSOPs etc. HACCP. ISO series. TQM - concept and need for quality, components of TQM, Kaizen. Risk Analysis. Accreditation and Auditing, Water Analysis, Surface Sanitation and Personal Hygiene. Food laws and Standards- Indian Food Regulatory Regime, FSSA. Global Scenario CAC. Other laws and standards related to food. Recent concerns- New and Emerging Pathogens. Packaging, Product labeling and Nutritional labeling. Genetically modified foods\ transgenics. Organic foods. Newer approaches to food safety. Recent Outbreaks.


Water quality analysis physico-chemical and microbiological. Preparation of different types of media. Microbiological Examination of different food samples. Assessment of surface sanitation by swab/rinse method. Assessment of personal hygiene. Biochemical tests for identification of bacteria. Scheme for the detection of food borne pathogens. Preparation of plans for Implementation of FSMS - HACCP, ISO: 22000.


LPM 231:  Livestock and Poultry Management                                                                              Credit Hours: 3 (2+1)


Role of livestock in the national economy. Important Indian and exotic breeds of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and poultry. Housing principles, space requirements for different species of livestock and poultry.Management of calves, growing heifers and milch animals. Important management practices for sheep, goat and swine. Classification of feed stuffs.Feed supplement and feed additives. General information regarding oestrus, gestation and parturition in cattle and buffaloes. General information regarding concept of AI , ETT and organic animal husbandry. Milk, its composition and clean milk production. Introduction to livestock and poultry diseases. Prevention (vaccination schedule) and control of important diseases of livestock and poultry.


Visit to dairy and poultry farms of university to study breeds, housing systems, daily routine farm operations and farm records. External body parts of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, swine and poultry. Handling and restraining of livestocks. Identification methods of farm animals and poultry. Estimation of body weights in farm animals. Methods ofmilking in dairy animals. Determination of Specific gravity, Fat and  SNF of milk.Familiarization with different incubation and hatchery operations and poultry farm operations. Economics of dairy and poultry farm production.

Examination and Evaluation System

Fifth Deans’ Committee deliberated on the examination and evaluation system being followed by different universities. The Committee recommends Uniform Grading system to be followed with uniform OGPA requirements for award of degrees at all levels and uniform conversion formulae to be followed for declaration of I, II and III divisions, distinctions etc. Declaration of division in the degree certificate to be made compulsory by all universities:


External theory (50%)

Internal Theory + Practical (50%)

 -Courses with theory and practical

Mid-term Exam (30%) + Assignment (5%) in practical oriented courses + Practical (15%)

     -Courses with only theory

Mid-term Exam (40%) + Assignment (10%)

     -Courses with only practical:

      (100%) Internal

·     Paper to be set by external: HOD shall ensure the coverage of syllabus. If needed moderation can be done.

·    Evaluation to be done internally by the faculty other than the Course Instructor. Syllabus of the concerned course shall be sent to the external examiner, who shall prepare the question papers. For practical, it is recommended that examination shall be conducted by course instructor(s) and one teacher nominated by HOD.

·    Discipline(s)/ subject(s) where there is single faculty member in the campus, the papers will be got evaluated from faculty member(s) of same discipline(s)/ subject(s) from outstation(s)/ KVK’s of the University. Course instructor will evaluate paper(s) under exceptional circumstances only




Percentage of Marks Obtained

Conversion into Points












10 Points

90 to <100

9 to <10

80 to <90

8 to <9

70 to <80

7 to <8

60 to <70

6 to <7

50 to <60

5 to <6

<50 (Fail)


e.g.     80.76




72.50 (but shortage in attendance)

Fail (1 point)




5.000 – 5.999


6.000 – 6.999

II division

7.000 – 7.999

I division

8.000 and above

I division with distinction


GPA             =          Total points scored / Total credits (for 1 semester)

CGPA          =          ∑ Total points scored / Course credits

OGPA          =          ∑ Total points scored (after excluding failure   points)/ Course credits

% of Marks  =          OGPA x 100/10






Principles of Agricultural Economics




Production Economics and Farm Management




Agricultural Finance and Co-operation




Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Prices




Fundamentals of Farm-Business Management (including Project Development, Appraisal and Monitoring)





Principles of Agronomy and Agricultural Meteorology




Introductory Agriculture (Ancient Heritage, Agricultural Scenario and Gender equity in Agriculture)




Water Management including Micro-irrigation




Field crops-I(Kharif)




Farming System and Sustainable Agriculture




Field crops-II(Rabbi)




Weed Management




Practical Crop Production-I(Kharif crops)




Practical Crop Production-II(Rabbi Crops)




Organic Farming





Fundamentals of Soil, Water and Conservation Engineering




Renewable Energy




Farm Power and Machinery




Protected Cultivation and Post-Harvest Technology





Insect Morphology and Systematics




Insect Ecology and Integrated Pest Management including Beneficial Insects




Crop Pests and Stored Grain Pests and their Management.




Soc. 111

Rural Sociology and Educational Psychology



Soc. 122

Human Values and Ethics

1+0 (NC)



Dimensions of Agricultural Extension




Extension Methodologies for Transfer of Agricultural Technology.




Entrepreneurship Development and Communication Skills





Principles of Genetics




Principles of Plant Breeding




Principles of Seed Technology




Principles of Plant Biotechnology




Breeding of Field/Horticulture Crops





Plant Pathogens and Principles of Plant Pathology




Introductory Nematology




Diseases of Field Crops and their Management




Diseases of Horticultural Crops and their Management





Introduction to Soil Science




Soil Chemistry, Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management




Manures, Fertilizers and agro-chemicals





Production Technology of Vegetables and Flowers





Production Technology of Fruit Crops




Production Technology of Spices, Aromatic, Medicinal and Plantation Crops




Post-harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables





Environmental Science





Comprehension and Communication Skills in English




Agricultural Microbiology




Crop Physiology




Introduction to Computer Applications













Live Stock Production & Management




NCC/NSS/Physical Education

NCC/NSS/Physical Education

0+1 (NC)

Course schedule as per 5th Deans’ Committee w.e.f. Session 2016 -17





Fundamentals of Horticulture



Fundamentals of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology



Fundamentals of Soil Science



Introduction of Forestry



Comprehension and Communication Skills in English

2 (1+1)


Fundamentals of Agronomy



Introductory Biology*/Elementary Mathematics*



Agriculture Heritage



Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology



Human Values and Ethics (non gradial)



NCC/NSS/Physical Education& Yoga Practices**



Total Cr. Hrs.


*R:Remedial Course

** NC: Non gradial-course Course




GP. 121

Fundamentals of Genetics



Agricultural Microbiology



Soil and Water Conservation Engineering


Crop Physiol.121

Fundamentals of Crop Physiology


Ag. Econ 121

Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics


Pl. Path.121

Fundamentals of Plant Pathology



Fundamentals of Entomology



Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education



Communication Skills and Personality Development



NCC/NSS/Physical Education& Yoga Practices**



Total Cr. Hrs.


Semester wise course schedule as per 4th Deans’ Committee 

B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture – Ist year




Course No.


Credit hours

Agron. 111

Principles of Agronomy and Agricultural Meteorology


Agron. 112

Introductory Agriculture (Ancient Heritage, Agricultural Scenario and Gender Equity in Agriculture)


Soils 111

Introduction to Soil Science


Ag. Engg. 111

Fundamentals of Soil, Water and Conservation Engineering


Ag. Econ. 111

Principles of Agricultural Economics


PBG 111

Principles of Genetics


Pl. Path. 111

Plant Pathogens and Principles of Plant Pathology


Eng. 111

Comprehension and Communication Skills in English

2 (1+1) NC


19 + 2 NC


Agron. 123

Water Management including Micro-irrigation


Soils 122

Soil Chemistry, Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management


Pl. Path 122

Introductory Nematology


Ag. Econ. 122

Production Economics and Farm Management


PBG 122

Principles of Plant Breeding


Ext. 121

Fundamentals of Rural Sociology and Educational Psychology


Ag. Micro. 121

Agricultural Microbiology


Ento. 121

Insect Morphology and Systematics




B.Sc.(Hons.) Agriculture II year


Agron. 234

Field crops-I (Kharif)

3 (2+1)

Agron. 235

Farming Systems and Sustainable Agriculture

2 (1+1)

Soils 233

Manures, Fertilizers and Agro-chemicals

3 (2+1)

Ag. Econ. 233

Agricultural Finance and Co-operation

2 (1+1)

VSF. 231

Production Technology of Vegetables and Flowers

3 (2+1)

Ag. Engg. 232

Renewable Energy

2 (1+1)

Pl. Path. 233

Diseases of Field Crops and their Management

3 (2+1)

PBG 233

Principles of Seed Technology

3 (2+1)




Course No.


Credit Hours

Agron. 247

Field crops-II (Rabi )


PBG 244

Principles of Plant Biotechnology


Ag. Engg. 243

Farm Power and Machinery


Ext. 242

Dimensions of Agricultural Extension

2 (1+1)

Ento. 242

Insect Ecology and Integrated Pest Management including Beneficial Insects


Ag. Econ. 244

Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Prices


Cr.Physiol. 241

Crop Physiology


Comp. 241

Introduction to Computer Applications




B.Sc.(Hons.) Agriculture III year


Agron. 357

Weed Management

2 (1+1)

Agron. 358

Practical Crop Production – I (Kharif crops)

1 (0+1)

PBG 355

Breeding of Field/Horticulture Crops


Ento. 353

Crop Pests and Stored Grain Pests and their Management


Stat. 351


2 (1+1)

Biochem. 351



Ag. Econ. 355

Fundamentals of Farm-Business Management (including Project Development, Appraisal and Monitoring)


Hort. 351

Production Technology of Fruit Crops


Ext. 353

Extension Methodologies for Transfer of Agricultural Technology





Ag. Engg. 364

Protected Cultivation and Post-Harvest Technology


Agron. 369

Practical Crop Production – II (Rabi Crops)

1 (0+1)

Agron. 3610

Organic Farming


Pl. Path. 364

Diseases of Horticultural Crops and their Management


Hort. 362

Production Technology of Spices, Aromatic, Medicinal and Plantation Crops



Post-harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables


Ext. 364

Entrepreneurship Development and Communication Skills


LPM. 361

Live Stock Production and Management



Environmental Science



NCC/NSS/Physical Education

1 (0+1) NC


21+1 NC

B.Sc.(Hons.) Agriculture IV year




1 week


Village attachment

6 weeks


Agri-clinics/Plant clinics/Experiential learning/ Industrial attachment

12 weeks


Project Report Preparation and Examination/Evaluation

1 week





The ongoing batches of B.Sc Agri. admitted upto 2007-08 shall continued to be evaluated for 21 credit hours as per 3rd Deans’ committee recommendations whereas the new batch of 2008-09 will be evaluated for 20 credit hours as per 4th Deans’ committee recommendations.



Courses for Experiential Learning: A student has to register 20 credits with major load in one area of electives and rest from among one/two areas of electives in the eighth semester

Sr. No.

Title of the module



Crop Production



Seed Production Technology



Remote Sensing GIS and Land use Planning



Integrated Farming System



Water Management (Watershed Micro-irrigation Problematic Water)



Soil Management (conservation Problematic soil, Soil quality)



Plant Tissue Culture



Crop Protection



IPM and IDM (Pest Disease Scouting)



Management of Post Harvest insect-pests and diseases



Non-insect pests and their Management






Mushroom (cultivation)



Bio-control agencies and bio-pesticide (mass multiplication and uses)



Pesticides and Plant Protection equipment






Commercial Vegetable Production



Commercial Floriculture



Commercial Fruit Production



Nursery management of horticultural crops



Protected cultivation of horticultural crops and Seed production of vegetables and flowers



Processing and value addition of horticultural crops



Post Harvest Technology and Value addition



Post harvest Technology of Horticultural crops



Unit operation for quality value addition processing and development of new products



Post harvest technology of spices, plantation crops, medicinal and aromatic crops



Integrated storage management of fruits, flowers and vegetables



Post harvest handling of cut flowers and dry flowers



Processing of cereals, pulses and oilseed crops including biodiesel



Agri-Busi ness Management



Information & Communication Management



Management of Agro-based industry



Marketing Management (Agricultural Import-Export Policy of Govt. of India & Business Laws)



Financial Management of Agri-Business



Natural Resources Economics and Management



Project formulation, Evaluation and Monitoring


Note: Detailed course contents of eighth Semester to be developed.

Agron.111: Principles of Agronomy and Agricultural Meteorology                                                           3(2+1)Sem. I               

Meaning and scope of Agronomy: National and International Agricultural Research Institutes in India, Agro-climatic zones of India and Himachal Pradesh. Tillage, crops stand establishment, Planting geometry and its effect on grown and yield cropping systems, Introduction to manures and fertilizers and water management, Harvesting. Agricultural meteorology: Weather and climate, micro-climate, weather elements, Earths’ atmosphere, Composition and structure, solar radiation, Nature, properties, depletion, solar constant and energy balance, Atmospheric, temperature, factors affecting, horizontal and vertical distribution, variations and global warming, Air Pressure variation; Wind: factors affecting, cyclones and anticyclones and general circulation, Atmospheric humidity, vapour pressure and saturation, Process of condensation, formation of dew, fog, mist, snow, rain and hail; Formation and classification of clouds, Introduction to monsoon, Basics of weather forecasting;

Practical: Study of tillage implements; Practice of ploughing; Practice of puddling; Study of seeding equipments and introduction of remote sensing.  Different methods of sowing; Study of manures, fertilizers and green manure crops/seeds (including calculations); Study of intercultivation implements and practice; Practice of methods of fertilizer applications; Participation in ongoing field operations; Site selection for Agromet observatory; Measurement of temperature; Measurement of rainfall; Measurement of evaporation (atmospheric/soil); Measurement of atmospheric pressure; Measurement of sunshine duration and solar radiation; Measurement of wind direction and speed and relative humidity; Study of weather forecasting and synoptic charts.

 Agron.112: Introductory Agriculture (Ancient Heritage, Agricultural Scenario and Gender Equity in Agriculture)  1(1+0) Sem.1  

Art, Science and business of crop production, Basic elements of crop production; Factors affecting crop production; History of Agricultural Development; Ancient India Agriculture in Civilization Era, Chronological Agricultural Technology development in India.  Indian Agriculture, balance sheet, liabilities; Assets and Contrasting trends (DATA), Agrl. Growth, contrasting food chains, Diversity in physiography, Soil groups, marine, livestock and water; Liabilities: Soil factors, weather factors, Economic ecology, dry and irrigation agriculture, Farming Systems approach, value addition, requirements in new technology; Women in Agriculture: multifaceted roles and tasks, work stress factors, Nutritional and rural life standards, role in house hold design making, drudgery reduction for farm women, women friendly agricultural technology; Empowerment of women; Group dynamics for farm women, rural women; The nucleus of Agricultural Extension and Training.

Soils. 111:       Introduction to Soil Science                                                                                   3(2+1)                       Sem.I

Soil:     Pedological and edaphological concepts, Origin of the earth, Earth’s crust; Composition: Rocks and minerals

            Weathering, Soil formation factors and processes

Components of Soils; Soil profile, Soil physical properties, Soil texture, Textural classes, Particle size analysis, Soil structure Classification, Soil aggregates, significance, Soil consistency, Soil crusting, Bulk density and particle density of soils & porosity, their significance and manipulation, Soil compaction, Soil Colour, Elementary knowledge of soil classification and soils of India; Soil water, Retention and potentials, Soil moisture constants, Movement of soil water, Infiltration, percolation, permeability, Drainage, Methods of determination of soils moisture Thermal properties of soils, Soil temperature, Soil air, Gaseous exchange, Influence of soil temperature and air on plant growth; Soil colloids, Properties, nature, types and  significance; Layer silicate clays, their genesis and sources of charges, Adsorption of ions, Ion exchange, CEC & AEC Factors influencing ion exchange and its Significance. Soil organic matter, Composition, Decomposability, Humus, Fractionation of organic matter, Carbon cycle, C:N ratio, Soil biology, Biomass, soil organisms and their beneficial and harmful roles.

Practical:   Determination of bulk density and particle density, Aggregate analysis, soil strength, Soil moisture determination, Soil moisture constants- Field capacity Inflitration rate, water holding capacity, soil texture and mechanical analysis- Soil temperature. Analytical chemistry- Basic concepts, techniques and calculations- Collection and processing of soil for analysis- Organic carbon, pH, EC, soluble cations and anions- Study of a soil profile- Identification of rocks and minerals.

Ag. Engg.111:   Fundamentals of Soil, Water and  Conservation Engineering                                         3(2+1)               Sem. I

Surveying: survey equipment, calculations of area of regular and irregular fields. Levelling - levelling equipment, terminology, methods of calculation of reduced levels, types of levelling, contouring. Hydrologic cycle. Concept of watershed, Runoff estimation and measurement, Water measurement - weirs, flumes and orifices and methods of water measurement and instruments. Concept of soil erosion. Universal soil loss equation. Erosion control structures for agricultural Lands i.e contour bunding, graded bunding, broad base terraces, bench terraces, diversion drains and grassed waterways. Erosion control structures for non agricultural lands and temporary gully control structures. Design of rain water harvesting systems in hills including earthen embankments and small tanks.

Practical: Acquaintance with different survey equipment including GPS; Levelling equipment - dumpy level, levelling staff, temporary adjustments and staff reading; Differential leveling; Contour survey - grid method; Plotting of contours; Layout of contours in field. Measurement of land slope in the field. Study of watershed. Study of stage level recorder. Design of earthen channels using Manning’s formula. Study of soil and water conservation measures. Study and design of rainwater harvesting systems.

Ag.Econ.111:  Principles of Agricultural Economics.                                                                                  2 (2+0)      Sem. I

Economics: Meaning, Definition, Subject Matter, Divisions of Economics, Importance of Economics: Agricultural Economics: Meaning, Definition: Basic Concepts (Demand; Meaning, Definition.Kinds of Demand, Demands schedule demand curve law of demand, extension and contraction Vs and Decrease in demand) of consumption: Law of Diminishing Marginal utility, Meaning Definition, Assumption Limitation. Assumption, Limitation,Importance Indifference curve approach: Properties Application Derivation of Demand Consumer’s surplus; Meaning, Definition, Importance. Elasticity of demand: types, degrees and method of measuring elasticity, factor influencing elasticity of demand, Importance of Elasticity of demand. National income: Concepts, Measurement. Public Finance: Meaning, Principle. Public resource; meaning, services tax, meaning, classification of taxes; Cannons of taxation; Public expenditure: meaning, principles. Inflation; meaning, definition, kinds of inflation.

PBG.111: Principles of Genetics                                                                                                                       3(2+1)   Sem.1

Mendel’s laws of  inheritance and exceptions to the laws: Chromosomal theory of inheritance, Types of gene action, Multiple alleles, Pleiotropism, Penetrance and expressivity; Quantitative traits, Qualitative traits and differences between them; Multiple factor hypothesis; Cytoplasmic inheritance, it’s characteristic features and difference between chromosomal and cytoplasmic inheritance; Mutation and it’s characteristic features; Mehtods of including mutations and CIB technique. Gene expression and differential gene activation; Lac operon and fine structure of gene; Ultra structure of cell and cell organelles and their functions; Study of chrosome structure , morphology, number and types, Karyotype and ideogram; Mitosis and meiosis, their significance and differences between them; DNA and its structure, function and types, modes of replication and repair. RNA and its structure, function and types; Transcription, Translation, genetic code and outline of protein synthesis; Crossing over and factors affecting it; Mechanism of crossing over and Cytological proof of crossing over; Linkage, Types of linkage and estimation of linkage; Numerical chromosomal aberrations ( Polyploidy) and evolution of of different crop species like cotton, Wheat, Tobacco, Triticale and Brassicas; Structural chromosomal aberrations.


Microscopy ( Light Microscopes and electron microscopes; Preparartion and use of fixatives and stains for light microscopy; Preparartion of micro slides and identification of various stages of mitosis; Monohybrid ratio and its modifications; Dihybrid ratio and its modifications; Trihybrid ratio; Chi-square analysis and interaction of factors; Epistatic factors; Supplementary factors and duplicate factors; Complementary factors. Additive factors and Inhibitory factors; Linkage- Two point test cross; Linkage-Three point test cross; Induction of polyploidy using colchicine; Induction of chromosomal aberrations using chemicals. Demonstration of induction of mutations with chemical mutagens. Identification of blood groups.

Pl. Path.111:  Plant Pathogens and Principles of Plant Pathology                                                             4(3+1)             Sem.I

Introduction, Important plant pathogenic organisms: fungi, bacteria, fastidious vesicular bacteria, phytoplasmas, spiroplasmas, viruses, viriods, algae, protozoa and phanerogamic parasites with examples of diseases caused by them. Prokaryotes: classification of prokaryotes according to Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology.  General characters of fungi, Definition of fungus, somatic structures, reproduction in fungi (asexual and sexual). Nomenclature and classification of fungi.  Definition, objectives and history of Plant Pathology.  Terms and concepts in Plant Pathology.  Survival and Dispersal of Plant Pathogens.  Phenomenon of infection - pre-penetration, penetration and post penetration.  Pathogenesis – Role of enzymes, toxins, growth regulators and polysaccharides. Defense mechanism in plants – Structural and bio-chemical (pre and post infection).  Plant disease epidemiology.  Plant disease forecasting – Remote sensing – General principles of plant diseases management – Importance, general principles – Avoidance, exclusion, protection – Plant Quarantine and Inspection – Quarantine rules and regulations.  Cultural methods – Roguing, eradication of alternate ands collateral hosts, crop  rotation, manure and fertilizer management, mixed cropping , sanitation, hot weather ploughing, soil amendments, time of sowing , seed rate and plant density, irrigation and drainage.  Role and mechanisms of biological control and PGPR .  Physical Methods – Heat and Chemical methods – Methods of application of fungicides.  Host plant resistance – Application of biotechnology in plant disease management – Development of disease resistant transgenic plants .  Integrated plant disease management ( IDM) – Concept, advantages ands importance .

Practical :   Acquaintance to plant pathology laboratory and equipments; Preparation of culture media for fungi and bacteria; Isolation techniques, preservation of disease samples; Study of Pythium, Phytophthora, Albugo, Sclerospora, Peronosclerospora, Pseudoperonospora, Peronospora, Plasmopara, Bremia,  Ascochyta, Mucor, Rhizopus.  Oidium, Oidiopsis, Ovulariopsis, Erysiphe, Phyllactinia, Uncinula, Podosphaera, Puccinia (different stages), Uromyces, Melampsora, Sphacelotheca, Ustilago, Tolyposporium, Septoria, Colletotrichum, Cercospora, Phaeoisariopsis, Rhizoctonia and Sclerotium; Demonstration of Koch’s  postulates; Study of different groups of fungicides and antibiotics; Preparation of fungicides – Bordeaux mixture, Bordeaux paste, Chestnut compound; Methods of application of fungicides – seed, soil and foliar; Bio-assay of fungicides – poisoned food technique, inhibition zone technique ands slide germination technique; Bio control of plant pathogens – dual culture technique, seed treatment.  Visit to quarantine station and remote sensing laboratory.

Eng.111: Comprehension and communication Skills in English                                                                   2(1+1) (NC)  Sem.I

Comprehension:  Text for comprehension, Current English for Colleges, By N. Krishnaswamy & T. Sriraman, Macmillan India Limited, Madras, 1995;  War Minus shooting -  The sporting spirit George Orwell (a) Reading Comprehension (b) Vocabulary Synonyms- Antonyms- Often confused words and (c) Two exercises to help the students in the enrichment of vocabulary based on TOEEL and GRE and other comp0etitive examinations.  A Dilemma- A layman looks at science Raymond B. Fosdick (a) Reading Comprehension (b) Vocabulary – Homonyms and Homophones (c) Exercises on Figurative Language & Idiomatic Language (E.g.: dust and ashes, doorstep of doom, boundaries of knowledge,  Apple of one’s eye, in a fix etc.) 5&6 You and Your English – Spoken English and Broken English G.B. Shaw (a) Reading Comprehension (b) Language study, Functional Grammar, Agreement of verb with subject. Written Skills: Mechanics of good letter, Effective business correspondence, Personal Correspondence, Preparation of Curriculum vitae and Job applications.  The Style, Importance of professional writing. Choice of words and Phrases, precision, conciseness clichés, redundancy, jargon, foreign words, Precis writing and synopsis writing.. Interviews, Types of interviews, purpose, different settings, as interviewer, interviewee, physical makeup and manners, appearance, poise, speech, self reliance, Evaluation process, Review or feedback.

Practical: Listening Comprehension, Listening to short talks, lectures, speeches (scientific, commercial and general in nature) Practical: listening to at least two tape, recorded conversations aimed at testing the listening comprehension of students; Communication: Spoken English, oral communication, importance stress and intonation. Practical: Spoken English practice by using audiovisual aids, the essentials of good conversations, oral exercises in conversation practice (At the Doctor, at the Restaurant, at the Market Yard); Oral Presentation of Reports: Seminars and conferences, features of oral presentation, regulating speech, physical appearance, body language posture, eye contact, voice, audience, preparation of visual aids. Practical: One presentation by individual on the given topic related to agriculture like W.T.O., Developing new technologies in Agriculture, Bio fertilizers etc.; Evaluation of a Presentation: evaluation sheet, other strategies to be considered for evaluating a presentation, Practical: Mock evaluation of a presentation; Dyadic communication, face to face conversation, Telephonic conversation, rate of speech, clarity of voice, speaking and listening politeness, telephone etiquette, Practical: Practice of Telephonic conversation; Reading skills, using Dictionary, reading dialogues, rapid reading, intensive reading, improving reading skills; Meetings; purpose, procedure participation, chairmanship, physical arrangements, recording minutes of meeting; Practice of Presentation by using power point and LCD projector; Conducting Mock interviews – testing initiative, team spirit, leadership, intellectual ability – potential for development, memory, motivation, objectives, aptitude etc., Group Discussions and Debates on current  topics; Review or Feed Back; Practical examination.

Agron.123: Water Management including Micro Irrigation                                                                               3(2+1)   Sem.II

Irrigation: definition and objectives, water resources and irrigation development in Inaid and Himachal Pradesh.  Soil plant water relationships; Methods of soil moisture estimation; evapotranspiration and crop water requirement; effective rainfall, scheduling of irrigation; Methods of irrigation: surface, sprinkler and drip irrigation; Irrigation efficiency and water use efficiency, conjuctive use of water, irrigation water quality and its management;  Water management of different crops (rice, wheat, maize, groundnut, sugarcane, mango, banana and tomato); Agricultural drainage.

Practical: Determination of bulk density by field method; Determination of soil moisture content by gravimetric method, tensiometer, electrical resistance block and neutron moisture meter; Determination of field capacity by field method; Determination of permanent wilting point; Measurement of irrigation water through flumes and weirs; Calculation of irrigation water requirement (Problem); Determination of infiltration rate; Demonstration of furrow method of irrigation; Demonstration of check basin and basin method of irrigation; Visit to farmers field and cost estimation of drip irrigation system; Demonstration of filter cleaning, fertigation, injection and flushing of laterals; Erection and operation of sprinkler irrigation system; Measurement of emitter discharge rate, wetted diameter and calculation of emitter discharge variability; Determination of EC, pH, carbonates, biocarbonates, Ca++ and Mg++ in irrigation water (quality parameters).

Soils. 122: Soil Chemistry, Soil Fertility and Nutrient  Management                                                                   3(2+1)  Sem.II

Soil as a source of plant nutrients, Essential and beneficial elements, criteria of essentiality, forms of nutrients in soil, mechanisms of nutrient transport to plants, factors affecting  nutrient availability to plants. Measures to overcome deficiencies and toxicities. Problem soils- acid, salt affected and calcareous soils, characteristics, nutrient availabilities. Reclamation- mechanical, chemical and biological methods. Fertilizer and insecticides and their effect on soil water and air. Irrigations water- Quality of irrigation water and its appraisal. Indian standards for water quality. Use of saline water for agriculture. Soil fertility- Different approaches for soil fertility evaluation. Methods, Soil testing- Chemical methods. Critical levels of different nutrients in soil. Plant analysis- DRIS methods, critical levels in plants. Rapid  tissue tests. Indicator plants. Biological method of soil fertility evaluation. Soil test based fertilizer recommendations to crops. Factors influencing nutrient use efficiency (NUE) in respect of N, P, K, S, Fe and Zn fertilizers. Source, method and scheduling of nutrients for different soils and crops grown under rainfed and irrigated conditions.

Practical:  Principles of analytical Instruments and their calibration and applications, Colorimetry and flame photometry. Estimation of available N, P, K, S, and Zn in oils, pH, EC, soluble cations and anions  in soil water extracts. Lime requirement and gypsum requirements of problem soils.  Estimation of N, P and K in plants.

Pl.Path.122:   Introductory Nematology                                                                                                         2 ( 1+1)   Sem.II

Introduction, history and economic importance of phytonematology. General characteristics of plant pathogenic nematodes.  Nematode general morphology and biology.  Classification of nematodes upto family level with emphasis on groups containing economically important genera.  Classification of nematodes by habitat.  Identification of economically important plant nematodes upto generic level.  Symptoms caused by nematodes with examples.  Interaction between plant pathogenic nematodes and disease causing fungi, bacteria and viruses.  Different methods of nematode management.  Cultural methods (crop rotation, fallowing, soil amendments, etc.) physical methods (soil polarization, hot water treatment).  Biological methods, chemical methods (fumigants, non fumigants), resistant varieties and INM (Integrated Nematode Management)

Practical :  Methods of survey – sampling methods, collection of soil and plant samples;  Extrication of nematodes from soil and plant tissues following combined Cobb’s decanting sieving and Baermann funnel technique, counting and estimation of plant pathogenic nematodes; Preparation of temporary and  permanent mounts; Method of preparation of perineal patterns for identification of species of Meloidogyne; Study and identification of most important plant pathogenic nematodes with special reference to their characteristics and symptomatology – Meloidogyne, Pratylenchlus, Heterodera, Ditylenchus, G. bodera, Tylenchulus, Xiphinema, Radopholus, Rotylenchulus, and Helicotylenchus.  Experimental techniques used in pathogenicity studies with root knot nematode.

Ag. Econ.122:  Production Economics and Farm Management                                                                      2(1+1)     Sem.II

Production Economics: Meaning, Definition, Nature & Scope of Agricultural Production Economics. Basic concepts and Terms.  Meaning and Types of production functions: Laws of returns: Increasing, constant and decreasing. Factor product relationship. Determination of optimum input and output. Factor relationship. Product relationship. Types of enterprise relationship. Returns to scale: Meaning, Definition, importance.   Farm Management definition scope importance, Typical farm management Decisions, Economic principles applied to the organization of farm business. Types and Systems of farming, cost concepts and farm efficiency. Farm planning and budgeting . Risk and uncertainty. Linear programming: Assumption, Advantages and Limitations of Linear Programming.

Practical: Application of Farm Management Principles. Computation of cost concepts; Methods of consumption of depreciation; Analysis of net worth statement; Farm inventory analysis; preparation of farm plans and budgets ; Types of farm records and accounts, preparation of profit and loss account; Break even analysis ; cost of cultivation and Economic analysis of different crop and livestock enterprises.

PBG.122:    Principles of Plant Breeding                                                                                                    3(2+1)         Sem.II

Classification of plants, Botanical description, Floral biology, Emasculation and pollination techniques in cereals, millets, pulses, oil seeds, fibres, plantation crops etc. Aims and objectives of Plant Breeding; Modes of reproduction, Sexual, Asexual, Apomixis and their classification; Significance in plant breeding, Modes of pollination, genetic consequences differences between self and cross pollinated crops; Methods of breeding-introduction and acclimatization; Mass selection,  Johannson’s pure line theory, genetic basis, pure line selection, Hybridization, Aims and objectives, types of hybridization; Methods of handling of segregating generations, pedigree method, bulk method, back cross method and various modified methods; Incompatibility and male sterlity and their utilization of crop improvement; Heterosis inbreeding depression, various theories of heterosis, exploitation of hybrid vigour development of inbred lines, single cross and double cross hybrids; Population improvement programmes, recurrent selection, synthetics and composites; Methods of breeding for vegetatively propagated crops; Clonal selection; Mutation breeding; Ploidy  breeding; Wide hybridization, significance in crop improvement.

Practical: Botanical description and floral biology; Study of megasporogenesis and microsporogenesis; Fertilization and life cycle of an angiospermic plant; Demonstration of mode of pollination; Plant Breeder’s kit; Hybridization techniques and precautions to be taken; Floral morphology, selfing, emasculation and crossing techniques; Study of male sterility and incomparability in field plots; Rice and Sorghum, Maize & Wheat, Bajra & Ragi; Sugarcane; Groundnut, Safflower and  Sesame;  Redgram, Horsegram, Kidney bean, Chillies, Brinjal and Tomato, Potato; Mountainous crops (amaranths, buckwheat, chenopod & minor millets, Kalazira & saffron).

Ext.121: Fundamentals of Rural Sociology and Educational Psychology                                                        2 (2+0)    Sem. II

Sociology and Rural Sociology – Meaning, Definition, Scope, Importance of Rural Sociology in Agricultural Extension and its Interrelationship with Agricultural Extension. Indian Rural Society and its Important characteristics, Differences and Relationship between Rural and Urban societies. Social Groups – Meaning, Definition, Classification, Factors considered in formation and organization of groups, Motivation in group formation and Role of Social groups in Agricultural Extension. Social Stratification – Meaning, Definition, Functions, Basis for stratification, Forms of Social stratification – Characteristics and – Differences between Class & Caste System. Cultural concepts – Culture, Customs, Folkways, Mores, Taboos, Rituals and Traditions – Meaning, Definition and their Role in Agricultural Extension. Social Values and Attitudes – Meaning, Definition, Types and Role of Social Values and Attitudes in Agricultural Extension. Social Institutions – Meaning, Definition, Major institutions in rural society, Functions and their Role in Agricultural Extension. Social Organizations – Meaning, Definition, Types of organizations and Role of Social organizations in Agricultural Extension. Social Control – Meaning, Definition, Need and Means of Social control. Social change – Meaning, Definition, Nature of Social change, Dimensions of social change and factors of social change. Psychology and Educational Psychology – Meaning, Definition, Scope, and Importance of Educational Psychology in Agricultural Extension. Intelligence – Meaning, Definition, Types, Factors affecting intelligence and Importance of intelligence in Agricultural Extension. Personality – Meaning, Definition, Types, Factors influencing the Personality and Role of personality in Agricultural Extension. Teaching-Learning process. Meaning and Definition of Teaching, Learning, Learning experience and Learning situation. Elements of learning situation and its characteristics. Principles of learning and their implication for teaching.

Ag. Micro.121:  Agricultural Microbiology                                                                                                   3 (2+1)    Sem.II

History of Microbiology: Spontaneous generation theory, Role of microbes in fermentation, Germ theory of diseases, Protection against infections, Applied areas of Microbiology; Major groups of prokaryotes and eukaryotes: Procaryotic and eucaryotic cells; Bacteria: Arrangement, shape, structure and bacterial spore; Bacterial genetics-transformation, conjugation, transduction and genetic engineering;  Brief introduction to fungi and Algae; Microbial nutrition and Growth: Culture media, Growth curve & measurement of growth; Viruses: General properties of viruses, Bacteriophage-structure and reproduction, viroids and prions; Soil Microbiology: Microbial groups in soil, microbial transformation of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur, Microflora of rhizosphere & phyllosphere; Beneficial microorganisms in Agriculture: Biofertilizer, microbial insecticides, composting and biogas, Biological nitrogen fixation,  Mycorrhiza, biodegradation; Food microbiology: Microbial spoilage and principles of food preservation microbiology of water.

Practical: General instructions, familiarization with microscope and other important laboratory equipments, staining techniques, sterilization techniques, preparation of culture media, isolation & preservation techniques, demonstration of micro-organisms in soil, water, air and food, enumeration of bacteria by pour and spread plate techniques.

Ento.121:    Insect Morphology and Systematics                                                                                         3(2+1)       Sem.II

History of Entomology in India. Factors for insect abundance. Classification of phylum Arthropoda upto classes. Relationship of class Insecta with other classes of Arthropoda. Morphology: Structure and functions of insect cuticle and moulting. Body segmentation. Structure of Head, thorax and abdomen. Structure and modifications of insect antennae, mouth parts and legs.  Wing venation, modifications and wing coupling apparatus. Structure of male and female genitalia.  Sensory organs.  Metamorphosis and diapause in insects.  Types of larvae and pupae.  Structure and functions of digestive, circulatory, excretory, respiratory, nervous, secretory (Endocrine) and reproductive system in insects.  Types of reproduction in insects.  Systematics: Taxonomy – importance, history and development and binomial nomenclature. Definitions of Biotype, Sub-species, Species, Genus, Family and order.  Classification of class Insecta upto orders with families of economic importance:  Orthoptera (Acrididae), Dictyoptera (Mantidae), Odonata, Isoptera (Termitidae), Thysanoptera  (Thripidae), Hemiptera (Pentatomidae, Coreidae, Pyrrhocoridae, Lygaeidae, Cicadellidae, Delphacidae,Aphididae,Coccidae, Aleurodidae, Pseudococcidae), Neuroptera (Chrysopidae), Lepidoptera (Noctuidae, Sphingidae, Pyralidae, Gelechiidae, Arctiidae), Coleoptera (Coccinellidae, Chrysomelidae, Cerambycidae, Cucrculionidae, Bruchidae, Scarabaeidae), Hymenoptera ( Tenthredinidae, Apidae, Trichogrammatidae, Ichneumonidae, Braconidae), Diptera (Cecidomyiidae, Trypetidae, Tachinidae, Agromyziidae).


Methods of collection and preservation of insects including immature stages; External features of Grasshopper/Blister beetle; Types of insect antennae, mouthparts and legs; Wing venation, types of wings and wing coupling apparatus; Types of insect larvae and pupae; Dissection of digestive system in insects (Grasshopper); Dissection of male and female reproductive systems in insects (Grasshopper); Study of characters of orders Orthoptera, Dictyoptera, Odonata, Isoptera, Thysanoptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Neuroptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera and their families of agricultural importance in hilly region.

Agron.234:   Field Crops-I (Kharif)                                                                                                                 3(2+1)     Sem.I

Origin, geographic distribution, economic importance, soil and climatic requirement, varieties, cultural practices and yield of kharif crops, Cereals – rice, maize, sorghum, pearl millet and minor millets; Pulses: pigeonpea, mungbean Rajmash (Franchbean), horsegram, cowpea, rice-bean & moth bean and urdbean; Oilseeds: groundnut, sesame and soybean; Fibre crops: cotton, jute and sunhemp; and Forage crops: sorghum, maize, cowpea, cluster bean napier, setaria, temperate grasses/forages, pseudo cereals: buckwheat and grain amaranth.

Practical:  Rice nursery preparation and transplanting/seed bed preparation and sowing of Kharif crops; Calculations on seed rate; Sowing of soybean, pigeonpea, mungbean, maize, groundnut, and cotton; Effect of seed size on germination and seedling vigour of soybean/groundnut; Effect of sowing depth on germination of soybean; Identification of weeds in rice, maize and soybean fields and study of weed control experiments in these crops; Top dressing of nitrogen in maize and rice and study of fertilizer experiments on rice and maize, Study of yield contributing characters, yield calculations, harvesting and yield estimation of above crops; Study of crop varieties and important agronomic experiments; Study of forage experiments.

Agron.235:   Farming Systems and Sustainable Agriculture                                                                               2(1+1)    Sem.I

Sustainable agriculture: Introduction, definition goal and current concepts, factors affecting ecological balance and ameliorative measures; Land degradation and conservators of natural resources, LEIA & HEIA;  Irrigation problems, waste lands and their development; Organic farming;: definition, principles and components; Farming systems: definition, principles and components, IFS models for wetland, irrigated dryland and dryland situations.

Practical: Preparation of cropping scheme for irrigated situations; Preparation of cropping scheme fo dryland situations; Study of existing farming systems in nearby villages; Preparation of integrated farming system model for wetlands; Preparation of integrated farming system model for drylands; Preparation of enriched Farm Yard Manure; Preparation of Vermicompost; Visit to urban waste recycling unit; Study of profitable utilization of agricultural wastes; Visit to pounltry and dairy units to study resource allocation, utilization and economics: Visit to an organic farm to study various components and utilization; Study of degraded lands.

Soils. 233:  Manures, Fertilizers and   Agro- Chemicals                                                                                    2(2+0)    Sem.I

Introduction  - Raw materials – Manures – Bulky and concentrated – FYM, Composts – Different methods, Mechanical compost plants, Vermicomosting, Green manures, Oil cakes, Sewage and sludge – Biogas plant slurry, Plant and animal refuges, Fertilizers-classifications, Manufacturing processes and properties of major nitrogenous (ammonium sulphate, Urea, calicuim ammonium  nitrate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulphate nitrate) phosphatic ( single super phosphate, enriched super phosphate, diammonium phosphate, ammonium poly Phosphate), potassic and complex fertilizers their fate and reactions in the soil, Secondary and micronutrients  fertilizers, Amendments. Fertilizer Control Order, Fertilizer storage; Biofertilizers and their advantage, Organic chemistry as prelude to agro chemicals, Diverse types of agrochemicals, Botanical insecticides (Neem), Pyrethrum, Synthetic pyrethroids. Synthetic organic insecticides, major classes, properties and uses of some important insecticides under each class. Herbicides – Major classes – Properties and uses of 2, 4-D, atrazine, glyphosate, butachlor benthiocarb; Fungicides – major classes Properties and uses of carbendazim, carboxin, captan, tridemorph and copper oxychloride – Insecticides Act, Plant growth regulators.

Practical:   Total nitrogen and phosphorus in manures/ composts – Ammoniacal and nitrate nitrogen – Water soluble P2  Os, potassium, calcium, sulphur and zinc contents of fertilizers COD in organic wastes – Adulteration in fertilizer. Argentimetric and iodometric titrations their use in the analysis of lindane metasystox, endosulfan, malathion, copper and  sulphur fungicides – Compatibility of fertilizers with pesticides.

Ag. Econ.233:   Agricultural finance and Co-operation                                                                                    2(1+1)     Sem.I

Agricultural finance; nature and scope. Time value of money, compounding and discounting. Agricultural credit; meaning, Definition, need, classification. Credit analysis; 4R’s 5C’s and 7P’s of credit, commercial Banks, nationalization of commercial Banks.Lead Bank scheme, regional rural banks, higher financing agencies, RBI, NABARD, AFC, Asian development Bank, World Bank, Insurance and Credit Guarantee Co-Operation of India. Assessment   of crop losses, determination of compensation. Crop Insurance, advantages and limitation in application, estimation of crops yields. Agricultural co-operation: Philosophy and principles; Co-operative credit structure; PACSFSCS. Reorganization of cooperative credit structure in H.P. and single window system. Successful co-operative system in H.P., Gujarat, Maharastra, Punjab etc.

Practical: factor governing use of Capital and identification of credit needs; Time value of money, Compounding and discounting ; Tools of Financial Management, Balance Sheet, Income statement and cash flow analysis; Estimation of credit needs and determining unit cost; preparation and analysis of loan proposals; types of loans  ;study of financial institutions: PACS, DCCB, Apex Banks, RRBs, CBs, NABARD.

VSF.231:  Production Technology of Vegetables and Flowers                                                                        3 (2+1)     Sem.I

Importance of Olericulture, vegetable gardens, vegetable classification. Origin, area, production, varieties, package of practices of fruit vegetables- tomato, brinjal, sweet pepper, chilies and okra; Cucurbitaceous vegetables- cucumber, sponge gourd, snake gourd, bottle gourd, bitter gourd and melons; Cole crops- cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and knol-khol. Bulb crops- onion and garlic. Beans and peas- French bean, cowpea, garden pea. Tuber crops- potato, sweet potato, tapioca, Colocasia, Root crops- carrot, radish, turnip and beet root; Leafy vegetables- amaranthus, palak; Rare vegetables- asparagus, lettuce. Perennial vegetables- drumstick, coccinia and curry leaf.

Importance of ornamental horticulture. Planning of ornamental gardens. Types and styles of ornamental gardens. Uses of trees, shrubs, climbers, house plants and seasonal flowers in the gardens. Package of practices for rose, chrysanthemum, marigold and tuberose. Cut flower crops- gladiolus, carnation, chrysanthemum and lilium.


Planning and layout of kitchen garden; Identification of important vegetable seeds and plants; Raising of vegetable nurseries; Identification of ornamental plants (trees, shrubs, climbers, house plants, palms, etc.) and development of garden features; transplanting of vegetable seedlings in main field; layout of lawns and maintenance; seed extraction in tomato and brinjal; de-potting, re-potting and maintenance of house plants. Visit to commercial vegetable and floriculture farms; training and pruning of rose (standards, hybrid T roses, scented roses) and chrysanthemum (pinching and disbudding); planning and layout of garden designs for public and private areas; intercultural operations in vegetable plots; Seed production in vegetable crops; harvesting indices of different vegetable crops; Grading and packing of vegetables; Prolonging shelf life of cut flowers.

Ag. Engg.232:   Renewable Energy                                                                                                                  2(1+1)   Sem.I

Energy sources, Introduction, classification, energy from biomass, types of biogas plants, constructional details, biogas production and its utilization, agricultural wastes, Principles of combustion, pyrolysis and gasification, types of gasifiers, producer gas and its utilization. Briquettes and uses of Briquettes, solar energy, solar flat plate and focussing plate collectors, solar air heaters, solar space heating and cooling, solar energy applications / solar energy gadgets, solar cookers, solar water heating systems, solar grain dryers, solar refrigeration system, solar ponds, solar photovoltaic systems, solar lantern, solar street lights, solar fencing, solar pumping systems. Wind energy: types of wind mills, constructional details & application of wind mills. Hydraulic ram. Liquid Bio fuels, bio diesel and Ethanol from agricultural produce, its production & uses.

Practical: Constructional details of KVIC, Janata and Bandu type biogas plants; Field visit to biogas plants; To study the efficiency of solar cooker; To study the performance of a solar still; To study and find the performance of a solar dryers; Study and working of solar photovoltaic pumping system; Study and performance evaluation of domestic solar water heater, solar lantern, solar street light. Evaluation of improved smokeless chulha.

Pl.Path. 233:        Diseases of Field Crops and Their Management                                                                                                3 ( 2+1) Sem.I

Economic importance, symptoms, cause, epidemiology and disease cycle and integrated management of diseases of wheat, barley, rice, maize, sorghum, bajra,  groundnut, sesamum, sunflower, soybean, red gram, Bengal gram, black gram, green gram, sugarcane, turmeric, cotton and tobacco.

Practical : Study of symptoms, etiology, host-parasite relationship, specific control measures, preservation of disease samples survey and collection of diseases of rice, wheat, maize, sorghum, bajra, red gram, green gram, black gram, Bengal gram, groundnut, sunflower, sesamum, sugarcane, turmeric, tobacco and cotton; Field visits at appropriate time during the semester

PBG. 233:    Principles of Seed Technology                                                                                                      3 (2+1)  Sem.I

Introduction to seed production, Importance of Seed Production, Seed Policy, Seed Demand forecasting and planning for certified, foundation and breeder seed production, deterioration of crop varieties, Factors affecting deterioration and their control; Maintenance of genetic purity during seed production, seed quality; Definition ,characters of good quality seed Different classes of seed, production of nucleus & breeder’s seed, Maintenance and multiplication of pre-release and newly released varieties in self and cross-pollinated crops; Seed Production, Foundation and certified seed production in maize, (varieties, hybrid, synthetics and composites),  Rice, Sorghum and bajra, cotton and sunflower, castor, tomato, brinjal, chillies and bhindi, onion, bottle gourd and ridge gourd, Seed certification, phases of certification , procedure of seed certification, field inspection and field counts etc; Seed Act and Seed Act enforcement, Central Seed Committee, Central Seed Certification Board, State Seed Certification Agency, Central and State Seed testing Laboratories; Duties and powers of seed inspectors, offences and penalties; Seed control order; Seed Control order 1983, Seed Act, 2000 and other issues related to seed quality regulation. Intellectual Property Rights, Patenting, WTO, Plant Breeders Rights, Varietal Identification through grow-out test and Electrophoresis; Seed Drying; Forced air seed drying, principle, properties of air and their effect on seed drying moisture equilibrium between seed and air, Heated air drying building requirements, types of air distribution systems for seed drying, Selection of seed dryers and systems of  heated air drying, recommended temperature and depth of the seeds, management of seed drying, Planning and layout of seed processing plant; Establishment of seed processing plant, Seed Processing; air screen machine and its working principle, different upgrading equipments and their use, Establishing a seed testing laboratory. Seed testing procedures of quality assessment, Seed treatment, Importance of seed treatment, types of seed treatment, equipment used for seed treatment9 Slurry and mist-O-matic treater), seed packing and seed storage, stages of seed storage, factors affecting seed longevity during storage and conditions required for good storage, General principles of seed storage, constructional features of good seed warehouse, measures for pest and disease control, temperature control, Seed marketing, marketing structure, marketing organization, sales generation activities, promotional media, pricing policy; Factors affecting seed marketing.

Practical: Seed sampling principles and procedures; Physical Purity analysis, Germination analysis, Moisture tests, Viability test of field and horticultural crops, Seed health test, Vigour tests, Seed dormancy and breaking methods; Grow Out tests and electrophoresis for varietal identification; Visit to seed Production plots, Seed processing Plants, Seed Testing Laboratories, Grow Out Testing Farms; Visit to Hybrid Seed Production Farms; Varietal identification in seed production plots; Planting ratios, isolation distance, rouging etc.

Agron.247:    Field Crops-II (Rabi)                                                                                                                 3(2+1)    Sem.II

Origin, geographical distribution, economic importance, soil and climatic requirements, varieties, cultural practices and yield of rabi crops; Cereals; wheat, Barley; Pulses: chickpea, lentil; peas,  Oilseeds; rapeseed and mustard, sunflower, safflower and linseed; Sugar crops: sugarcane and sugarbeet, Medicinal  and aromatic crops such as mentha, lemon grass, citronella, palma rosa, isabgol saffron and kalazira and pota; Commercial crops: potato and tobacco, Forage crops: berseem, Lucerne and oat.

Practical:  Seed bed preparation and sowing of wheat, sugarcane and sunflower; Calculations on seed rate; Top dressing of nitrogen in wheat and study of fertilizer experiments on wheat and mustard; Identification of weeds in wheat and grain legumes, application of herbicide and study of weed control experiments; Morphological characteristics of wheat chickpea and mustard; Yield contributing characters of wheat; Crop distribution in the state and the region; Important agronomic experiments of rabi crops and visit to research stations related to rabi crops.

PBG.244:    Principles of Plant Biotechnology                                                                                                  3(2+1)   Sem.II

Concepts of Plant Biotechnology; History of Plant Tissue Culture and Plant gnetic Engineering; Scope and importance in Crop Improvement; Totipotency and Morphogenesis, Nutritional requirements of in-vitro cultures; Techniques of in-vitro cultures. Micro propagation. Anther culture, Pollen culture, Ovule culture, Embryo culture, Test tube fertilization, Endosperm culture, Factors affecting above in-vitro culture; Applications and Achievements;  Chromosome elimination-mediated approach of doubled haploidy breeding and its applications ;Somaclonal variation, Types, Reasons; Somatic embryogenesis and synthetic seed production technology; Protoplast isolation, Culture, manipulation and Fusion; Products of somatic hybrids and cybrids, Applications in crop improvement. Genetic engineering; Restriction enzymes; Vectors for gene transfer-Gene cloning – Direct & indirect method of gene transfer-Transgenic plants and their applications. Blotting techniques-DNA finger printing-DNA based markers-RFLP, AFLP, RAPD, SSR and DNA Probes-Mapping QTL-Future prospects, MAS, and its application in crop improvement.

Practical: Requirements for Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory; techniques in Plant Tissue Culture; Media components and preparations; Sterilization techniques and Inoculations of various explants; Aseptic manipulation of various explants; Callus induction and Plant Regeneration; Micro propagation of important crops; Anther, Embryo and Endosperm culture; Hardening/ Acclimatization of regenerated plants; Somatic embryogenesis and synthetic seed production, Demonstration of chromosome elimination –mediated approach following wheat x maize and wheat x Imperata cylindrica   systems; isolation of protoplast; Demonstration of culturing of protoplast; Demonstration of isolation of DNA; Demonstration of gene transfer techniques, direct methods;  Demonstration of Confirmation of Genetic transformation; Demonstration of gel-electrophoresis techniques.

Ag. Engg.243:   Farm Power and Machinery                                                                                                   2(1+1)   Sem.II

Status and need of hill mechanization, different sources of farm power in India, I.C engines, working principles, two stroke and four stroke engines, I.C. engine terminology, different systems of I.C. engine. Tractors and power tillers, Types, Selection of tractor and cost of tractor power and power tiller power. Tillage implements: Primary and Secondary tillage implements, Implements for intercultural operations, seed drills, paddy transplanters, plant protection equipment and harvesting equipment.

Practical: Study of different components of I.C. Engine; Study of working of four stroke and two stroke engine; Study of M.B. plough, measurement of plough size, different parts, horizontal and vertical suction, Study of disc plough; Study of seed-cum-fertilizer drills-furrow opener, metering mechanism, and calibration; Study of paddy transplanters. Study, maintenance and operation of tractor and power; Study of different parts, registration, alignment and operation of mower. Study of different inter cultivation equipment in terms of efficiency, field capacity; Repairs and adjustments and operation of sprayers;

Ext.242:   Dimensions of Agricultural Extension                                                                                             2(1+1)      Sem.II

Education – Meaning, Definition, Types – Formal, Informal and Non-formal education and their Characteristics. Extension Education and Agricultural Extension – Meaning, Definition, Concepts, Objectives and Principles. Rural development – Meaning, Definition, Concepts, Objectives, Importance and Problems. Developmental programmes of pre-independence era – Sriniketan, Marthandam, Gurgaon experiment and Gandhian constructive programme. Development programmes of Post independence era - Firka Development, Etawah Pilot Project and Nilokheri Experiment. Community Development Programme – Meaning, Definition, Concepts, Philosophy, Principles, Objectives. Differences between Community Development and Extension Education. National Extension service. Panchayat Raj system – Meaning of Democratic-Decentralization and Panchayat Raj, Three tiers of Panchayat Raj system, Powers, Functions and Organizational setup. Leadership – Meaning, Definition, Classification, and Roles of a leader. Agricultural Development Programmes with reference to year of start, objectives, & salient features – Intensive Agricultural District Programme (IADP), High Yielding Varieties Programme (HYVP), and Watershed Development Programme (WDP). Social Justice and Poverty alleviation programmes – Integrated Tribal Development Agency (ITDA), Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP), Swarna Jayanthi Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY), Prime Minister Employment Yojana (CMEY), and National Rural Employment Guaranty Programme (NREGP). Women Development programmes – Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA) and Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS). Reorganised extension system (T&V System) – Salient features, Merits and Demerits. New trends in extension, ATMA, ATIC, Privatization, and Emergence of Broad Based Extension (BBE).


Visits to a village and farmers organisation to study the ongoing development programmes. Visits to Panchayat Raj Institutions to study the functioning of Gram Panchayat (GP) & Zila Parishad (ZP). Visit and study the District Rural Development Agency (DRDA). Visit to Watershed Development Project area. Visit to a village to study the Self Help Groups (SHGs) of DWCRA. Visit to a voluntary organization to study the developmental activities. Organizing PRA techniques in a village to identify the agricultural problems. Methods of identification of Professional and Lay leaders.

Ento.242:   Insect Ecology and Integrated Pest Management Including Beneficial Insects                                 3(2+1)    Sem.II

Insect Ecology: Introduction, Environment and its components. Effects of abiotic factors-temperature, moisture, humidity, rainfall, light, atmospheric pressure, and air currents. Effect of biotic factors-food competition, natural and environmental resistance. Concepts of Balance of life in nature, biotic potential and environmental resistance and causes for outbreak of pests in agro-ecosystem. Pest surveillance and pest forecasting. Categories of pests. IPM; Introduction, importance, concepts, principles and tools of IPM-Host plant resistance, Cultural, Mechanical, Physical, Legislative, biological (parasitoids, predators & transgenic plant pathogens such as bacteria, fungi and viruses and their mass multiplication) methods of control. Chemical control-importance, hazards and limitations. Classification of insecticides, toxicity of insecticides and formulations of insecticides. Study of important insecticides. Botanical insecticides-neem based products, Cyclodiens, Organophosphates, Carbamates, Synthetic pyrethroids, Novel insecticides. Pheromones, Nicotinyl insecticides, Chitin sysnthesis inhibitors, Phenyl pyrazoles, Avermectins, Macrocyclic lactones, Oxadiazimes,Thiourea derivatives, pyridine azomethines, pyrroles, etc.   Nematicides, rodenticides, Acaricides and fumigants. Recent methods of pest control, repellents, antifeedants, hormones, attractants, gamma radiation and genetic control. Practices, scope and limitations of IPM.  Insecticides Act 1968 – Important provisions. Plant protection equipments and application techniques of spray fluids.  Phytotoxicity of insecticides.  Symptoms of poisoning, first aid and antidotes.  Important species of pollinators, weed killers and scavengers, their importance.  Introduction to Beekeeping, Sericulture and Lac Culture.


Visit to meteorological observatory/automatic weather reporting station; Study of terrestrial and pond ecosystems of insects; Studies on behaviour of insects and orientation (repellency, stimulation, deterancy); Study of distribution patterns of insects, sampling techniques for the estimation of insect population and damage; Pest surveillance through light traps, pheromone traps and field incidence; Practicable IPM practices, Mechanical and physical methods; Cultural and biological methods; Chemical control, Insecticides and their formulations; Calculation of doses/concentrations of insecticides; Compatibility of pesticides and Phytotoxicity of insecticides; Maintenance of plant protection equipments; IPM case studies; Other beneficial insects – Pollinators, Silkworm, lac insect, weed killers and scavengers. Visit to Bee Research Station.

Ag. Econ.244:  Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Prices                                                                                 2(1+1)   Sem.II

Agricultural Marketing: Concepts and Definition, Scope and subject matter; Market and Marketing: Meaning, Definition, and Components of a market, Classification, Market Structure, Conduct, Performance. Market functionaries or agencies, Producer’s surplus: meaning, Type of Producer,s surplus, marketable surplus. Marketed surplus, importance, Factor affecting Marketable surplus. Marketing channels and retailing Meaning, Definition, Channel for different products Market, integration and efficiency. Meaning, Definition, Marketing cost, Margins and price spread, Factors affecting the cost of marketing, Ways of reducing marketing cost. Co-operative Marketing. State Trading ,Ware Housing Co-operation; Food Corporation of India: Objective and Functions. Quality control, AGMARK. Price Characteristics of agricultural Products, processing, Meaning, Need for Agricultural Price Policy. Risk in Marketing: Meaning and importance, Types of Risk in Marketing. Speculations and hedging, Futures trading, Contract farming. International Trade, GATT,WTO, Implications of AOA. Market access, domestic support, export subsidies, EXIM-Policy & Ministerial conferences.

Practical: Identification of marketing channel; Study of retail markets and regulated markets; Price spread analysis; Visit to market institution, Analysis of information of daily price; Estimation of marketed and marketable surplus of different commodities.

Cr. Physiol.241:   Crop Physiology                                                                                                                    3(2+1)  Sem.II

Introduction, Importance in Agriculture. Seed Physiology, Seed structures, Morphological, physiological and biochemical changes during seed development, Physiological maturity Morphological and physiological changes associated with physiologi9cal maturity in crop, Harvestable maturity, Seed viability and vigour, Factors affecting seed viability and vigour,. Methods of testing seed viability and vigour, Germination, Utilization of seed reserves during seed germination, Morphological, physiological and biochemical changes during seed germination, Factors affecting seed germination.  Growth and Development, Definition, Determinate and Indeterminate growth, Monocarpic and Polycarpic species with examples.  Measurement of growth, Growth analysis Growth characteristics, Definitions and mathematical formulae.  Crop Water Relations, Physiological importance of water to plants, Water potential and its components, measurement of water status in plants.  Transpiration, significance, Transpiration in relation to crop productivity, Water Use Efficiency, WUE in C3, C4 and CAM plants, Factors affecting WUE. Photosynthesis, Energy synthesis, Significance of C3, C4 and CAM pathway, Relationship of Photosynthesis and crop productivity, Translocation of assimilates, Phloem loading, apoplastic and symplastic transport of assimilates, Source and sink concept, Photorespiration, Factors affecting Photosynthesis and productivity, Methods of measuring photosynthesis, Photosynthetic efficiency, Dry matter partitioning, Harvest index of crops.  Respiration and its significance, Brief account of Growth respiration and maintenance respiration, Alternate respiration – Salt respiration – wound respiration – measurement of respiration. Nutriophysiology – Definition – Mengel’s classification of plant nutrients –Physiology and nutrient uptake- Functions of plant nutrients – Deficience and toxicity symptoms of plant nutrients – Foliar nutrition Hydroponics. Introduction of Photoperiodism and Vernalisation in relation to crop productivity – Photoperiodism Plant Growth Regulators – Occurrence – Biosynthesis – Mode of action of Auxins, Gibberellins, Cytokinins, ABA, Ethylene. Novel plant growth regulators, Commercial application of plant growth regulators in agriculture.  Senescence and abscission – Definition – Classification – Theories of mechanism and control of senescence Physiological and biochemical changes and their significance, Post Harvest Physiology Seed dormancy – Definition – types of seed dormancy – Advantages and disadvantages of seed dormancy – Causes and remedial measures for breaking seed dormancy, Optimum conditions of seed storage – Factors influencing seed storage (ISTA standards). Fruit ripening – Metamorphic changes – Climateric and non-climateric fruits – Hormonal regulation of fruit ripening (with ethrel, CCC, Polaris, paclobuterozole).

Practical: Preparation of solutions; Growth analysis; Calculation of growth parameters; Methods of measuring water status in roots, stems and leaves; Measurement of water potential by Chardakov’s method; Measurement of absorption spectrum of chloroplastic pigments and fluorescence; Measurement of leaf area by various methods; Stomatal frequency and index – Respirometer – Measurement of respirometer; Leaf anatomy of C3 and C4 plants; Transpiration of measurement; Imbibition of seed; Optimum conditions for seed germination; Breaking seed dormancy; (a) Chemical method (b) Mechanical method, Yield analysis; Seed viability and vigour tests; Effect of ethylene on regulation of stomata.

Comp.241:  Introduction to Computer Applications                                                                                         2(1+1)   Sem.II

Introduction to Computers, Anatomy of Computers, Input and Output Devices. Units of Memory, Hardware, Software and Classification of Computers. Personal Computers, Types of Processors, booting of computer, warm and cold booting. Computer Viruses, Worms and Vaccines. Operating System - DOS and WINDOWS. Disk Operating System (DOS): Some fundamental DOS Commands, FORMAT, DIR, COPY, PATH, LABEL, VOL, MD, CD and DELTREE, Rules for naming files in DOS and Types of files. WINDOWS: GUI, Desktop and its elements, WINDOWS Explorer, working with files and folders; setting time and date, starting and shutting down of WINDOWS. Anatomy of a WINDOW, Title Bar, Minimum, Maximum and Close Buttons, Scroll Bars, Menus and Tool Bars. Applications - MSWORD: Word, processing and units of document, features of word-processing packages. Creating, Editing, Formatting and Saving a document in MSWORD; MSEXCEL: Electronic Spreadsheets, concept, packages. Creating, Editing and Saving a spreadsheet with MSEXCEL. Use of in-built Statistical and other functions and writing expressions. Creating Graphs. MS Power Point: Features of Power Point Package. Internet: World Wide Web (WWW), Concepts, Web Browsing and Electronic Mail.

Practical: Study of Computer Components; Booting of Computer and its Shut Down; Practice of some fundamental DOS Commands, TIME, DATE, DIR, COPY, FORMAT, VOL, LABEL, PATH; Practicing WINDOWS Operating System, Use of Mouse, Title Bar, Minimum, Maximum and Close Buttons, Scroll Bars, Menus and Tool Bars; WINDOWS Explorer, Creating Folders, COPY and PASTE functions; MSWORD: Creating a Document, Saving and Editing; MSWORD, Use of options from Tool Bars, Format, Insert and Tools (Spelling & Grammar) Alignment of text; MSWORD, Creating a Table, Merging of Cells, Column and Row width; MSEXCEL: Creating a Spreadsheet, Alignment of rows, columns and cells using Format tool bar; MSEXCEL: Entering Expressions through the formula tool bar and use of inbuilt functions, SUM, AVERAGE, STDEV; MSEXCEL: Creating Graphs and Saving with & without data; MS Power Point: Preparation of slides on Power Point; Transforming the data of WORD, EXCEL and ACCESS to other formats; Internet Browsing: Browsing a Web Page and Creating of E-Mail ID.

Agron.357:    Weed Management                                                                                                                   2(1+1)    Sem.I

Weeds: Introduction, harmful and beneficial effects, classification, propagation and dissemination; Weed biology and ecology, crop weed association, crop weed  competition and allelopathy Concepts of weed prevention, control and eradication; Methods of weed control; physical, cultural, chemical and biological methods. Integrated weed management; Herbicides: advantages and limitation of herbicide usage in India, Herbicide classification, formulations, methods of application; Introduction to Adjuvants and their use in herbicides; Introduction to selectivity of herbicides; Compatibility of herbicides with other agro-chemicals; Weed management in major field and horticultural crops, shift of weed flora in cropping systems, aquatic and problematic weeds and their control.

Practical:  Indentification of weeds; Survey of weeds in crop fields and other habitats; Preparation of herbarium of weeds; Calculations on weed control efficiency and weed index; Herbicide label information; Computation of herbicide doses; Study of herbicide application equipment and calibration; Demonstration of methods of herbicide application; Preparation of list of commonly available herbicides; Study of phytotoxicity symptoms of herbicides in different crops; Biology of nut sedge, Bermuda  grass parthenium and celosia; Economics of weed control practices; Tours and visits of problem area.

Agron.358:    Practical Crop Production I (Kharif Crops)                                                                              1(0+1)       Sem.I

Crop planning, raising field crops in multiple cropping systems: Field preparation, seed treatment, nursery raising, sowing, nutrient management, water management, weed management and management of insect pests and diseases of crops harvesting, threshing, drying, winnowing, storage and marketing of produce. Preparation of balance sheet including cost of cultivation, net returns per student as well as per team of a group of students.

PBG.355:   Breeding of Field/ Horticulture Crops                                                                                           3(2+1)     Sem.I

Breeding objectives and important concepts of breeding self- pollinated, cross-pollinated and vegetatively propagated crops; Hardy-Weinberg Law; Study in respect of origin, distribution of  species, wild relatives and forms, Cereals (rice, wheat, maize, millets, sorghum, bajra, ragi); pulses ( redgram, greengram, Blackgram, kidney bean), Oilseeds soybean,Groundnut, sesame, sunflower, castor, mustard etc);  pseudo cereals ( amaranths, buckwneat and chenopod); minor millets ( Kangni, ragi, cheena & kodo millets);Fibers(Cotton, kenaf, roselle, jute) etc. Vegetable ( Tomato, bhindi, chilli, potato, cucumbers, cabbage, cauliflower, capsicum & gardenpea); Flowers crops ( Chrysanthemum, rose, gladiolus, gerbera & marigold); Fruit crops ( aonla, guava, mango, custard apple, banana, papaya); Major breeding procedures for development of hybrids/ varieties of various crops; Plant Genetic Resources their conservation and utilization in crop improvement; Ideotype concept in crop improvement; Breeding for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses variability in pathogens and pests; Mechanisms of resistance in plant to  pathogens and pest; genetic basis of adaptability to un favourable environments; Definition of biometrics, assessment of variability i.e. additive, dominance and epistasis and their differentiation ; Genotype x Environment interaction and influence on yield/performance, IPR and its related issues.

Practical:  Emasculation and hybridization techniques; Handling of segregating generations; pedigree methods; Bulk methods; back cross methods; field layout  experiments; Field trials; maintenance of records and registers; estimation of Heterosis and inbreeding depression; Estimation of Heritability, GCA and SCA. Estimation of variability parameters; Parentage of released varieties/hybrids; Problems on Hardy, Weinberg Law; Study of quality characters; Sources of donors for different characters; Visit to seed production and certification plots; Visit to AICRP trials and programmes; Visit to grow out test plots; Visit to various research stations; Visit to other institutions.

Ento.353:  Crop &  Stored Grain Pests and their Management                                                                       3(2+1)    Sem.I

Stored grain pests: Coleopteran and Lepidopteran pests, their biology and damage, preventive and curative methods. Distribution, biology, nature and symptoms of damage, and management strategies of insect and non- insect pests of rice, sorghum, maize, ragi (Eleucine coracana), wheat, sugarcane, cotton, sunhemp, pulses, groundnut, castor, gingerly (sesamum) safflower, sunflower, mustard, brinjal, bhendi, tomato, cruciferous, leguminous and cucurbitaceous vegetables, potato, sweet potato, colocasia, amaranthus, chillies, mango, citrus, litchi, grapevine, cashew, banana, pomegranate, guava, sapota, ber, apple, peach, coconut, tobacco, coffee, tea, turmeric, betelvine, onion, coriander, garlic, pepper, ginger, medicinal, aromatic and ornamental plants. Non-insect pests – mites, nematodes, rodents, birds, snails and slugs of economic importance in the region.


Identification of crop pests, damage symptoms and their management in important cereals, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, fruits and stored grains with special reference to hill agriculture.

Stat. 351: Statistics                                                                                                                                     2(1+1)        Sem.I

Introduction: Definition of Statistics and its use and limitations; Frequency Distribution and Frequency Curves; Measures of Central Tendency: Characteristics of Ideal Average, Arithmetic Mean; Median, Mode, Merits and Demerits of Arithmetic Mean; Measures of Dispersion: Standard Deviation, Variance and Coefficient of Variation; Probability: Definition and concept of probability; Normal Distribution and its properties; Introduction to Sampling: Random Sampling; the concept of Standard Error; Tests of Significance- Types of Errors, Null Hypothesis, Level of Significance and Degrees of Freedom, Steps involved in testing of hypothesis; Large Sample Test- SND test for Means, Single Sample and Two Samples (all types); Small Sample Test for Means, Student's t-test for Single Sample, Two Samples and Paired t test. F test; Correlation: Types of Correlation and identification through Scatter Diagram, Computation of Correlation Coefficient 'r'. Linear Regression: of Y on X and X on Y. Inter-relation between 'r' and the regression coefficients, fitting of regression equations. Basic Experimental Designs: Layout and Analysis of Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and Randomized Block Design (RBD)

Practical: Construction of Frequency Distribution Tables and Frequency Curves; Computation of Arithmetic Mean for Un-Grouped and Grouped data; Computation of Median for Un-Grouped and Grouped data; Computation of Mode for Un-Grouped and Grouped data; Computation of Standard Deviation, Variance and Coefficient of Variation for Un-Grouped and Grouped data; SND test for Means, Single Sample; SND test for Means, Two Samples; Student's t-test for Single Sample; Fisher's t-test for Two Samples; Paired t test and F test; Computation of Correlation Coefficient 'r'; Fitting of regression equations- Y on X and X on Y; Analysis of CRD and RBD.

Biochem.351:      BIOCHEMISTRY                                                                                                                                      3(2+1)      Sem.I

Biochemistry – Introduction and importance. Plant cell, cell wall and its role in live stock, food and paper industries. Bio-molecules – Structure, properties & applications: Amino acids, peptides and proteins – Plant proteins and their quality.  Enzymes-Factors affecting the activity classification, immobilization and other industrial applications.  Lipids – Acyl lipids and their industrial application  (soaps, detergents, plants, varnishes, lubricants, adhesives, plastics, nylon, Bio-diesel, Biodegradable plastic). Carbohydrates; Nucleotides and Nucleic acids. Metabolic energy and its generation – Metabolism – Basic concepts, Glycolysis, Citric acid Cycle, Pentose phosphate pathway, oxidative phosphorylation, Fatty acid oxidation. General reactions of amino acid degradation.  Biosynthesis – carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins and Nucleic acids, Metabolic regulation. Secondary metabolites, Terpenoids, Alkaloids, Phenolics and their applications in food and pharmaceutical industries.

Practical: Amino acid models (atomic); pigments; Protein denaturation – heat, pH, precipitation of proteins with heavy metals, Protein estimation by Lowry method; Enzyme kinetics, competitive inhibition, enzyme immobilization; Extraction of nucleic acids, Characterization of lipids by T.L.C.; Extraction of oil from oil seeds; Models of sugars, sucrose & starch; Quantitative determination of sugars; Paper chromatography for the separation of sugars; Determination of phenols.

Ag. Econ.355:Fundamentals of Farm Business Management (Including Project Development, Appraisal & Monitoring)           

                                                                                                                                                                 2(1+1)         Sem. I

Agribusiness: Meaning, Definition, Structure of Agribusiness, (Input, Farm, Protect Sectors). Importance of Agribusiness in the Indian Economy, Agricultural Policy. Agribusiness Management, Definition of Management. Management Functions, Planning, Meaning, Definition, Types of Plans. (Purpose or Mission, Goals or objectives, Strategies, policies, Procedures, rules, programme Budget),  characteristics of sound plan, Steps in planning, organization, staffing, directing, motivation ordering, Leading, supervision, Communication, control, Capital Management. Financial Management of Agribusiness: importance of Financial Statement, Balance Sheet, Profit and loss Statement, Analysis of Financial statements. Agro-based Industries: Importance and Need, Classification of Industries, Types of Agro-based Industries, Institutional arrangement, Procedure and Constraints in establishing agro-based industries. Marketing Management: Meaning, Definition, Marketing Mix Project, definition project cycle, Identification, Formulation, Appraisal, Monitoring and evaluation, Appraisal and Evaluation techniques, sensitivity analysis, characteristics of agricultural projects.

Practical:   Study of input markets: seed, fertilizers, Pesticides. Study of output markets, grains, fruits, Vegetable, flowers, retail trade commodity trading and value added products. Preparation and analysis of Financial Statements. Preparations of projects. Feasibility reports; Project appraisal techniques. 

Hort. 351:  Production Technology of Fruit Crops                                                                                           3(2+1)     Sem.I

Definition and importance of horticulture. Divisions of  horticulture. Climate zones of horticulture crops. Area and production of different fruit crops. Selection of site, fencing and wind break, planting systems, high density planting, planting and establishment. Propagation methods and use of rootstocks. Methods of training and pruning. Use of growth regulators in fruit production. Package of practices for  the cultivation of major fruits – mango, banana, citrus, grape, guava, apple, litchi, Papaya, pineapple, pomegranate, ber,  pear, plum, peaches and cherry, apricot, kiwi, pecan, strawberry  and aonla.

Practical:   Study of horticultural tools and implements and their uses; Containers, potting mixture, potting, depotting and repotting; Plant propagation, seed propagation, scarification and stratification; Propagation by cuttings (Soft wood, hard wood an semi-hardwood) layering (simple layering, Air layering, stooling in guava) Propagation by grafting and budding; Layout and planting systems (Traditional system and high density planting methods); Methods of pruning and training; Training and pruning  of pome, stone fruits and kiwi; Description and identification of varieties  of mango, guava, grape, papaya, apple and pecan; Description and identification of varieties of citrus (lime lemon, sweet orange, mandarin, grape fruit) pomegranate, pear, Peach, plum, and cherries; Irrigation methods in fruit crops including drip – Macro irrigation methods of establishment of orchard; Methods of fertilizer application methods in fruit crops including fertigation technology; Visit to local commercial orchards; Preparation of growth regulators, powder,  solution and lanolin paste for propagation; Application of growth regulators for improving fruit set, fruit size, quality, delaying ripening and hastening ripening.

Ext.353: Extension Methodologies for Transfer of Agricultural Technology                                                     2(1+1)      Sem.I

Communication – Meaning, Definition, Models, Elements and their Characteristics, Types and Barriers in communication. Extension Programme Planning – Meaning, Definitions of Planning, Programme, Project, Importance, Principles and Steps in Programme Development Process. Monitoring and Evaluation of Extension Programmes. Extension teaching methods – Meaning, Definition, Functions and Classification. Individual contact methods – Farm and Home Visit, Result Demonstration, Field trials – Meaning, Objectives, Steps, Merits and Demerits. Group contact methods – Group Discussion, Method Demonstration, Field Trips – Meaning, Objectives, Steps, Merits and Demerits. Mass contact Methods – Campaign, Exhibition, Kisan Mela, Radio & Television – Meaning, objectives, Merits & Demerits. Factors influencing in selection of Extension Teaching Methods. Audio Visual aids – Meaning, Importance, and Classification. Innovative Information sources – Internet, Video and Tele conferences, Kisan call centres, Consultancy clinics. Agricultural Journalism – Meaning, Scope, Importance, and Sources of news. Diffusion and Adoption of Innovations – Meaning, Definition, Models of adoption Process, Innovation – Decision Process – steps, Adopter categories and their characteristics, Factors influencing rate of adoption. Capacity building of Extension Personnel and Farmers – Meaning, Definition, Types and Methods of training –  Lecture, Symposium, Panel, Debate, Forum, Buzz group, Workshop, Brain Storming, Seminar and Conference. KVK- role and functions.

Practical: Simulated exercises on communication. Identifying the Problems, Fixing the Priorities, and selecting a most important problem for preparation of a project. Developing a project based on identified problems in a selected village. Organization of Group discussion and Method demonstration. Planning and Writing of scripts for Radio and Television. Planning & Preparation of visual aids – Charts, Posters, Over Head Projector (OHP) Transparencies, and Power Point Slides. Planning and Preparation of Agricultural Information materials – Leaflet, Folder, Pamphlet, News Stories, Success Stories. Handling of Public Address Equipment (PAE) System, Still camera, Video Camera and Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Projector.

Ag.Engg.364: Protected Cultivation and Post Harvest Technology                                                         2 (1+1)       Sem. II        

Green house technology, Introduction, Types of Green Houses; Plant response to Green house environment, Planning and design of greenhouses, Design criteria of greenhouse for cooling and heating purposes. Green house equipment, materials of construction for traditional and low cost green houses. Irrigation systems used in greenhouses, Typical applications, passive solar green house, hot air green house heating systems, green house drying. Cost estimation and economic analysis. Choice of crops for cultivation under greenhouses, problems / constraints of greenhouse cultivation and future strategies. Threshing, threshers for different crops, parts, terminology, care and maintenance. Maize shellers. Drying, grain drying, types of drying, types of dryers. Storage, grain storage, types of storage structures. Fruits and vegetables cleaning, machinery for cleaning of fruits and vegetables, care and maintenance. Grading, methods of grading, equipment for grading of fruits and vegetables, care and maintenance. Size reduction. equipment for size reduction care and maintenance.

Practical: Study of different types of green houses based on shape, construction and cladding materials; Calculation of air rate exchange in an active summer winter cooling system; Estimation of drying rate of agricultural products inside green house; Testing of soil and water to study its suitability for growing crops in greenhouses; The study of fertigation requirements for greenhouses. Study of various growing media used in raising of greenhouse crops and their preparation and pasteurization / sterilization; Visit to commercial green houses; Study of threshers, their components, operation and adjustments; Study of maize shellers; Study of improved grain storage structure; Study of dryers; Study of air screen cleaners & grader.

Agron.369:    Practical Crop Production II (Rabi Crops)                                                                         1(0+1)         Sem. II

Crop planning, raising field crops in multiple cropping systems: Field preparation, seed treatment, nursery raising, sowing, nutrient management, water management, weed management and management of insect-pests and diseases of crops harvesting, threshing, drying, winnowing, storage and marketing of produce. Preparation of balance sheet including cost of cultivation, net returns per student as well as per team of a group of students.

Agron.3610:  Organic Farming                                                                                                                    3(2+1)      Sem.II

Introduction, concept, relevance in present context; Organic production requirements; Biological intensive nutrient management-organic manures, vermin-composting, green manuring, recycling of organic residues, bio-fertilizers; Soil improvement and  amendments; Integrated diseases and pest management – use of bio-control agents, bio-pesticides pheromones, trap crops, bird perches; Weed management; Quality considerations, certification, labeling and accreditation processors, marketing, exports.

Practical:  Raising of vegetable crops organically through nutrient, diseases and pest management; vermin-composting; vegetable and ornamental nursery raising; macro quality analysis, grading, packaging, post harvesting management.

Pl.Path.364:  Diseases of Horticultural Crops and Their Management                                                          3(2+1)      Sem.II 

Economic Importance, symptoms, cause, disease cycle and integrated management of diseases of : apple, citrus, mango, banana, grapevine, pomegranate, papaya, guava, pea, chilli, brinjal , bhendi, potato, crucifers, cucurbits, tomato, beans, onion, coconut, oil palm, betelvine, mulberry, coffee, tea, rose, chrysanthemum, lilium, carnation and gladiolus.

Practical:  Study of symptoms, etiology, host-parasite relationship, specific control measures, preservation of disease samples survey and collection of diseases of citrus, guava, papaya, banana, pomegranate, ber; mango, grapes, apple, beans, chilli, brinjal, pea, bhendi, potato, tomato, crucifers, cucurbits, onion, rose, chrysanthemum , lilium, carnation and gladiolus. Field visits at appropriate time during the semester.

Note:- Students should submit 50 pressed, well mounted diseased specimens in three installments during the semester.

  Hort.362:  Production Technology of Spices, Aromatic,Medicinal and Plantation Crops                                 3(2+1)       Sem.II  

  Importance and  cultivation technology of spices – ginger, turmeric, pepper, cardamom, coriander, cumin, fenugreek; Aromatic crops-Lemon grass, citronella,  vetiver, geranium; Plantation crops- coconut, arecanut,  betelvine,   cashew, tea, cocoa,  coffee, oilpalm;Medicinal plants – diascoria, rauvolfia, opium,  ocimum, mentha, periwinkle, aloe, guggul, belladonna, nuxvomica, Solanum khasiamum, aonla, senna, plantago, coleus and Acorus.

Practical: Botanical description and identification of aromatic plants; Identification of varieties in spices and plantation crops; Identification of medicinal plants; Propagation  techniques in aromatic and spice crops: Selection of mother palm, and seed nuts in  coconut and oil palm:

Study and identification of aromatic plants; Distillation procedures  for aromatic crops, Propagation methods in plantation crops; Propagation and planting  methods in turmeric; Propagation and planting techniques in ginger; Management and processing of tea;

Harvesting  procedures in aromatic plants; Processing and curing of spices (ginger,  turmeric and  black pepper); Training methods in betelvine; Rejuvenation practices in cashewnut; Products-bypro ducts of spices and plantation crops; Procedures for

oleoresin extraction; Visit to local commercial plantations, aromatic & medicinal plant nurseries  and seed spices fields.

Hort.363: Post-harvest Management and Value Addition  of Fruits and Vegetables                           2(1+1)                   Sem.II

Importance of post harvest technology in horticultural crops.  Maturity indices, harvesting and post harvest handling of fruits and  vegetables.  Maturity and ripening process.  Factors affecting ripening of fruits, and vegetables.  Pre-harvest factors affecting quality on post harvest shelf life of fruits and vegetables.  Factors responsible for detioration of harvested fruits and vegetables.  Chemicals used for hastening and delaying ripening of fruits and vegetables.  Methods of storage – precooling, prestorage treatments, low temperature storage, controlled atmospheric storage, hypobaric storage, irradiation and low cost storage structures.  Various methods of packingl, packaging materials and transport.  Packing technology for export. Fabrication of types of containers, cushioning material, vacuum packing, poly shrink packing, specific packing for export of mango, banana, grapes kinnow, sweet orange, and mandarin etc. Importance and scope of fruit and vegetable preservation in India.  Principles of preservation by heat, low temperature, chemicals and fermentation. Unit layout – selection of site and precautions for hygienic conditions of the unit.  Preservation through canning, bottling, freezing, dehydration, drying, ultraviolet and ionizing radiations.  Preparation of jams, jellies, marmalades, candies, crystallized and glazed fruits, preserves, chutneys, pickles, ketchup, sauce, puree, syrups, juices, squashes and cordials Spoilage of canned products, biochemical, enzymatic and microbial spoilage.  Preservatives, Colours permitted and prohibited in India.

Practical: Practice in judging the maturity of various fruits and vegetables.  Conservation of zero energy cool chambers for on farm storage. 3&4.  Determination of physiological loss in weight (PL W), total soluble solids (TSS), total sugars, acidity and ascorbic and content in fruits and vegetables.  Packing methods and types of packing and importance of ventilation. Pre-cooling packing methods for export or international trade.  Methods of prolonging storage life.  Effect of ethylene on ripening of banana, sapota, mango, sapota. Identification of equipment and machinery used is preservation of fruits and vegetables.  Preservation by drying and dehydration. Preparation of jam, jelly and marmalades.  Preparation of squash, cordials and syrups. Preparation of chutneys, pickles sauces and ketchup. Visit to local processing units. Visit to local market yards and cold storage units.  Visit to local market and packing industries.

Ext.364: Entrepreneurship Development and Communication Skills                                                               2 (1+1)     Sem.II

Entrepreneurship Development: Assessing overall business environment in the Indian economy. Overview of Indian social, political, and economic systems and their implications for decision making by individual entrepreneurs. Globalisation and the emerging business/entrepreneurial environment. Concept of entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial and managerial characteristics; managing an enterprise; motivation and entrepreneurship development; importance of planning, monitoring, evaluation and follow up; managing competition; entrepreneurship development programs; SWOT analysis, Generation, incubation and commercialization of ideas and innovations. Government schemes and incentives for promotion of entrepreneurship. Government policy on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)/SSIs. Export and Import Policies relevant to agriculture sector. Venture capital. Contract farming and joint ventures, public-private partnerships. Overview of agri inputs industry. Characteristics of Indian agricultural processing and export industry. Social Responsibility of Business. Communication Skills: meaning and process of communication, verbal and non-verbal communication; listening and note taking, writing skills, oral presentation skills; field diary; indexing, footnote and bibliographic procedures. Reading and comprehension of general and technical articles, summarizing, abstracting; individual and group presentations, impromptu presentation, public speaking.

Practical: Listening and note taking, writing skills, oral presentation skills; field diary; indexing, footnote and bibliographic procedures. Reading and comprehension of general and technical articles, summarizing, abstracting, individual and group presentations.

LPM.361:  Livestock Production and Management                                                                                   3(2+1)          Sem.II

Place and role of livestock and their statistics in the national economy, different livestock development programmes of Govt. of India and State. Important exotic and Indian breeds of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and swine. Measures and factors affecting fertility in livestock, reproductive behaviour like oestrus, parturition, etc. Milk composition and factors affecting milk yield and composition.  Selection and breeding of livestock for higher milk and meat production. Feeding and management of calves, growing heifers and milch animals and other classes and types of animals, housing principles, space requirements for different species of livestock.  Disease control measures, sanitation and care. Breed characteristics of poultry,l their methods of rearing, breeding, feeding and management, incubation, hatching and brooding, vaccination and prevention of diseases, preservation and marketing of eggs, its economics and keeping quality.  Economical units of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and swine.

Practical: Management practices of Livestock and poultry. Visit to livestock and poultry farms; Economics of livestock production.

Env. 361:  Environmental Science                                                                                                             2(1+1)        Sem. II

Scope and importance of environmental studies. Natural resources: Renewable and renewable resources. Forest, Water, Food, energy and land resources. Ecosystems: Definition concept, structure and functions. Producers, consumers and decomposers of an ecosystem. Energy flow in the ecosystem. Types of ecosystems, Bio-diversity: Definition, classification, threats to biodiversity and its conservation. Environmental pollution: Causes, effects and control of air, water, soil, thermal, noise and marine pollution. Causes, effects and management of soil nuclear hazards and industrial wastes. Disaster management, Floods, earthquakes, cyclones and land slides. Social issues and the environment, unsustainable to sustainable development. The Environment Protection Act, The air Act, The water Act, The Wildlife Protection. Act and Forest Conservation Act. Woman and child welfare, HIV / AIDS and Role of information technology on environment and human health.

Practical: Collection, processing and storage of effluent samples; Determination of Bio-chemical oxygen demand (BOD)  in effluent sample; Determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD) in effluent sample; Estimation of dissolved oxygen in effluent samples; Determination of sound level by using sound level meter; Estimation of respirable and non respirable dust in the air by using portable dust sampler; Determination of total dissolved solids (TDS) in effluent samples; Estimation of species abundance of plants; Estimation of nitrate contamination in ground water; Analysis of temporary and total hardness of water sample by titration; Estimation of pesticide contamination in Agro-Ecosystem – A case study; Visit to Social Service Organization / Environmental Education Centre; Crop adaptation to environmental variables, soils conditions- A case study; Study of transpiration and water balance in plants; Visit to a local polluted site. Observations and remedial measures; Assessment of chlorophyll content of fresh water / sea water ecosystem – case study. 

NCC/NSS /Physical Education                                                                                                          1(0+1) NC        Sem. II

NSS: Orientation of students in national problems, study of philosophy of NSS, fundamentals rights, directive principles of state policy, socio-economic structure of Indian society, population problems, brief of five year plan.  Functional literacy, no-formal education of rural youth, eradication of social evils, awareness programmes, consumer awareness, highlights of consumer act. Environment enrichment and conservation, health, family welfare and nutrition.

NCCIntroduction to NCC, defence services, system of NCC training, foot drill, sizing, forming up in three ranks, open and close order march, dressing, getting on parade, dismissing and falling out, saluting, marching, arms drill, shoulder arm, order arm, present arm, guard of honour, ceremonial drill, weapon training – rifle bayonet, light machine gun, sten machine carbine.  Introduction and characteristic stripping, assembling and cleaning, loading, unloading and firing.  Field craft, visual training, targets, judging distance, fire discipline and fire control orders, battle craft, field signals, description of ground, section formation , section battle drill, scouts and patrols, ambush, field engineering, map reading, conventional signs, grid systems, use of service protractor, prismatic compass and its use, self defense, general principles, precautions and training, attacks and counter attacks, marching and searching, first aid, hygiene and sanitation, civil defense, leadership and NCC song.

Physical Education: Introduction to physical education. Posture, exercise for good posture, physical fitness exercises for agility, strength, coordination, endurance and speed. Rules regulations of important games, skill development in anyone of the games, football, hockey, cricket, volleyball, badminton, throw ball, tennis. Participation in one of the indoor games, badminton, chess and table tennis.  Rules and regulations of athletic events, participation in anyone of the athletic events, long jump, high jump, triple jump, javelin throw, discuss throw, shot put, short and long distance running, Safety education, movement education, effective way of doing day-to-day activities.  First-aid training, coaching for major games and indoor games. Asans and indigenous ways for physical fitness and curative exercises.  Exercises and games for leisure time, use and experience.

Note: Warming up and conditioning exercises are compulsory before the commencement of each class.

Examination and Evaluation system

Existing examination system of 50% internal and 50% external of theory and 100% internal of practical may be continued.

[Designed & developed by: UNS, CSKHPKV, Palampur]
[Content provided by College of Agriculture]