Thrust Areas:
Accelerated &
High-Precision Crop Breeding by employing modern Plant Breeding approaches:
prioritizing Rainfed Agriculture
Risk efficient plan
to tackle the outbreak of yellow rust in wheat by involving diverse
gene-pools & ultra modern breeding approaches
Development of
hybrids of rice and maize by utilization of Himalayan gene pools
Projection of
basmati rice and red rice & enhancement of disease resistance and
nutritional level of different rices
Special attention to
pulses and oilseeds improvement in hills
Chickpea : ascochyta
blight & fusarium resistance, drought & cold
Rajmash :
anthracnose and angular leaf spot resistance
Urdbean : cercospora
& varieites for intercropping
Brassicas :
alternaria resistance
Linseed : varieties for utera cultivation and dual purpose
varieties for seed & flax
Sesame :
phytophthora resistance
Breeding programmes
for insect pest resistance in rice, maize & pulses
Strengthening of
research programme in temperate grasses (red & white clover, tall fescue,Lucerne etc.)
Breeding efforts in
High value & Low volume crops like Kalazira and saffron
Breeding strategy
changing climatic
scenario in mountains
organic & low input
participatory plant
Refinement of new
protocols for addressing fundamental research issues
Focus by every
breeder on nucleus seed production
Concerted efforts to
protect breeders’ & farmers’ crop varieties by PPV & FRA
Establishment of
CSKHPKV Plant Germplasm Resource Network involving its Research Centre's,
KVKs & the NBPGR
Commercialization of
the breeders’ technology through Public-Private Interface
Synthesize a
Strategic Policy Model for Crop Improvement in Himachal Hills and efforts
to bring it in operation
